CS229 Final Report - Music Genre Classification
CS229 Final Report - Music Genre Classification
CS229 Final Report - Music Genre Classification
1 Introduction
Genre classification is an important task with many real world applications. As the quantity of music being released
on a daily basis continues to sky-rocket, especially on internet platforms such as Soundcloud and Spotify – a 2016
number suggests that tens of thousands of songs were released every month on Spotify – the need for accurate meta-data
required for database management and search/storage purposes climbs in proportion. Being able to instantly classify
songs in any given playlist or library by genre is an important functionality for any music streaming/purchasing service,
and the capacity for statistical analysis that correct and complete labeling of music and audio provides is essentially
We implemented a variety of classification algorithms admitting two different types of input. We experimented with
a RBF kernel support vector machine, k-nearest neighbors, a basic feed-forward network, and finally an advanced
convolutional neural network. For the input to our algorithms, we experimented with both raw amplitude data as well as
transformed mel-spectrograms of that raw amplitude data. We then output a predicted genre out of 10 common music
genres. We found that converting our raw audio into mel-spectrograms produced better results on all our models, with
our convolutional neural network surpassing human accuracy.
2 Related Work
Machine learning techniques have been used for music genre classification for decides now. In 2002, G. Tzanetakis
and P. Cook [8] used both the mixture of Gaussians model and k-nearest neighbors along with three sets of carefully
hand-extracted features representing timbral texture, rhythmic content and pitch content. They achieved 61% accuracy.
As a benchmark, human accuracy averages around 70% for this kind of genre classification work [4]. Tzanetakis and
Cook used MFCCs, a close cousin of mel-spectrograms, and essentially all work has followed in their footsteps in
transforming their data in this manner. In the following years, methods such as support vector machines were also
applied to this task, such as in 2003 when C. Xu et al. [9] used multiple layers of SVMs to achieve over 90% accuracy
on a dataset containing only four genres.
In the past 5-10 years, however, convolutional neural networks have shown to be incredibly accurate music genre
classifiers [8] [2] [6], with excellent results reflecting both the complexity provided by having multiple layers and the
ability of convolutional layers to effectively identify patterns within images (which is essentially what mel-spectrograms
and MFCCs are). These results have far exceeded human capacity for genre classification, with our research finding that
current state-of-the-art models perform with an accuracy of around 91% [6] when using the full 30s track length. Many
of the papers which implemented CNNs compared their models to other ML techniques, including k-NN, mixture
of Gaussians, and SVMs, and CNNs performed favorably in all cases. Therefore we decided to focus our efforts on
implementing a high-accuracy CNN, with other models used as a baseline.
In addition to pre-processing our data as described above, we also used Principal Component Analysis to reduce
dimension for two of our models (k-NN and SVM). PCA is a form of factor analysis that tries to approximate the data
by projecting it onto a subspace of lower dimension. In order to do this, we first transformed the mel-spectrograms by
normalizing their mean and variance. In order to preserve as much variance as possible with m examples x(i) , unit
length u, PCA maximizes
m m
1 X (i)T 2 1 X (i) (i)T
(x u) = x x .
m i=1 m i=1
Since our data has mean 0, this is equivalent to taking the principal eigenvector of Σ, the covariance matrix of the
data. Empirically, we had best results reducing to 15 dimensions, analogous to taking the top 15 eigenvectors of Σ and
projecting our data onto the subspace spanned by them. We implemented this using scikit-learn [7].
4 Methods
We decided to first implement two simpler models as baseline measures of performance, then progress to more
complicated models in order to increase accuracy. We implemented variants of k-nearest neighbors, support vector
machine, a fully connected neural network, and a convolutional neural network. In addition to mel-spectogram features,
we used principal component analysis to reduce dimensionality for the input to k-NN and SVM.
After reducing the dimensionality to 15 features using PCA (see above), we applied the k-nearest neighbors algorithm.
Predictions are made on a per-case basis by finding the closest training examples to our test or cross-validation example
that we wish to classify and predicting the label that appeared with greatest frequency among their ground-truth labels.
Through trial and error, we found that best accuracy resulted from setting k = 10 and weighting the label of each
neighbor by distance.
Explicitly, denoting our data point as x, let x(1) , . . . , x(10) be the 10 closest neighbors to x, those which return the
largest value on ||x − x(i) ||2 , where || · ||2 denotes the Euclidean distance between points. Then, we choose weights wi
for each i such that
wi ∝ ||x − x(i) ||2 , 0wi = 1.
Finally, we return
wi 1(y = y (i) ),
arg max
the label which is most prevalent among x’s 10 nearest neighbors when weighted by distance. This was implemented
with scikit-learn [7].
After reducing dimensionality using PCA, we trained an SVM classifier as well. SVMs are optimal margin classifiers
that can use kernels to find more complex relations in the input data. Since our data is not linearly separable, this
equates to finding
1 X X
min kwk2 + C ξi s.t. y (i) ( αj K(x(j) , x(i) ) + b) ≥ 1 − ξi and ξi ≥ 0
γ,w,b 2 i=1 j
where x(i) are examples, αj , b are weights and biases, C is a penalty parameter, and 1 − ξi is the functional margin for
example i. K : Rn × Rn → R is a kernel function. In a traditional SVM this function corresponds to inner product
between two vectors x(j) , x(i) , but in our case we are using an RBF (radial basis function) kernel:
We used a fully connected neural network as well, with ReLU activation and 6 layers, with cross-entropy loss. As
the input to our model was 1D, when using mel-spectrograms, we flattened the data. Our model is fully connected,
which means each node is connected to every other node in the next layer. At each layer, we applied a ReLU activation
function to the output of each node, following the formula:
x x≥0
ReLU(x) =
0 x < 0.
At the end, we construct a probability distribution of the 10 genres by running the outputs through a softmax function:
σ(z)j = PK
k=1 ezk
To optimize our model, we minimized cross entropy loss:
CE(θ) = − y(x) log ŷ(x)
We experimented with various regularization techniques, such as dropout layers and L2 regularization. Dropout
randomly selects featuresP
to drop based off a specified constant, and L2 regularzation adds a penalty term to the loss
function in the form of λ i θi2 . This was implemented with TensorFlow [1].
Figure 2: CNN architecture.
This was our most advanced model, using 3 convolution layers, each with its own max pool and regularization, feeding
into 3 fully connected layers with ReLU activation, softmax output, and cross entropy loss. Most of the equations can
be found above, and our architecture is visually presented below:
This approach involves convolution windows that scan over the input data and output the sum of the elements within the
window. This then gets fed into a max pool layer that selects the maximum element from another window. Afterwards,
the output is fed through a model described in section 4.1. This was implemented with TensorFlow and Keras [1] [3].
The clearest trend identifiable here is the dramatic jump in performance after we moved from using raw audio to
mel-spectrograms. We saw a substantial improvement in accuracy on all four of our models after converting our data to
this form, which suggests that there is essentially no benefit to looking directly at raw amplitude data. While it is true
that converting to mel-spectrograms takes a little bit of time, especially with our high number of training examples, this
pre-processing step can be pre-computed and stored in a file format such as .npz for quick access across all models.
Additionally, mel-spectrograms are essentially images, as in Figure 1, which provides an human-accessible way to
Figure 3: Confusion matrix for CNN predictions.
visualize our data and to think about what our neural networks may be classifying on. In other words, there is essentially
no downside to switching to mel-spectrograms.
We also see that all four of our models struggle with over-fitting. We spent the most time trying to mitigate this issue
on the CNN. To do so, we introduced three methods. We played around with a combination of batch normalization,
dropout layers, and L2 regularization. We found some difficulty in using this, as allowing the model to over-fit actually
increased our accuracy. While we could bring the training accuracy and the test accuracy to within .05 of each other,
this would result in poor model performance. Thus we accepted our over-fitting issue.
Looking more closely at our confusion matrix, we see that our CNN struggled most with the rock genre. It only
managed to correctly classify 50% of rock audio as rock, labeling the others as mainly country or blues. Additionally,
it incorrectly classified some country, as well as a small fraction of blues and reggae, as rock music. While it’s not
all that surprising that rock was a challenging genre – a qualitative inspection of rock mel-spectrograms implies that
many rock music excerpts lack the easily visible beats that other genres such as hip-hop and disco possess, while our
personal experience with rock music vis a vis the other genres tells us that rock is also missing distinctive traits such as
high-register vocals (pop) or easily audible piano (classical or jazz). Additionally, rock is a genre that both encapsulates
many different styles (light rock, hard rock, progressive rock, indie rock, new wave, etc.) and heavily influences many
other derivative genres. However, we were surprised that rock and country were so easily confused, as opposed to rock
and metal, which would seem to rely on more similar instrumentation and tempo.
Additionally, we note that correct classification of jazz was less accurate than most other categories. Our algorithm
falsely classified some jazz music as classical, although never did the reverse of this. We hypothesize that the more
piano-heavy jazz tracks may have been too close to classical music in terms of both tempo and instrumentation, and
may have been missing the saxophone or trumpet sounds and timbres associated with many other samples of jazz audio.
Across all models, using frequency based mel-spectrograms produced higher accuracy results. Whereas amplitude only
provides information on intensity, or how “loud" a sound is, the frequency distribution over time provides information
on the content of the sound. Additionally, mel-spectrograms are visual, and CNNs work better with pictures. The CNN
performed the best, as we expected. It took the longest time to train as well, but the increase in accuracy justifies the
extra computation cost. However, we were surprised to see the similarity in accuracy between the KNN, SVM, and
feed-forward neural network.
In the future, we hope to experiment with other types of deep learning methods, given they performed the best. Given
that this is time series data, some sort of RNN model may work well (GRU, LSTM, for example). We are also curious
about generative aspects of this project, including some sort of genre conversion (in the same vein as generative
adversarial networks which repaint photos in the style of Van Gogh, but for specifically for music). Additionally, we
suspect that we may have opportunities for transfer learning, for example in classifying music by artist or by decade.
Our group has collaborated closely on the majority of this project. We worked together to find a project idea, lay out the
direction of the project, and determine matters of data processing as well as implementation details. The writing of the
project proposal, milestone report, and this final report have all been a team effort – we found that we never felt the
need to explicitly delegate tasks. For the poster Arianna drove most of the design process, but all three group members
helped to provide the content.
However, when it came to coding, we realized that our team worked better when we could mostly code by ourselves.
Derek was instrumental in setting up the environments and compute resources, and together with Eli took on most of
the implementation of the neural networks. Arianna implemented the non-deep learning models, as well as spearheaded
the data processing and feature selection aspects of our project.
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