18 - Oligohydramnios and Polyhydramnios
18 - Oligohydramnios and Polyhydramnios
18 - Oligohydramnios and Polyhydramnios
▪ Amniotic fluid is produced almost from fetal urine from the second trimester onwards.
➢ 10 weeks: 30 ml
➢ 20 weeks: 300 ml
➢ 30 weeks: 600 ml
➢ 38 weeks:1,000 ml
o but from term there is a rapid fall in volume (40 weeks: 800 ml; 42 weeks: 350 ml).
o The reason for the late reduction has not been explained.
▪ Amniotic fluid index is calculated as the total measurement of the deepest pool in the
four quadrants of the uterus normal( 5-25cm)
• history of clear fluid leaking from the vagina; this may represent PPROM .
• on abdominal palpation the fetal poles may be very obviously felt and ‘hard’.
3. Oligohydramnios due to FGR/uteroplacental insufficiency is usually of a less severe degree and less commonly
causes limb and lung problems
• pulmonary hypoplasia
• limb deformities (contractures, talipes)
➢ Clinically
1. severe abdominal swelling and discomfort.
➢ Causes of polyhydramnios
-2Maternal -3Fetal
➢ Management
• directed towards establishing the cause Anencephaly.
o (and hence determining fetal prognosis)
• relieving the discomfort of the mother (if necessary by amniodrainage) bed rest
• assessing the risk of preterm labour due to uterine over distension and give steroid
• Polyhydramnios due to maternal diabetes needs glycaemic control. Bqs hyperglycemia >>increase baby urination
o Treatment by amnio drainage and laser removal of the placental vascular connections
• Most cases of polyhydramnios respond to treatment with indo.methacin . reduce the AF and Renal