Cognitus Has Been A Flexible and Strategic Partner To Us.: Digital Transformation

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Successful Migration

from Legacy Oracle and Epicor

ERPs to SAP S/4HANA Cloud
paves the way for Shutterfly’s
Digital Transformation.

Cognitus has been a flexible

and strategic partner to us.
We had multiple starts and stops due both to
COVID and delivery challenges with our original
system integrator. Cognitus was able to step in
mid-stream and brought the business acumen, SAP
implementation experience, and adaptability that was
necessary to successfully deliver our digital
transformation project in a remote working model.

Michael J. Robinson
Chief Information Officer

Shutterfly, Inc.

The company rapidly grew, both organically and
inorganically through mergers and acquisitions.
As a result, decision-makers had limited access to:

real-time inventory data across

finance business entities
Supply-chain Procurement

Cognitus has enabled Shutterfly
to begin executing its vision. As a
successful greenfield conversion
Pilot Deployment
from Oracle ERP and Epicor to
SAP S/4HANA, a finance, supply With Gallop Pilot and Deployment, an SAP Qualified
chain, procurement and Partner-Packaged Solution for S/4HANA
warehouse management solution Transformation, Cognitus' deep knowledge and
based on leading practices was expertise in S/4HANA conversions allowed it to
re-imagined, re-designed, and implement complex modules like Group Reporting
rolled out using Cognitus’ IP in and EWM using a 100% remote workforce, with ease
S/4HANA Transformation. and in-budget despite the COVID-19 challenges.

& Advantage
Rapid deployment following the Transformation and simplification
SAP ACTIVATE methodology for of business processes using FIORI
SAP S/4HANA Cloud Extended as the main user interface for
Edition #RapidDeployment ease of access. #Transformation

Reduced data footprint and Business gained insights in

total cost of ownership (TCO) real-time to support adaptability
#LowerTCO and instant decision making.


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