RRL About Modular Modality

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Parent-Teacher-Learner Collaboration in Facilitating Modular Instruction

Author: Acilej Gift R. Guan1 and Noel G. Benavides2

Year of Publication: 2021 dzi-nzxf-qdq

Publisher: UIJRT

The result ultimately disagrees with Goodall and Vorhaus’ (2010) claim that teachers often lack
the confidence and knowledge to work with parents, and schools do not always recognize or
value the ways in which parents are already engaged with children’s learning. Some learners
cannot finish their modules on time because they mostly spend their study time teaching their
siblings with their modules and helping their parents in the field. The teachers think that
students' answers in their modules have no validity, and most probably, mastery of the lessons
is impossible to attain. Parents lack knowledge to assist their child/children. According to some
teachers, some parents didn't finish their studies.

Explanation: This is related to our study about the modality of students’ learning interest since
what we have found in the study is that students cannot finish their modules because they
mostly spend their study time teaching their sibling with their modules, they help their parents in
the field and the parents’ lack of knowledge to assist their children. The students’ purpose here
is to submit and comply only since teachers says that the students’ answers in the modules
have no validity and the mastery of the lesson is impossible to attain.

2. Amidst Online Learning in the Philippines

Author: Liezl Fulgencio1

Kaissery Baldado2 Camilla Enriquez3 Alyssa Mae Delos Santos4 Rey Ann Fem Plaza5

Year of Publication: 2021

Publisher: Research Gate

Amidst the pandemic, one of the affected areas is education worldwide, including the
Philippines, which changed dramatically from faculty lecturing in a classroom setting that has
been the backbone of traditional academic education to distance learning, where the students
continue their education in homes. In some research during this pandemic, many of the
students have been facing many problems such as internet connectivity, overload of lessons
activities, financial-related issues, lack of resources for online classes, and mental health-
related problems. Further, this study investigates the impact of self-efficacy on the academic
motivation of senior high students.

Explanation: Given in this study, students been facing with different factors that could inhibit
their interest to learn just like the overload of lessons activities, mental health-related problems
and the self-efficacy on the academic motivation. Learners who tends to face loads of academic
works will make them find it tiring and makes their motivation to answer lesser.
The Social Emotional Development of Homeschooling Children 

The common opinion expressed is that with homeschooling, children lose the opportunity to
socialize with their peers, with people other than their families. It is also feared that children lose
the opportunity to interact with a very heterogeneous environment, where in that environment
he will learn many things (status differences, differences in habits, background differences,
sharing, mutual help, social comparison, etc.)  In addition, the interaction with friends in high
intensity should be a source of psychic and emotional support for the child, in addition to the
support he gets from his family. The homeschooling community is a composite of complex
homeschools that compose and define syllabus, teaching materials, principal activities, facilities
and infrastructure and learning schedule. The selection of homeschooling models to be applied
depends on the needs of each family, the goals, and the availability of various support, tools
and curricula

Rahma, R.A., Lestari, G., & Nugroho, R. (2018, July).  The Social Emotional
Development of Homeschooling Children. Journal of Nonformal Education.

Explanation: In the emotional effect of the students here in this journal, students needs to
exposed socially and emotionally because it will lose their interest to socialize and learn at the
same time with peers because they will be feeling shy to interact or some may feel competitive
because they didn’t have the chance to experience how to collaborate with other kids.

Distance Learning in the Philippines: A Year of Hits and Misses

Author: Bonz Magsambol

Year of Publication: 2021

Publisher: Rappler

"There's an issue on the impact of this kind of learning on mental health. I still think that this is
not advisable. Our kids are not made for this kind of isolation. Even if you do perform well in
online learning, it's different if you're able to see, feel, and talk with your classmates," she said.
"I think they're learning, but learning with teachers is far way better. Sometimes, I find it really
hard to understand their lessons. Face-to-face classes is still the best way to go," Dolar said.

Aside from the school system being unprepared for the shift, remote education also posed a
major challenge for students who did not have anyone to facilitate learning at home, or whose
parents were not capable of guiding them due to lack of knowledge.
Explanation: Given in the distance learning in the Philippines, above mentioned is similar from
the other studies that students learn better with teachers, learning is very different if you’re able
to see, feel and talk with your classmates and the factor is parents were not capable of guiding
them due to lack of knowledge.

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