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This portfolio (JDVP) Joint Delivery program is about

cookery .This kind of program help us to understand more like
the different methods and temperature bof cooking ,
hygiene,safe ,food handling practices.It also help us to
understand the field of cookery.It emphasis the study of the
history of food and modern kitchen .This program also help to
understand the station system and how to work with each
other.This program will also help to understand the
terminology of common cooking methods, ingredients,
techniques and procedures.Whether your just cooking on
cookery for your self or for other .It help you to learn on how
to cook with confidence.It will also develop your practices with
guidance to produce your own meals that you can share with
your family and friends.It will also help you to learn the
fundamentals skills of cooking.You will learn on how to make
delicious yet simple dishes.Attending this program is a big help
because you will learn more ,your skills and knowledge.Which
includes not only knowing on how to cook but also to on how
to create new dishes .On how to keep the kitchen clean and
how to run the kitchen efficiently and more.


In this Activity before answering the questions i read first about that learning
outcomes.In learning outcome no.1 i learned on how utilizing materials Kitchen
utensils and equipment that commonly use inthe kitchen . Utilizing is important
because utilizing kitchen utensils and equipment will give us safety.In learning
outcome no .2 i learned on how maintaining kitchen tools , equipment and
working area clean and sanitized.In learning outcome no.3 I learned von how
storing kitchen tools and equipment it helps us to know on how to clean and store
cooking tools and the equipment and the proper storage of cleaning
equipment.aftee reading that learning outcomes in lesson 1. I answering the
questions that given to us .And it is all about the learning learning outcomes in
lesson 1.

In this activity I have started to read about on how performing

Mensuration And how to Calculate a cost.After reading that and
understand that i started to doing activity .I write a qoutes about
Mensuration,Calculator,Sifter.I also perform on how to measure and
sifting the dry ingredients.While doing that activity i have taken a
picture for documentation.

In lesson 3 i started to read about on how intrepreting kitchen lay out .In learning
outcome no.1 in lesson 3 i read about on how to interpret kichen plan and
learning outcome no.2 i read also about on how to create kitchen lay out after
reading that learning outcomes in lesson 3 i write a slogam aboutvon safety
hygiene ptactices in the workplace. I also perform a proper segregation of
garbage at home .like seperating biodegradable,non biodegradable and recyclable
.While doing that Activity i have taken a picture for documentation.

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