Wair A

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Regional Office No. _____


To be submitted for every notifiable accident or injury to the DOLE Regional Office
within 30 days after the date of the accident
(Mark with an X the appropriate box) WAIR-A

Did the accident have fatalities / Permanent Total Disability? Yes No

Are there Dangerous Occurences: Yes, Type: No
Was DOLE notified within 24 hours after the accident (DOLE-BQF-ALERT)? Yes No
Was a work stoppage issued by the safety officer for this accident? Yes No
Location of accident: Within Establishment Going to and from work In company vehicle
At deployment site On official business trip (with office orders) In company sponsored event
Section I. Company Profile to be filled in by Employer or Representative
Establishment Name:
Address of Establishment:
Name of Business employing the worker:
Nature of Business: Business Representative:
Number of Workers: Male Female Total
Section II. Details of Accident to be filled in by OSH Personnel
Date of accident: YYYY-MMM-DD Time: 00:00 AM/PM Accident type:
Safety Hazard (Choose all that apply): Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition Both
Describe selected Safety Hazard/s:

Health Hazard (Choose all that apply): Physical Chemical Biological Ergonomic None
Describe selected Health Hazard/s:

Other factors that may have aggravated the accident:

Equipment / Materials involved in the Accident:

Shift Schedule on the day of Accident: From: AM PM To: AM PM
Events leading to the accident (You may use another sheet if more space is needed, attach pictures if available)

Printed Name of Injured Worker or Representative Sign above your name if you agree to the events narrated
Immediate Action done for the injured worker/s:
Corrective Measures planned and expected date of implementation to prevent recurrence of accident
(You may use another sheet if more space is needed, attach pictures if available):

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Section III. Details of injured worker (skip section if more than 1 injured, use WAIR-B instead) o WAIR B used
Name of injured worker: Age: Sex:
Worker Address: Employment Status:
Average Weekly Wage: Length of service in Establishment:
Current work: Work hours/day: Work day/week:
Amount of time spent at current work: Years: Months: Days:
Body Part/s affected (indicate if left or right):
Extent of Disability: Permanent Total Permanent Partial Temporary Total
Hospitalization cost: Lost work days due to injury:
Return to work date: Nature of Injury:
Section IV. Cost of Accident
Approximate Cost to Operations (include cost of halting of production and cost to resume activities):
Less than Php 5,000 30,001 to 100,000 500,001 to 1,000,000
5,001 to 30,000 100,001 to 500,000 More than 1,000,000
Was there any damage to properties, materials or machinery? Yes No
Approximate Total Cost of Accident (Include expenses from Hospitalization, Cost to Operations,
Machinery repair and replacement, Compensation, Penalties, and Burial):
Less than Php 5,000 30,001 to 100,000 500,001 to 1,000,000
5,001 to 30,000 100,001 to 500,000 More than 1,000,000

We hereby certify that the information above is accurate to the best of our knowledge. We understand that the
OSH Standards states that these report shall not be admissible as evidence in any action or judicial proceedings
in respect to such injury, fitness or death on account of which report is made and shall not be made public or
subject to public inspection except for prosecution for violations under this Rule.

OH Personnel / Safety Officer Employer / Representative

Signature beside printed name Signature beside printed name

Date of Accident Investigation:

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