Composite Structures: Chi-Seung Lee, Jeong-Hyeon Kim, Seul-Kee Kim, Dong-Man Ryu, Jae-Myung Lee
Composite Structures: Chi-Seung Lee, Jeong-Hyeon Kim, Seul-Kee Kim, Dong-Man Ryu, Jae-Myung Lee
Composite Structures: Chi-Seung Lee, Jeong-Hyeon Kim, Seul-Kee Kim, Dong-Man Ryu, Jae-Myung Lee
Composite Structures
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Article history: In the present study, an evaluation method for the initial and progressive failure of composite laminates
Available online 18 November 2014 was proposed based on the Puck failure criterion and damage mechanics, respectively. In other words, the
initial failure (crack initiation in the fiber and/or matrix) and progressive failure (crack growth in the fiber
Keywords: and/or matrix) were evaluated using the Puck failure criterion, and fiber- and matrix-dependent damage
Composite laminates variables, respectively. In addition, the ABAQUS user-defined subroutine UMAT was developed based on
Puck failure criterion coupling theories for the failure criterion and damage mechanics in order to efficiently analyze the
Damage mechanics
progressive failure phenomenon in glass/carbon fiber-reinforced composite laminates. The developed
Progressive failure
ABAQUS user-defined subroutine
subroutine was applied to the failure of industrial composite laminates, and the analysis results were
compared to the experimental/numerical results previously reported in the literature. This comparative
study confirmed that the simulation results were in good agreement with the reported composite failure
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0263-8223/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C.-S. Lee et al. / Composite Structures 121 (2015) 406–419 407
and fabrication of particular industrial structures such as wind tur- cracking, and fiber/matrix interface shear failure), along with their
bine blades [10]. associated damage evolution laws, which incorporated different
On the other hand, the initial fiber failure is the main design damage variables and conjugate forces. The numerical analysis
criterion to ensure the structural safety of a composite structure. results were compared to the amounts of internal pressure and
In other words, the failure of a single fiber represents the total radial displacement in a burst test of a composite cylindrical
failure of the structure. However, this design criterion is too storage vessel.
redundant and conservative, and it is laborious to describe the In addition, there have been a few similar studies on simulation
progressive failure of the fiber and/or matrix under increasing methods and damage models for the progressive failure of
static loads or cyclic fatigue loads. composite laminates, e.g., a failure model based on a generalized
In order to remove the aforementioned obstacle, tensile, laminate plate theory [14], an LaRC04 failure criterion-orthotropic
compressive, shear, and fatigue tests of composite laminates are damage model that took into account the crack closure effect
commonly carried out to investigate the failure features from the [15,16], a fully 3D continuum damage model [17], a micro-
initial to final failure. Although such material tests are considered mechanical model based on a unit cell [18], and a Hashin failure
to be reliable and straightforward, a huge investment in time and criterion-material properties degradation model [19].
cost are needed to establish the experimental facilities. In these studies, the onset and growth of composite internal
As an alternative approach, a damage mechanics-coupled FEA defects were successfully analyzed, but there were two kinds of
method is widely adopted nowadays. Based on damage mechanics, challenging factors for industrial utilization. First, the assessment
it is feasible to quantitatively describe the relationship between method was conducted in the framework of in-house FEA code
the increase in a material’s internal defects and the decrease in rather than commercial FEA code such as ABAQUS. Second, the
its stiffness. Although it requires a somewhat substantial amount initial failure was estimated using only the criterion of Hashin
of computational time, it is possible to simulate the progressive rather than that of Puck. However, many classification societies
damage to a composite structure using the simple material proper- such as Germanischer Lloyd specify the use of the Puck criterion
ties of a composite laminate.
There is a large body of literature on the progressive failure
analysis of composites, much of which exploits the damage Table 3
mechanics and material stiffness degradation methods. Chang EWM conditions for each failure mode.
and Chang [11] carried out two kinds of composite laminate Failure mode Condition for validity Damage value
analyses. They assessed the stress and strain on the basis of the
Tensile fiber mode (1) dft = 1
classical lamination theory and calculated the damage accumula- Compressive fiber mode (2) dfc = 1
tions using a material degradation-implemented failure criterion Tensile matrix mode (3) dmt = 1
that they proposed. Their research confirmed that the results of a Compressive matrix mode (4) and (5) dmc = 1
numerical analysis of the initial and progressive failures of cen-
ter-notched composite laminates under tensile loads coincided
well with those of experiments. Tay et al. [12] proposed an element
failure method to effectively express the damage growth in a
framework of finite elements. Progressive failures were detected
using various types of failure models such as the Tsai–Wu and
micromechanics-based failure criteria, and the results of numerical
analyses were compared to the tensile test results for double-
notched composite laminates. Liu and Zheng [13] developed an
energy-based damage model to predict the damage/flaw propaga-
tion in three-dimensional (3D) composite cylindrical laminates,
which were fabricated using a filament winding method. Three
kinds of failure modes were proposed (i.e., fiber breakage, matrix
Table 1
Application conditions for Puck failure criterion.
Table 2
Recommended values for inclination parameters.
Parameter Value
GFRP/Epoxy CFRP/Epoxy
vp 0.30 0.35
vp 0.25 0.30
pvv 0.20–0.25 0.25–0.30
Fig. 1. Algorithm for ABAQUS user-defined subroutine.
408 C.-S. Lee et al. / Composite Structures 121 (2015) 406–419
(a) Ply stacking sequence [90/±30]S (b) 90° fiber angle direction at 1st ply
(c) +30° fiber angle direction at 2nd ply (d) -30° fiber angle direction at 3rd ply
Fig. 2. Ply stacking sequence and fiber angle direction for E-glass/LY556 composite laminate.
C.-S. Lee et al. / Composite Structures 121 (2015) 406–419 409
(3) Matrix failure in transverse tension The application conditions for Eqs. (1)–(5) are listed in Table 1.
2 2 2 In this table, RAvv is the fracture resistance of the action plane
s21 YT r22 r22 r11 against its fracture due to transverse/transverse shear stressing,
þ 1 pþv p þ pþv p þ ¼1 ð3Þ
S21 S21 YT S21 r11D and s21c is the shear stress at the ‘‘turning point’’ of the (r22, s21)
fracture curve.
On the other hand, the main parameters for the Puck failure
(4) Matrix failure in moderate transverse compression A
criterion such as pþ
v p , pv p , pvv , Rvv , and s21c can be obtained by using
1 r11 the following formulae.
s221 þ ðpv p r22 Þ2 þ pv p r22 þ ¼1 ð4Þ
S21 r11D ds21
pþv p ¼ of ðr22 ; s21 Þcur v e; r22 P 0 ð6Þ
dr22 r2 ¼0
(5) Matrix failure in large transverse compression
" 2 2 # ds21
s21 r22 YC r11 pv p ¼ of ðr22 ; s21 Þcur v e; r22 6 0 ð7Þ
þ þ ¼1 ð5Þ dr22 r2 ¼0
2ð1 þ pvv ÞS21 YC ðr22 Þ r11D
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi !
where e1T and e1C are the tensile and compressive failure A Y S21 YC
strains of a unidirectional layer in the x1 direction, respec- Rvv ¼ ¼ 1 þ 2pv p 1 ð8Þ
2ð1 þ pvv Þ 2pv p S21
tively; e1 is the normal strain of a unidirectional layer; mf12
and Ef1 are Poisson’s ratio and Young’s modulus for the fiber
in the x1 direction, respectively; mrf is the mean stress mag- pvv ¼ pv p vv ð9Þ
nification factor for the fibers in the x2 direction; r11 and r22 S21
are the normal stresses in a unidirectional layer; c21 and s21 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
are the shear strain and stress of a unidirectional layer in the s21c ¼ S21 1 þ 2pvv ð10Þ
elastic symmetry direction, respectively; S21 is the shear
strength of a unidirectional layer transverse and parallel to However, it is arduous to obtain some parameters such as pþ
v p , pv p ,
the fiber direction; pþ and p because the (r , s ) curve should be obtained using a ser-
v p , pv p , and pvv are the fracture plane vv 22 21
angle-dependent parameters; and r11D is the stress value ies of experiments. Accordingly, Puck et al. [20] recommended
for linear degradation. using the values listed in Table 2.
Table 7
Dimensions and ply orientations of test specimen.
Property T300/1304-C
E11 (MPa) 146,858
E22 (MPa) 11,376
G12 (MPa) 6185
m12 0.30
Ef1 (MPa) 230,000
mf12 0.2
e1T (%) 1.807
e1C (%) 0.652
XT (MPa) 1731
XC (MPa) 1379
YT (MPa) 67
YC (MPa) 268
S12 (MPa) 134
Fig. 4. Configurations of T300/1304-C test specimen.
410 C.-S. Lee et al. / Composite Structures 121 (2015) 406–419
Fig. 5. Ply stacking sequence and fiber angle direction for T300/1034-C composite laminate.
adopted the Lemaitre damage model to solve the thermal-induced the debonding failure problem of adhesively bonded joints. Kim
failure and fatigue failure problems of hot-dip galvanized struc- et al. [24,25], Lee et al. [26] and Kim et al. [27] used the isotropic
tural members and welded structures, respectively. Lee et al. [23] Bodner–Chan damage model to describe the crack propagation
employed the Gurson–Tvergaard void growth model to identify problems as well as the damage-induced viscoplastic behavior of
C.-S. Lee et al. / Composite Structures 121 (2015) 406–419 411
austenitic stainless steel structural members. Lee and Lee [28] C 012 ¼ E011 ðm21 þ m31 m23 ÞD ð26Þ
applied the anisotropic Bodner–Chan damage model to calculate
the progressive failure of a glass-fiber-reinforced polyurethane C 023 ¼ E022 ðm32 þ m12 m31 ÞD ð27Þ
foam-based liquefied natural gas insulation structure under a cyc-
lic impact load, as well as a unidirectional static load. C 013 ¼ E011 ðm31 þ m21 m32 ÞD ð28Þ
Although these damage models are well defined and widely
adopted, both the numerical derivation and implementation D ¼ 1=ð1 m12 m21 m23 m32 m31 m13 2m21 m32 m13 Þ ð29Þ
procedure for finite elements are considerably complicated. There
are two reasons. (1) Most of the damage models were designed for where Cij and C 0ij
are the initial and damaged material stiffness ten-
isotropic ductile materials. Thus, it is difficult to apply a general sors, respectively; df and dm are the total damage variables for the
damage model to anisotropic brittle materials. (2) Much effort is fiber and matrix, respectively; dft, dfc, dmt, and dmc are the fiber
required to identify the material parameters of a damage model, and matrix damage variables in relation to the tensile and compres-
i.e., an enormous number of material test results should be sive stress states, respectively; mij is the Poisson ratio tensor; and smt
obtained to define the exact material parameters. and smc are the loss control factors for the shear stiffness caused by
Consequently, in the present study, stress-based Puck failure the matrix tensile and compressive failures, respectively. In the
criterion were adopted to predict the evolution of damage. Namely, present study, the loss control factors were postulated as smt = 0.9
the damage initiation and growth were detected based on Puck’s and smt = 0.5.
criteria and material stiffness degradation method, respectively.
This approach is relatively simple and extensively used by compos- 3. Computational analysis procedures
ite researchers for strength estimation, as well as for progressive
failure analysis, and there have been a few reports of good agree- 3.1. Initial/progressive failure analysis procedure using ABAQUS user-
ment with the results of experiments, such as McCarthy et al. defined subroutine
[29] and Tay et al. [12].
The elastic stress–strain constitutive relation, fiber and matrix The stresses and strains for each element, as well as the mate-
damage variable with respect to the tensile and compressive stress rial properties, were implemented into the Puck failure criterion
states, and material constants for the initial and damage-coupled in order to predict the initial failures of composite laminates under
material stiffness for orthotropic composite laminates can be arbitrary loads.
written as follows. Once the failure was disclosed, the material stiffness of the
r11 9
C 11 C 12 C 13 0 0 0
e11 >
initially failed element was replaced by zero in compliance with
> r22 >
> 6C >
> e22 >
7> > Eqs. (14)–(22). This method is the so-called ‘‘element weakening
> >
> 6 12 C 22 C 23 0 0 0 7> >
> >
> 6 7>
> >
> method (EWM)’’ in the finite element (FE) procedure [26,28]. The
< r33 = 6 C 13 C 23 C 33 0 0 0 7< e33 = application conditions for the EWM for the tensile and compressive
6 0
7> e > ð11Þ
> r12 >>
> 6 0 0 2G12 0 0 7>
> 12 >>
fiber and matrix failure modes are listed in Table 3.
> >
> 6 7> >
> r > 4 0 5>
> >
> The aforementioned theory for the Puck failure criterion and the
23 >
0 0 0 2G23 0 > e23 >
: >
; material stiffness degradation model were implemented in the
r31 0 0 0 0 0 2G31 e31
commercial FEA code (ABAQUS) user-defined subroutine UMAT
in the present study. The computational algorithm that includes
df ¼ 1 ð1 dft Þð1 dfc Þ ð12Þ
the EWM is shown in Fig. 1.
dm ¼ 1 ð1 dmt Þð1 dmc Þ ð13Þ
Table 9
C 11 ¼ ð1 df ÞC 011 ð14Þ Analysis cases for initial failure analyses.
(c) Case C
Fig. 7. Initial failure stress envelopes and analysis cases.
As shown in this figure, two types of analyses were carried out: There are numerous experimental results available for compos-
an initial failure analysis and a complete failure analysis. During ite laminate failures under arbitrary loads. However, in the present
the former analysis, the stresses and strains of each element were study, the results presented by Soden’s research team [6–8], and
calculated using the constitutive relation (Eq. (11)) and its associ- Chang’s research team [11,30] were selected for validations of fail-
ated engineering constants (Eqs. (23)–(29)). In addition, the initial ure stress envelope and damage propagation, respectively.
failure was estimated based on the Puck failure criterion (Eqs. (1)–
(5)). If a failure was detected in any single element, the EWM was 3.2.1. Composite laminates for failure stress envelope validation
applied to the damaged element. Then, the material stiffness was The composite laminates for validation of failure stress were
modified using Eqs. (12)–(22), and the stresses and strains were fabricated from E-glass 21xK43 glass fiber and an LY556 epoxy
calculated repeatedly until the regions of interest completely matrix, and AS4 carbon fiber and a 3501-6 epoxy matrix. The lam-
failed. Finally, it was possible to obtain the stress, strain, and dam- inate layups for the glass-fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) and car-
age contours of the composite laminate finite elements, and we bon-fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) were [90/±30]S and [90/±45/
could predict the structural failure under given loading and bound- 0]S, respectively. The material properties and ply thickness for each
ary conditions. material are listed in Tables 4 and 5, respectively.
Although a parameter used in Eqs. (5) and (6), mrf (i.e., the mag-
3.2. Target materials for computational analyses nification factor of the mean stress for fiber in the x2 material
direction), could be determined by experiment, simple values for
In the present study, two types of comparison approaches were this parameter (mrf = 1.3 for GFRP and mrf = 1.1 for CFRP) were
introduced to verify the proposed computational analysis method, recommended by Puck and Schürmann [5].
i.e., validation through (1) failure stress envelope, and (2) damage Fig. 2 illustrates the total stacking sequence and fiber direction
propagation simulation. Hence, two different kinds of target mate- at each ply of the E-glass/LY556 laminate in the ABAQUS FE model.
rials were used for both validations. The hexahedral continuum shell element, i.e., SC8R in ABAQUS,
C.-S. Lee et al. / Composite Structures 121 (2015) 406–419 413
(a) Fiber failurecontour (case A-2) (b) Matrix failurecontour (case A-2)
(c) Fiber failure contour (case B-2) (d) Matrix failure contour (case B-2)
(e) Fiber failure contour (case C-2) (f) Matrix failure contour (case C-2)
Fig. 8. Fiber/matrix failure contour based on Puck failure criterion for case A-2, B-2 and C-2.
Table 10 Table 11
Initial failure analysis results and agreement with experimental results. Analysis cases for progressive failure analyses.
Case PFFIa PMFIb Failure Agreementc Case Loading condition Failure state
A-1 0.0371 0.4363 X O B-1 rx = 10 MPa, sxy = 30 MPa No failure
A-2 0.1483 1.7450 O O B-2 rx = 10 MPa, sxy = 60 MPa Initiation
A-3 0.4454 0.9012 X O B-2–1 rx = 10 MPa, sxy = 150 MPa Progression
A-4 0.7424 1.5020 O O B-2–2 rx = 10 MPa, sxy = 320 MPa Final
A-5 0.2222 1.5900 C O B-7 rx = 200 MPa, sxy = 40 MPa No failure
A-6 0.3327 1.5740 O O B-8 rx = 200 MPa, sxy = 80 MPa Initiation
A-7 0.4113 0.9386 X O B-8–1 rx = 200 MPa, sxy = 125 MPa Progression
A-8 0.5116 1.1720 O O B-8–2 rx = 200 MPa, sxy = 200 MPa Final
B-1 0.0661 0.7311 X O
B-2 0.1384 1.8240 O O
B-3 0.1674 3.4950 X X
B-4 0.2333 4.3120 O O
B-5 0.3727 0.8922 X O and progressive failures of a test specimen under an in-plane stress
B-6 0.4379 9.7880 O O state [6,7].
B-7 0.4767 1.0430 C O
The loading cases for the initial/progressive failure analyses are
B-8 0.5415 1.6640 O O
C-1 0.1018 0.4098 X O
listed in Table 6. During the analysis, the in-plane stress states (ry
C-2 0.3054 1.2290 O O vs rx and rx vs sxy) were considered because of the limitation of the
C-3 0.7174 0.5901 X O experimental results of the research by Soden et al. [6,7].
C-4 1.0760 0.8852 O O In addition, an example of the loading and boundary conditions
C-5 0.3804 0.5977 X O
for case B is illustrated in Fig. 3. As shown in this figure, two edges
C-6 0.5059 1.2550 O O
C-7 0.3804 0.5977 X O of the FE model are simply supported, namely, UX = 0 and UY = 0,
C-8 1.0470 1.3040 O O and the other edges are incrementally loaded by normal and shear
Accuracy of analysis results (%) 95.8 stresses.
Puck fiber failure index.
Puck matrix failure index. 3.2.2. Composite laminates for damage propagation validation
Agreement between Puck failure analysis results and experimental results. The composite laminates for validation of damage propagation
were made of T300/1034-C graphite/epoxy prepreg tapes. The con-
was adopted for the FE modeling, and the length and width of the figurations and the dimensions/ply orientations of the test speci-
test specimen were postulated to each be 10 mm because these men are shown in Fig. 4 and Table 7, respectively, and the
two dimensions were not important when investigating the initial material properties of T300/1034-C are listed in Table 8.
414 C.-S. Lee et al. / Composite Structures 121 (2015) 406–419
(a) Fiber failure contour (case B-1) (b) Fiber failure contour (case B-2)
(c) Fiber failure contour (case B-2-1) (d) Fiber failure contour (case B-2-2)
(e) Matrix failure contour (case B-1) (f) Matrix failure contour (case B-2)
(g) Matrix failure contour (case B-2-1) (h) Matrix failure contour (case B-2-2)
Fig. 10. Progressive fiber/matrix failure contours based on Puck failure criterion for case B-1/2/2–1/2–2.
C.-S. Lee et al. / Composite Structures 121 (2015) 406–419 415
(a) Fiber failure contour (case B-7) (b) Fiber failure contour (case B-8)
(c) Fiber failure contour (case B-8-1) (d) Fiber failure contour (case B-8-2)
(e) Matrix failure contour (case B-7) (f) Matrix failure contour (case B-8)
(g) Matrix failure contour (case B-8-1) (h) Matrix failure contour (case B-8-2)
Fig. 11. Progressive fiber/matrix failure contours based on Puck failure criterion for case B-7/8/8–1/8–2.
Fig. 13. Damage propagation of [(0/90)6]S laminate under each loading increment.
the boundary condition of the FE model, but no fiber failure is design tool for the detection of the initial failure of a composite
shown in Fig. 8(d). laminate because the analysis results are conservative from the
In particular, a matrix failure index cannot be estimated using viewpoint of the safety factor.
the classical failure criteria such as the maximum stress/strain,
Tsai–Hill, and Tsai–Wu criteria. Therefore, it is essential to 4.2.3. Analysis scenario for progressive failure
adopt the advanced failure criterion, e.g., the Puck criterion, for a Similar to the initial failure prediction analysis, the failure stress
precise estimation of the composite laminate-based structural envelope from initial to final failures that was already reported by
failure. Soden’s research group [6–8] was also adopted to validate the
Table 10 lists the two kinds of initial failure analysis results computational method in the present study. In particular, a pro-
using the proposed ABAQUS UMAT: the Puck fiber failure index gressive failure analysis was performed using case B (E-glass/
(PFFI) and Puck matrix failure index (PMFI). In addition, the agree- LY556 under in-plane normal and shear stresses) because a non-
ment and disagreement between the analysis and experiment are uniform distribution of the in-plane stress was observed in case
listed. B compared to the other analysis cases.
As shown in this table, the analysis results agree with the exper- Table 11 lists the analysis scenarios for the progressive failure
imental results with an accuracy of 95.8%. Although there is one analyses, and Fig. 9 illustrates the initial and final failure stress
overestimation case such as case B-3 in PMFI under the rx and envelopes, analysis cases, and failure states under the various rx
sxy stress state, the proposed analysis method might be a robust and sxy stress conditions.
C.-S. Lee et al. / Composite Structures 121 (2015) 406–419 417
Fig. 14. Damage propagation of [(0/±45/90)3]S laminate under each loading increment.
Fig. 15. Damage propagation of [(±45)6]S laminate under each loading increment.
Table 13
Comparison of failure stresses of T300/1304-C laminates.
In this figure, cases B-1 and B-7 show the no failure state, cases 4.2.4. Analysis results and discussions for progressive failure
B-2 and B-8 illustrate the initial failure state, cases B-2–1 and B-8– Figs. 10 and 11 represent the numerical analysis results for pro-
1 demonstrate the progressive failure state, and cases B-2–2 and B- gressive fiber and matrix failures based on the Puck criterion for
8–2 show the final failure state of the composite laminates. Hence, cases B-1, B-2, B-2–1, and B-2–2, and cases B-7, B-8, B-8–1, and
it was confirmed that the safe, failure onset, failed–not failed B-8–2, respectively. As shown in these figures, as the magnitude
mixed, and totally failed regions can be observed in the FE model of the applied stress increases, the gray domain that represents
during the computational analysis. the failed region increases.
418 C.-S. Lee et al. / Composite Structures 121 (2015) 406–419
It is interesting that all of the elements in the matrix failure Fig. 13 shows the growth of fiber and matrix damage of [(0/
mode change to gray, but not all of the elements in the fiber failure 90)6]S laminate at the 17,000 N, 26,000 N and 32,000 N loading
mode do. In particular, none of the elements in the Puck fiber states. The initial matrix damage was observed in the region of
failure mode become gray. In other words, no progressive fiber fail- center hole under approximately 17,000 N. As the load was
ure could be observed in the Puck fiber failure during the calcula- increased, the matrix damage was propagated through the lami-
tion because the material damage of the fiber was not affected by nates. In addition, the fiber damage was also investigated at the
the aforementioned stress state. domain of center hole under about 26,000 N. The failed region
On the other hand, the characteristics of the progressive failure induced by matrix crack is much wider than that induced by fiber
rate were investigated in this study. Table 12 lists the failed ele- breakage. Finally, the test specimen was totally failed when the
ments from the no-failure to final-failure analyses in cases B-2 load was approached approximately 32,000 N.
and B-8, and Fig. 12 illustrates the relationship between the equiv- Fig. 14 demonstrates the growth of fiber and matrix damage of
alent (von Mises) stress and the number of damaged elements. The [(0/±45/90)3]S laminate at the 13,000 N, 17,000 N and 21,000 N
total number of elements in case B was 200. loading states. Similar to the [(0/90)6]S laminate, the matrix crack-
As shown in this table and figure, as the equivalent stress ing was initiated on the center hole region under approximately
increases, the growth rate of the Puck matrix failure rapidly 13,000 N. As the load is increased from 17,000 N to 21,000 N, the
increases. However, no Puck fiber failure was observed during cracking was propagated to the perpendicular direction from the
the analysis. Hence, it could be confirmed that the in-plane com- loading direction, especially, it was concentrated in the region of
plex stress could lead to a matrix failure rather than a fiber failure center hole. However, the mixed failure of fiber breakage and
of a composite laminate. matrix cracking was represented to the 45° from the loading direc-
Furthermore, the slope of the damage accumulation under a tion when the load was reached approximately 21,000 N.
large amount of compressive stress in the fiber direction (case B Fig. 15 represents the growth of fiber and matrix damage of
-7/B-8) is larger than that with a small amount of compressive [(±45)6]S laminate at the 8,800 N, 9,000 N and 9,200 N loading
stress (case B-1/B-2). Therefore, it could be theorized that a matrix states. This laminate show slightly different failure aspect among
failure expeditiously propagates under a compressive stress in the other laminates. Namely, the fiber breakage was occurred on the
fiber direction. This result means that if the combined stresses such center hole under about 9,800 N. And then, as the load is margin-
as the in-plane shear stress and compressive stress in the fiber ally increased, the small amount of fiber damage was propagated
direction are applied to a composite structure, a catastrophic fail- along the 90° from the loading direction. At last, the test specimen
ure can occur. was entirely fractured under approximately 10,200 N. One of the
Although the progressive failure rate could not be specifically distinguished characteristic of this test specimen is that the failed
validated because of the limitation of the experimental results, region of matrix cracking as well as fiber breakage is relatively
the progressive failure magnitude could be verified using the intro- sharp.
duced computational analysis method and ABAQUS UMAT, and the Although the damaged zone of each test specimen is not exactly
analysis results were in good agreement with the results reported coincided with the literature [11] due to the difference of failure
in the literature [6,7]. Hence, it was confirmed that the developed criterion, the damage propagation tendency of matrix cracking
method could be a good analysis tool for initial and progressive and fiber breakage under each load increment is corresponded
failure evaluations of composite laminate-based structures. with the literature as shown in Figs. 13–15.
On the other hand, Table 13 represents the comparison of stres-
4.3. Validation for damage propagation ses at initial and final failure states between literature and present
study. As shown in this table, the simulation results underesti-
4.3.1. Analysis scenario mated the ultimate stress approximately 7–10% compared to the
On the other hand, in order to validate the developed analysis calculation results of literature. Although there is somewhat of
method for simulation of damage propagation, the fiber and matrix an error in present analysis results, it was confirmed that the pro-
damage growth data of center-holed T300/1304-C test specimen posed analysis method could be considered as a practical design
during the uniaxial tensile test that was previously addressed by tool for the detection of the progressive failure of a composite lam-
Chang’s research team [11,30] was applied in this study. inate since the amount of error is reasonable and the analysis
In the experimental results carried by Chang’s research group, results are conservative from the viewpoint of the safety factor.
the ultimate tensile strengths as well as the damage propagations
were investigated with respect to seven kinds of stacking
sequences, namely, [(0/90)6]S, [(0/±45/90)3]S, [(902/±60/±30)2]S, 5. Concluding remarks
[(±45)6]S. [0/±45/907]S, [0/(±45)2/907]S and [0/(±45)3/903]S, and
three kinds of width ratio (W/D), namely, 4.0, 6.0 and 8.0 for In the present study, the onset and growth of cracks in a CFRP/
T300/1304-C composite laminates. However, in the present study, GFRP composite laminate were successfully estimated and
load–displacement and damage growth are simulated with respect predicted using the Puck failure criterion and a damage mecha-
to three kinds of stacking sequence and W/D = 4.0 width ratio, as nism-based computational method. Furthermore, the numerical
aforementioned in Table 7. Furthermore, the right edge is displace- analysis results were compared to the failure test results
ment-controlled to the fiber direction (X-direction) during the previously reported in the literature.
analysis. The primary research results and further study topics are listed
4.3.2. Analysis results and discussions
Figs. 13–15 demonstrates the computational simulation results A new computational analysis method for the practical evalua-
for fiber and matrix damage growth regarding to three kinds of tion of the initial and progressive failures of glass/carbon fiber-
T300/1304-C test specimens, namely, [(0/90)6]S, [(0/±45/90)3]S reinforced composite laminates using advanced assessment
and [(±45)6]S laminates based on Puck failure criterion. The specific function such as the Puck failure criterion was developed based
failure characteristics of each simulation results are discussed on the user-defined subroutine UMAT in the commercial FEA
below. code ABAQUS.
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