Rev 2012 - COA Sample QP
Rev 2012 - COA Sample QP
Rev 2012 - COA Sample QP
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Q7. The pipelining process is also called as ______
Option A: Assembly line operation
Option B: Von Neumann cycle
Option C: Superscalar operation
Option D: Harvard Cycle
Q8. The hardware interrupts which can be delayed when a much high priority
interrupt has occurred at the same time are known as ___________.
Option A: Non Maskable Interrupt
Option B: Maskable Interrupt
Option C: Normal Interrupt
Option D: High level Interrupts
Q12. Which binary number is added with the result of 4-bit binary adder to correct the
BCD addition?
Option A: 0011
Option B: 0110
Option C: 1001
Option D: 0101
Q13. In IEEE 32-bit representations, the mantissa of the fraction is said to occupy
______ bits.
Option A: 24
Option B: 23
Option C: 10
Option D: 16
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Q14. In double precision format, the size of the mantissa is ______
Option A: 32 bit
Option B: 52 bit
Option C: 64 bit
Option D: 72 bit
Q17. The minimum time delay required between initiation of two successive memory
operations is called
Option A: Memory Cycle time
Option B: Memory Access time
Option C: Transmission Time
Option D: Fetch Time
Q20. The cache memory of 1K words uses direct mapping with a block size of 4
words. How many blocks can the cache accommodate?
Option A: 256 words
Option B: 512 words
Option C: 1024 words
Option D: 2500 words
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Option C: Occurs when a program accesses a page not currently in main memory
Option D: Occurs when a program accesses a page belonging to another program
Q22. Input or output devices that are connected to computer are called
Option A: Input/Output Subsystem
Option B: Peripheral Devices
Option C: Interfaces
Option D: Interrupt
Q25. The 8089 shares the system bus and memory with the host CPU in
Option A: tightly coupled configuration
Option B: loosely coupled configuration
Option C: tightly and loosely coupled configurations
Option D: Bus configuration
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