Unit Information Form (UIF)
Unit Information Form (UIF)
Unit Information Form (UIF)
Learning outcomes
PSRB outcomes
CIM approval is being sought for the courses in which this unit is core
Approach to learning
Learning in this unit will be though a combination of lecture, workshops guided and
independent learning. Successful completion of this unit demands attendance and
engagement which requires you to take responsibility for your learning.
The weekly sessions will enable you to understand the material through a combination of
lecture input and collaborative, interactive sessions during which you will explore and apply
the concepts. Through guided learning you will be advised which areas to study and be
presented with some activities that will guide you through the concepts and their application.
You must also undertake independent learning involving pre reading for sessions and
deeper reading in order to gain a more detailed understanding
Learner development
This Unit particularly focuses on the development of your abilities in the following areas:
Learner Development
This Unit focuses on the development of your abilities in the following areas:
Businesses are operating in an increasingly dynamic environment and this often
requires managers to be able to think in a more flexible and creative way in order
to understand issues that are likely to be complex and unstructured. In addition
the need to differentiate requires the skilful design of strategy. This unit aims to
extend your ability in active enquiry in order to develop your understanding of the
tools and frameworks of both strategy end creativity the combined use of which is
designed to enable you to make judgements about current and future scenarios
and from this to develop realistic strategic options.
This unit aims to develop your ability to analyse complex situations, evaluate the
Contextual success of company’s strategies and to make recommendations about the
understanding strategic options. In order to do this successfully you need to be able to apply
Assessment summary
Assessment details
Threshold expectations
Deliver a report in which produce a detailed analysis that identifies the strategic
issues facing a company supported by ideas and techniques drawn from academic
theory and analysis
Recommended Reading
Grant, R.M. & Jordan, J. (2015) Foundations of Strategy 2nd. Ed. Wiley
Proctor, T, (2013); (Electronic resource) Creative problem solving for managers, developing
skills for decision making.4th Ed,. Routledge; London
Guided reading – the following is expected reading for this unit. Details of what to read and
when will be provide in the BREO site.
Rumelt, R. (2013) Good Strategy Bad Strategy. The Difference and Why it Matters.
Magretta, J.(2012) Understanding Michael Porter. Essential Guide to Competition and
Strategy.Harvard Business School Press
Independent study - to receive high grades you will need to demonstrate your wider reading.
The following resources provide useful background reading for the material in this unit.
Harvard Business Review
Strategic Management Journal
2Age, Gender reassignment, Marriage and civil partnership, Pregnancy and maternity, Race, Religion and belief,
Sex, Sexual orientation
Quality Handbook Chapter 2: UIF
Page 6 of 7
Faculty UBBS
Approved by FTQSC
Shared Units – Indicate below all courses which include this Unit in their diet
Name Date
Form completed by Eliot Lloyd 20/3/18
Signature of Chair of
Faculty TQSC
Unit Updates – ensure that the revised UIF is given a new version number each time a change is
FTQSC Minute
Date Nature of Update
20/3/18 New UIF
Revision Assessment
Code Activity Hours Total
period Activity
UoB-based activities
SL Lecture
SR Directed reading and research
SA Assessment preparation
IR Unguided reading from defined reading lists
SAS Scheduled Assessments
Guided learning
WBL Employer based learning activities
Independent learning