Research Ebooks Final

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Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER

Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School

A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject



A Research Paper presented to The Faculty of Junior High School Department of

Binangonan Catholic College

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in English Subject

Aprecio, Princess D.
Aran, Joergina Ricci L.
Balanza, Jenielyn P.
Binadas, Antonnette F.
Caoile, Angel Ella Lou J.
Ceñal, Alexandra Nicole G.
Gervacio, Liam Jade G.
Salazar, Anne Clarisse V.
Tiraña, Maria Jose C.
Villadiego, Ashanti Louise B.

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject

The researchers wish to extend their sincere appreciation and gratitude to
the following persons who rendered their valuable assistance, to support in the
completion of this study.

REV. FR. GLENN WILLIAM Z. RELUCIO, President of Binangonan Catholic

College for the opportunity to conduct a study that will hone the ability of the
MS. BELLA C. LIRIO, the Principal, for allowing the researchers to conduct the
study on how E-book influences the reading interest of the selected Junior High School
Students of Binangonan Catholic College;
MR. JOHN CHRISTIAN T. NEO, the research Adviser for his time and guidance
to the completion of this research study;
MR. JAN GABRIEL SUINAN, Research Instructor, for his patience, support, and
guidance to the conduction this research work;
TO THE RESPONDENTS, who seriously and wholeheartedly answered the
questions of this study;
FAMILIES, FRIENDS AND CLASSMATES, for the moral and financial support,
persistent encouragement, and their continued belief that made rough ways easier to
reach this end;
ALMIGHTY GOD, for giving us strength and wisdom to finish the research work.

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject
As the world constantly changes and improves, our preferences and necessity
also surges along with it, this includes what and where we read. The purpose of
this study is to discuss the effectiveness of E-Books on the reading and
comprehension of the Junior High School Students of Binangonan Catholic
College. The researchers are trying to perceive the effectiveness of reading E-
Book, how it helps the student. As of now the Junior Highs School students who
are studying this Academic Year 2019-2020 have been chosen to be surveyed,
the researchers have chosen these levels of students due to the fact that us
millennials are more prone to lean towards more modern technological
advances, such as E-Books. E-Books are mostly associated with Wattpad but it
is way broader than that, it can be used for basically anything ranging from
school, work and entertainment.

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject
Title Page- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Acknowledgement- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
Abstract - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Table of Contents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
Settings of the Study - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
Theoretical Framework - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
Statement of the Problem- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10
Hypothesis- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Significance of the Study- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -10
Scope and Limitation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -11
Definition of Terms- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -11
Related Literature- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -12
Related Studies- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13
Research Design - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -15
Respondents of the Study- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -15
Instrumentation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -15
Validation of the Instrument- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -16
Procedure of the Study - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -16
Statistical Treatment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -16

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject



Summary of Findings- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 31
Conclusion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 31
Recommendation- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -31
Reference - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Questionnaire- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 33

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject

Influence is the root of interest, and since young people nowadays are
spending a significant amount of time engaged in media activity, e-reader
compatible smart devices are created. E-Book is typically distributed as a digital
file that can be used on any compatible computer or mobile device. Due to elastic
and versatile nature of e-books it can be used to assist people with their daily
tasks. From casual browsing to work and school purposes e-books can help us
perform more efficiently to optimize our time and increase productivity. It is also
mostly free so if there is for example students who are unable to buy actual
books, can just lean towards e-books. Adding to that convenience is having
access to devices like cell phones and computers which amplifies its functionality
by allowing us to use e-books anywhere at any time, thus we can also hone our
skills along the way by broadening our knowledge and understanding due to the
many forms of e-book that may be of guidance to this.
However, even the most convenient things have their downsides, most
prominently was the device used in reading requiring power. While some devices
need to be charged, some needs a constant power supply and that can prove to
be of inconvenience, not only that prolonged use can also have disadvantages
for the actual person by affecting their vision through radiation. We also have to
take in account the things people might be exposed and influenced by,
particularly the younger part of the spectrum, lastly due to it being used by
millennials for entertainment wherein was rumoured to be addictive. Whether it
can be proved useful to hone our skills and development or be of bad influence
especially to the youth, here yet lies a definitive answer but that’s what we, the
researchers, are trying to perceive through conducting this research.

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject


The study took place at the Binangonan Catholic College, a private
Catholic education institution in Binangonan, Rizal that was established in 1947.
the school started out as a secondary school named Binangonan Catholic High
School (BCHS).In the year 2000, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
granted approval for the institution to attain a higher degree education, where its
name was subsequently changed into Binangonan Catholic College.

Fig. 1: Map of Binangonan Catholic College

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject


-Sex Construction of Questionnaire
-Grade Permission and validation to
execute the distribution of Determining How E-book
questionnaires Influences the Reading Interest
Influence of E-book to the of the Junior High School
Utilization of Questionnaires
Reading Interest of Students Students of Binangonan
Survey Catholic College

Analysis of data
-Characteristics of E-
book that interest the students. Findings and conclusions.
-Accessibility of the
reading platform.
-elements that the
readers search for their

Fig. 2
The Conceptual Modeling of showing How E-book Influences the Reading Interest of
the Selected Junior High School Students of Binangonan Catholic College

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject
Figure 1 presents the conceptual modeling of the study, where the input box
contains the profile of the respondents in terms of grade, sex and age. It also shows the
elements that the researchers are trying to find in order to know how e-book influences
their reading interest. The process box presents the process of the study. Meanwhile,
the process table contains the Questionnaire that the researchers will use as the
primary source to get the output. Next, the output is the result of the study based on the
given input and process. Lastly, the feedback connects all the process, wherein the
input is the basis of the output and the output answers the input.

According to Block (1992), there is now no more debate on “whether reading is a
bottom-up, language-based process or a top-down, knowledge-based process.” It is
also no more problematic to accept the influence of background knowledge on readers.
Research has gone even further to define the control executed by readers on their trial
to understand a text. This control is what Block has referred to as meta-cognition.
In the context of reading, meta-cognition involves thinking about what one is
doing while reading. Strategic readers do not only sample the text, make hypotheses,
confirm or reject them, and make new hypotheses while reading. They also involve
many activities along the process of reading, whose stages can be divided into three,
i.e. before reading, while reading, and after reading. The activities the readers involve
before reading are to identify the purpose of the reading, identify the form or type of the
text. In the second stage (while reading), they think about the general character and
features of the form or type of the text—such as trying to locate a topic sentence and
follow supporting details toward a conclusion, project the author’s purpose for writing
the text, choose, scan, or read in detail, make continuous predictions about what will
occur next based on information obtained earlier, prior knowledge, and conclusions
obtained within the previous stages. Finally, in the last stage, they attempt to form a
summary, conclude, or make an inference of what was read.
Meta-cognition is relevant with the research at hand for reading requires
understanding. From the cognitive perspective of learning to read, reading
comprehension (or simply, reading) is the ability to construct linguistic meaning from
written representations of language. These two main foundations of reading are
represented by the two supporting legs in the graphic depiction of this cognitive
framework. It is also stated that interest has something to do with of a person may
understand what he is reading and reading platforms, like e-book or physical book. The
theory of meta-cognition relates to the research in the light that the way of thinking,
knowing and being aware influences our actions and interest, suggesting that this
interest can be translated to reading, primarily e-books. Blocks theory could be
connected to the research in the sense that it tackles about the interest and how the
readers can be influenced.

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject
Meta-cognition connects to our study because it can define as “thinking about
thinking”. Whereas the state of reading results to thinking and eventually arise to ones


Reading is an essential learning skill that everyone must attain. The study aimed to
figure out if the students are more interested in reading e-books than actual books, as well as
trying to know what causes this great influence of the said platform amongst students. With
these, the researchers sought to answer the following questions:
1. What are the profile of the respondents in terms of;
1.1 Grade Level; and
1.2 Sex?
2. What influences the reading interest of the respondents in terms of;
2.1 Platform;
2.2 Accessibility; and
2.3 Entertainment?
3. Benefits of the Study
3.1 To the Students; and
3.2 To the School?

E-book is a reading platform that does not greatly influence the students to read.


The study that the researchers conducted was beneficial to the students,
since reading was a vital tool needed to make sure that an individual was
equipped with necessary skills that may help them succeed in life.
For teachers, the research may be of use to help the teachers find an
innovative and effective instructional material that can contribute to the education
of their students.
For the School Library, this may serve as a portable lightweight implement
for the future innovative e-libraries that may help them expand and release new
titles without needing to invest monthly. Furthermore, considering the speech, It
can produce an e-book much faster than traditional printed books that may be of
convenience to the students that will use the library.
For the School, this research may be of use to help the institution’s future
acquisitions with regards to what instructional materials may be sufficient to help
the students attain finer education.

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject
Researchers, this study is to help the researchers prove an innovative way
to help their teachers, schools and fellow students.
For the future researchers, this research can be a reference for future
researches that may have a connection with technology and the topic itself.


The study covered the possible answer on how e-book may influence the
students’ reading interest and why is it popular as a reading platform.
The collection of needed data was conducted beginning from grade 7 up
to grade 9. The researchers selected 5 to 10 students per section who uses both
e-book and physical books as their reading platform.With this, the research was
done through the utilization of questionnaires that served as the survey and
reference of the study.
By their answers, they able to identify the attributes that encourages and
influences them to read other reading platforms which may not have.

E-Book- a book composed in or converted to digital format for display on a computer
screen or handheld device. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
Millennials- a group of persons who are reaching young adulthood on the 21 st century.
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
Social Media- from of electronic communication 9such as Websites) through which
people create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, etc.
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
Students-a person who attend school, college or university. (Merriam-Webster
Influence- the power to change or affect someone or something: the power to change
something without directly forcing them to happen. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
Interest- the state of wanting to know or learn about something or someone. (Google
Meta-cognition- awareness or understanding of one’s own thought or process. (Google

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject

This chapter evaluates the ideas or scheme, conclusions and generalization of

this research, in which comes from validated literatures and publications. Those that
were included in this chapter help in familiarizing admissible information that are similar
to the present study.

Cognitive Psychologist have found that women are more emphatic than men,
and possess a greater emotional range—traits that makes reading (specially fiction)
appealing. At a young age, girls can sit still for much longer period of time than boys,
regarding also the effect of sex in the performance in visual perception tests, Halper and
Coaller (2005) found that boy’s superiority in visuo-spatial trials, when compared to
girls, is due to a combination of factors such as neurological differences in organism,
the environment they grew up, and the interesting concept the books have.
Since the early 1980’s, research has shown that readers’ well-formed individual
interests and situational interests (evoked by topics and text segments) contributed to
their reading comprehension and learning. Several studies have demonstrated that
personally interesting text segments and passages written on high-interest topics
facilitate children’s as well as college students’ comprehension, inferencing and
retention. Researchers have also demonstrated that interest affects the type of learning
that occurs. Specifically, beyond increasing the amount of recall, interest seems to have
a substantial effect on the quality of learning. Interest leads to more elaborate and
extensive processing of texts.

This is where electronic book comes in, often times called ‘e-books’ is presented
in a digital form, where in, it embodies texts, images, articles and any form of literature
that can be accessed through the internet. In accordance with Bob Brown, e-book is a
simple reading machine that shortens the effort he does in reading, especially because
it is based in a digital form. E-books are obtainable in several different file formats.
Others can be viewed on any specific devices, while there are in terms, limited. It is
considered as a reliable element. The usage of e-books is to generally ease one’s effort
in reading, not just for students but also to the people of the society who can acquire
these technical methods. Because of these factors people who uses e-book can explore
more titles that is within their interest.

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject
Dimmick, Feaster, & Hoplamazian (2011), explained that because of new
devices like cellular phones that have internet access, news consumption has expanded
beyond the traditionally scheduled times and places.
Foasberg (2011) found that 23.5 percent said that they read e-books, and of
those, only 3.7 percent reported that they used text books as their preferred platform.
The others were familiar with e-books in other forms, such as computer or cell phone
downloads. Price was found to be an inhibiting factor for those students who did not
have plans to buy an e-book device. About 42 percent of the students reported doing
two-thirds or more of their reading on an e-book. The study found that students who use
Physical books typically use them for leisure reading, and those who read e-books on
other formats were more likely to use them for academic books.
(Jung, 2012). It found that younger, more educated and higher income
consumers showed higher levels of awareness, interest and use of e-books. The
findings suggested that users are familiar and comfortable with the Internet were more
likely to adopt e-books technologies. The study also found that those with a higher level
of personal innovativeness were faster to develop a positive attitude about the
technology, and the perceived innovation attributes of the device were the selling point
that encouraged consumers to adopt the technology and buy the product.
Renninger, K. A., & Wozniak, R. H. (1985) Findings show that younger
manifested a considerably weaker recency effect than did older Overall interests were
strong, relatively well focused, and individually variable. Interests appeared to be a
powerful determinant of the direction of attentional shift, level of recognition, and
likelihood of recall.

Interest leads to more elaborate and deeper processing of texts. In 2000 Mark
McDaniel, Paula Waddill, Kraig Finstad, and Tammy Bourg found that readers engaged
with uninteresting narratives focused on individual text elements, such as extracting
proposition-specific content, whereas readers of interesting texts tended to engage in
organizational processing of information. Furthermore, their research suggests that text
differing in interest may affect the degree to which processing strategies benefit memory
The bulk of the research in this area examined text characteristics that contribute
to making reading materials more interesting. In his seminal 1979 paper, Roger Schank

indicated that certain concepts (e.g., death, violence, and sex) can be considered
"absolute interests" that almost universally elicit individuals' interest. In 1980 Walter

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject
Kintsch, referring to these interests as "emotional interests," distinguished them from
cognitive interests, which result from events that are involved in complex cognitive
structures or contain surprise. Text-based interest promoted by altering certain aspects
of the learning environment such as modifying task presentations, curriculum materials,
and individuals' self-regulation.
Modifying the presence of others in the learning environment can also elicit
interest. For example, German researchers Lore Hoffman and P. Haussler
demonstrated that mono-educational classes in physics can contribute to girls'
increased interest in the subject area. Finally, Carol Sans one and colleagues in a
series of studies showed that individuals can self-regulate in order to make tasks more
interesting and subsequently to develop individual interest in activities initially
considered uninteresting. Although these studies did not deal specifically with interest in
reading, they indicated that interest in reading could also be increased by similar

The gathered literatures and studies from various sources were relevant to the
study because it supports the idea that interest the factors which may affect the learning
and reading comprehension of the students and E-book as a portable reading platform
that helps the student to explore more of their interest and thus, making it one of the
elements that lures the students into reading.
These studies and articles were made as a basis to the research itself. With this
as a basis, the researchers may able to conduct the study with enough knowledge that
can help them find their conclusions.

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject
Research Design

The descriptive-qualitative design using the structured questionnaires was

utilized for data collection. The Researchers sought in depth understanding on how E-
book Influences the Students’ Reading Interest and what characteristics of the said
platforms attracts them the most.

Respondents of the Study

GRADE 9 8 7

MALE 46 24 40

FEMALE 65 59 56

TOTAL 111 83 96

Table 1 Number of Respondents

The respondents of the study were the students from grade 7 to grade 9 that
used both e-book and physical books as their reading platform. This is to compare and
distinguish the dominant aspects e-book may have from the latter. Ten students from
each section were chosen to participate to the gathering of data.

The main research instrument that was used in this study are the Questionnaires,
in which some data from several sites were used as a spring board. The first part was
the checklist of the respondent’s profile that includes their grade, age and sex. The
second part was divided into two parts; the rating scale of how often they like to read
and where they often read and a checklist to know their preference in reading.

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject
Procedure of the Study
After the title was approved the Researchers then proceeded into gathering of
data from different sources. The researchers then proceeded to work on chapter 1-3.
They reviewed the gathered data and materials like the foreign and local
literatures related to the topic that gave them a more precise and valid idea over the
study. They then worked on the research Methodology and Sources of Data where the
research design, Instruments used and its validity, and the statistical treatment were

Validation of the instrument

The tools that were used to gather data was validated by the principal and the
research adviser who are both experts on the said field of study. The comments and
recommendations from the adviser and other teachers were used to amend the
Questionnaires in order to assure the quality standard of the materials to be used.

Statistical Treatment
The data gathered in the study were treated with the use of the following
statistical statements.
To determine the profile of the respondents as well as how e-book influences the
reading interest of students, the researchers used the frequency and percentage

To determine the frequency counts and percentage distribution of personal
related variable of the respondents the formula was:
%= x 100

% is percentage
F is frequency
N is the total number of students

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject
This chapter contains the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data
gathered to support this study.

Grade 7 Male and Female Students

Table 2
MALE 40 41.67%
FEMALE 56 58.33%
TOTAL: 96 100%

1. How often do you spend time reading?

Out of 56 grade 7 female students, 9 answered that they don’t often spend time
reading while 47 students answered that they do. On the other hand, out of 40 grade 7
male student, 13 answered that they don’t often spend time reading while 27 answered
that they do. Overall, 77.08% of grade 7 students states that they often read while the
remaining 22.92% states that they don’t.
According to the data gathered, 47 grade 7 female students answered that they
often read and 27male students answered that they do not. This data supports the
theory of the Cognitive Psychologist wherein it states that reading are more appealing to
women and men’s superiority in visuo-spatial trials are due to the culture influence and
the book concepts (i.e romance) that do not appeal much to males.
For the Researcher’s the grade 7 female students are the one who spend their
time most into reading. Because of the various titles that e-book may offer, and for the
reoccurring genres in e-book that is mostly appealing to women (i.e. romance).
However, the grade 7 males who is not as interested into reading may do various
physical activities who are naturally appealing for men (i.e. sports)

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject
2. How often do you spend time reading using your mobile devices?
Out of 56 grade 7 female students, 13 answered that they don’t often spend time
reading using their mobile devices while 43 students answered that they do. On the
other hand, out of 40 grade 7 male student, 20 answered that they don’t often spend
time reading using their mobile devices while the other 20 answered that they do.
According to the data gathered, 63 grade 7 students answered that they often
read using mobile devices and 33 answered that they don’t often read using mobile
devices. According to Jung (2012), users that are familiar and comfortable with the
internet, were more likely to adopt e-books as their reading platform.
E-book as a reading device is very handy to use in different file formats in any
compatible mobile devices. It also eases the

3. How often do you spend time reading using physical books?

Out of 56 grade 7 female students, 24 answered that they don’t often spend time
reading using physical books while 32 students answered that they do. On the other
hand, out of 40 grade 7 male student, 30 answered that they don’t often spend time
reading using physical books while 10 answered that they do.
According to the data, 42 grade 7 students answered that they often spend time
reading using physical books and 54 answered that they don’t often read using physical
books which translates to 43.75% and 56.25%. According to Foasberg (2011) The study
found that students who use physical books typically use them for leisure reading, and
those who read e-books on other formats were more likely to use them for academic
For the Researcher’s few of the grade 7 female students are the one who spend
their time most into reading physical books that is just three times higher count than
males who does reads physical books.

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject
4. What medium do you use to read from?
Out of 56 grade 7 female students, 42 chose E-book as their reading platform while 14
students chose physical books. On the other hand, out of 40 grade 7 male student, 22
chose E-book as their reading platform while 18 students chose physical books.
According to the data gathered, E-book is the most chosen platform having a 64
grade 7 students who chose e-book which translates to 66.67% and according to
Dimmick, Feaster, & Hoplamazian, (2011) Because the new technologies had become
so fast and sophisticated, they had many features that the older platforms could not
support. They explained that because of new devices like cellular phones that have
internet access. News consumption has expanded beyond the traditionally scheduled
times, not the same as before like reading the newspaper during breakfast or watching
the evening television news at home. In addition, the portability of these devices allows
users to take the news anywhere, including vacations.
For the researchers majority of both grade 7 female and male students chose e-
book as their reading platform probably for its portability.

4.1 Considering your overall experience will you recommend reading from this
platform to your family and friends?
Out of 56 grade 7 female students who reads e-book and physical books, 44
answered yes they will recommend e-book, 6 students answered that they won’t while
the remaining 6 students are undecided. On the other hand, out of 40 grade 7 male
student who reads e-book and physical books, 20 answered yes they will recommend e-
book, 15 answered that they won’t while the 5 remaining students are undecided.

According to the data gathered, the 64 grade 7 students who chose both e-book and
physical books as their reading platform will recommend the usage of e-book to their
family and friends, the 21 of the grade 7 students states that they won’t, while the
remaining 11 grade 7 students were undecided which translates to 66.66% students
who will recommend the usage of e-book to their family and friends, 21.87% doesn’t
recommend and the remaining 11.45% were undecided.

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject
For the researchers’ the result states that both users of e-book and physical book
will recommend e-book as a reading platform to their family and friends
considering its portability and easy access.

5. Why do you prefer to read on your chosen platform?

Out of 56 grade 7 female students the 42 students who chose e-book as their reading
platform stated that the reason that they choose to read from their choice of platform is
due to its Accessibility, enjoyment, learning and the cost while the 14 grade 7 female
students who took physical books as their platform states that the reason they chose
this as the platform of their choice is because of its Accessibility, enjoyment and health
be Accessibility, enjoyment and health benefits. On the other hand, out of the 40 grade
7 male students the 22 students who chose e-book states that the reason they chose to
read from this platform was due to its Accessibility, entertainment and cost while the 18
grade 7 male student who took physical books as their platform states that the reason
they chose this as the platform of their choice is due to its Health benefits,
entertainment and learning.
According to the data gathered the 64 students of the grade 7 chose e-book due to its
accessibility, the entertainment and learning it brought and cost that is the same with
the 32 grade 7 students who answered physical books excluding the cost which
translates to 66.67% and 33.33%
Most grade 7 female students’ reads most often that grade 7 male students.

6. Does your chosen platform motivates you to read?

Out of 56 grade 7 female students, 52 answered yes it motivates them 4 students
answered that it doesn’t. On the other hand, out of 40 grade 7 male student, 36
answered that yes it motivates them and 4 answered that it doesn’t.
According to the data gathered, 88 grade 7 students was motivated by their chosen
platforms to read further and 8 grade 7 students answered that they weren’t which

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject
translates to 91.67% and 8.33. According to Halper and Coaller (2005), interest
seems to have a substantial effect on the quality of learning. Whereas the state of
being interested may arise to motivational factors.
The researchers conclude that their chosen platform motivates them to read
because it fits their standard of comfort and

7. Do you enjoy reading from this platform?

Out of 56 grade 7 female students, 48 answered yes they enjoy reading from their
chosen platform while 8 students answered they don’t. On the other hand, out of 40
grade 7 male student, 37 answered that they enjoy reading from their chosen platform
while 3 students answered they don’t.
According to the data gathered, 85 of the grade 7 students enjoy reading from their
chosen platform while 11 grade 7 students answered that they don’t which translates to
88.55% and 11.45%.
Males enjoy reading from the platform that they chose more than how female

Grade 8 Male and Female Students

Table 3
MALE 24 28.92%
FEMALE 59 71.08%
TOTAL 83 100%

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject
1. How often do you spend time reading?
Out of 59 grade 8 female students, 11 answered that they do not often spend time
reading while 48 students answered that they do. On the other hand, out of 24 grade 8
male student, 11 answered that they do not often spend time reading while 13
answered that they do.
According to the data, 61 grade 8 students answered that they often read and 22
answered that they do not often read which translates to 73.50% and 26.50%. In
accordance to Renninger, K. A., & Wozniak, R. H. (1985) Interests appeared to be a
powerful determinant of the direction of attentional shift, level of recognition, and
likelihood of recall. Indicating that the interest of an individual strongly influence their
For the Researcher’s the grade 8 female students are the one who spend their time
most into reading. Because of the various titles, that e-book may offer, and for the
reoccurring genres in e-book that is mostly appealing to women (i.e. romance).
However, the grade 8 males who is not as interested into reading may do various
physical activities who are naturally appealing for men (i.e. sports)

2. How often do you spend time reading using your mobile devices?
Out of 59 grade 8 male students, 11 answered that they do not often spend time
reading using their mobile devices while 48 students answered that they do. On the
other hand, out of 24 grade 8 male student, 5 answered that they don’t often spend time
reading using their mobile devices while 19 answered that they do.
According to the data, 67 grade 8 students answered that they often-read using mobile
devices and 16 answered that they do not often read using mobile devices, which
translates to 80.73% and 19.27%. In relation (Jung, 2012). It found that younger, more
educated and higher income consumers showed higher levels of awareness, interest
and use of e-books. This suggests that when people are already familiarized with
something, it’s likely that its easier for them to accommodate that idea.

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject
For the Researcher’s the grade 7 female students are the one who spend their time
most into reading probably using e-books to find the titles that they may enjoy.
3. How often do you spend time reading using physical books?
Out of 59 female students, 25 answered that they do not often spend time reading using
physical books while 34 students answered that they do. On the other hand, out of 24
grade 8 male student 15 answered that they don’t often spend time reading using
physical books while 9 answered that they do.
According to the data, 43 grade 8 students answered that they often-read using physical
books and 40 students answered that they do not often read using physical books,
which translates to 51.81% and 48.19%.
For the Researcher’s few of the grade 7 female students are the one who spend their
time most into reading physical books that is just three times higher count than males
who does reads physical books.
4. What medium do you use to read from?
Out of 59 grade 8 female students, 42 chose E-book as their reading platform while 17
students chose physical books. On the other hand, out of 24 grade 8 male student, 15
chose E-book as their reading platform while 9 students chose physical books.
According to the data, 57 grade 8 students chose E-book as their reading platform and
26 students chose Physical books as their reading platform, which translates to 68.68%
and 31.32%. Researchers have speculated that interest may contribute in increasing
the amount of recall, it seems to have a substantial effect on the quality of learning.
Thus, it suggests that the different platforms someone accumulates information may
have varying impact to their engrossment.
For the researchers majority of both grade 7 female and male students chose e-book as
their reading platform probably for its portability.

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject
4.1 Considering your overall experience will you recommend reading from this
platform to your family and friends?
Out of 59 grade 8 female students who reads e-book and physical books, 42 answered
yes they will recommend e-book, 9 students answered that they won’t while the
remaining 8 students are undecided. On the other hand, out of 24 grade 8 male student
who reads e-book and physical books, 19 answered yes they will recommend e-book, 3
answered that they won’t while the 2 remaining students are undecided.
According to the data gathered, 61 of the grade 8 students who chose both e-book and
physical books as their reading platform will recommend the usage of e-book to their
family and friends, 12 states that they won’t and the 10 remaining were undecided
which translates to 73.50%,14.46%, and 12.04%. Considering Dimmick, Feaster,
&Hoplamazian (2011), explained that because of new devices like cellular phones that
have internet access, people tend to utilize it to perform every day tasks easier and
more proficiently such as reading.
For the researchers’ the result states that both users of e-book and physical book will
recommend e-book as a reading platform to their family and friends considering its
portability and easy access.
5. Why do you prefer to read on your chosen platform?
Out of 59 grade 8 female students the 42 students who chose e-book as their reading
platform stated that the reason that they choose to read from their choice of platform is
due to its Accessibility, entertainment, learning and the cost while the 17 grade 8 female
students who took physical books as their platform states that the reason they chose
this as the platform of their choice is because of its Accessibility, enjoyment and health
be Accessibility, enjoyment and health benefits. On the other hand, out of the 24 grade
8 male students the 15 students who chose e-book states that the reason they chose to
read from this platform was due to its Accessibility, entertainment and cost while the 9
grade 8 male student who took physical books as their platform states that the reason
they chose this as the platform of their choice is due to its Health benefits,
entertainment and learning.
According to the data gathered the 57 of the grade 8 students chose e-book due to its
accessibility, the entertainment and learning it brought and cost that is the same with

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject
the 22 of the grade 8 students who answered physical books excluding the costs which
translates to 68.68% and 31.32%. Foasberg (2011) found at 23.5 percent said that they
read e-books, and of those, only 3.7 percent reported that they used text books as their
preferred platform. The others were familiar with e-books in other forms, such as
computer or cell phone downloads. Primarily because it’s the most efficient way of
reading and gathering information like for students with their school work.
Most grade 8 female students’ reads most often that grade 8 male students.
6. Does your chosen platform motivates you to read?
Out of 59 grade 8 female students, 57 answered yes it motivates them 2 students
answered that it doesn’t. On the other hand, out of 24 grade 8 male student, 24
answered that yes it motivates them and none answered that it doesn’t.
According to the data gathered 81 of the grade 8 students was motivated by their
chosen platforms to read further while 2 answered that they weren’t which translates to
97.60% and 2.40%
The researchers conclude that their chosen platform motivates them to read because it
fits their standard of comfort and

7. Do you enjoy reading from this platform?

Out of 59 grade 8 female students, all 59 answered yes they enjoy reading from their
chosen platform. On the other hand, out of 24 grade 8 male student, 24 answered that
they enjoy reading from their chosen platform while none students answered they don’t.
According to the data gathered, 83 of the grade 8 students enjoy reading from their
chosen platform, which translates to 100%The study also found that those with a higher
level of personal innovativeness were faster to develop a positive attitude about the
technology, and the perceived innovation attributes of the device were the selling point
that encouraged consumers to adopt the technology and buy the product.

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject
Males enjoy reading from the platform that they chose more than how female does.

Grade 9 Male and Female Students

Table 4
MALE 46 41.44%
FEMALE 65 58.56%
TOTAL 111 100%

1. How often do you spend time reading?

Out of 65 grade 9 female students, 23 answered that they don’t often spend time
reading while 42 students answered that they do. On the other hand, out of 46 grade 9
male student, 23 answered that they don’t often spend time reading while 24 answered
that they do.
According to the data, 66 grade 9 students answered that they often read and 46 grade
9 students answered that they don’t which translates to 59.45% and 40.55%.
Considering the 58.56% of the students that reads often are female, it supports the
theory of cognitive psychologist which states that women tend to have more concise
emotions in terms of reading while men have less interests in reading and are more into
outside activities.
For the Researcher’s the grade 8 female students are the one who spend their time
most into reading. Because of the various titles, that e-book may offer, and for the
reoccurring genres in e-book that is mostly appealing to women (i.e. romance).
However, the grade 8 males who is not as interested into reading may do various
physical activities who are naturally appealing for men (i.e. sports)
2. How often do you spend time reading using your mobile devices?

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject
Out of 65 grade 9 female students, 20 answered that they don’t often spend time
reading using their mobile devices while 45 students answered that they do. On the
other hand, out of 46 grade 9 male students, 18 answered that they don’t often spend
time reading using their mobile devices while 28 answered that they do.
According to the data 73 grade 9 students says that they often spend their time reading
through mobile devices and 38 grade 9 students answered that they don’t often read
using their mobile device which translates to 65.77% and 34.23%. However this relates
to the theory of Bob brown, stating that e-book is a device considered as a reliable
element which can be acquired by anyone through the internet. Connecting to the study,
grade 9 students are more engrossed in reading through their mobile device due to the
fact that their interest in e-books are uplifted by the use of technology as well.
For the Researcher’s the grade 7 female students are the one who spend their time
most into reading probably using e-books to find the titles that they may enjoy.
3. How often do you spend time reading using physical books?
Out of 65 grade 9 female students, 35 answered that they don’t often spend time
reading using physical books while 30 students answered that they do. On the other
hand, out of 46 grade 9 male student, 31 answered that they don’t often spend time
reading using physical books while 15 answered that they do.
According to the data, 45 grade 9 students responded that they often spend time
reading using physical books and 66 grade 9 students answered that they don’t
otherwise. This translates to 40.55% and 59.45%. This connects to the theory of
Renninger, K. A., & Wozniak, R. H. (1985) stating that interests can be widely varied
depending on a person. This appeared to be a powerful factor in terms of attentional
For the Researcher’s few of the grade 7 female students are the one who spend their
time most into reading physical books that is just three times higher count than males
who does reads physical books.

4. What medium do you use to read from?

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject
Out of 65 grade 9 female students, 45 chose E-book as their reading platform while 20
students chose physical books. On the other hand, out of 46 grade 9 male student, 29
chose E-book as their reading platform while 17 students chose physical books.
According to the data, 74 grade 9 students chose E-book as their reading platform and
37 grade 9 students chose physical books which translates to 66.67% and 33.33%.
Foasberg (2011) supports this subject by stating that 23.5 percent said that they read e-
books, and of those, only 3.7 percent reported that they used text books as their
preferred platform. The others were familiar with e-books in other forms, such as
computer or cell phone downloads. As youths, the number of grade 9 students choose
e-books as their platform because they tend to rely on technology or devices.
For the researchers majority of both grade 7 female and male students chose e-book as
their reading platform probably for its portability.

4.1 Considering your overall experience will you recommend reading from this
platform to your family and friends?
Out of 65 grade 9 female students who reads e-book and physical books, 47 answered
yes they will recommend e-book, 7 students answered that they won’t while the
remaining 11 students are undecided. On the other hand, out of 46 grade 9 male
student who reads e-book and physical books, 34 answered yes they will recommend e-
book, 11 answered that they won’t while the 1 remaining student are undecided.
According to the data gathered 81 students who chose both e-book and physical books
as their reading platform will recommend the usage of e-book to their family and friends,
18 states that they won’t recommend while the remaining 12 were undecided which
translates to 72.97% students who will recommend the usage of e-book to their family
and friends, 16.21% doesn’t recommend and the remaining 10.82% were undecided.
This is supported by the theory of Renninger, K. A., & Wozniak, R. H. (1985), stating
that overall ,interests were relatively well focused, and individually variable, due to the
fact that a person will not fully recommend something wholeheartedly if the subject does
not interest them, although a person will recommend using these platforms if it interests

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject
For the researchers’ the result states that both users of e-book and physical book will
recommend e-book as a reading platform to their family and friends considering its
portability and easy access.

5. Why do you prefer to read on your chosen platform?

Out of 65 grade 9 female students the 45 students who chose e-book as their reading
platform stated that the reason that they choose to read from their choice of platform is
due to its Accessibility, enjoyment, learning and the cost while the 20 grade 9 female
students who took physical books as their platform states that the reason they chose
this as the platform of their choice is because of its Accessibility, enjoyment and health
be Accessibility, enjoyment and health benefits. On the other hand, out of the 46 grade
9 male students the 29 students who chose e-book states that the reason they chose to
read from this platform was due to its Accessibility, entertainment and cost while the 17
grade 9 male student who took physical books as their platform states that the reason
they chose this as the platform of their choice is due to its Health benefits,
entertainment and learning.
According to the data gathered, the 74 of the grade 9 students chose e-book due to its
accessibility, entertainment, learning and cost that is the same with the 37 students who
answered physical books excluding the costs which translates to 66.67% and 33.33%.
According to Bob Brown, The usage of e-books is to generally ease one’s effort in
reading, this aligns to the accessibility that e-books offer, and it lessen the expense on
buying physical books. on the other hand, some have chosen physical books for
reasons like health benefits.
Most grade 8 female students’ reads most often that grade 7 male students.

6. Does your chosen platform motivates you to read?

Out of 65 grade 09 female students, 63answered yes it motivates them 2 students
answered that it doesn’t. On the other hand, out of 46 grade 9 male student, 40
answered that yes it motivates them and 06 answered that it doesn’t.
According to the data gathered 103 of the students was motivated by their chosen
platforms to read further while 8 answered that they weren’t which translates to 92.80%

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject
and 7.20% . According to (Jung, 2012), found that younger, more educated consumers
showed higher levels of awareness, interest and use of e-books, that leads to being
motivated and being influenced as an e-reader.
The researchers conclude that their chosen platform motivates them to read because it
fits their standard of comfort and

7. Do you enjoy reading from this platform?

Out of 65 grade 9 female students, 60 answered yes they enjoy reading from their
chosen platform while 5 students answered they don’t. On the other hand, out of 46
grade 9 male student, 41 answered that they enjoy reading from their chosen platform
while 5 students answered they don’t.
According to the data gathered, 101 grade 9 students enjoy reading from their chosen
platform and 10 answered that they don’t which translates to 90.99% and 9.01. This
also relates to the theory of Renninger, K. A., & Wozniak, R. H. (1985), saying that
interst is individually variable, it aligns to what people enjoy as well through their
Males enjoy reading from the platform that they chose more than how female does.

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject

According to the conducted survey:
 Majority of respondents have chosen e-books as their preferred platform.
 Majority of students who find e-book appealing as a reading platform are
 E-book could be a platform in terms of learning, accessibility/portability.
 E-book influences the reading interest of Junior High school Students because of
its features that fits the scheme of the youth nowadays.

As what the researchers have concluded, the reading interest of people are influenced
by e-books. In a way that this kind of platform provides a portable and accessible
functionality. With generally less cost than usual books, as well as other features that
you cannot achieve with regular books (i.e. read out function). Along with the reasoning
that our current generation is more reliant to technology, given its many conveniences.
Consequently, as the researchers deduced e-book, being a viable alternative for people
to read on, sparks the interest of individuals in reading.

Based on forgoing findings and conclusions of the study, the following
recommendations are proposed:
For students:
1. Students are encouraged to venture other platforms of reading to find their own
interest and further explore it.
2. Using e-book they are urged to read a broader variety of books.
3. Inadequate amount of male respondents.

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject

For teacher:
1. Teachers are coaxed to introduce students to reading platforms.
2. Focus on helping the students pertaining to reading interest.
3. Be acknowledged of the student’s interest.
For School:
1. The school can us e-books as an innovative instructional material that they can
provide for the teachers and students.
Library :
1. Using e-book is more compact, convenient and less expensive
Future Researchers:
1. Search for more related articles and studies that is in e-book file format, there are
tons in the internet.

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject




The purpose of this study is to know how e-book may be of great influence in
encouraging the students to read. It also aims to know the reason why e-book is a
popular reading platform amongst students.

Grade:____________ Sex: Male Female

I. Use the following scale for your intended answer.
1 = not very often 2 = not often 3 = often 4 = very often

1 2 3 4

1.How often do you spend time reading?

2. How do you often spend time reading using your

mobile devices?

3. How often do you spend time reading using your

physical books?

II. Please answer the questions accordingly. Put a check mark on the boxes of your
chosen answer.

4. What medium do you use to read from? E-Book Physical Books

4.1 Considering your overall experience, will you recommend reading from this
platform to your family and friends? Yes No
5. Why do you prefer to read on your chosen platform? Please cite the possible
answers. ______________________________________________________________
6. Does your chosen platform motivate you to read? Yes No
7. Do you enjoy reading from this platform? Yes No

Binangonan Catholic College RESEARCH PAPER
Binangonan, Rizal Junior High School
A.Y 2019-2020 English Subject


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