Public Non-Commercial Use Compulsory Licensing
Public Non-Commercial Use Compulsory Licensing
Public Non-Commercial Use Compulsory Licensing
Volume 32 Issue 2
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Recommended Citation
Pier DeRoo, Public Non-Commercial Use' Compulsory Licensing for Pharmaceutical Drugs in Government
Health Care Programs, 32 MICH. J. INT'L L. 347 (2011).
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* J.D. Candidate 2011, University of Michigan Law School; A.B. 2006, Chemistry,
Princeton University. Thank you to my fianc6e Sarah for her support and inspiration; to
Professor Margaret Radin for her advice and guidance; and to my editors and the staff of the
Michigan Journalof Internationallaw for their patience and hard work on this Note.
348 Michigan Journalof InternationalLaw [Vol. 32:347
The TRIPS Agreement forms one of the three pillars of the World
Trade Organization (WTO),4 formally linking intellectual property (IP)
protection with trade. In order to harmonize IP protection at a global lev-
el, TRIPS aims to "reduce distortions and impediments to international
trade" from an IP perspective.! Thus, TRIPS obligates all WTO Member
states to implement a minimum regime of IP rights to provide security
and predictability, and to ensure that IP protection contributes "to the
mutual advantage of producers and users of technological knowledge.'
For many countries, the minimum TRIPS standards required that they
take pharmaceutical drugs out of the public domain.
TRIPS recognizes that patents may pose an inappropriate barrier to
technology access under certain circumstances, and therefore permits
Member states to use compulsory licenses. Through compulsory licens-
ing and other "TRIPS flexibilities,"' IP harmonization is incomplete.! A
299 [hereinafter TRIPS]. All World Trade Organization (WTO) Members are required to be
parties to TRIPS. Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization art. 11.2,
Apr. 15, 1994, 1867 U.N.T.S. 154 ("The agreements and associated legal instruments included
in Annexes 1, 2 and 3 .. . are integral parts of this Agreement, binding on all Members.").
4. The three pillars of the WTO regime are TRIPS; the Multilateral Agreements on
Trade in Goods, Apr. 15, 1994, Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organiza-
tion, Annex IA, 1867 U.N.T.S. 187; and the General Agreement on Trade in Services, Apr. 15,
1994, Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, Annex IB, 1869
U.N.T.S. 183.
5. TRIPS pmbl.
6. Id. arts. 1.1, 7.
7. Id. art. 27.1 ("[Platents shall be available and patent rights enjoyable without dis-
crimination as to . . . the field of technology."). Although most developing nations inherited
colonial intellectual property (IP) laws, certain reformist nations like India, Brazil, and Mex-
ico had lowered patent protection for pharmaceuticals in order to ensure a cheap supply of
drugs for their populations. DEERE, supra note 1, at 40. They had to increase pharmaceutical
patent protection under TRIPS, although they were given a period of time to implement these
changes. Id. at 68-69, 70-74. One account of the TRIPS negotiations suggests that African
nations "signed a death warrant for citizens of their country" by accepting heightened IP pro-
8. "TRIPS flexibilities" are the provisions that explicitly or implicitly permit deviation
from the intended harmonizing minimum standards of IP rights. See World Trade Organiza-
tion, Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, 114, 5(b), WT/MIN(0l)/DEC/2
(Nov. 14, 2001), 41 I.L.M. 755 (2002) [hereinafter Doha Declaration] ("We agree that the
TRIPS Agreement does not and should not prevent Members from taking measures to protect
public health.... [W]e reaffirm the right of WTO Members to use, to the full, the provisions
in the TRIPS Agreement, which provide flexibility for this purpose.... [W]e recognize that
theseflexibilities include [compulsory licensing, etc.]") (emphases added).
9. See TRIPS art. 31. TRIPS is further flexible, for example, with regard to patentable
subject matter, patent exhaustion, and substantive standards for patentability. See id. art. 27.3
(permitting member states to exclude medical procedures and life forms from patentability);
id. art. 6 (leaving the issue of exhaustion of intellectual property rights to member states); id.
art 27.1 (requiring only that an invention be "new, involve an inventive step, and [be] capable
of industrial application," without dictating the strength of these criteria); Geeta Anand, Drug
Makers Decry Indian Patent Law, WALL ST. J., Feb. 12, 2010,
SBl0001424052748703455804575057621354459804.html (illustrating that the Indian patent
350 Michigan Journalof InternationalLaw [Vol. 32:347
agency "has a higher bar for issuing patents," much to the consternation of the pharmaceutical
10. TRIPS pmbl. ("[r]ecognizing that intellectual property rights are private rights").
11. See sources cited supra note 1.
12. See, e.g., Cohen, supra note 1, at 816 (describing Merck's competition with a ge-
neric version of an HIV/AIDS drug under compulsory license); Editorial, Drugs in Thailand,
FIN. TIMEs (London), Jan. 31, 2007, at 14 (describing a generic version of an HIV drug under
compulsory license, which undercut Merck's market for its patented version); Jean Francois
Tremblay, Drug Patent Struggles in Asia, CHEMICAL & ENGINEERING NEWS, Feb. 5, 2007, at
11 (describing legal activity taken by innovative pharmaceutical companies faced with generic
competition under compulsory licenses); see also DEERE, supra note 1,at 230-32 (illustrating
that the mere threat of a compulsory license often causes patent-holding pharmaceutical com-
panies to reduce prices).
13. TRIPS art. 3 1(b); see also DEERE, supra note 1, at 81-82 (noting that a compulsory
license can only be granted after reasonable negotiations have failed, although "[prior negotia-
tion] does not apply in the case of public, non-commercial use or in the case of a national
emergency"); Cynthia Ho, Patent Breaking or Balancing?: Separating Strands of Fact from
Fiction Under TRIPS, 34 N.C. J. INT'L L. & COM. REG. 371, 400 (2009) (describing three
situations when prior negotiation is not required: "a national emergency, a 'circumstance of
extreme urgency,' or public non-commercial use").
14. Countries issuing compulsory licenses have included Mozambique, Swaziland,
Malaysia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, India, Guinea, Ghana, Rwanda, Brazil, and Thailand. See
DEERE, supra note 1, at 229-30.
15. See Doha Declaration, supra note 8, 5(c) ("it being understood that public health
crises, including those relating to HIV/AIDS . . . can represent a national emergency").
16. See THAI WHITE PAPER, supra note 2, at 38-46.
Winter 2011 ] "Public Non-Commercial Use" 351
17. Id.
DRUGS INTHAILAND 22-29 (2008) (Thai.). The Thai government cancelled one of the com-
pulsory licenses after one patent holder agreed to provide its cancer drug for free, but after a
governmental regime change, the new government indicated it would not revoke its other three
anti-cancer compulsory licenses. Ho, supra note 13, at 415-19; Darren Schuettler, Thailand
Scraps Patent Override on Novartis Drug, REUTERS ALERTNET, Feb. 1, 2008, [hereinafter Schuettler, Thailand
Scraps Patent Override]; Nopporn Wong-Anan, Thailand Will Override Cancer Drug
Patents, REUTERS, Mar. 10, 2008, available at
idUSBKK147647200803 10; see also Sinfah Tunsarawuth, Thailand Avoids Compulsory Li-
cense on Cancer Drug; 3 More Drugs Undecided, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY WATCH (Jan. 31,
19. See, e.g., E. Richard Gold & Danial K. Lam, Balancing Trade in Patents: Public
Non-Commercial Use and Compulsory Licensing, 6 J. WORLD INTELL. PROP. 5, 25 (2003);
Ho, supra note 13, at 402-04.
20. See Gold & Lam, supra note 19, at 25-26; Ho, supra note 13, at 412-13. A gov-
ernmental single-payer health care program is the paradigmatic example of a purely
government-run health care program. This governmental character gradually deteriorates the
more patients have to pay out of pocket for treatment. See, e.g., CONSTITUTION OF THE KING-
DOM OF THAI., § 51 (2007) ("A person has the right to be appropriately protected by the State
against harmful contagious diseases, and to have such diseases eradicated, without charge and
in a timely manner.").
RIGHTS 91 (1996) ("[Public non-commercial use] will invariably be use by government or by
a government instrumentality."); CARLOS M. CORREA, TRADE RELATED ASPECTS OF INTEL-
LECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS 316 (2007) (substituting the term "government use" for public
non-commercial use); Gold & Lam, supra note 19, at 25; see Ho, supra note 13, at 431-32;
Patrick Marc, Compulsory Licensing and the South African Medicine Act of 1997: Violation or
Compliance of the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Agreement?, 21
N.Y.L. SCH. J. INT'L & ComP. L. 109, 116 (2001); Jerome H. Reichmann, Comment, Compul-
sory Licensing of Patented PharmaceuticalInventions: Evaluating the Options, 37 J.L. MED.
& ETHICS 247, 256 (2009).
352 Michigan Journalof InternationalLaw [Vol. 32:347
22. James Love, Access to Medicine and Compliance with the WTO TRIPS Accord:
Models for State Practice in Developing Countries, in GLOBAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
RIGHTS 74, 74 (Peter Drahos & Ruth Mayne eds., 2002) ("[TRIPS] is actually fairly permis-
sive on [compulsory licensing]. For example, for public non-commercial use, . . . the only
obligation [is] the payment of 'adequate' compensation."); SISULE F. MUSUNGU & CECILIA
CESS TO MEDICINES? 20 (2005) [hereinafter CIPIH REPORT]; Gold & Lam, supra note 19, at
25-26, 30 (arguing that public non-commercial use should be similarly "liberally inter-
preted"); Ho, supra note 13, at 402-04 (coming to a definition "sufficiently broad to cover
nearly any use relating to a nation's citizens ... [not] for business or profit").
23. For example, one commentator described the Plavix licensing efforts as "chal-
leng[ing] patents for a 'life-style' disease," although there are no minimum criteria for
determining whether a disease has reached national emergency status. Piya Wong, Thailand
Backs Off Threat to Break Drug Patents, SCIDEv.NET (Feb. 8, 2007),
en/news/thailand-backs-off-threat-to-break-drug-patents.html; see also Roger Bate, Thai-ing
Pharma Down, WALL ST. J. (Eastern ed.), Feb. 9, 2007, available at
article/25585 ("[P]atents can be broken in emergencies. However, it's hard for anyone to argue
that heart disease meets such stringent tests."); Bangkok's Drug War Goes Global, WALL ST.
J., Mar. 7, 2007, SBl17322181443628799.html ("Thailand
clearly doesn't have an HIV/AIDS epidemic, and heart disease isn't a 'national emergency.'");
Theft in Thailand, supra note 1.
24. This Note recognizes that categorizing diseases as "emergencies" or "non-
emergencies" or "lifestyle diseases" is a tenuous endeavor, since HIV/AIDS could be framed,
for example, as the result of the unfortunate lifestyle choice to engage in unprotected sexual
activity. Accordingly, given Thailand's compulsory licenses under the public non-commercial
use provision of TRIPS Article 3 1(b), and its maintenance of a "wish list" of patented drugs to
treat cancer and other diseases, this Note instead suggests that Thailand has at least contem-
plated a broad program of compulsory licensing under the public non-commercial use
provision, and attempts to address the issues that broader similar compulsory licensing prac-
tices present. See THAI WHITE PAPER, supra note 2, at 2 (noting that Thai citizens are entitled
to full access to 900 drugs, many patented, on the government's essential drugs list); Editorial,
The Licensing of Key Drugs, BANGKOK PosT, June 16, 2010,
opinion/opinion/38827/the-licensing-of-key-drugs (illustrating that Thailand continues to
maintain its compulsory licensing practices).
Winter 2011 ] "PublicNon-Commercial Use" 353
25. Many have suggested alternative remedies to ensure expanded access to pharma-
ceutical drugs while maintaining the profit margins required for continued research and
development (R&D). Some of these include adjusting the TRIPS-mandated royalty payments
to the patent holder under a compulsory license, employing parallel importation to encourage
price competition, segregating markets to better enable price discrimination, and governmental
R&D systems. See, e.g., Daniel R. Cahoy, Confronting Myths and Myopia on the Road from
Doha, 42 GA. L. REV. 131 (2007); Patricia M. Danzon & Adrian Towse, Diferential Pricing
for Pharmaceuticals:Reconciling Access, R&D and Patents, 3 INT'L J. HEALTH CARE FIN.
ECON. 183 (2003); John A. Harrelson, TRIPS, PharmaceuticalPatents, and the HIV/AIDS
Crisis: Finding the ProperBalance Between Intellectual Property Rights and Compassion, 7
WIDENER L. SYMP. J. 175 (2001); Zita Lazzarini, Making Access to Pharmaceuticalsa Real-
ity: Legal Options Under TRIPS and the Case of Brazil, 6 YALE HUM. RTs. & DEv. L.J. 103,
111-12 (2003); Antony Taubman, Rethinking TRIPS: 'Adequate Remuneration' for Non-
Voluntary PatentLicensing, 11 J. INT'L EcoN. L. 927 (2008).
Policy changes tend to occur at a glacial pace at the politically charged intersection of
patents and public health. See, e.g., Frederick M. Abbott & Jerome H. Reichmann, The Doha
Round's Public Health Legacy: Strategiesfor the Productionand Diffusion of Patented Medi-
cines Under the Amended TRIPS Provisions, 10 J. INT'L EcoN. L. 921, 933 (2007)
(pessimistically expressing, with regard to the TRIPS Amendment, WTO General Council,
Amendment of the TRIPS Agreement, Decision of 6 December 2005, WT/L/641 (Dec. 8,
2005), that "[tihe authors are inclined to believe there is not much room in the present global
political environment for negotiating a different deal from the one presently on the table"); In
Parenthesis,EcoNoMisT, Nov. 13, 1999, at 112 (describing that in WTO trade-liberalization
talks "'[t]here are 77 paragraphs and they're nearly all bracketed. That means almost nothing
is agreed' . . . Many developing countries, including India and Pakistan, say they will not even
discuss an agenda for further liberalization unless they are granted some leeway in implement-
ing previous commitments in such areas as intellectual property and customs practices. But
America, among others, says this is tantamount to reopening done deals. And so on.").
354 Michigan Journalof InternationalLaw [Vol. 32:347
security, and critical peril to the life of the general public.26 Powerful de-
veloping countries, first pushing to keep IP issues outside the Uruguay
negotiations, later advocated for a broader compulsory licensing provi-
sion. 2 ' The final agreement represented a compromise, permitting
Member countries to issue compulsory licenses on their individual mer-
its (1) when reasonable commercial negotiations have failed; (2) without
prior negotiation when a national emergency or other circumstance of
extreme urgency has arisen; or (3) without prior negotiation when the
compulsory license is for "public non-commercial use." 28 No relevant
WTO panel decisions or other authoritative interpretations of this lan-
guage exist, leaving countries facing health problems hopeful that
compulsory licensing will help improve access to drugs, while the phar-
maceutical industry fears that extensive compulsory licensing will
dissolve its R&D structure and leave a generic drug commodities market
in its place.29 Compulsory licensing practices, however, continue to ex-
pand from responding to purely national emergencies toward addressing
everyday health care.
AGREEMENT: DRAFTING HISTORY AND ANALYSIS 3, 248 (2d ed. 2003) (providing the July 23,
1990 draft text of TRIPS Article 31).
27. Certain developing countries, especially India and Brazil, attempted to negotiate
compulsory licensing provisions as broadly as possible. See DEERE, supra note 1, at 54-56;
REICHMANN WITH HASENZAHL, supra note 1, at 14; Reichmann, supra note 21, at 247-48
("[If the developing countries lost the war, in the sense that their generic pharmaceutical
industries could no longer freely reverse-engineer [foreign patented drugs], then they won a
great battle with specific regard to the question of compulsory licenses.").
28. TRIPS art. 3 1(b); DEERE, supra note 1, at 81-82; see also Ho, supra note 13, at
29. A commodities market for pharmaceuticals merely reflects the costs of ingredients
and production, leaving little margin to conduct R&D. For a brief discussion of a knowledge-
based R&D industry encountering a market-shift to a commodities market, see DRAHOS WITH
BRAITHWAITE, supra note 7, at 57-60.
30. Developing countries hoped that the multilateral TRIPS Agreement would reduce or
eliminate bilateral trade pressure to strengthen IP protection. See, e.g., DEERE, supra note 1, at
OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 112 (1998). The United States in particular, however, has actu-
ally increased its use of bilateral trade pressure post-TRIPS, although actual retaliation has
been rare. See DEERE, supra note 1, at 159-61, 341-42. Europe has also been active, although
at times a "quiet free-rider" on American bilateral trade activity. Id. at 50; see, e.g., DRAHOS
WITH BRAITHWAITE, supra note 7, at 7. Although some maintain that the "whole point of
multilateral agreements is to protect countries from the bilateral jungle where the strongest
always win," a WTO panel has upheld U.S. bilateral trade legislation in a case brought by the
WAinter 2011]1 "PublicNon-Commercial Use" 355
by U.S. "sticks and carrots" trade legislation in the form of benefits un-
der the Generalized System of Preferences3 ' (GSP), Section 301,32 and
the Special 301 "watch lists.""3 IP-related trade pressure came to a cata-
clysmic convergence with public health interests in South Africa in the
late 1990s, however, when the South African government issued compul-
sory licenses for drugs to combat its rapidly spreading HIV/AIDS
Nelson Mandela signed amendments to South Africa's Medicines
and Related Substances Control Acte in late 1997 to allow South Africa
to buy cheaper drugs from other countries via parallel importation" to
European Union. Evelyne Herfkens, Comment, TRIPs and Public Health, Opportunitiesfor
Doha, BRIDGES (Int'l Ctr. for Trade & Sustainable Dev.), Oct. 2001, at 3, 3, available at; Panel Report, United States-Sections 301-
310 of the Trade Act of 1974, 1 1.1, 8.1, WT/DS152/R (Dec. 22, 1999).
31. 19 U.S.C. §§ 2461-2467 (2006); see DRAHOS WITH BRAITHWAITE, supra note 7, at
86. The Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program is "designed to promote economic
growth in the developing world [by] provid[ing] preferential duty-free treatment for over
3,400 products from 131 designated beneficiary countries and territories." OFFICE OF THE U.S.
(2010). Because developing countries depend on trade with the United States more than the
reverse, threatening revocation of GSP benefits is an effective method of encouraging strong
IP protection. See DRAHOS WITH BRAITHWAITE, supra note 7, at 86-88.
32. 19 U.S.C. § 2411 (2010) (permitting, and sometimes requiring, that the United
States Trade Representative take appropriate action if "an act, policy, or practice of a foreign
country is unreasonable or discriminatory and burdens or restricts United States commerce,"
including inadequate or ineffective protection of IP rights).
33. 19 U.S.C. § 2242 (2010) (requiring that the United States Trade Representative
(USTR) formulate lists of countries that deny adequate and effective protection of intellectual
property rights, with those having the most egregious acts or policies going on the priority
watch list). The USTR thereby publishes, in increasing order of severity, a "watch list," a "pri-
ority watch list," and a list of "priority foreign countries." Priority foreign countries have been
said to reside on "trade's death row." Peter Drahos, Global Law Reform and Rent-Seeking: The
Case of Intellectual Property, 7 AUSTL. J. CORP. L. 45, 51 (1996). There are, however, politi-
cal limits to bilateral trade pressure. India, for example, has made itself a permanent fixture
either as a priority foreign country or on the priority watch list for eighteen consecutive years
without suffering trade sanctions. See DRAHOS WITH BRAITHWAITE, supra note 7, at 88 (not-
ing that India last suffered GSP trade sanctions in 1992); The U.S. Special 301 Reports, 1989
to 2010, KNOWLEDGE ECOLOGY INT'L, (last visited Nov.
13, 2010).
34. See Kathy Chenault et al., Will the AIDS Plague Change U.S. Trade Policy?, Bus.
WK., Sept. 13, 1999, at 58 (noting that around sixteen percent of South African adults are
35. Medicines and Related Substances Control Amendment Act No. 90 of 1997 (S.
36. Parallel importation occurs when a country with high drug prices purchases from a
source in a country with lower drug prices. On an individual consumer level, if a pharmaceuti-
cal company charges a high price to U.S. consumers, some U.S. consumers might seek to
purchase their drugs from another country where prices are lower, such as Canada, thereby
engaging in parallel importation. See Alan 0. Sykes, TRIPS, Pharmaceuticals,Developing
Countries, and the Doha "Solution", 3 CHI. J. INT'L L. 47, 63 (2002); see also Mary Pat Fla-
herty & Gilbert M. Gaul, Millions ofAmericans Look Outside U.S. For Drugs: Desirefor Low
356 Michigan JournalofInternationalLaw [Vol. 32:347
Prices Often Outweighs Obeying Law, WASH. POsT, Oct. 23, 2003, http:// Paral-
lel importation has importance beyond pricing when a country issues a compulsory license,
but does not have a domestic pharmaceutical industry capable of producing the drugs under
license. See, e.g., World Health Organization (WHO), Implications of the Doha Declaration
on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, at 19-21, WHO/EDM/PAR/2002.3, 34 (June
2002) (by Carlos M. Correa) [hereinafter Implications of the Doha Declaration].TRIPS was
amended in 2005 to explicitly permit parallel importation under such a situation. WTO Gen-
eral Council, Amendment of the TRIPS Agreement, WT/1U641 (Dec. 8, 2005).
37. TRIPS requires that production under a compulsory license be "predominantly for
the supply of the domestic market." TRIPS art. 31 (f). Thus, a country producing under a com-
pulsory license will likely have very little excess supply to import to other countries having a
compulsory license on the same drug without treading into uncertain legal territory. After a
recent TRIPS amendment, however, parallel importation is permitted in situations like the one
South Africa faced in the late 1990s. See infra text accompanying notes 50-52.
38. DEERE, supra note 1, at 227-28; [1 MAKING THE RULES] CHARAN DEVEREAUX ET
AL., CASE STUDIES IN US TRADE NEGOTIATION 82-87 (2006); Marc, supra note 21, at 121-
22; Chenault et al., supra note 34, at 58; Pharm. Research Mfrs. Ass'n, Submission of the
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) for the National Trade
Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers (NTE) 2000: South Africa (Dec. 3, 1999) (unpub-
lished report), availableat; see Act
of Oct. 21, 1998, Pub. L. No. 105-277, 112 Stat. 2681-1, 2681-155 ("[N]one of the funds
appropriated under this heading may be made available for assistance for the central Govern-
ment of the Republic of South Africa, until the Secretary of State reports ... on the steps
being taken . . . to negotiate the repeal, suspension, or termination of section 15(c) of South
Africa's Medicines and Related Substances Control Amendment Act No. 90 of 1997[.]"). The
USTR also alleged in its Special 301 Report that "[d]uring the past year, South African repre-
sentatives have led a faction of nations in the World Health Organization (WHO) in calling for
a reduction in the level of protection provided for pharmaceuticals in TRIPS." 1999 USTR
SPECIAL 301 REP. 21.
39. See Marc, supra note 21, at 117, 119-22.
Winter 2011] "Public Non-Commercial Use" 357
40. Merrill Goozner, Third World Battles for Aids Drugs, CHI. TRIB., Apr. 28, 1999,
south-africa-aids-drugs; see also DEERE, supra note 1, at 229.
41. Editorial, Drugs for AIDS in Africa, N.Y. TIMEs, Aug. 23, 1999, http://www.
42. Doug Ireland, Editorial, AIDS Drugsfor Africa, NATION, Oct. 4, 1999, at 5.
43. See, e.g., id.
44. Press Release, S. Afr. Dep't of Trade & Indus., Joint Understanding Between the
Governments of South Africa and the United States of America (Sept. 17, 1999), available at; DEVEREAUX ET AL., supra
note 38, at 87; Steven Lee Myers, South Africa and U.S. End Dispute over Drugs, N.Y. TIMES,
Sept. 18, 1999, at A8.
45. Exec. Order No. 13155, 3 C.F.R. 268, 270 (2000).
46. The parties essentially agreed that South Africa would proceed "cautiously and
prudently" with regards to compulsory licensing practices. DEERE, supra note 1, at 229. The
pharmaceutical industry also lowered the prices of HIV/AIDS medications in Africa while
"requiring assurances that the drugs would not be reexported elsewhere and demonstration of
an adequate health care infrastructure." DEVEREAUX ET AL., supra note 38, at 90-91, 94.
358 Michigan Journal of InternationalLaw [Vol. 32:347
47. US, Brazil End WTO Case on Patents, Split on Bilateral Process, INSIDE U.S.
TRADE, June 29, 2001, at 1, 2.
48. Implications of the Doha Declaration,supra note 36, at 2.
49. Doha Declaration, supra note 8, 4
50. Id. I 5(b).
51. Id. 5(c).
52. Amendment of the TRIPS Agreement, supra note 36, art. 31 bis, 1; Press Release,
WTO, Members OK Amendment to Make Health Flexibility Permanent (Dec. 6, 2005), avail-
able at; see also Taubman, supra
note 25, at 935 (noting that this TRIPS Amendment "remains the sole formal amendment to
the entire Uruguay Round package").
Winter 2011]1 "PublicNon-Commercial Use" 359
53. See Reichman, supra note 21, at 250; Examples of Health-Related Compulsory
examples.html (last visited Nov. 13, 2010).
54. See, e.g., Zamiska, supra note 2; Keith Alcorn, Brazil Wins 75% Discount on New
HIV Drug, AIDSMAP NEWS (Nov. 17, 2003),
1568-4614-89D7-C51 F8A3DC6Al.asp.
55. See Reichman, supra note 21, at 249-50.
56. Id. at 250; Jill Carroll & Ron Winslow, Bayer Agrees to Slash Pricefor Cipro Drug,
WALL ST. J., Oct. 25, 2001, at A3.
57. Karen Emmons et al., One Night in Bangkok: Army Claims Coup in Thailand, IN-
DEPENDENT, Sept. 20, 2006, at 1.
58. Notification of the Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health Re:
Exercising of Right Under Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Products Patent (Nov. 29, 2006)
(Thai.), in THAI WHITE PAPER, supra note 2, at 38-40 [hereinafter Thai Efavirenz License];
see also Apiradee Treerutkuarkul, Local Version of New AIDS Drug Planned, BANGKOK POST,
Nov. 29, 2006.
59. Notification of the Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health Re:
Exercising of Right Under Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Products Patent for Combined Formu-
lation of Lopinavir and Ritonavir (Jan. 24, 2007) (Thai.), in THAI WHITE PAPER, supra note 2,
at 41-43 [hereinafter Thai Kaletra License].
60. Notification of the Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health Re:
Exercising of Right Under Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Products Patent for Clopidogrel (Jan.
25, 2007) (Thai.), in THAI WHITE PAPER, supra note 2, at 44-46 [hereinafter Thai Plavix Li-
61. THAI WHITE PAPER, supra note 2, at 5-7 (referring to the Thai compulsory licenses
as "Government Use of Patent"); Thai Efavirenz License, supra note 58; Thai Kaletra License,
supra note 59; Thai Plavix License, supra note 60.
360 Michigan Journalof InternationalLaw [Vol. 32:347
Thailand issued all three compulsory licenses pursuant to Section 51 of the Thai Patent
Act, which governs use for "any service for public consumption or which is of vital impor-
tance ... to prevent or to relieve a severe shortage of food, drugs or other consumption items."
Patent Act B.E. 2522, § 51 (1979), amended by Patent Act (No.3) B.E. 2542 (1999) (Thai.),
reprinted in THAI WHITE PAPER, supra note 2, at 30. The Thai government maintains that
drugs produced under a compulsory license "will be distributed only to those patients who are
covered by the government. Those who are well off and can afford to pay out of their own
pocket ... still have to pay the high price of patented products." THAI WHITE PAPER, supra
note 2, at 6 (emphasis omitted).
62. James Hookway & Nicholas Zamiska, Harsh Medicine: Thai Showdown Spotlights
Threat to Drug Patents: Abbott Protests Move to Buy Copycat Pills, But It Yields on Price,
WALL ST. J., Apr. 24, 2007, at Al; Darren Schuettler, Interview-Thailand Fed Up with High
Drug Prices, REUTERS, Feb. 18, 2007, available at
idUSSP34188520070219; see also Zamiska, supra note 2 (noting that there "are more prod-
ucts for which the government may allow copycat versions").
63. Zamiska, supra note 2 (quoting a Doctors Without Borders campaigner); see also
Nopporn Wong-Anan, Thailand Issues More Compulsory Drugs Licences, REUTERS, Jan. 25,
2007, available at ("AIDS activists applauded
Bangkok for taking a bold stance.").
64. 2007 USTR SPECIAL 301 REP. 27.
65. Cohen, supra note 1, at 816; see Hookway & Zamiska, supra note 62.
66. See, e.g., Kristina M. Lybecker & Elisabeth Fowler, Compulsory Licensing in Can-
ada and Thailand: Comparing Regimes to Ensure Legitimate Use of the WTO Rules, 37 J.L.
MED. & ETHICS 222, 233 (focusing on "the debate surrounding what constitutes a 'national
emergency,' 'rather than public non-commercial use).
67. Bate, supra note 23.
68. Zamiska, supra note 2.
Winter 2011]1 "PublicNon-Commercial Use" 361
69. Theft in Thailand, supra note 1; see also Tremblay, supra note 12, at 11 (noting
Doctors Without Borders' estimate that 1.5% of Thailand's population has AIDS).
70. THAI WHITE PAPER, supra note 2, at 5-7 (referring to the Thai compulsory licenses
as a "Government Use of Patent"); Thai Efavirenz License, supra note 58; Thai Kaletra Li-
cense, supra note 59; Thai Plavix License, supra note 60.
71. National Health Security Act B.E. 2545 (2002) (Thai.); see also Drugs in Thailand,
supra note 12 (noting that Thailand "has committed to free universal healthcare, and faces a
particular challenge in treating a large number of HIV-positive patients with drugs that are
costly even for far richer countries," while disapproving of the Plavix compulsory license);
Hookway & Zamiska, supra note 62 ("Thailand began inching towards its confrontation with
the pharmaceutical industry in 2004, when it pledged to provide free AIDS medicine to every-
one who needed it.").
72. Shuettler, supra note 62.
73. THAI WHITE PAPER, supra note 2, at 13-14 (detailing the individual merits of each
compulsory license); Thai Efavirenz License, supra note 58; Thai Kaletra License, supra note
59; Thai Plavix License, supra note 60.
74. Thai Efavirenz License, supra note 58, at 39 ("The price of Efavirenz in Thailand is
twice the price of the same drug which is generic drug in India. Budget allocated by the gov-
ernment is therefore sufficient to provide only some patients with Efavirenz, while the rest has
to use non-patent drugs with higher level of side-effect than Efavirenz because of their lower
prices . . . [T]he Thai law on patent empowers the Ministry, Sub-Ministry and Department to
exercise the right under any patent without prior authorization of the patent holders so as to
provide public service as mentioned above." (emphasis added)); Thai Kaletra License, supra
note 59, at 42 ("The price of [Kaletra] is currently a lot higher than the price of the same drug
which is generic drug in some countries. Therefore, many patients who are resistant to basic
formulations of HIV antiretroviral drugs are unable to access to this drug, leading to opportun-
istic infections and death. Hence, being able to domestically produce or to import HIV
antiretroviral drugs with the same generic name into Thailand to replace the original one will
lead to the price reduction and the increase in accessibility for patients."); Thai Plavix License,
supra note 60, at 45 ("[Slince the high price and limited budget, 20 percent of patients covered
under Universal Coverage scheme can access [Plavix]. As a result of provision of market
competition by imported or locally produced generics, price will reduce dramatically and
accessibility will increase 6 to 12 times which will conform to the Universal Coverage pol-
75. Shuettler, supra note 62.
362 Michigan Journal of International Law [Vol. 32:347
76. See THAI WHITE PAPER, supra note 2, at 6 ("[T]he drugs derived from the Govern-
ment Use of Patent in Thailand will be distributed only to those patients who are covered by
the government. Those who are well off and can afford to pay out of their own pocket . . . still
have to pay the high price of patented products.").
77. See, e.g., 2009 USTR SPECIAL 301 REP. 21 (Thailand remains on the Priority Watch
List); Theft in Thailand, supra note 1; Zamiska, supra note 2; Ed Silverman, Should the US
Invade Thailand?, PHARMALOT (Apr. 26, 2007, 10:32 AM),
04/should the us invade thailand/.
78. MINisTRY OF PuB. HEALTH & NAT'L HEALTH SEC. OFFICE, supra note 18. at 22-
29; Schuettler, Thailand Scraps Patent Override, supra note 18; Wong-Anan, supra note 18.
The Thai government, however, has not invoked one of the compulsory licenses after Novartis
agreed to distribute its drug, Glivec, for free to nearly all Thai patients. Reghu Balakrishnan,
Novartis Wins Thai Battle, Setback for Indian Firms, THE FINANCIAL EXPRESS, http:/;
Schuettler, Thailand Scraps Patent Override, supra note 18.
79. Bangkok's Drug War Goes Global, supra note 23.
Winter 2011 ] "Public Non-Commercial Use" 363
80. Universal Declaration of Human Rights art. 25.1, G.A. Res. 217 (IH)A, U.N. Doc.
A/RES/217(HI), at 76 (Dec. 10, 1948) (emphasis added).
81. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights art. 12, opened for
signatureDec. 16, 1966, 993 U.N.T.S. 3 (recognizing "the right of everyone to the enjoyment
of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health" and requiring parties to pre-
vent, treat, and control epidemics and assure access to "medical service and medical attention
in the event of sickness").
82. Convention on the Rights of the Child art. 24.1, opened for signature Nov. 20,
1989, 1577 U.N.T.S. 3 ("Parties recognize the right of the child to the enjoyment of the high-
est attainable standard of health and to facilities for the treatment of illness and rehabilitation
of health. States Parties shall strive to ensure that no child is deprived of his or her right of
access to such health care services.").
83. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women art.
12.1, opened for signature Dec. 18, 1979, 1249 U.N.T.S. 13 ("States Parties shall take all
appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against women in the field of health care in
order to ensure, on a basis of equality of men and women, access to health care services, in-
cluding those related to family planning."). Id. art. 14.2(b) ("States Parties shall take all
appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against women in rural areas in order to
ensure ... access to adequate health care facilities, including information, counseling and
services in family planning[.]").
84. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
art. 5(e)(iv), openedfor signature Dec. 21, 1965, 660 U.N.T.S. 195 ("States Parties undertake
to prohibit and to eliminate racial discrimination in all its forms and to guarantee the right of
everyone ... [t]he right to public health [and] medical care.").
364 Michigan Journalof InternationalLaw [Vol. 32:347
tension between IP rights and access to health care, the U.N. High
Commissioner of Human Rights recognized that "there are apparent con-
flicts between the intellectual property rights regime embodied in the
TRIPS Agreement, on the one hand, and international human rights law,
on the other." 7
A specific human right to health care has also been widely accepted
at the national level, with more than seventy states incorporating provi-
sions guaranteeing a right to health care into their constitutions or
statutes." For example, Thailand's constitution states:
A person shall enjoy an equal right to receive proper and stan-
dard public heath service, and the indigent shall have the right to
receive free medical treatment from public health centers of the
State ... A person shall have the right to receive proper preven-
tion and eradication of harmful contagious diseases without
charge in a timely manner.
South Africa similarly recognizes a right to health care in its constitu-
tion, charging the government to "take reasonable legislative and other
measures .. . to achieve the progressive realisation of [the right to health
care]." 90 Brazil constitutionally declares that "[h]ealth is a right of all and
a duty of the State." Canada takes a less-committal stance, pledging
only to "facilitate reasonable access to health services without financial
or other barriers." Even the United States, long resistant to the idea of
health care reform, is approaching the idea that everyone is entitled to at
least a minimum level of health care. 93
IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY 20 (2006). Regulatory approval has also become increas-
ingly risky, with the average time from drug discovery to market entry gradually lengthening.
See id. at 22-23.
101. The capital asset pricing model measures the risk premium for a particular invest-
ment by comparing the expected return on that investment to the expected overall market
2009); see also Joseph A. DiMasi et al., The Price of Innovation: New Estimates of Drug
Development Costs, 22 J. HEALTH EcON. 151, 153 (2003) (explaining that in viewing R&D as
an investment project, an investor must "know both the amount of expenditures and the timing
of these expenditures, since funds committed to R&D . . . have both a direct cost and an op-
portunity cost"). An informal survey of major pharmaceutical firms yielded nominal "hurdle
rates" (minimum acceptable rates of return) of 13.5% to over 20%. Id. at 163 n.22.
102. See DiMasi, supra note 101, at 180. The $802 million estimate reflects total ex-
penses, including failed research, clinical and approval expenses, opportunity costs of capital,
and tax adjustments. Id. at 158-80. A subsequent study discovered that cost varied greatly by
drug type and producer, noting that the final overall estimate of $868 million "suggests, if
anything, that $802 million is an underestimate." Christopher P. Adams & Van V. Branter,
Estimating the Cost of New Drug Development: Is It Really $802 Million?, 25 HEALTH AF-
FAIRS 420, 427 (2006).
Public Citizen, a non-governmental organization founded by Ralph Nader, however, es-
timated new drug costs in 2001 at $71 million (after adjustments for R&D tax deductions).
CARD" 6 (2001). Public contributions to pharmaceutical R&D may also be understated "be-
cause they do not include indirect funds such as tax expenditures ... and additional periods of
marketing exclusivity." Kevin Outterson, Should Access to Medicines and TRIPS Flexibilities
Be Limited to Specific Diseases?, 34 Am. J.L. & MED. 279, 287 (2008). Furthermore, public
entities like NIH often subsidize much of the research that goes into a pharmaceutical product.
For example, NIH spent an estimated $484 million for paclitaxel-related research, including
the development of Taxol, which has generated over $9 billion in sales for a private pharma-
ceutical company, which in turn has paid back only a 0.5% royalty ($35 million) to the NIH.
103. CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE, supra note 100, at 35-37 (tracking R&D expen-
ditures by year against the number of new molecular entity drugs approved); see also DiMasi,
supra note 101, at 154 (tracking pharmaceutical R&D expenditures).
104. NIH Budget, NAT'L INSTS. OF HEALTH, (last
visited Nov. 13, 2010). "Although only some of that spending was explicitly related to phar-
maceuticals, much of it was for the basic research on disease mechanisms that underlies the
Winter 2011]1 "Public Non-Commercial Use" 367
search for new drugs." CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE, supra note 100, at 27. Not all devel-
oped countries contribute equal public funding to support pharmaceutical R&D, however.
While the NIH spends over $31 billion annually, its counterparts in Europe collectively spend
only $3-4 billion. Glen Whitman & Raymond Raad, Cato Inst., Bending the Productivity
Curve: Why America Leads the World in Medical Innovation, POL'Y ANALYSIS, Nov. 18, 2009,
at 5. Thus, U.S. taxpayers bear a disproportionately heavy burden in developing new pharma-
ceutical drugs. Some distributional concerns of compulsory licensing are explored further with
regards to patient-shouldered and taxpayer-shouldered R&D burdens in Part Il(C), infra.
105. See DRAHOS WITH BRAITHWAITE, supra note 7, at 167 ("Patent-based R&D is not
responsive to demand, but to ability to pay," resulting in drugs for "mental illness, hyperten-
sion and erectile dysfunction, [but not for] tropical diseases"); DiMasi, supra note 101, at
163-64 (finding that nominal cost of capital estimates hover around fifteen percent); see also
Sykes, supra note 36, at 62 ("A policy that requires the developers of [essential] drugs to sacri-
fice their intellectual property rents in the name of a "national emergency" or some similar
moniker will simply discourage research in the areas where it has the most potential to yield
high returns.").
Public R&D funding, with its limited ability to generate a return on investment, does not
necessarily follow the same investment strategy. See, e.g., TAXOL REPORT, supra note 102, at
13-15. Public R&D, however, is most often targeted at basic research, which private pharma-
ceutical companies build upon to bring commercial pharmaceutical products to market. See,
e.g., CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE, supra note 100, at 27 (explaining that the government
"focus[es] on basic research, while the drug industry concentrates on applied research and
development"). The drugs that ultimately make it to consumers, therefore, generally reflect
this market reality.
106. Whitman & Raad, supra note 104, at 8 ("Other things being equal, individuals and
firms will tend to invest more in medical innovation when (a) they expect a larger return; (b)
the returns will last for a longer period of time; and (c) the returns arrive sooner rather than
later."); CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE, supra note 100, at 44-45 ("Economists broadly
agree that a reduction in profits would cause private-sector investment in drug R&D to grow
more slowly or to decline."). But see Lazzarini, supra note 25, at 110-12 (noting that pharma-
ceutical companies both distribute more profits and spend more on marketing and
administration than they devote to R&D of new drugs).
368 MichiganJournalof InternationalLaw [Vol. 32:347
the patent holder's safety and efficacy data, and sell the generic version
on a competitive market against the innovative firm that incurred the
stratospheric R&D and original regulatory approval costs.0 o Without
such protection, the innovative pharmaceutical developer could expect
little return on investment, and private R&D would dissipate.
Indeed, pharmaceutical appropriability in India resulted in a com-
modified Indian pharmaceutical market devoid of R&D. In the Indian
Patents Act of 1970, India abolished pharmaceutical compound pat-
entability in favor of short seven-year pharmaceutical production-process
patents, creating incentives to devise increasingly efficient production
processes while permitting any manufacturer to produce the pharmaceu-
tical compound itself.'" Drug firms flooded the market as the number of
licensed manufacturers grew from 2,237 enterprises in 1969-70 to an
estimated 16,000 by 1992-93, illustrating that barriers to entry into the
pharmaceutical market were not onerous."0 Profitability predictably
plunged over that period, reducing R&D expenditures from 15.5% of
sales prior to the 1970 Patents Act to a mere 1.4% in 1992-93 because of
comparative declines in expected returns on R&D investment due to the
absence of exclusivity for drug compounds.'" 1.4% does not fund much
R&D: India has become the world's leading generic pharmaceutical pro-
ducer, but contributes little to the development of new pharmaceutical
medicines." 2
The most powerful developing countries followed India in prohibit-
ing patent protection for pharmaceuticals. Between 1971 and 1996,
Brazil prohibited patents for both pharmaceutical products and proc-
esses."' Mexico and Argentina had similarly lowered pharmaceutical
123. Sahar Aziz, Note, Linking Intellectual Property Rights in Developing Countries
with Research and Development, Technology Transfer and Foreign Direct Investment Policy:
A Case Study of Egypt's PharmaceuticalIndustry, 10 ILSA J. INT'L & COMP. L. 1 (2004).
124. See Implications of the Doha Declaration,supra note 36, at 19-20, 52; LISA SACHS,
addressing human rights shortcomings in the pharmaceutical industry, that North America,
Europe, and Japan accounted for eighty-seven percent of global pharmaceutical sales in 2005).
125. See, e.g., Sykes, supra note 36, at 61 (citing FREDERIC M. SCHERER, INDUSTRY
126. See, e.g., DEERE, supra note 1, at 37-40; Lazzarini, supra note 25, at 108; Reich-
mann, supra note 21, at 247-48.
IMPERATIVES IN A REDEFINED WORLD 7 (2010) (noting that the world's top fifteen pharmaceu-
tical firms derived just 9.4% of sales from developing countries, which included China, Brazil,
India, Russia, and less-developed countries); SACHS, supra note 124, at 2 ("In 2005, North
America, Europe and Japan accounted for 87% of global pharmaceutical sales.").
128. CAMPBELL & CHUI, supra note 127, at 5 (also noting that seventeen emerging mar-
kets, "[s]uperpowered by China, shored by Brazil, Russia and India, and spurred by the
impetus of the new . .. fast followers," accounted for thirty-seven percent of market growth in
2009); Press Release, IMS Health, IMS Forecasts Global Pharmaceutical Market Growth of
5- 8% Annually Through 2014; Maintains Expectations of 4-6% Growth in 2010 (Apr. 20,
2010) [hereinafter IMS Forecasts] (confirming that the aggregate pharmaceutical market
growth in developing countries through 2014 will be roughly equal to the aggregate growth in
developed countries).
129. See, e.g., SACHS, supra note 124, at 2.
130. Whitman & Raad, supra note 104, at 8-9; see, e.g., Thomas Bodenheimer, High
and Rising Health Care Costs. Part 2: Technologic Innovation, 142 ANNALS INTERNAL MED.
Winter 20111 "PublicNon-Commercial Use" 371
932, 932 (2005) [hereinafter Bodenheimer, Part2] ("Because the spread of new technologies
is relatively unrestrained in the United States, many of these technologies are used to a greater
extent than in other nations, and the United States thereby incurs higher health care costs.");
Jack A. Ginsburg et al., Amer. Coll. of Physicians, Achieving a High-Performance Health
Care System with Universal Access: What the United States Can Learn from Other Countries,
148 ANNALS INTERNAL MED. 55 (2008); Kenneth Rogoff, A Prescriptionfor Marxism, 146
FOREIGN PoL'Y 74, 75 (2005).
131. See Whitman & Raad, supra note 104, at 5, 7 (noting that the United States has
developed a greater number of pharmaceutical products than the European Union and vastly
outspent the European Union on pharmaceutical products in terms of purchases and public
R&D support, even though the European Union has an approximate population of 499 million
while the United States has an approximate population of 307 million); IMS Forecasts, supra
note 128 (noting that the global pharmaceutical market grew to $837 billion in 2009, with the
U.S. market growing to $300 billion in 2009 and expected to grow to $360-390 billion by
2014); Total Unaudited andAudited Global PharmaceuticalMarket By Region, IMS HEALTH
(Mar. 2009),
TopLineData/GlobalPharmMarket_byRegion.pdf (reporting that of the $773.1 billion
global pharmaceutical market in 2008, North America accounted for $311.8 billion, while
Europe accounted for $247.5 billion).
132. See, e.g., Bodenheimer, Part 2, supra note 130, at 935; Whitman & Raad, supra
note 104, at 5 (noting that the European Union annually spends only $3-4 billion in total on
public R&D).
133. Bodenheimer, Part 2, supra note 130, at 935.
134. Id.; Whitman & Raad, supra note 104, at 8.
135. Ginsburg et al., supra note 130, at 57; David Carey et al., Health Care Reform in the
United States 11 (Org. for Econ. Co-operation & Dev., Econ. Dept. Working Paper No. 665,
136. Attempts to constrain public health care expenditures paid by governmental pro-
grams have largely failed. For example, "[flor physician services, the effect of price reductions
are partially offset by increases in the quantity of services provided. For every 1%reduction in
Medicare physician fees, the volume of physician services increases by 0.56%." Thomas Bo-
denheimer, High and Rising Health Care Costs. Part 3: The Role of Health Care Providers,
142 ANNALS INTERNAL MED. 996, 997 (2005) [hereinafter Bodenheimer, Part3].
137. See Thomas Bodenheimer, High and Rising Health Care Costs. Part 1: Seeking an
Explanation, 142 ANNALS INTERNAL MED. 847, 847 (2005) [hereinafter Bodenheimer, Part
1]; IMS Forecasts, supra note 128.
372 Michigan Journalof InternationalLaw [Vol. 32:347
138. Bodenheimer, Part 2, supra note 130, at 933 ("Physicians in the United States ex-
pand the number of patients deemed eligible for new procedures more rapidly than do
physicians in other nations, in part because the fee-for-service payments made to physicians
and hospitals that use new diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are relatively generous."
(citation omitted)); see Carey et al., supra note 135, 13 ("[T]he availability and use of so-
phisticated medical techniques [in the United States] is significantly higher than in most
countries, except Japan.").
139. Whitman & Raad, supra note 104, at 8.
141. See Whitman & Raad, supra note 104, at 3 ("[Plharmaceutical companies in other
countries might invest in new drugs with the expectation of marketing them in the United
States .... In this regard, it may prove difficult to isolate the effects of any given country's
policies on innovation."). Indeed, European pharmaceutical firms have remained strong actors
in the pharmaceutical market, although the U.S. industry has surpassed the European industry
over the past decade, both in respect to the quantity and quality (i.e., first-in-class innovative
drugs) of pharmaceutical drugs. GAMBARDELLA ET AL., supra note 140, at 28-29; Whitman &
Raad, supra note 104, at 7.
Winter 2011 ] "PublicNon-Commercial Use" 373
142. Carey et al., supra note 135, 114. Pharmaceutical drugs make up ten percent of
U.S. health care expenditures. Ginsburg et al., supra note 130, at 57; see also Whitman &
Raad, supra note 104, at 8 (noting that prices for prescription drugs are thirty-five to fifty-five
percent cheaper in Europe than in the United States).
143. See DiMasi, supra note 101, at 153-54; Carey et al., supra note 135, 14; CON-
GRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE, supra note 100, at 35-37.
144. Robert Pear, Changing Stance, Administration Now Defends Insurance Mandate as
a Tax, N.Y TIMES, July 17, 2010,
145. See, e.g., Steve Holland, Obama: Healthcare Will Need Adjustments To Cut
Costs, REUTERS, Mar. 29, 2010, available at
idUSTRE62N61 Y20100329; Megan McCardle, The Health Care Reform Already Costs More
Than We Thought It Would, ATLANTIC, May 14, 2010,
56752/ (noting that the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the health care reform will
cost $115 billion more over the next ten years than previously thought). For a discussion on
U.S. health care budget concerns, see Ginsburg et al., supra note 130, at 62-73 (detailing the
glaring shortcomings in U.S. health care despite having the highest per capita health care
spending). But see Whitman & Raad, supra note 104, at 2 (noting that U.S. health care "per-
forms poorly in comparison to Europe, Australia, and Japan," but illustrating that comparative
national health care studies fail to account for contributions to health care innovation, an area
where the United States is the dominant actor).
146. Ginsburg et al., supra note 130, at 56.
147. See, e.g., Ronald A. Cass, Drug Patent Piracy, WALL ST. J., May 7, 2007, available
at (suggesting that after the Thai and
Brazilian compulsory licenses, "no one wants to be stuck with the extra cost that Thailand or
Brazil isn't paying").
148. See supra note 97.
374 Michigan JournalofInternationalLaw [Vol. 32:347
bargaining power, the United States will encounter budgetary issues sim-
ilar to those of Europe and developing countries, threatening potential
promises to provide comprehensive health care. With rising costs and
increased regulation, compulsory licensing could pose as attractive an
option to increase access to unaffordable drugs in developed nations as it
does for developing countries currently engaging in compulsory licens-
ing, like Thailand.14 9 Thus, the health care budget concerns in the
developed world and the increasing importance of developing country
pharmaceutical markets makes abuse of compulsory licensing a signifi-
cant threat to continued drug development, while simultaneously posing
an attractive option to fulfill universal health care promises within budg-
et constraints. 5 0
149. Indeed, the United States has already threatened to issue a compulsory license to
lower the price of a pharmaceutical drug, Cipro, during the 2001 anthrax scare. Carroll &
Winslow, supra note 56.
150. See Whitman & Raad, supra note 104, at 11 (noting that experiences with Medicare
and price controls, let alone compulsory licensing, demonstrate "that expanding government's
role as purchaser of health care services, either by expanding existing government programs or
creating new programs, would tend to reduce innovation in health care delivery").
151. See, e.g., Abbott & Reichmann, supra note 25, at 956 ("[Tlhere is little doubt that
Thailand would win a dispute settlement action based on the TRIPS-compliance of its gov-
ernment use licensing."); Reichmann, supra note 21, at 256 ("[Tlhe Thai approach was a
perfectly 'legitimate' exercise of the State's powers under the TRIPS Agreement, with a possi-
ble caveat for the low royalty paid!"); Ho, supra note 13, at 441-42 (taking the lesser stance
that Thailand's compulsory licenses were "not [yet] a situation where Thailand clearly vio-
lated TRIPS").
152. See, e.g., BLAKENEY, supra note 21, at 91; CORREA, supra note 21, at 316; Gold &
Lam, supra note 19, at 25; Ho, supra note 13, at 402-04, 431-32; Marc, supra note 21, at 116;
Reichmann, supra note 21, at 256.
153. See, e.g., CIPIH REPORT, supra note 22, at 35-36; Gold & Lam, supra note 19, at
25-30; Ho, supra note 13, at 402-04; Love, supra note 22, at 74.
Winter 2011]1 "PublicNon-Commercial Use" 375
154. See J.H. Reichman & David Lange, BargainingAround the TRIPS Agreement: The
Case for Ongoing Public-Private Initiatives To Facilitate Worldwide Intellectual Property
Transactions, 9 DUKE J. COMP. & INT'L L. 11, 48 (1998); see also Judith H. Bello, Some
Practical Observations About WTO Settlement of Intellectual Property Disputes, 37 VA. J.
INT'L L. 357, 358-59 (1997) (noting that electing to establish a panel raises expectations, and
that accountable government lawyers and officials are unlikely to engage in WTO litigation
unless there is a high probability of success, from both "a personal as well as institutional
level"). Indeed, developed nations have generally only litigated TRIPS provisions before VTO
panels when the conduct was particularly egregious, constituting an obvious "slam dunk"
violation. See, e.g., Panel Report, Canada-PatentProtection of PharmaceuticalProducts,
IN 4.2, 7.36, WT/DS1 14/R (Mar. 17, 2000) [hereinafter Canada-PatentProtection] (finding
Canada in violation of its TRIPS obligations for abrogating the exclusive patent rights to make
and use the patented subject matter under a Canadian law permitting generic firms to produce
and stockpile drugs prior to patent expiration in order to facilitate generic entry into the phar-
maceutical market); Panel Report, India-Patent Protection for Pharmaceutical and
Agricultural Chemical Products, U 7.6, 7.41-43, 7.63, WT/DS50/R (Sept. 5, 1997) (finding
India in violation of TRIPS where India failed to establish a "mailbox" system under TRIPS
Article 70.8 to receive pharmaceutical patent applications as a temporary measure prior to
implementing pharmaceutical patentability during India's TRIPS transition phase).
155. See supra Part I.A-B (discussing compulsory licensing by South Africa and Thai-
156. US, Brazil End WTO Case on Patents, Split on Bilateral Process, 19 INSIDE U.S.
TRADE, June 29, 2001, at 1-2. The United States took a long hiatus from TRIPS litigation
against developing countries after the controversy surrounding South Africa, withdrawing
376 MichiganJournal of InternationalLaw [Vol. 32:347
respect for the public health concerns of developing countries and in-
creasing risk-tolerance in WTO litigation suggest that a WTO panel
decision clarifying permissible compulsory licensing practices is more
likely than ever before.
In the decade since the South Africa controversy, U.S. trade policy
has grown increasingly conciliatory with respect to TRIPS flexibilities.
For example, the United States was the first nation to approve the TRIPS
amendment to allow parallel importation for pharmaceutical products
under compulsory licenses,' which appears to conflict with U.S. at-
tempts to bilaterally strengthen IP protection through Free Trade
Agreements (FTAs).'-" In every post-2005 FTA, however, the United
States has, at a minimum, signed a side letter of understanding affirming
that the FTA's IP obligations "do not affect the ability of either Party to
take necessary measures to protect public health by promoting access to
medicines for all, in particular concerning cases such as HIV/AIDS, tu-
berculosis, malaria, and other epidemics as well as circumstances of
extreme urgency or national emergency."'"9 Four of the five most recent
FTAs have eschewed a side letter in favor of an operational FTA provi-
sion providing an explicit affirmation of commitment to the Doha
Declaration.' 6 ' The United States appears to have very willingly agreed
from a potential panel decision in a lawsuit against Brazil in 2001, and abstaining from litiga-
tion until bringing a lawsuit against China in 2007. See DEERE, supra note 1,at 156-58.
157. See Intellectual Property (TRIPS) and Public Health: Members Accepting Amend-
ment of the TRIPS Agreement, WTO,
amendmente.htm (last visited Nov. 13, 2010).
158. The United States' attempts to obtain "TRIPS-plus" IP protection (i.e., IP protection
above and beyond that required by TRIPS) abroad have been highly criticized as coercive
attempts to "achieve [bilaterally] what was not possible to negotiate successfully at the multi-
lateral [TRIPS negotiations]." Pedro Roffe & Christoph Spennemann, The Impact of FTAs on
Public Health Policies and TRIPS Flexibilities, I INT'L J. INTELL. PROP. MGMT. 75, 76-77, 79
(2006); see also Frederick Abbott, Keynote Address at the ICTSD-UNCTAD Dialogue on
Ensuring Policy Options for Affordable Access to Essential Medicines, The Cycle of Action
and Reaction: Latest Developments and Trends in IP and Health 5-7 (Oct. 13, 2004), avail-
able at The United States
currently has Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) incorporating TRIPS-plus provisions with Aus-
tralia, Bahrain, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras,
Jordan, Morocco, Nicaragua, Oman, Peru, and Singapore, and has TRIPS-plus FTAs with
Colombia, Korea, and Panama, pending approval by Congress. See DEERE, supra note 1, at
220-24; Free Trade Agreements, OFFICE OF THE U.S. TRADE REPRESENTATIVE, http:// (last visited Nov. 13, 2010).
159. See, e.g., United States-Bahrain Free Trade Agreements, U.S.-Bahrain, Side Letter
on Public Health, Sept. 14, 2004, 44 I.L.M. 544 (2005), available at
sites/default/files/uploads/agreements/ftalbahrain/asset uploadfile447_6296.pdf (reflecting
the language of the Doha Declaration).
160. See Free Trade Agreement between the United States and the Republic of Korea,
U.S.-S. Kor., art. 18.11, June 30, 2007, available at
files/uploads/agreements/fta/korus/asset uploadfile273 12717.pdf (pending Congressional
approval); United States-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement, U.S.-Pan., art. 15.12, June 12,
Winter 2011 ] "PublicNon-Commercial Use" 377
167. See, e.g., Konstantina K. Athanasakou, Note, China IPR Enforcement: Hard as
Steel or Soft as Tofu? Bringing the Question to the WTO under TRIPS, 39 GEO. J. INT'L L.
217, 225 (2007).
168. The Panel found that except for the hypothetical possibility that China's customs
measures permit the release of seized goods back into "the channels of commerce" after a
simple removal of an infringing trademark, China's customs measures were not inconsistent
with TRIPS obligations under Article 59. China Panel Report, supra note 164, 17.395. The
Chinese custom measures permitted confiscated infringing goods to be (1) donated for "social
public welfare undertakings," (2) assigned to the IP right-holder, (3) auctioned after "eradicat-
ing the infringing features," or (4) destroyed. Id. 17.193. Note that the United States prevailed
on a third facial challenge to China's copyright law, which denied copyright protection to
prohibited/censored works. The Panel unsurprisingly found that China's "entire ban on publi-
cation of a work" is not a form of effective copyright protection that complies with TRIPS
obligation under Article 9.1. Id. [ 7.180-81.
169. See Athanasakou, supra note 167, at 223-25 (citing USTR statements that the Unit-
ed States finds IP enforcement one of China's greatest shortcomings, and quoting E.U.
representatives stating "'[t]his is a case of great importance .... We will watch developments
in these consultations with great interest' as the EU is China's largest trading partner").
170. Thailand continues to extend its existing compulsory licenses. See Editorial, The
Licensing of Key Drugs, BANGKOK PosT, June 16, 2010,
opinion/opinion/38827/the-licensing-of-key-drugs. Also, Ecuador is currently positioning
itself to issue compulsory licenses. Decreto No. 118 [Decree No. 118], 23 de Octubre de 2009
(Ecuador) [hereinafter Ecuadorian Presidential Decree No. 118] (declaring that access to me-
dicines is in the public interest, and that compulsory licenses may be granted for medicines
necessary for treatment).
171. See THAI WHITE PAPER, supra note 2, at 2 (noting that Thai citizens are entitled to
full access to 900 drugs, many patented, on the government's essential drugs list); Cohen,
supra note I (quoting one economist as saying "[t]here's a big push in Thailand to [issue
compulsory license] for everything"); Zamiska, supra note 2 (noting that "there are more
products for which the government may allow [compulsory licenses]," including other cardio-
vascular and cancer drugs). Thailand continues to extend its compulsory licenses, The
Licensing of Key Drugs, supra note 170, and is presently hoping for a WTO solution regarding
compulsory licensing and low-cost generic drugs, suggesting that Thailand is far from dor-
Winter 2011]1 "PublicNon-Commercial Use" 379
to issue compulsory licenses of its own, a willing complainant and
willing provokers appear to exist, making an analysis of public non-
commercial use under TRIPS Article 31 a timely endeavor.
mant in the area of compulsory licensing. Ying Huang, Thailand Could Seek WTO Solution on
Compulsory Licensing, Generic Drugs, PHARMASIA NEWS, Mar. 29, 2010, http://www. 0_THWTOsolution.pdf.
172. Ecuadorian Presidential Decree No. 118, supra note 170.
173. TRIPS art. 64.1.
174. Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes art.
3.2, Apr. 15, 1994, Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, Annex
2, 1869 U.N.T.S. 401.
175. Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties art. 31, May 23, 1969, 1155 U.N.T.S.
331 [hereinafter VCLTI. WTO panels and the Appellate Body recognize that "[tihe general
rule of interpretation, expressed in Article 31 of the Vienna Convention, and the rules on sup-
plementary means of interpretation in Article 32 of the Vienna Convention, have attained the
status of rules of customary or general international law." China Panel Report, supra note 164,
7.500. Membership in the Vienna Convention is not universal: the United States is not a
signatory of the VCLT, although it considers much of the VCLT to "constitute customary in-
ternational law on the law of treaties." Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, U.S. DEPT.
OF STATE, (last visited Nov. 13, 2010).
176. See VCLT, supra note 175, art. 31; Ho, supra note 13, at 387; see also Bello, supra
note 154, at 365 ("[I]t is the outcome of the [Uruguay Round] negotiations that must control
the deliberations of any dispute settlement panel. .. . There is no constructive role for judicial
activism in the WTO dispute settlement system."). This conservatism plays out both ways in
practice, however, because panels appear reluctant to find TRIPS violations without an explicit
textual reason. See, e.g., infra text accompanying note 220.
177. VCLT, supra note 175, art. 31.1; see also Canada-PatentProtection, supra note
154, T 7.12. The Doha Declaration mirrors the language of the VCLT: "In applying the cus-
tomary rules of interpretation of public international law, each provision of the TRIPS
Agreement shall be read in the light of the object and purpose of the Agreement as expressed,
in particular, in its objectives and principles." Doha Declaration, supra note 8, 5(a).
178. VCLT, supra note 175, arts. 31.2, 31.3.
380 Michigan Journalof InternationalLaw [Vol. 32:347
193. Article 31 does not require that compulsory licensing be available; rather, it implic-
itly permits compulsory licensing by merely providing limits "[w]here the law of a Member
allows for other use of the subject matter of a patent without the authorization of the right
holder." TRIPS art. 31; Ho, supra note 13, at 395.
194. TRIPS art. 31 (permitting "use by the government or third parties authorized by the
government"); CARVALHO, supra note 191, 31.2.
195. See, e.g., TRIPS art. 31(c) (requiring that "the scope and duration of such use shall
be limited to the purpose for which it was authorized:' which places some limits on compul-
sory licenses designed to confront a particular, discrete problem). For example, if a Member
authorized a compulsory license for Ciproflaxin to combat bird flu, it arguably may not supply
the drug under the same compulsory license to citizens suffering from swine flu. And if the
bird flu problem is eradicated, the compulsory license presumably loses its effectiveness under
Article 31(c). Neither of these Article 31(c) situations poses an onerous burden, however,
since the Member could simply issue a second compulsory license to combat swine flu. Also,
the drugs currently under compulsory licenses treat HIV/AIDS, heart disease, and cancer,
none of which appear likely to be eradicated within the duration of those patents' drugs. See
Ho, supra note 13, at 395-96 ("The bulk of Article 31 relates to procedural requirements ...
likely to be non-issues in most cases.").
196. TRIPS art. 31(d) (protecting a patent holder from being excluded from his own
registered invention and allowing the patent holder to compete against the beneficiary of the
compulsory license).
197. Id. art. 31(e) (preventing a compulsory license granted under the restrictive Article
31 conditions from entering the public marketplace, where it may be used for purposes beyond
its original purpose).
198. Id. art. 31(a).
199. Id. arts. 31(g), 31(i), 31(j).
384 MichiganJournalof InternationalLaw [Vol. 32:347
207. TRIPS art. 8.1; CARVALHO, supra note 191, 11 8.5-7; STOLL, supra note 191, at
208. Contra CARVALHO, supra note 191, 31.4 (maintaining that compulsory licensing
is so exceptional as to be irrelevant in addressing public health issues); Cass, supra note 147
("The WTO rules make clear that compulsory licensing is to be used only in exceptional cir-
209. WTO panels appear reluctant to intrude on a Member's sovereignty without a clear
violation of treaty obligations, suggesting that amorphous terms and vague obligations may
work in the favor of an accused nation. See, e.g., China Panel Report, supra note 164,
17.395, 7.681 (upholding China's internal criminal thresholds and the majority of China's
customs measures because the United States did not establish textual inconsistency with vague
TRIPS obligations).
210. TRIPS art. 3 1(b).
211. See CARVALHO, supra note 191, 9H 31.13-.14 ("[T]he obligation of previously seek-
ing a voluntary license is excused when circumstances lead to the conclusion that spending
time with undertaking such negotiations would necessarily impair the desired outcome of the
compulsory license-in other words, that the patented product would not arrive in time to
remedy the situation.").
212. TRIPS art. 3 1(b) (requiring that when no prior negotiations are needed, "the right
holder shall, nevertheless, be notified as soon as reasonably practicable," and that "the right
holder shall be informed promptly").
213. See Doha Declaration, supra note 8, 5(c) ("it being understood that public health
crises, including those relating to HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and other epidemics, can
represent a national emergency or other circumstances of extreme urgency"); Implications of
the Doha Declaration, supra note 36, at 13, 15 ("[T]he TRIPS Agreement has left room for
flexibility at the national level . . . Though Article 31 refers to some of the possible ground
386 MichiganJournal of InternationalLaw [Vol. 32:347
(such as emergency and anti-competitive practices) for issuing compulsory licenses, it leaves
Members full freedom to stipulate other grounds.").
214. See TRIPS pmbl., arts. 7-8; CARVALHO, supra note 191, 1 8.5-8.7; STOLL, supra
note 191, at 197.
215. TRIPS does not specify the magnitude an emergency must reach to attain "na-
tional" scale, but such a clarification is beyond the scope of this Note. Engaging in a similarly
impossible interpretation, the Panel in China-MeasuresAffecting the Protection and En-
forcement of Intellectual Property Rights labored for forty-five paragraphs to resolve a similar
question of magnitude in determining the point at which infringement of IP rights under
TRIPS art. 61 occurs "on a commercial scale." China PanelReport, supra note 164, 1 7.532-
.577. The Panel reached a not-so-conclusive interpretation that "counterfeiting or piracy 'on a
commercial scale' refers to counterfeiting or piracy carried on at the magnitude or extent of
typical or usual commercial 'activity with respect to a given product in a given market." Id.
7.577. Thus, determining whether an event or series of events has created an "emergency,"
and whether that emergency has reached a "national" level is likely to result in a similarly
unsatisfactory answer. The China Panel found, probably with relief, that "the United States
had [not established] a prima facie case with respect to impact on the commercial market-
place." Id. 17.661.
216. See CIPIH REPORT, supra note 22, at 20; Gold & Lam, supra note 19, at 25-26, 30;
Ho, supra note 13, at 402-04; Reichmann, supra note 21, at 256.
Winter 2011 ] "Public Non-Commercial Use" 387
217. See, e.g., Gold & Lam, supra note 19, at 25-26, 30; Ho, supra note 13, at 402-04.
218. See, e.g., Reichmann, supra note 21, at 256.
219. See, e.g., Ho, supra note 13, at 402-04, 431-32; Reichmann, supra note 21, at 256.
220. China Panel Report, supra note 164, 8.1.
221. See Ho, supra note 13, at 402-03.
222. See Gold & Lam, supra note 19, at 25-30; Ho, supra note 13, at 402-04.
223. See Gold & Lam, supra note 19, at 25-26; Ho, supra note 13, at 403.
224. See TRIPS arts. 7-8; supra text accompanying notes 180-192.
225. Compulsory licensing is permitted, as clarified earlier, (1) if "the proposed user has
made efforts to obtain authorization from the right holder on reasonable commercial terms
388 Michigan Journalof InternationalLaw [Vol. 32:347
[over] a reasonable period of time;" (2) under a national emergency or other circumstance of
extreme urgency; or (3) for public non-commercial use. See supra text accompanying note
226. See Gold & Lam, supra note 19, at 25, 29 (finding the plain meaning of "public
non-commercial use" unambiguous after cobbling together separate definitions of "public"
and "commercial," obviating the need to resort to the negotiating history of the text). The
authors reason that because "the term 'public non-commercial use' is not defined in TRIPS,
Member States would normally be free to interpret this term as they wish, subject only to
respecting the rights and obligations contained in the Agreement," which they seem to find
negligible. Id. at 26. Cynthia Ho takes the more reasonable stand of suggesting that "each
nation may define the term, unless and until such definition is clarified in a WTO dispute
settlement proceeding," which is what this Note attempts to anticipate. See Ho, supra note 13,
at 404.
227. See TRIPS pmbl., arts. 7, 8.
228. See, e.g., China Panel Report, supra note 164, U 7.533-.535. As the China Panel
noted, "dictionaries are a useful starting point for the analysis of ordinary meaning of a treaty
term, but they are not necessarily dispositive ... [T]he ordinary meaning of a treaty term must
be seen in the light of the intention of the parties as expressed in the words used by them
against the light of the surrounding circumstances." Id. 7.559 (internal quotation marks omit-
229. China Panel Report, supra note 164, $17.533-.577.
230. See VCLT, supra note 175, arts. 31, 32.
231. BLACK'S LAw DICTIONARY 1087 (8th ed. 2004) (defining noscitur a sociis as a
canon of construction suggesting that "the meaning of an unclear word or phrase should be
determined by the words immediately surrounding it"-literally-"it is known by its associ-
Winter 2011]1 "PublicNon-Commercial Use" 389
tion process, Article 31(b) states that "[i]n the case of public non-
commercial use, where the government or contractor, without making a
patent search, knows or has demonstrable grounds to know that a valid
patent is or will be used by or for the government, the right holder shall
be informed promptly."'32 Because Article 31(b) itself describes public
non-commercial use as use by "the government or contractor," not
merely suggesting government use as one possible type of public non-
commercial use, the plain language of Article 31(b) establishes that
public non-commercial use is best defined approximately as "use by the
government" or "government use." 23 3 Such a reading, aside from best
comporting with the text itself, also creates a restriction more on par
with national emergencies and other situations of extreme urgency.
Consulting the TRIPS preparatory materials also supports an inter-
pretation closely limited to government use.234 Unfortunately, the
Brussels Draft of TRIPS described "public non-commercial use" as
"public non-commercial use."2 The later Draft of July 23, 1990, how-
ever, represented the U.S. negotiating position and advocated
minimizing compulsory licensing, providing explicit grounds for com-
pulsory licensing for "the possibility of exploitation of the patented
invention by the government, or by third persons authorized by it,"
which suggests a governmental exploitation for a public non-commercial
use compulsory license.236 This language appears in the first paragraph of
TRIPS Article 31, which includes "use by the government or third par-
ties authorized by the government."237 Yet within Article 31(b), "public
non-commercial use" appears in one draft but not an earlier draft that
strongly limited compulsory licensing, leaving the analysis incomplete.
243. Patent Act B.E. 2522, § 51 (1979), amended by Patent Act (No.3) B.E. 2542 (1999)
(Thai.), reprintedin THAI WHITE PAPER, supra note 2, at 30.
244. See TRIPS art. 31(b).
245. A health care provider in a single-payer governmental health care system, like Can-
ada's health program or Medicare in the United States, "has only one entity to bill: the
government." KAO-PING CHUA, Am. MED. STUDENT Assoc., SINGLE PAYER 101, at 1 (2010).
246. See CARVALHO, supra note 191, 31.16 (noting, within a strongly restrictive inter-
pretation of compulsory licensing, that "[t]he non-commercial nature of the use relates to the
end-use of the invention, for example, the gratuitous distribution of medicaments to the
poor"); CHUA, supra note 245, at 1; CIPIH REPORT, supra note 22, at 20 ("It seems indisput-
able that ... the purchase of anti-retroviral medicines for distribution through public hospitals
without commercial profit would come within scope of the term.").
247. See supra text accompanying notes 202-205.
248. See TRIPS art. 27.1 ("[P]atents shall be available and patent rights enjoyable with-
out discrimination as to the place of invention, the field of technology and whether products
are imported or locally produced."). A Member issuing compulsory licenses for a broad range
392 MichiganJournalof InternationalLaw [Vol. 32:347
of pharmaceutical products may also begin to discriminate as to the place of invention, since
only a handful of developed countries have an innovative pharmaceutical industry, although
this Note will focus on discrimination as to the field of technology.
249. Canada-PatentProtection,supra note 154,1 7.91.
250. Where discrimination arises from explicitly differential treatment, it is de jure dis-
crimination. Where discrimination occurs as a result of facially neutral treatment, it is defacto
discrimination. Id. 7.94; see also CARVALHO, supra note 191, 27.8; Lothar Ehring, De
Facto Discrimination in World Trade Law: National and Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment-
or Equal Treatment?, 36 J. WORLD TRADE 921, 922-23 (2002). For example, a law applying
varying tax rates to various types of alcoholic beverages, even if making no explicit distinction
between imported and domestic beverages, may be de facto discriminatory if the majority of
domestic drinks fall under low tax rates while a disproportionately high number of imported
beverages fall under high tax rates. See, e.g., Report of the Panel, Japan-Customs Duties,
Taxes and Labeling Practices on Imported Wines and Alcoholic Beverages, 5.13, [16216
(Nov. 10, 1987), GATT B.I.S.D. (34th Supp.) at 83 (1988).
251. Canada-PatentProtection,supra note 154, 7.105.
252. Id.
253. See supra text accompanying note 220.
254. See Canada-PatentProtection, supra note 154, 7.92 ("Article 27 does not pro-
hibit bona fide exceptions to deal with problems that may exist only in certain product
Winter 201l] "Public Non-Commercial Use" 393