Midterm Quizzes With Answer
Midterm Quizzes With Answer
Midterm Quizzes With Answer
2. Deserts take a long time to recover from disturbance because of their _________
Fast nutrient recycling | high species diversity | permafrost | slow plant growth
3. Which of the following is not in how air circulates over the earth’s surface?
Properties of air, water, and land | the jet stream | the rotation of the earth on its axis|
uneven heating of the earth’s surface
7. Which of the following is not a type of natural capital degradation to grassland biomes?
Conversion to tree plantation | conversion of cropland | oil production in arctic tundra |
overgrazing by livestock
8. Temperate shrublands, or chaparral, are often located near what geographic feature?
Arctic region | coastal areas that border deserts | interior plateau with high precipitation | tropical forests
10. A(n) ________ is a terrestrial region consisting of communities of organisms that are adapted to the region.
Biome | climate | ecosystem | latitude
12. Which of the following is a type of tropical grassland dotted with widely scattered clumps of trees?
Taiga | temperate grassland | tundra | savannah
2. Which term describes the situation where a species no longer exists in a given area, but still occurs in other
Background extinction | biological extinction | ecological extinction | local extinction
3. Which of the following commits to reduce biodiversity loss and share the world’s genetic resources?
The lacey Act | convention on biological diversity (CBD) |
convention on international trade in endangered species (CITES) | the endangered species act (ESA)
4. What is the extinction of many species in a relatively short period of geologic time?
Common extinction | geological extinction | mass extinction | short period extinction
6. Which of the following fid not contribute to the extinction of the passenger pigeon?
Habitat loss | uncontrolled hunting | a natural instinct for flocking | DDT-induced weakening of egg shells
7. “HIPPCO” is the greatest threat to biodiversity. “HIPPO’ stands for: Habitat destruction, degradation, and
fragmentation, _____________, Population (human) growth, pollution, climate change_______
Introduction of nonnative species; overgrazing | Invasive (nonnative species); overexploitation
Interactive relationship; ozone depletion | Intrinsic valuation; on-site mining
8. It occur when intact habitats are divided into smaller patches by roads, logging, crop fields, and urbanization
Habitat degradation | habitat destruction | habitat extinction | habitat fragmentation
9. What is an abnormal phenomenon that occurs when the majority of worker bees in a honey bee colony
disappear, leaving behind a queen, plenty of food, and a few nurse bees to care for the remaining immature
Colony collapse disorder | colony conquer disorder | colony collapse diversity | colony conquer diversity
10. Which of the following represents the greatest threat to wild species population?
Habitat loss | hunting for sport | genetic engineering | collecting for zoos and botanical gardens
1. What are the unfenced, tropical/temperate grasslands that supply forage for grazing?
Cropland | Farm tree | Rangeland | Taiga
3. Which of the following supplies most of the world’s food?one solution ro ove
Croplands | Rangelands | Freshwater fisheries | Ocean fisheries
7. What is the interplanting technique wherein two or more different crops at the same time (grain + nitrogen
fixing plant)
Agroforestry | Intercropping | Polyculture | Polyvarietal cultivation
9. Soil erosion is the movement of soil from one place to another by nature and by human activity. Of the
following. Which is the largest cause of soil erosion?
Farming | Flowing water | Overgrazing | Wind
10. Commercial tree farms r forests can be beneficial if managed carefully, as their rapid growth can supply most of
the wood needed for industrial purposes. This also protects the world’s remaining old growth and second
growth forest from being cleared. What is the downside of this tree plantation that violates nature’s biodiversity
principle of sustainability?
These forests contain multivariate species | these forests contain only one to two species |
these forests contain well diversed species | these forests contain unlimited species
11. What is the most efficient and least costly way to harvest trees but harms ecosystem because all trees are
removed from geographic area?
Clear cutting | cost cutting | selective cutting | strip cutting
12. Which country has created megareserves to sustain 80% of its biodiversity?
Brazil | China | Costa Rica | United states
13. The _______ are managed grasslands or enclosed meadows usually planted with domesticated grasses or other
forage and are sustainable if managed properly.
Cropland | Pastures | Rangelands | taiga
14. The following are important economic services of forest except.
Provide sustenance for many people who live in extreme poverty
Provide health benefits-drugs are derived from forest plant species
Provide habitat for about 2/3 of the earth’s terrestrial species
Provide pulp to make paper
15. Which type of forest would probably contain stands of trees that grew following a fire?
second-growth forest
16. One solution to overgrazing is to confine cattle to one area for a short time and then move them to another
before overgrazing take place. This method is called
rotational grazing |
Quiz 9
1. What do you call the well-fed, high nutrient levels present in a lake or river?
Allotropic | Basic | Eutrophic | Oligotrophic
2. The following are ways on how we use fresh water more sustainable EXCEPT
By reducing wastage | by slowing population growth | by protecting ecosystems that store water naturally |
By raising the price of electricity
3. What is the fraction of fresh water is readily available for human use?
2.6% | 1.984% | 0.1592% | 0.014%
4. What are the sources of water pollution that can be found in diffuse areas and they are difficult to
identify/control, expensive to manage.
Mobile sources | non-point sources | point source | unidentified sources
5. What is a calculation that compares fresh water availability with the amount used by humans?
Freshwater availability stress | freshwater scarcity stress | freshwater shortage stress |
freshwater unavailability stress
6. The water from bathtubs, showers, sinks, dishwashers and clothes washers is called __________.
Green water | gray water | red water | virtual water
7. One of the ways we can augment the fresh water supply is the ____________ of ocean water wherein the salt is
being removed from saline water.
Chlorination | Desalination | Filtration | reverse osmosis
9. Which of the following is/are a disadvantage(s) of large dams and water transfer projects?
dams/reservoirs displace millions of people food productive lands, impairs the ecosystem services of rivers, and
have a useful life expectancy of only 50 years
10. The following are ways on how to further reduce irrigation water loss EXCEPT
Avoid growing thirsty crops in dry areas
Redesign manufacturing processes to use less water
Expand use of drip irrigation and other efficient methods
Encourage organic farming and polyculture to return soil moisture
11. What is the underground areas of soil/rock where freshwater fills spaces between particles?
Aquifer | basin | water table | zone of saturation
12. Which among the freshwater resources is a large part of our water footprint?
Aquifer | groundwater | indirect and virtual water | surface water
15. What is the pollution that comes from single, fixed, often large identifiable sources?
Mobile sources | non-point sources | point sources | unidentified sources
17. The following are ways of purifying or converting sewer water to drinking water except
Hydrogen peroxide/ultraviolet light | microfiltration light | reverse osmosis | sedimentation
18. What is the amount of oxygen required to decay a certain amount of organic matter?
Biological oxygen demand (BOD) | Chemical oxygen demand (COD) | Nitrogen oxygen demand (NOD) |
Theoretical oxygen demand (ThOD)
19. The following are factors causing water scarcity Except for
Climate change | drought | famine | overuse/inefficient use | using water faster that it can be replenished
20. The following are ways on how we can deal with water pollution. What is the best way to reduce water
Use natural resources use and wasteral methods to treat sewage | cut resources use and waste |
Prevent water pollution | reduce poverty