Becoming A Member of Society
Becoming A Member of Society
Becoming A Member of Society
What is Socialization?
What is Enculturation?
Objectives: ● Define Socialization
● Identify the different agents of
● Discuss Enculturation as the
product of socialization
● Understand the importance of
socialization in a society
Activity 1: Study the Case
Activity 1: Study the Case
Genie's story came to light on November 4, 1970, in Los Angeles, California. A social worker
discovered the 13-year old girl after her mother sought out services for her own health. The social
worker soon discovered that the girl had been confined to a small room, and an investigation by
authorities quickly revealed that the child had spent most of her life in this room, often tied to a
potty chair. She spent almost her entire childhood locked in a bedroom, isolated and abused for
over a decade. Genie's life prior to her discovery was one of utter deprivation. She spent most of
her days tied naked to her potty chair only able to move her hands and feet. When she made noise,
her father would beat her. Her father, mother, and older brother rarely spoke to her. The rare times
her father did interact with her, it was to bark or growl.
Activity 1: Study the Case
Activity 2. Complete ME!
Directions: Complete the graphic organizer by providing words or phrases that you have learned from the following
people or social institutions. Note: It can be values/traditions/norms, etc.
What is socialization?
• Enables the person to gradually become a self – aware to prepare for and perform
and knowledgeable human being, and learn the ways, certain social roles
values, rules, and culture of his / her society. ● It cultivates shared
sources of meaning and
• Greatly influenced by the context of his /her respective
society, and the social groups that he/she interact value
Agents of Socialization: Family
● Gender stereotypes
Cultural expectations for gender roles
and gendered behavior are conveyed to
children through color-coded clothes and
sorts of game.
Social Position as Part of the Context
Socialization concerns both social structure and interpersonal relations. It
contains three key parts: context, content and process, and results.
The content and process of socialization is While context sets the stage for
like the play, the lines, and the actors. It socialization, the content and process
includes the structure of the socializing comprise the work of this undertaking.
activity--how intense and prolonged it is, How parents assign chores or tell their
who does it, how it is done, whether it is a children to interact with police are
total experience or only a partial process, examples of content and process, which
how aware the individual is of alternatives, are also defined by the span of
and how attractive those alternatives are. socialization, the methods used, the
people involved, and the type of
Socialization concerns both social structure and interpersonal relations. It
contains three key parts: context, content and process, and results.
Results may properly be defined as what Results are the outcome of socialization
happens later, after someone has been and refer to the way a person conceives
exposed to particular content and and conducts after undergoing this
processes. New members may learn the process. For example, with small children,
behaviors, attitudes, and values that old socialization exhibits focus on control of
members hoped they would learn. biological and emotional impulses, such
as drinking eating with bare hands rather
than eating with spoon and fork or asking
permission before picking something up.
The effect of Socialization in acquiring culture.
Quiz on
September 27!