Activity 3. My Meal Planner!
Activity 3. My Meal Planner!
Activity 3. My Meal Planner!
Guide Questions:
Yes, I do have a healthy eating habit. Based on the chart above I eat healthy foods most
of the time. The main reason is that my parents make sure to serve what is healthy for us.
As I observed, I consumed balanced diet with fruits, vegetables, meat, protein and fiber. And
the intake of water is very much important to our health. And also, homemade meal (family
2. Vegetables 7. Diet
3. Nutrients 8. Fats
4. Body 9. Fruit
Hazel's Salad
Salad: Dressing:
Lettuce Mayonnaise
6 pieces of small red tomatoes Yogurt
Potato 3 Eggs
Corn Olive oil
2 pieces of cucumber Salt and pepper
Red cabbage Lemon
2 pieces of white onions
How to make a salad? How to make a salad dressing?
After washing the vegetables and fruits:
1. Boil the corn and potatoes for 15 minutes. 1. Boil the eggs. After boiling the eggs,
2. Cut the lettuce and red cabbage if needed. put the egg yolks into the blender.
3. Cube the tomatoes.
4. Peel a thin portion of the cucumber 2. Put also the mayonnaise, yogurt, olive
vertically until the end. Then slice the oil, salt, pepper, and squeezed lemon juice.
cucumber in uniform sizes.
5. Slice the apples into cubes.
3. Blend until it becomes smooth.
6. Chop the white onions.
7. Mix all together in a large salad bowl. Drizzle
dressing over the salad just before serving.
What are the nutrients we can get based from the ingredients of
Hazel's Salad?
Lettuce - Although it's low in fiber, it's high in minerals, such as calcium,
phosphorous, magnesium, and potassium. It's naturally low in sodium. Plus, it is
packed with vitamin C, vitamin K, and folate. It's a good source of beta
carotene, which converts into vitamin A in the body.