Humble Book Bundle - Advanced AI by Morgan Claypool
Humble Book Bundle - Advanced AI by Morgan Claypool
Humble Book Bundle - Advanced AI by Morgan Claypool
Book Bundle
How to Avoid Project Pitfalls, Deep Learning Systems:
Algorithms, Compilers, and Processors for Large-Scale
Production, Conversational AI: Dialogue Systems,
Conversational Agents, and Chatbots, and Deep Learning
Bundle Filters Approaches to Text Production. Plus, your purchase helps
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Why AI/Data Science Projects Fail: How Deep Learning Systems: Algorithms, Efficient Processing of Deep Neural
to Avoid Project Pitfalls Compilers, and Processors for Large- Networks
Scale Production Checkout
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Federated Learning Conversational AI: Dialogue Systems, Creating Autonomous Vehicle Systems, Bundle Details
Conversational Agents, and Chatbots Second Edition
Graph Representation Learning Introduction to Graph Neural Networks Introduction to Logic Programming
Deep Learning Approaches to Text Natural Language Processing for Social An Introduction to the Planning Domain
Production Media, Third Edition Definition Language
Learning and Decision-Making from Introduction to Deep Learning for Multi-Modal Face Presentation Attack
Rank Data Engineers: Using Python and Google Detection
Cloud Platform