Eco-Column Lab: What You'll Need To Build The Eco-Columns
Eco-Column Lab: What You'll Need To Build The Eco-Columns
Eco-Column Lab: What You'll Need To Build The Eco-Columns
Eco-columns are one of the most fun labs for AP Environmental Science. Once set up, the eco-columns may be kept
going for many weeks and provide data for several different topics of the APES course – aquatic ecosystems,
decomposition, general ecology, food webs and chains, water quality, inter-specific competition, etc. Data should be
recorded from the eco-columns on a regular basis, maybe once a week, as well as for specific insights.
For this ‘project’ you should work in groups of two or three students but, of course, everyone must maintain a full
account of the ‘project’, from beginning to end, including all data records, analysis and interpretation.
You should create a Google Slide presentation, which you add to as you go along.
You will need to feed your fish every other day for the first week. After that, you shouldn’t have to feed it anymore.
Google Slides:
Create a presentation in Google Slides, to which you add as you go along. Set up A4 pages in vertical (portrait) mode.
This presentation should be a full record of the entire project, from construction to destruction after maybe 3 or 4
months! Include photos, images, notes, dates, data records – everything!
Data Recording:
Do your first round of data recording the day after the eco-column is set up and then once every week. Observations
are the most important. Take photo records. Try to record temperature and pH (Later we may also try to record
dissolved oxygen, phosphates, nitrates, and carbon dioxide.) Each time you do tests on the water; make sure that you
replace the water afterwards. This has to be from the top of the column!
Data Table:
Make a table in which to record your data before you record any data at all. I suggest that you make one single slide in
Google Slides as a template for the Data Table and then copy this template whenever you record a new set of data. In
your group, decide what your data table should look like.