Manual - Pdms Installation

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PDMS Professional

Installation Guide
Version 11.3

(Windows NT and 2000)

Issue 310101

Cadcentre has a policy of continuing product development: therefore, the

information contained in this document may be subject to change without notice.



While every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of this document,
Cadcentre shall not be liable for errors contained herein or direct, indirect, special,
incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance
or use of this material.

 Copyright 1998 through 2001 Cadcentre Limited

Windows NT and Windows 2000 are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, photocopying or
otherwise, without prior written permission of Cadcentre.
The software programs described in this document are confidential information and proprietary
products of Cadcentre Ltd or its licensors.

For details of Cadcentre's worldwide sales and support offices, see our website at

Cadcentre Ltd, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HB, UK

1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Contents of this Guide ........................................................................ 1-1

2 Hardware and Software Requirements ....................................................... 2-1

2.1 Hardware ............................................................................................ 2-1
2.1.1 Graphics Cards...................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Software and Configuration ............................................................... 2-2

3 Installing PDMS ............................................................................................. 3-1

3.1 Basic Installation................................................................................ 3-1
3.1.1 Making the PDMS Folder Common on a PC ....................... 3-2
3.1.2 Loading the Acrobat Reader ................................................. 3-2
3.2 Remote Installation ............................................................................ 3-2
3.3 FLEXMAN License Manager ............................................................. 3-2
3.4 Setting Up Additional Program Objects ............................................ 3-3
3.5 Plotting................................................................................................ 3-4

4 Setting Up the Windows Environment ........................................................ 4-1

4.1 Windows Parameters.......................................................................... 4-1
4.2 The Windows Document Interface ..................................................... 4-1
4.3 Setting the License File Environment Variable................................ 4-2
4.4 Graphics Board Settings .................................................................... 4-2
4.5 Running PDMS from a Command Prompt Window.......................... 4-2
4.6 The PDMS Environment .................................................................... 4-3
4.7 Note on Running Macros in PDMS under Windows ......................... 4-4
4.8 Linking to Microsoft Excel ................................................................. 4-4

5 Language Support ........................................................................................ 5-1

5.1 To Use a Far Eastern Language ........................................................ 5-2
5.2 To Use a Latin-2 or Latin-Cyrillic Language .................................... 5-2

6 PDMS Projects............................................................................................... 6-1

6.1 The Sample Project............................................................................. 6-1
6.1.1 Users and Teams in the Sample Project .............................. 6-2
6.1.2 MDBs in the Sample Project................................................. 6-2

PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000) i

Version 11.3

6.1.3 Copying Project SAM to Your User Area.............................. 6-3

6.2 Creating PDMS Projects ..................................................................... 6-3
6.2.1 The Sample Project and Your Own Projects ........................ 6-4

7 Upgrading Projects to Version 11.3 ............................................................. 7-1

7.1 The Upgrade Environment Variables ................................................ 7-1
7.2 The Upgrade Procedure ...................................................................... 7-3
7.2.1 After Each Project Upgrade .................................................. 7-4
7.3 DRAFT Libraries Upgrade ................................................................. 7-4

8 Installing AutoDRAFT.................................................................................... 8-1

8.1 Compatibility....................................................................................... 8-1
8.2 The AutoDRAFT Software.................................................................. 8-1
8.3 Configuring AutoDRAFT with AutoCAD........................................... 8-2
8.4 Installing and Configuring AutoCAD ................................................ 8-2
8.4.1 AutoCAD R13......................................................................... 8-3
8.4.2 AutoCAD R14......................................................................... 8-3
8.4.3 AutoCAD R2000..................................................................... 8-3
8.5 Getting Started with AutoCAD .......................................................... 8-4
8.6 Application Macros for Use with PDMS DRAFT............................... 8-4

9 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................ 9-1

9.1 General ................................................................................................ 9-1
9.2 License Manager Errors ..................................................................... 9-1
9.3 Entering PDMS ................................................................................... 9-2
9.4 Starting Appware in DESIGN/DRAFT/ISODRAFT/ PARAGON ..... 9-3
9.5 Problems with Graphics...................................................................... 9-3

10 Uninstalling and Reinstalling ..................................................................... 10-1

ii PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000)

Version 11.3
1 Introduction

This guide explains how to install and set up PDMS Professional Version
11.3 on a workstation running the Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 or Windows
2000 operating system (hereafter referred to jointly as 'Windows'). The
basic installation can be carried out by any user, but a System
Administrator is required to carry out some of the set-up.
This guide assumes you are familiar with the concepts of directory/file
hierarchies for storing data on disks and with basic Windows terminology
and commands. If you are not, you may also need to refer to your
operating system documentation while you carry out the installation.
The guide also assumes that you have already gained access to the PDMS
installation files via a CD, from the Cadcentre Web site, by FTP from
another source, or by some other route.

1.1 Contents of this Guide

Chapter 2, Hardware and Software Requirements, gives a minimum

specification for the computer and describes what software is required
and how it should be configured.
For completely up-to-date information, please see the Cadcentre Website
at, and refer to the Customer Services
Hardware pages. The Web pages also give hints on ways of setting up and
running PDMS on different computers in order to achieve the most
efficient performance.
Chapter 3, Installing PDMS, describes how to install PDMS 11.3 and
license the software.
Chapter 4, Setting Up the Windows Environment, explains the settings
that should be made to configure the operation of Windows and PDMS.
Chapter 6, PDMS Projects, describes the sample project which is supplied
as part of PDMS, and how to set up your own projects.
Chapter 7, Upgrading Projects to Version 11.3, describes how to upgrade
your existing PDMS 11.2 projects for use with PDMS 11.3.
Chapter 8, Installing AutoDRAFT, describes how to install and configure

PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000) 1-1

Version 11.3

Chapter 9, Troubleshooting, describes some of the errors that you could

encounter when running PDMS.
Chapter 10, Uninstalling and Reinstalling, describes how to uninstall and
reinstall the PDMS software.

1-2 PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000)

Version 11.3
2 Hardware and Software Requirements

This section describes the hardware and software configurations that

PDMS requires to run under Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000.

2.1 Hardware

The following list gives a minimum specification for your computer.

• Processor Intel Pentium family, or equivalent.
• Memory 64MB minimum; 128MB recommended.
• Hard disk At least 415MB free space for a full installation.
• Graphics Card See below (only colour devices supported).
• CD drive CD-ROM will be used for media distribution.
• Mouse Three-button mouse strongly recommended.

2.1.1 Graphics Cards

PDMS uses standard OpenGL for its 3D graphics.
It is also possible to run with a lower standard of 3D performance on
some 2D graphics cards.
Due to the continuously and rapidly changing list of hardware
accelerated OpenGL graphics cards commercially available, an up-to-date
list of supported graphics cards cannot be included in this document.
However, the Cadcentre Web pages ( contain a
current list of both tested and supported graphics cards.
Other graphics cards which fully support the OpenGL standard should
also work, but Cadcentre cannot offer assistance in configuring these. You
may also find some problems, for example, when picking items in PDMS.

PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000) 2-1

Version 11.3
Hardware and Software Requirements

2.2 Software and Configuration

The following software should be installed and configured on your

computer to enable PDMS 11.3 to run.
• Windows NT Version 4.0 with Service Pack 4 or 5, or Windows 2000.
• PDMS 11.3 databases must be on an NTFS File System: FATC
partitions are not supported.
• The license manager must have a drive called C: available for
writing temporary information. In the case of double boot machines,
where D: is the system disk for Windows NT/2000 and C: is used, for
example, for an earlier version of Windows, the license manager will
still work, since it does not require NTFS.
• Graphics board settings: see Section 4.4 for details of colours and
resolution for optimum performance.
• Optionally, you can have Microsoft Excel installed for outputting

2-2 PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000)

Version 11.3
3 Installing PDMS

3.1 Basic Installation

An ordinary user can install PDMS. However, a System Administrator is

required to make the Cadcentre folder of PDMS common shortcuts.
To install PDMS:
1. Having loaded the installation CD, or accessed the installation files
via some other route, select the product which you want to install (in
this case PDMS Professional Version 11.3.1), then click INSTALL or
otherwise run Setup.exe. OK any confirmation forms which appear.
2. On the File Download form, select Run this program from its current
location to install the program files directly from their current
location (for example, the CD) onto your hard disk. Say Yes to the
Security Warning query about an Authenticode signature.
3. This starts the InstallShield® Wizard, which will lead you through
the rest of the installation process.
During the installation sequence, follow the on-screen instructions as
they appear. You will be given a choice between two levels of installation:
• Full installation: Installs all available product components
(recommended for a new installation unless there are good reasons for
restricting the options available to end users).
• Custom installation: Presents you with a list of all available
product components from which you can select those to be installed.
It is recommended that you use the default settings for directory paths
etc. unless you have good reasons for doing otherwise.
The process needs approximately 415MB of free disk space for a full
installation of all options. InstallShield checks that there is enough space
available before it starts, and warns you if there is not.
When the process is complete, you will be invited to restart your
computer to initialise the new options. You will then have a Cadcentre
folder in your Start menu containing shortcuts for 'Run PDMS', 'Make
PDMS project' and 'PDMS manuals'.

PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000) 3-1

Version 11.3
Installing PDMS

Note: If InstallShield detects an existing PDMS installation, it will

display the options for modifying/repairing/removing the files
rather than simply offering the standard installation options. See
Chapter 10 for further details.

3.1.1 Making the PDMS Folder Common on a PC

A System Administrator level user is required to move the Cadcentre
folder to the All Users section of the Start menu, or to make the 'Run
PDMS' shortcut common. To do this:
• Click the right-hand mouse button over the Start button in the task
• Select Explore from the displayed menu options. This displays the
Explorer window.
• Move any shortcuts or folders as required in the Explorer.

3.1.2 Loading the Acrobat Reader

Adobe Acrobat 4.0 Reader is needed to display the electronic versions of
the manuals, which are stored on the CD. If you have not yet installed
the Adobe Acrobat 4 Reader, do this now by double clicking on
rs405eng.exe and then on ac405up2.exe in the \ACROREAD\NT
directory. The manual set will then be readable.

3.2 Remote Installation

In order to have a central installation of PDMS which can be used from a

network of workstations, select the Installations directory on a shared disk
partition. After the installation has finished, it will be necessary to
provide each remote computer with a copy of the Cadcentre folder
containing shortcuts. This must be done by a System Administrator, as
described in Section 3.1.1.
Alternatively, a shortcut to a standard Cadcentre folder may be created
at each workstation.

3.3 FLEXMAN License Manager

You must install and set up the FLEXMAN license system before PDMS
can be used. See the FLEXMAN Installation Guide.

3-2 PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000)

Version 11.3
Installing PDMS

3.4 Setting Up Additional Program Objects

Note: In the following instructions: +++ means the path name where
PDMS is installed, e.g. C:\CADCENTRE.
The installation procedure will set the user up with a Common Program
Object to enter PDMS. If you want to set up any new ones, follow this
There is a batch (.bat) file supplied in +++\pdms11.3 called pdms.bat
which allows entry into PDMS, including the password, supplied in a
You can run PDMS using this batch file in either of the following ways:
• If you have the path name for the .bat file in your PATH
environment variable setting, just type pdms to execute the batch
• Otherwise, navigate to the directory where the batch file is stored
and type pdms or pdms.bat.
You can set up your own batch files. For example, if you want to set up a
batch file to enter DESIGN:
• Create a batch file in the PDMSEXE directory, named, for example,
• Type the following line into this file:
C:\cadcentre\pdms11.3\pdms.bat SAM SYSTEM/XXXXXX /STRUC DESIGN
When you run it, the xyz.bat file will enter PDMS in project SAM, as user
• You can create a new program item to run your batch file:
With the cursor in the desktop area, click with the right-hand button and
select New>Shortcut. Type in the command line, for example:
+++\pdms11.3\xyz.bat +++
then press Next.
On the next form, give the shortcut a name.
On the next form, select an icon.
Press Finish.
You can change the icon name by selecting it and selecting Properties
from the menu displayed when you press the right-hand mouse button.
You should now be able to click on the icon and enter PDMS DESIGN

PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000) 3-3

Version 11.3
Installing PDMS

3.5 Plotting

To plot in a Windows environment, we recommend that you use the

plotcadc.bat file supplied in the pdms11.3 directory. Note that you may
have to modify the plotcadc.bat file to suit your local printer installation.
Non-Novell Networks:
The Network Plotter must be mapped using the NET USE command. See
your network documentation for more information.
To run the plotcadc.bat file, give a command in the format:
+++\pdms11.3\plotcadc.bat plotfile format printer options
where options are the Cadcentre PLOT utility options, and may be
omitted. See the PLOT User Guide for more information. Note that the
options must be enclosed in quotes.
For example:
plotcadc.bat c:\pdms\plot1 ps \\ntserver\NTPostScript
plotcadc.bat c:\pdms\plot1 hpgl \\ntserver\NThpgl 'CE=Y'
Novell Network:
On Novell networks you will need to modify the plotcadc.bat file to use
nprint instead of print.

3-4 PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000)

Version 11.3
4 Setting Up the Windows Environment

The PDMS System Administrator must configure some aspects of the

Windows interface before the end users can run PDMS.
• Configure Windows parameters for PDMS: see Section 4.1.
• Accept the default Multiple Document Interface (MDI)
configuration, or change to a Single Document Interface (SDI)
configuration: see Section 4.2.
• Check the settings for your graphics board: see Section 2.1.1.
• Ensure the FLEXMAN License Manager daemon is running: see
Section 3.3.
• Set environment variables relating to FLEXMAN and the PDMS
projects you wish to use: see Section 4.3.
• You can then run PDMS by clicking on the PDMS shortcut or icon,
which will set up the remaining environment variables required.
Note: In the following instructions: +++ means the path name where
PDMS is installed, for example, C:\CADCENTRE.

4.1 Windows Parameters

The following setting is important, because it affects performance and has

visual effects when repositioning forms in DESIGN, etc.
Select Start>Settings>Control Panel. Select Display and select the Plus!
tab. On the form, uncheck Show Window Contents While Dragging.

4.2 The Windows Document Interface

By default, the PDMS applicationware uses a Multiple Document

Interface (MDI). To change this to a Single Document Interface (SDI), you
must edit the following file:
The relevant line, which sets MDI, is:
setup appwin title 'PDMS' size 0.8 0.85

PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000) 4-1

Version 11.3
Setting Up the Windows Environment

To change to SDI, simply comment out this line by prefixing it with two
-- characters, thus:
-- setup appwin title 'PDMS' size 0.8 0.85
Note that this change will affect all users: it is not possible to configure
the interface setting locally for individual workstations on a shared

4.3 Setting the License File Environment Variable

Before you can use PDMS, you need to set the following environment
• Select Start>Settings>Control Panel.
• Select System, and pick the Environment tab.
• Set LM_LICENSE_FILE to the location of the license file obtained
from Cadcentre; see Section 3.3. For example:

4.4 Graphics Board Settings

You should set your display to a resolution of at least 1024 x 768 and the
colour depth to True colour or 16.7 million colours.
This can be set by selecting Start>Settings>Control Panel. Select Display
and select the Settings tab. Making the appropriate selections on the

4.5 Running PDMS from a Command Prompt Window

You can run PDMS from a Command Prompt window rather than using
the PDMS icon. To do this you must set your PATH variable to the
directory where PDMS is installed. Select Start>Settings>Control Panel.
Select System and select the Environment tab. Make the appropriate
selections on the form. Select Path in the System Variables list, and add
the PDMS directory (for example, C:\CADCENTRE\pdms11.3) to the

4-2 PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000)

Version 11.3
Setting Up the Windows Environment

4.6 The PDMS Environment

PDMS uses environment variables to refer to all directory paths. This

allows you to locate these directories anywhere on the file system. The
product is supplied with a file evars.bat in the PDMS executables
directory which sets default values for the environment variables so that
they point to the directory structure as installed. It also sets the PATH
variable to include the PDMSEXE directory.
You may need to modify this file to reflect the directory structure of your
own installation. The following is a list of the variables you may need to
reset, with a brief description of each one and the default setting, where
+++ means the directory where PDMS is installed.
Note that all environment variables must be UPPERCASE.

General PDMS Environment Variables

PDMSEXE Executable directory
PDMSEXEMAIN Copy of PDMSEXE, but can be a search path
LM_LICENSE_FILE License file
PDMSWK Temporary PDMS work file directory
PDMSUI Application User Interface directory
PMLLIB PML 2 files for new applicationware
PDMSDFLTS Applications defaults directory
PDMSPLOTS Applications PLOTS directory
PDMSUSER Application Users save/restore setup area
(or your 'home' directory)
PLOTCADC Pointer to the PLOT executable.
PDMSREPDIR PDMS Applicationware Report Input and Output

PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000) 4-3

Version 11.3
Setting Up the Windows Environment

Variable used to access the online help:

PDMSHELPDIR Online help data files.
Variables used for upgrading PDMS 11.2 projects to PDMS 11.3
PDMS11EXE Location of standard PDMS 11 executables
PDMS113UPG Location of PDMS 11.3 upgrade executables
PERL5LIB Location of directory containing Perl for use with PDMS
upgrade script
Project Environment Variables
For each PDMS project, four more environment variables must be set.
For example, for a project ABC:
ABC000 Project database directory
ABCISO Project ISODRAFT options directory
ABCMAC Project inter-DB connection macro directory
ABCPIC Project DRAFT picture file directory

4.7 Note on Running Macros in PDMS under Windows

To run macros with spaces in the filenames, you must enclose the
filename in quotes, without a leading slash. For example:
$m'c:\Program Files\Macros\space.mac' arg1 arg2

4.8 Linking to Microsoft Excel

You can make your reports load directly into a Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet, as comma-separated files:
• Select Utilities>Reports>Modify from the PDMS main menu bar.
• Pick a report template.
• Click on OK: the Modify Template form is displayed.
• Select Options>Other Formats... from the Modify Template form
menu bar. This displays the Report Format form. From this form:
• Choose the CSV option from the Format drop-down list.
• Click on OK: this returns you to the Modify Template form.

4-4 PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000)

Version 11.3
Setting Up the Windows Environment

• Select the Overwrite radio button

• For the filename enter %PDMSUSER%/fname.csv (the .csv
extension is important).
• In the System command text box enter
'C:\XXX\excel.exe %PDMSUSER%\fname.csv'
where C:\XXX\ is the location of Excel on your system.

PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000) 4-5

Version 11.3
5 Language Support

By default, your PDMS project can use any language whose characters
are contained within the Latin-1 character set, comprising:
Danish Dutch English Faroese
Finnish French Icelandic Irish
Spanish German Norwegian Portuguese
Swedish Italian
This chapter summarises the steps you need to take if you want to use a
character set/language other than those in this Latin-1 group.
PDMS 11.3 can also support the following groups of languages:
Far Eastern, comprising:
Japanese Simplified Chinese Korean
Latin-2, comprising:
Albanian Czech English German
Hungarian Polish Rumanian
Serbo-Croatian Slovak Slovene
Latin-Cyrillic, comprising:
Bulgarian Byelorussian English
Macedonian Serbo-Croatian Ukranian
PDMS does not support any other character set/language, nor does it
support the mixing of any of the above except the mixing of one Far
Eastern language with English.
PDMS must know if you are using a non-Latin-1 language in order to
display characters correctly on drawings. Doing so will also allow
potential use of PDMS 11.3 projects across a heterogeneous network.
Since the character codes are different for Windows and Unix systems,
characters output by the applications (such as reports) will be system-
dependent. If, for example, Hungarian characters occur in the application
output, you must ensure that you have installed both Windows and Unix
versions of the applicationware.

PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000) 5-1

Version 11.3
Language Support

To use an alternative character set/language:

• You must use an appropriate version of Windows and a suitable
• Select Start>Control Panel and select Regional Settings. Choose the
appropriate option.

5.1 To Use a Far Eastern Language

• You must ensure that your license file is for the language version
you require.
• You must install the PDMS Far Eastern Character Set update after
you have installed PDMS 11.3.
• Before you can start up PDMS, you must set the environment
variable CADC_LANG appropriately:
CADC_LANG = Japanese
CADC_LANG = Chinese
CADC_LANG = Korean
• In PDMS ADMIN, you must specify a multibyte character set for
each project by using one of the commands:
For details, see the PDMS ADMIN User Guide and PDMS ADMIN
Command Reference Manual.

5.2 To Use a Latin-2 or Latin-Cyrillic Language

• In PDMS ADMIN, you must specify a character set for each project
by using one of the commands:
For details, see the PDMS ADMIN User Guide and PDMS ADMIN
Command Reference Manual.

5-2 PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000)

Version 11.3
6 PDMS Projects

6.1 The Sample Project

PDMS is supplied with a sample project, which can be used in several

• It provides you with examples of the use of PDMS.
• It provides you with sample libraries, catalogues and specifications
which enable you to use PDMS before you set up your own, and can
be used as starting points when you do start to create your own.
• It provides you with starting points for the tutorials in the following
Pipework Design Using PDMS
Pipework Spooling Using PDMS
Structural DesignUsing PDMS
Industrial Building Design Using PDMS
Support Design Using PDMS
HVAC Design Using PDMS
Reporting from PDMS
Drawing Production Using PDMS
• It provides an example of how to set up your own projects.
The sample project is actually two projects in PDMS terms:
• MAS (Master) provides data in read-only databases. This data
should not be deleted or changed in any way, or the rest of the
sample project will become unusable.
• SAM (Sample) contains several MDBs which can be modified, and so
they can be used for training,
The sample project is loaded automatically when you install PDMS. You
should copy it to a suitable user area, as described in Section 6.1.2.

PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000) 6-1

Version 11.3
PDMS Projects

6.1.1 Users and Teams in the Sample Project

Free User
The Free user has username/password SYSTEM/XXXXXX.

General Users
Team Username/password

General User with Administration Rights

There is a user named ADMIN who is a member of all teams except
MASTER. In particular, ADMIN is a member of the following teams:
Membership of these teams gives special administration rights within the
corresponding constructor module.
Each MDB contains databases with appropriate access rights. There are
also teams and users associated with each MDB with appropriate access

6.1.2 MDBs in the Sample Project

This section assumes that you are already familiar with PDMS
The sample project contains the following MDBs:
CATS An MDB for practising using Catalogues and Specifications.
DEMO A demonstration MDB.
EQUI An MDB for the Equipment tutorials.

6-2 PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000)

Version 11.3
PDMS Projects

An MDB for the Support Design tutorial. This MDB contains
suitable pipework, steelwork and civils as a starting point.
HVAC An MDB for the HVAC Design tutorial. This MDB contains
suitable steelwork and civils as a starting point.
An MDB for the Reporting from PDMS and Drawing
Production tutorials. This MDB contains design data from
which reports and drawings can be produced. You can also
produce isometrics.
STRUC An MDB for the Structural Design tutorial.
PIPE An MDB for the Pipework Design and Pipework Spooling
Note that the databases in SAM and MAS can be installed in your own
projects using the Install options on the PDMS ADMIN form menu.

6.1.3 Copying Project SAM to Your User Area

You should copy the sample project to your user area and run it as
supplied. The project files are held in two directories: sam000 holds all
design data and catalogue data; sampic holds the DRAFT picture

6.2 Creating PDMS Projects

For full information on setting up your own projects, see the PDMS
ADMIN User Guide.
You will need to create project directories for each project; for example,
for a project xyz:
md xyz000
md xyzpic
md xyziso
md xyzmac
Set the corresponding environment variables that point to these
directories. You can do this using Start>Settings>Control Panel and
selecting System. Select the Environment tab (see Section 4.2).
Alternatively, type the following in an MS-DOS window:

PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000) 6-3

Version 11.3
PDMS Projects

set XYZ000=pathname\xyz000
set XYZPIC=pathname\xyzpic
set XYZISO=pathname\xyziso
set XYZMAC=pathname\xyzmac
Note: Users converting from Unix should note that there is no direct
equivalent of the .cshrc file in which these variables can be set.
Use the 'Make PDMS project' icon supplied to start the PDMS Make
program, then enter:
Note: Users converting from Unix should note that the makemac.mac
file is the same as on Unix. The executable for each module is also
named identically to that on Unix, e.g. DESIGN runs
%PDMSEXE%/des. The extension '.exe' needed by Windows is
added automatically.

6.2.1 The Sample Project and Your Own Projects

You can add databases from the sample projects SAM and MAS to your
own projects from within PDMS ADMIN, using the Install options on the
main menu bar. Note that these options are only available if you have the
project environment variables for SAM and MAS set.

Note on DRAFT Libraries:

You must have DRAFT libraries available in your current project before
you can enter the module. You may find it convenient to install the
libraries supplied by Cadcentre in the MAS project (using the Install
options), even if you wish to create your own libraries for the project.

6-4 PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000)

Version 11.3
7 Upgrading Projects to Version 11.3

There are automated procedures for upgrading projects from PDMS 11.2
to PDMS 11.3. You only need to set the upgrade environment variables as
described in Section 7.1, and run the supplied upgrade script.
The upgrade script is written in Perl, and the correct version of the Perl
system is supplied with PDMS as a sub-directory in the directory
containing the upgrade scripts. This is run independently of any other
version of Perl which you may have installed.
Note: Perl is developed in the public domain. You can find out more
about Perl and download the free source distribution at

7.1 The Upgrade Environment Variables

The automatic upgrade procedure depends on setting the following

environment variables. (See Section 4.6 for how to set environment
The examples given assume that you have loaded the software under a
directory named \cadcentre. If you have chosen to load it under a different
directory, the environment variable settings should be changed
The cadcentre directory will contain the sub-directories shown below,
(among others):

pdms11.3.n pdms11.3upgrade

PDMSUI PMLLIB pdmsupg11.2_to_11.3.perl


PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000) 7-1

Version 11.3
Upgrading Projects to Version 11.3

PDMS11EXE Pathname of the directory containing the PDMS 11.3 standard

executables. As supplied, this will be:
PDMS11UI Pathname of the directory containing the PDMS 11.3 standard
appware; that is:
PDMS113UPG Pathname of the directory containing the PDMS 11.3 upgrade
Perl script and upgrade macro. The upgrade executables
directory is:
PERL5LIB Pathname of the lib directory in the Perl system supplied with
the upgrade scripts. As supplied, this is :
PMLLIB Pathname of the directory containing PML 2 Applicationware
files. As supplied, this is:
If any of the above environment variables are not defined then the
upgrade procedure will prompt for them. Note that the pathnames used
to set environment variables are case sensitive.
Summary of upgrade environment variable settings:
PDMS11EXE cadcentre\pdms11.3
PDMS113UPG cadcentre\pdms11.3upgrade10.5
PERL5LIB %PDMS113UPG%\perl\lib
Also, the usual project environment variables project000, projectISO,
projectMAC and projectPIC, where project is the three-character project
code, must be set for each project.

During the upgrade procedure, existing project files will be overwritten.
Therefore it is important that you make a backup copy of each project
before starting the upgrade procedure.

7-2 PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000)

Version 11.3
Upgrading Projects to Version 11.3

7.2 The Upgrade Procedure

Note: The standard PDMS environment variables PDMSUI, PDMSWK

and PDMSEXE, and the project variables (for example: SAM000,
SAMPIC, SAMISO, SAMMAC), must be set before the Perl script
is run. You must run the upgrade script in an 11.3 environment;
that is, PDMSEXE must be set to the pdms11.3 directory, and
your path must include the +++\pdms11.3 directory.
Proceed as follows:
1. Run the upgrade script by starting the Perl interpreter with the
name of the script as an argument. In a DOS window, type:
%PDMS113UPG%\perl\bin\MSWin32-x86\perl %PDMS113UPG%\

2. If any of the other upgrade environment variables are not set the
procedure will prompt for them, otherwise respond to the prompts as
Enter name of the PDMS 11.2 project to be upgraded to 11.3:
Type the 3-character name of a PDMS 11.2 project to be upgraded.
Do you wish project xxx to be converted into a GLOBAL
project? (y/n):
Type Y if you wish your PDMS 11.2 project to be converted to a PDMS
Global project, or N for a standard PDMS project.
3. The procedure will then list the current options selected for the
upgrade, as follows. To accept the options, type y to proceed or n to
This upgrade will copy new Dabacon templates into the Project
Then the upgrade commands will be run using PDMS 11.3 ADMIN
Then each Spatial Map will be (re)built in PDMS 11.3 DESIGN
The PDMS 11.2 project to be upgraded is: xxx
Project xxx [will/will NOT] be converted to a GLOBAL project
You will next be asked to enter USERNAME/PASSWORD
4. At the prompt
Do you wish to proceed with the upgrade? (y/n):
Type Y or N
If yes, at the prompt:
Enter PDMS11.3 Username/Password:
Type a free user’s username and password for the project being

PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000) 7-3

Version 11.3
Upgrading Projects to Version 11.3

7.2.1 After Each Project Upgrade

When the upgrade procedure has finished the log file should be checked
for errors. The log file is named PDMS113UPGRADELOG and it is
written to the project directory (for example: xxx000)

7.3 DRAFT Libraries Upgrade

Your installation should include the up-to-date data files from


README Readme file describing all data files and the order in which
they should be loaded.
Lexicon dictionary file to define UDAs required.
If you already have the UDA CDLIMITS created in your
DICT database, there is no need to redefine it: comment out
the definition in the DICTIONARY.DAT file before running.
This file has not changed between 11.2 and 11.3.
Master DRAFT libraries.
MASTER.DAT includes data for the Hangers and Supports
ADP application and requires that the file /%PDMSDUI%/
DES/DATA/HS-INSTALL has already been applied to your
project. If you wish to check whether HS-INSTALL has been
applied to your MDB:
In LEXICON, check for existence of UWRL /CADC/H&S.
In PARAGON, check for existence of CATA
This file has changed for 11.3. Existing databases must be
upgraded; see below.
Project-specific DRAFT libraries for SAM project (optional).
This file has changed for 11.3. Existing databases must be
upgraded; see below.
Sample DRAFT drawings using SAM project data (optional).
This file has not changed between 11.2 and 11.3.

7-4 PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000)

Version 11.3
Upgrading Projects to Version 11.3

The files PROJECT.DAT and SAMPLE.DAT need only be applied

to your project if you wish to recreate the SAM project. For any
other project, the DRAFT Administrator should decide how to set
up the project-specific data. See PDMS DRAFT Administration
AUG, Chapter 13 (General ADP Administration) for further
To upgrade existing 11.2 versions of the Master and Project DRAFT
libraries, run the macro \%PDMSUI%\DRA\DATA\UPGRADE.DAT with
the argument MAS or SAM, respectively. For example:

PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000) 7-5

Version 11.3
8 Installing AutoDRAFT

This chapter explains the steps needed to install and configure

Under Windows, AutoDRAFT may be run in stand-alone mode or it may
be run from PDMS DRAFT or ISODRAFT. You can use the adraftde,
adraftbe and adraftse scripts as described in the PDMS AutoDRAFT User
Guide. The DRAFT and ISODRAFT applicationware generates interface
files for AutoCAD, which are then used by the scripts.
AutoDRAFT generates interface files for DRAFT, which can be imported
using the DRAFT applicationware.

8.1 Compatibility

The version of AutoDRAFT released with PDMS 11.3 is compatible with

AutoCAD Releases 13, 14 and 2000.

8.2 The AutoDRAFT Software

AutoDRAFT software consists of three AutoCAD applications which run

with AutoCAD Releases 13, 14 or 2000, and PDMS application macros to
link the AutoDRAFT applications with PDMS DRAFT and ISODRAFT.
The three AutoCAD applications are:
• AutoDRAFT Drawing Editor
• AutoDRAFT Frame Editor
• AutoDRAFT Symbol Editor
All three editors can be used with PDMS DRAFT. The AutoDRAFT
Drawing Editor can be used with ISODRAFT.
The Drawing Editor is used to modify drawings transferred from PDMS
The Frame Editor is used to transfer AutoCAD drawings into backing
sheets or overlay sheets in PDMS DRAFT.
The Symbol Editor is used to convert AutoCAD graphics into symbol
templates within PDMS DRAFT symbol libraries.

PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000) 8-1

Version 11.3
Installing AutoDRAFT

8.3 Configuring AutoDRAFT with AutoCAD

The AutoDRAFT 11.3 software is installed under the PDMS executables


autodraftACAD autodraftfonts autodraftACADsource

• The autodraftACAD directory contains .bat files, AutoDRAFT scripts,

AutoLISP programs, binary DRAFT menu files and an AutoCAD
linestyle file.
• The autodraftfonts directory contains AutoCAD font files. All of these
are needed to run AutoDRAFT programs in AutoCAD.
• In addition to the AutoDRAFT binary menu files, text versions are
also provided. These are supplied in the autodraftACADsource
directory for reference/customisation. This directory should not be
visible by AutoCAD.
Note: The AutoDRAFT software will only operate properly if AutoCAD
can be run using the acad command. AutoDRAFT cannot be
guaranteed to work if the AutoCAD executable acad has been
renamed, or if the acad command runs a user-supplied file which
itself runs AutoCAD.

8.4 Installing and Configuring AutoCAD

In order to use AutoDRAFT, AutoCAD must be installed and configured

for each computer where AutoDRAFT will be used. The AutoCAD
Installation and Performance Guide supplied with AutoCAD describes
how to do this.
Configure AutoCAD so that it can find the extra menus and fonts used in
AutoDRAFT. How you do this depends on your version of AutoCAD;
• In AutoCAD, move the cursor into the command region and click the
right-hand mouse button. Select Preferences, then Environment.
• Add the appropriate paths to the autodraftACAD and autodraftfonts
directories to the Directories>Support field.

8-2 PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000)

Version 11.3
Installing AutoDRAFT

The AutoDRAFT environment variable setting commands applicable to

each release of AutoCAD are listed in the following sections:

8.4.1 AutoCAD R13

set PDMS_ACAD=13
set PDMS_ACAD_PATH=pathname for AutoCAD R13 files
e.g. C:\Program Files\AutoCAD R13
set path=location of autodraftACAD directory;%PDMS_ACAD_PATH%;
Before running AutoDRAFT, you need to run AutoCAD R13 and add the
following as file paths:
Location of autodraftACAD directory
Location of autodraftACADsource directory
Location of autodraftfonts directory

8.4.2 AutoCAD R14

set PDMS_ACAD=14
set PDMS_ACAD_PATH=pathname for AutoCAD R14 files
e.g. C:\Program Files\AutoCAD R14
set path=location of autodraftACAD directory;%PDMS_ACAD_PATH%;
Before running AutoDRAFT, you need to run AutoCAD R14 and add the
following as file paths:
Location of autodraftACAD directory
Location of autodraftACADsource directory
Location of autodraftfonts directory

8.4.3 AutoCAD R2000

set PDMS_ACAD=2000
set PDMS_ACAD_PATH=pathname for AutoCAD R2000 files
e.g. C:\Program Files\Acad2000;C:\Program Files\Common
Files\Autodesk Shared
set path=location of autodraftACAD directory;%PDMS_ACAD_PATH%;

PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000) 8-3

Version 11.3
Installing AutoDRAFT

Before running AutoDRAFT, you need to run AutoCAD R2000 and add
the following as file paths:
Location of autodraftACAD directory
Location of autodraftACADsource directory
Location of autodraftfonts directory

8.5 Getting Started with AutoCAD

Before using the Drawing Editor make sure that AutoCAD has been
correctly installed and configured by entering the command acad at the
operating system command prompt.

8.6 Application Macros for Use with PDMS DRAFT

The applicationware provides the additional menus and forms required to

run the AutoDRAFT editors in AutoCAD directly from DRAFT and

8-4 PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000)

Version 11.3
9 Troubleshooting

Here are some suggestions about solving some problems you may
encounter when using PDMS under Windows.

9.1 General

Error: The dynamic link library DFORMD.dll could not be found in the
specified path.
Explanation: This is supplied with PDMS. Perhaps you have not set your PATH
variable. The PATH setting must include ‘+++\pdms11.3’. It is set
using the Settings>Control Panel>System>Environment form.

Error: STOP The application failed to initialise properly (0xc0000135). Click

on OK to terminate the application.
Explanation: This occurs after a number of other errors. The most likely reason is
some problem with the PATH variable.

9.2 License Manager Errors

Error: When you start up lmgrd it says <time> (lmgrd) Can't make directory
C:\FLEXlm, errno: 2 No such file or directory, etc.
Solution: There is no C: drive for the license manager to write to. As the System
Administrator or a Power User, you need to make a shared disk called
C:. This can be done on a networked or non-networked computer.
Within the Windows Explorer’s File menu, create a new folder (e.g.
D:\C_drive) and make it current. Select File>Properties and select
the Share tab. Click on the Shared As: radio button and then click
Then from the Tools menu select Map Network Drive. Select C: from
the Drive: drop-down list in the displayed form and type
in the Path box. Then click on OK. (C:) should now appear in the list of
available drives in Explorer.

PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000) 9-1

Version 11.3

Error: <time> (lmgrd) "<host>": Not a valid server hostname, exiting.

Explanation: The hostname used by Cadcentre to create the license file does not
correspond with the computer on which you are running PDMS. The
hostname comes from the variable COMPUTERNAME, which you can
obtain by typing 'env|findstr COMPUTERNAME' in a Command
Prompt window. Compare this with the license file contents, and
resubmit if necessary.

Pop-up Mess.: FLEXlm: checkout failed: Cannot connect to license server (-15,
10:10061) WinSock error code.
Explanation: lmgrd has not been started up - see above for details.

Pop-up Mess.: FlexLM: checkout failed: Cannot find license file (-1,73:2) No such file
or directory.
Explanation: lmgrd has not been started up - see above for details.

Pop-up Mess.: FlexLM: checkout failed: Licensed number of users already reached
Explanation: You have exceeded the permitted number of users specified in your
license file.

9.3 Entering PDMS

Error: (43,9) Environment Variable not defined for project name.

Explanation: You have not set the environment variable for the project, e.g. XYZ000.

Error: (43,1) Project <xxx> not available!

Error 7 allocating system database.
Explanation: The environment variable for the project does not point to the correct
location. Either the disk and/or directory do not exist or are not

Error: <username> not found.

Bad password.
Explanation: You are trying to enter PDMS without a valid PDMS username and/or

9-2 PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000)

Version 11.3

Error: PDMSWK environment variable not set.

Solution: Set PDMSWK to c:\temp or some other directory where PDMS can
create temporary files.

Error: Error 34 opening variables file.

Explanation: You cannot create a file in the location pointed to by environment
variable PDMSWK.

Error: Project <xxx> is pre version 8.

Explanation: This can happen if you have transferred the project from Unix using
FTP in ASCII rather than Binary format.

9.4 Starting Appware in DESIGN/DRAFT/ISODRAFT/


Error: Fatal Druid error handler UI_init. Couldn't even find the Default
Solution: The Display colour selection is incorrect. Only specified combinations of
Colour Palette and Desktop Area are valid - see Section 4.4.

Error: Syntax errors occur when entering PDMS, but before the initial form
Using the 'q directory ...' syntax results in the message 'The system
cannot find the path specified'.
Solution: This may be caused because the TEMP environment variable is not set,
or points to a directory to which PDMS cannot write.

9.5 Problems with Graphics

Error: Cannot pick certain items in DESIGN 3D shaded views.

Solution: There is probably a problem with the display driver for the graphics
board that you are using. Try these suggestions:
If you are using an AG500, you may need to update the AG500 driver.
This driver is included on the CD as release No. 50256-1.
1. Make sure you have the latest version of the display driver.
2. Check our Web page for the latest information on display drivers.
3. Try to narrow down the problem:
a) Can you pick anything?
b) Can you pick items beyond their normal extent?

PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000) 9-3

Version 11.3

(especially when viewed in isometric projections)

c) Do you get items from the back of the view rather than
the front?
As an alternative, you can switch to wireline representation and try

Error: Incorrect colours.

Solution: Check the setting of your Display. The colour resolution should be set to
‘True Colour’ or 16.7 million colours.

Error: Graphics speed (for example in 3D views) is poor.

Solution: Check the setting of your Display.

9-4 PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000)

Version 11.3
10 Uninstalling and Reinstalling

To remove installed components from your hard disk, or to add additional

components to an existing installation, select Start>Settings>Control
Panel and use the Add/Remove Programs option in the usual way.
As an alternative procedure, repeat Steps 1 to 3 of the installation
sequence detailed in Chapter 3. The InstallShield® Wizard will detect
your existing installation and will give you the following options:
• Modify: Displays the same list of options as the Custom installation
(see Section 3.1). Select new components to be added and/or deselect
any currently installed components to be removed.
• Repair: Reinstalls all currently installed components (to correct any
corrupted files etc.).
• Remove: Removes all currently installed components.

PDMS Installation Guide (Windows NT/2000) 10-1

Version 11.3

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