Marketing Exam Notes
Marketing Exam Notes
Marketing Exam Notes
MARKETING - Marketing is the process by which companies create value for customers and
build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return. Lifeblood
of every business.
Importance and extend depends on:
• The perspective of the owner Marketing is not just about
• The size of the business selling or advertising. It is
• Kind of products or services being offered also a form of
communication and
Major Functions: promoting the value of a
product, service, or brand.
• Offering products and services to customers
• Ensuring that these products are purchased
Profit is the main motivation of business operations
Communication- building connections or long-lasting relationship with customers.
Theodore Levitt: “find and keep customers”
Andrew Davis: “Content builds relationship. Relationships are built on trust and trust drives revenue”
American Marketing Association (AMA) – Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and
processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have values for
customers, clients, partners, and society at large.
Creating the process of collaborating with suppliers and customers to create offerings
Communicating describing those offerings, as well as learning from customers
Delivering getting those offerings to the consumer in a way that optimizes value.
Exchanging trading value for those offerings
The creation, communication, and the delivery of value to customers.
Philippine Marketing Association – Marketing is a science, art and profession guided primarily by
the universal principles of ethics, corporate citizenship, and corporate social responsibility (non-profit
organizations and profit oriented)
Profit Oriented – Marketing aims to increase sales of products or services
Non- Profit – aims to communicate messages for social purposes
GOALS of Marketing – also satisfying customers’ needs and wants (UIDDBCP)
• Understand the market and its consumers and satisfy their needs and wants
• Introduce and innovate products and services that improve quality of life
• Design and implement effective customer-driven marketing strategies
• Develop marketing programs that deliver superior value to customers
• Build and maintain mutually beneficial and profitable customer relationships
• Capture customer value to create profits
• Promote value transactions with full regard to society’s well-being
Traditional and Contemporary Approach to Marketing
1. Traditional Approaches
• The Production Concept – consumer prefers products that are inexpensive, affordable,
and widely available.
• The Product Concept – customers will always prefer products of high quality
• The Selling Concept – customers are generally timid and must be persuaded into buying.
“sell what is manufactured rather than manufacture what the market wants”
Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior - refers to the consumers’ beliefs, traditions, mores,
norms and values from the family and institutions in the society where they live.
✓ Culture
✓ Social
✓ Personal
✓ Psychological
Business Markets – composed of firms and business
organizations that purchase semi-processed goods and raw
materials either for their operations or for reselling
Stages in Target Marketing
Stage 1. Marketing Segmentation
• The process of dividing the market into similar parts
or groups
Stage 2. Marketing Strategy
• Companies select their target markets. It requires the
use of great amount of resources.
Stage 3. Positioning
• Process of communicating the image of a brand into the minds of consumers.