Minutes of Meeting PTA

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DATE: June 8, 2019

TIME: 4:00 P.M.
VENUE: Unidos ES/Grade VI- Courtesy Room

1. Election of Homeroom PTA Officers
2. School Rules and Regulations
3. Form 137 (for transferees)
4. NSO/PSA Birth Certificate
5. K to 12 Grading System
6. PTA Project
7. Other Matters
1. Meeting call to order at 4:00 P.M. by Grade VI- Courtsey Adviser, Mrs. Santillan
2. The first agendum of the meeting was the election of the Homeroom PTA Officials.
The result of the meeting was the election and recognition of the new set of Homeroom PTA Officials namely:
Vice- President:
Asst. Sec. Treas.

Buss. Managers:

Peace Officers:

3. Mrs. Santillan reiterated the following schools rules and regulations:

-the school never allows boys to have long hair, in short they should always observe proper haircut.
-pupils tardiness and absences will be recorded by the class monitor so that in case the parents would want to
know the status of their children, there is a record to serve as basis. If the pupil fails to send a notice (excuse
letter) to the teacher as to the reason of his absence, he shall therefore be subject to be “dropped” for that school
year. In addition, the teacher will conduct home visit if cases like this occur.
4. Mrs. Santillan reminded the parents of the transferees to follow up the form 137 of their children from their
previous school and the parents whose children have not submitted their NSO/PSA Birth Certificate.
5. Grading System
Written Work 40%
Performance Tasks 40%
Quarterly Assessment 20%
6. The body agreed that the PTA Projects for School Year 2019-2020 are windows curtain. In order to realize this,
they agreed that each pupil shall voluntarily donate 42.00.
7. Being generally peaceful and successful, the meeting ended at 5:00 P.M.

Prepared by:

Homeroom PTA Secretary


DATE: August 17, 2019

TIME: 8:00 A.M.
VENUE: Unidos ES/Grade VI- Courtesy Room

1. The 2nd PTA meeting started with the Parents’ registration. An attendance sheet was
provided for them. At exactly 8:15 A.M. the meeting was called to order with 29 parents
2. Mrs. Alcantara was asked to lead the group in a prayer.
3. The following agenda were set before the body for approval:
a. Advisers’ Report on Pupils Performances
b. Update on the PTA Project
c. Releasing of Cards
d. Others.
4. No one opposed the agenda, so the meeting went on.
5. The adviser reported on each of the pupils academic and extra- curricular concerns. The
parents of Claudine Taunan, Al-John Velasco and Jay Vhea Pamularco were advised to
have keener supervision on their children’s performances since the said pupils form part
of the school athletic team. It was explained to them that low academic performance of
their children may affect their grades. Pupils with minor concerns were also mentioned so
the parents would know how to deal with their children at home.
6. The names of the parents who paid for the project were also mentioned and commended
for their timely contribution. Others who haven’t paid yet were also encouraged to give
their share. Mrs. Sabroso moved that there must be a deadline of payment to be strictly
followed. The body seconded on the motion. Mr. Gregorio suggested the date be August
31, 2019. The body also seconded on the motion.
7. The cards were then distributed to the parents. Majority were satisfied with their
children’s grades.
8. At the last few minutes of the meeting, the parents were asked to react and share anything
they want. They were even encouraged to ask questions for clarification.
8. Being generally peaceful and successful, the meeting ended at 9:00 A.M.

Prepared by:

Homeroom PTA Secretary


DATE: October 26, 2019

TIME: 8:00 A.M.
VENUE: Unidos ES/Grade VI- Courtesy Room

The 3rd Homeroom PTA meeting for School Year 2019-2020 was held on October
26, 2019 at the Grade VI- Courtsey Classroom. There were 28 parents who attended the
meeting. It started at 8:00 in the morning.
The first part of the meeting was formally started with a prayer led by Mrs. Flores.
The welcome address was then delivered by the teacher/adviser.
At 8:15 in the morning, the meeting proper commenced.
During the meeting the matter about the pupils’ concern, particularly their
behaviour were brought to attention. It was agreed that the parents would follow up on
their children’s attitude on attendance and class interaction.
The cards were then distributed to the parents. Majority were satisfied with their
children’s grades.
As all other pertinent concerns were dealt with for the time being, the meeting was
adjourned at exactly 9:00 in the morning, with the same number of attendees.

Prepared by:

Homeroom PTA Secretary


TIME: 8:00 A.M.
VENUE: Unidos ES/Grade VI- Courtesy Room

1. The 4th PTA meeting started with the Parents’ registration. An attendance sheet was
provided for them. At exactly 8:15 A.M. the meeting was called to order with 23 parents
2. Mrs. Cahilig was asked to lead the group in a prayer.
3. The following agenda were set before the body for approval:
a. Advisers’ Report on Pupils Performances
b. Releasing of Cards
c. Others.
4. No one opposed the agenda, so the meeting went on.
5. The matter about the pupils’ concern, particularly their behaviour were brought to
attention. It was agreed that the parents would follow up on their children’s attitude on
attendance and class interaction.
6. The cards were then distributed to the parents. Majority were satisfied with their
children’s grades.
7. At the last few minutes of the meeting, the parents were asked to react and share anything
they want. They were even encouraged to ask questions for clarification.
8. As all other pertinent concerns were dealt with for the time being, the meeting was
adjourned at exactly 9:00 in the morning, with the same number of attendees.

Prepared by:

Homeroom PTA Secretary

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