18 - Oligohydramnios and Polyhydramnios

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Oligohydramnios and polyhydramnios

▪ Amniotic fluid is produced almost from fetal urine from the second trimester onwards.

▪ mechanisms of removal include fetal swallowing, removing 200–1500 mL/day .

Amniotic fluid volume

 Increases progressively

➢ 10 weeks: 30 ml
➢ 20 weeks: 300 ml
➢ 30 weeks: 600 ml
➢ 38 weeks:1,000 ml

o but from term there is a rapid fall in volume (40 weeks: 800 ml; 42 weeks: 350 ml).

o The reason for the late reduction has not been explained.

Amniotic fluid function

▪ protecting the developing baby from pressure or trauma

▪ allowing limb movement, hence normal postural development

▪ permitting the fetal lungs to expand and develop .

▪ Amniotic fluid index is calculated as the total measurement of the deepest pool in the
four quadrants of the uterus normal( 5-25cm)

▪ Deepest vertical pool normal (2-8 cm)

Oligohydramnios And Anhydramnios
➢ amniotic fluid index (AFI) less than the 5th centile for gestation


• history of clear fluid leaking from the vagina; this may represent PPROM .

• on abdominal palpation the fetal poles may be very obviously felt and ‘hard’.

• small for dates uterus.

• No Liquor >>> fundal level less than date

o What is possible causes of

oligohydramnios and Anhydramnios?

➢ The fetal prognosis depends on the cause of oligohydramnios

1. pulmonary hypoplasia and limb deformities (contractures, talipes” Club foot”) are common to severe early-onset
(<24 weeks’ gestation) oligohydramnnios.

2. Renal agenesis and bilateral multicystic kidneys carry a lethal prognosis.

3. Oligohydramnios due to FGR/uteroplacental insufficiency is usually of a less severe degree and less commonly
causes limb and lung problems


• pulmonary hypoplasia
• limb deformities (contractures, talipes)


• Fetal assessment congenital anomaly

• Delivery when indicated

 Polyhydramnios is the term given to an excess of amniotic fluid (i.e. AFI >95thcentile for
gestation on ultrasound estimation)

➢ Clinically
1. severe abdominal swelling and discomfort.

2. On examination(increased SFH).fundal level more than date

3. abdomen may be tense and tender

4. the fetal poles will be hard to palpate

5. Fetal heart difficult to hear

➢ Causes of polyhydramnios


-2Maternal -3Fetal

• Diabetes. • Multiple gestation (in mono-chromic twins it may be twin-to-twin

• Placental. transfusion syndrome).
• Chorio-angioma. • Esophageal atresia/tracheo-oesophageal fistula.
• Arteriovenous fistula • Duodenal atresia.
• Neuromuscular fetal condition (preventing swallowing). Myasthenia gravis
• Anencephaly.

➢ Management
• directed towards establishing the cause Anencephaly.
o (and hence determining fetal prognosis)

• relieving the discomfort of the mother (if necessary by amniodrainage) bed rest

• assessing the risk of preterm labour due to uterine over distension and give steroid
• Polyhydramnios due to maternal diabetes needs glycaemic control. Bqs hyperglycemia >>increase baby urination

• Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome is a rare cause of acute polyhydramnios.

o Treatment by amnio drainage and laser removal of the placental vascular connections

• Most cases of polyhydramnios respond to treatment with indo.methacin . reduce the AF and Renal

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