Income Taxation: Income Tax For Individuals
Income Taxation: Income Tax For Individuals
Income Taxation: Income Tax For Individuals
Compensation Income
- Basic Tax
Self Employment - 8%
Gross Sales and other
non-operating income
More than 3M Graduated Tax for both
● Final withholding tax is a kind of tax which
(exclude types of income & 12%
is prescribed on “certain income” (interest
compensation VAT
income, dividends, royalties, prizes and
SOURCES and not creditable against the
TYPES OF INCOME income tax due of the payee on income
ORDINARY OR REGULAR INCOME subject to regular rates of tax for the
● refers to income such as compensation taxable year.
income, business income, income from ● Under the final withholding tax system,
practices of profession, income from sale payee received the income net of the
and/or dealings of property and applicable tax. The amount of tax withheld
miscellaneous income and passive income by the withholding agent is “constituted as
other than those subject to final taxes and a full and final payment” of the income tax
capital gains tax of the Tax Code due from the payee on the said income.
● Subject to graduated tax table/basic tax
PASSIVE INCOME ● It is an alternative form of obtaining funds
● certain passive incomes from sources from the public other than deposits, through
WITHIN THE PHILIPPINES the issuance endorsement, or acceptance
● Specific passive incomes derived from the of debt instruments for the borrower’s own
Philippines are: account, for the purpose of re-lending or
➔ Interest Income purchasing of receivables and other
➔ Dividend Income obligations, or financing their own needs or
➔ Royalties the needs of their agent or dealer.
● Government debt instruments and
➔ Prizes
securities including Bureau of Treasury
➔ Other Winnings issued instruments and securities such as
● NOTE: unless exempt, other passive Treasury bonds (T-bonds), Treasury bills
incomes derived from the Philippines but (T-bills), and Treasury notes are classified
not in the list, if any, as well as passive as deposit substitutes IF SUCH
incomes derived abroad are subject to instruments or securities are to be traded
basic tax or exchanged in the secondary market.
● Subject to Final Withholding Tax ● Subject to applicable final tax rate
UNDER FCDS Any income of non- Exempt
● Tax on Income derived under the residents, whether
Expanded Foreign Currency Deposit individuals or
System. corporations, from
● Income derived by a depository bank under transactions with
the expanded foreighn currency depository depository banks
system from foreigh currency transactions under the expanded
with non-residents, offshore banking units system shall be
in the Philippines, local commercial banks, exempt from income
including branches of foreign banks that tax.
may be authorized by the Bangko Sentral
ng Pilipinas (BSP) to transact business with
foreign currency deposit system shall be INTEREST INCOME FROM LONG-TERM
exempt from all taxes, except net income DEPOSIT OR INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES
from such transactions as may be specified ● Long-term deposit or investment certificate
by the Secretary of Finance, upon refers to certificate of time deposit or
recommendation by the Monetary Board to investment in form of savings, common or
be subject to the regular income tax individual trust funds, deposit substitutes,
payable by banks. Provided, however, that investment management accounts and
interest income from foreign currency loans other investments with a maturity period of
granted by such depository banks under NOT LESS THAN 5 YEARS, the form
said expanded system to residents other which shall be prescribed the Bangko
than offshore banking units in the Sentral ng Pilipinas and ISSUED BY
Philippines or other depository banks under BANKS ONLY TO INDIVIDUALS (should
the expanded system, shall be subject to a not be under the name of a corporation or
final tax at the rate of 10% a bank or a trust department of a bank) in
● Any income of residents, whether denominations of P10,000 and other
individuals or corporations, from denominations as prescribed by BSP.
transactions with depository banks under
the expanded system shall be exempt from REQUISITES/CONDITIONS FOR
income tax. EXEMPTIONS
1. The depositor or investor is an individual
citizen, a resident alien or a nonresident
Income Tax alien engaged in trade or business in the
Income derided by a Exempt
2. The long-term deposits or investment
depository bank under
the expanded foreign certificates should be UNDER THE NAME
currency deposit OF THE INDIVIDUAL and not under the
system from foreign name of the corporation or the bank or the
currency transactions trust department/unit of the bank.
3. The long-term deposits or investments
with from foreign
the Philippines, local FUNDS, DEPOSIT SUBSTITUTES,
including branches of ACCOUNTS AND OTHER
foreign banks INVESTMENTS evidenced by certificates
in such from prescribed by the BANGKO
Interest Income from 10% FWT SENTRAL NG PILIPINAS (BSP).
foreign currency loans 4. The long-term deposits or investments
depository bank under not by other financial institutions.
the expanded foreign 5. The long-term deposits or investments
currency deposit must have a maturity period of NOT LESS
system to residents THAN FIVE (5) YEARS.
other than depository 6. The long-term deposits or investments
banks under the must be in DENOMINATIONS OF P10,000
and other denominations as may be ● Capital gains from SALE OF REAL
prescribed by BSP. PROPERTY in the Philippines
7. The long-term deposits or investments
ORIGINAL INVESTOR before the fifth Citizens NRA- NRA-
year, otherwise they shall be subject to final and ETB NETB
tax rates of 5%, 12%, or 20% on interest Residents
income earnings.
8. Except those specifically exempted by law Capital gains from 15% 15% 15%
or regulations, any other income such as sale of shares of
gains from trading, foreign exchange gain stocks of a domestic
shall not be covered by income tax corporation not
exemption. traded in the local
stock exchange
● For violations of the National Internal Capital gains from 6% 6% 6%
Revenue Code sale of real property
in the philippines
➔ Any person, except an internal
revenue officer or employee, or
other public official or employee, or GAIN ON SALE OF ASSETS: CAPITAL
his relative within the sixth degree GAIN VS. ORDINARY GAIN
of consanguinity, who voluntarily ● Under the tax code, the following are
gives definite and sworn ordinary assets:
information, not yet in the position ➔ Stock in trade if the taxpayer or
of BIR, leading to the discovery of other property of a kind which would
fraud upon the internal revenue properly be included in the
laws or violations of any of the inventory of the taxpayer if on hand
provisions, thereof thereby at the close of the taxable year.
resolution in recovery of revenues,
➔ Property used ub trade or business
surcharges and fees, and/or the
subject to depreciation
conviction of the guilty party and/or
the imposition of any of the fine or ➔ Real property held by taxpayer
penalty, shall be rewarded in a sum primarily for sale to customers in
equivalent to 10% of the revenues, the ordinary course of trade or
surcharges or fees recovered business
and/or fine or penalty imposed and ➔ Real property used in trade or
collected or One million pesos business of the taxpayer
(1,000,000) per case, whichever is ● Ordinary gains are subjected to the
lower. graduated tax rate
● For Discovery and Seizure of Smuggled ● Gain on sale of capital asset are classified
Goods as capital gains subject to the following
➔ To encourage the public to extend taxes:
full cooperation in eradication ➔ Capital Gains Tax
smuggling. ➔ Percentage Tax (pertaining to sale
➔ A cash reward equivalent to 10% of of shares of stock traded and listed
the fair market value of the in the local stock exchange)
smuggled and confiscated goods or ➔ Basic Income Tax or graduated tax
One million pesos (1,000,000) per rate (pertaining to sale of capital
case, whichever is lower. assets other than those subjected
➔ The cash rewards of informers shall to CGT or Percentage Tax)
be subject to income tax, collected
as a final withholding tax, at the rate SALES OF SHARES CLASSIFIED AS
Sales of Shares of Stock
1. Listed in the LSE
CAPITAL GAINS ➔ Tax: 6/10 of 1% of gross selling
● Capital Gains from sale of shares of price
stocks of a DOMESTIC CORPORATION 2. Not Listed in the LSE
NOT TRADED in the local stock exchange ➔ Shares of Domestic Corporation
- Tax: 15% of Capital Gain
➔ Shares of Foreign Corporation premium and cumulative preferred
- Tax: Subject to Basic Tax dividends in arrears, shall be
considered as the fair market value.
FORMULA: ➔ In the case there are BOTH
Selling Price xx
SHARES, the book value per
Cost (xx) common shares is computed by
deducting the liquidation value of
Capital Gain xx the preferred shares from the total
equity of the corporation and
Multiply. CGT rate 15% dividing the result by the number of
outstanding common shares as of
Capital Gains Tax xx balance sheet date nearest to the
(CGT) transaction date.
Unutilized Portion xx
Income Tax Due xx
Divide. Gross Selling xx
Price Less. Creditable WT (xx)