Goldenhar Syndrome: Current Perspectives: Katarzyna Bogusiak, Aleksandra Puch, Piotr Arkuszewski

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Goldenhar syndrome: current perspectives

Goldenhar syndrome: current perspectives

Katarzyna Bogusiak, Aleksandra Puch, Piotr Arkuszewski
Lodz, Poland

Background: Progress in medical branches that has Key words: abnormalities;

taken place since the first child with Goldenhare syndrome Goldenhar syndrome;
(GS) had been described in 1952 by Maurice Goldenhar, oculoauriculovertebral syndrome
facilitated better understanding of this congenital defect. It
also gave new perspectives and the opportunity to achieve
satisfactory treatment results, mainly due to development of

Review article
surgical techniques.
oldenhar syndrome (GS) is a congenital disease
Data sources: Based on the literature and own first described in 1952 by ophthalmologist
experience, we discussed the phenotype of presentation of Maurice Goldenhar. In the literature, we can
GS, ethiopathogenesis, genetic counselling and treatment find many other synonyms of this defect including
with particular emphasis on surgery correction of hemifacial
o c u l o - a u r i c u l o - v e r t e b r a l s y n d r o m e ( O AV S ) ,
facio-auriculo-vertebral syndrome or Goldenhar-
Results: The spectrum of GS abnormalities ranges from Gorlin syndrome. [1] It is characterized by impaired
mild to severe ones and include patients with barely noticeable development of structures such as eyes, ears (with or
facial asymmetry to very pronounced facial defect with without hearing loss), lip, tongue, palate, mandible,
more or less severe abnormalities of internal organs and/ maxilla and deformations of the teeth structures.
or skeleton. It is characterized most commonly by impaired Because these parts of the face derive from branchial
development of eyes, ears, lips, tongue, palate, mandible,
arches, and it is also classified as 1st and 2nd branchial
maxilla, zygomatic and orbital structures and deformations
arch syndrome. In this syndrome, abnormalities localize
of the teeth structures. Ethiopathogenesis is multifactorial
in the internal organs such as heart, kidneys, in the
and dependent on genetic and environmental factors but
there are still many unknowns about the syndrome which central nervous system or in the skeleton and different
should be revealed. vertebral defects are observed.[2-4] According to some
authors for this reason other name like hemifacial
Conclusions: Patients with GS due to a large variety microsomia shouldn't be used interchangeably while
of abnormalities and different severity of symptoms pose a referring to this syndrome.[5,6] Various studies have shown
challenge for clinicians. All of this necessitate an individual
that this defect occur from 1:3500 or 1:5600 to 1:45 000
approach to each single patient and involvement a team of
live births.[7,8]
specialists in treatment planning. It is a complex, long-lasting,
multidisciplinary process and should be divided into stages,
The spectrum of GS abnormalities ranges from mild
according to patient's age, as well as the extent and severity of to severe ones and include patients with barely noticeable
observed abnormalities. Neonatologists and pediatricians are facial asymmetry to very pronounced facial defects (resulting
involved in care of these patients from the onset. from unilateral facial skeleton hypoplasia) with more or
less severe abnormalities of internal organs and/or skeleton.
World J Pediatr 2017;13(5):405-415
The symptoms observed in this syndrome can be divided
into groups according to the part of the body they affect
and are presented in Table 1. The most common symptoms
Author Affiliations: Craniomaxillofacial and Oncological Surgery Clinic of GS are epibulbar dermoids, dacryocystitis, auricular
(Bogusiak K, Arkuszewski P) and Department of Dentistry (Puch A), abnormalities, preauricular appendages, preauricular fistulas
Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland and hypoplasia of the malar bones, mandible, maxilla and
Corresponding Author: Katarzyna Bogusiak, Craniomaxillofacial and zygomatic arch (Figs. 1 and 2).[18] Moreover, in children with
Oncological Surgery Clinic, Medical University of Lodz, 22 Kopcinskiego GS can also be observed: low height, delayed psychomotor
St, 90-153 Lodz, Poland (Tel: +48 426776788; Email: katarzyna. development, retardation (more frequently seen with cerebral
developmental anomalies and microphthalmia), speech
doi: 10.1007/s12519-017-0048-z
Online First June 2017
disorders (articulation disorders, rhinolalia, different voice
©Children's Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, China and disorders, unusual timbre), psycho-social problems, autistic
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017. All rights reserved. behaviours.[19-21]
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Table 1. Abnormalities in Goldenhar syndrome

Ocular symptoms[2-4,9-13]
Epibular dermoids Cleft eyelid
Microphtalmia Exophthalmia
Anophtalmia Strabismus
Eyes asymmetry/dysmorphy Lipodermoids
Coloboma Lacrimal duct artresia/stenosis
Auricular symptomps[2-4,9-11]
Dacryocistitis Atresia of the external auditory
Preauricular appendages Ear dysplasia with or without
hearing loss
Preauricular fistulas Middle and inner ear abnormalities
Anotia Ears asymmetry A B
Cranio-facial deformities [2-4,9-13]
Fig. 1. A: Hemifacial macrosomia, epibulbar dermoids; B: Preauricular
Abnormalities of the 1st and 2nd Bifid tongue appendages and earlobe dysplasia in a child with goldenhar syndrome.
pharyngeal arches
Facial asymmetry Hypoplasia of the (facial skeleton)
Review article

mandible and/or maxilla

Hemifacial microsomia Malocclusion
Cleft face Tooth discrepancies
Cleft lip Agenesis of 2nd premolars and
3th molars
Cleft palate Supernumerary teeth
Macrostomia Malformations of enamel and
Delay in tooth development
Skeletal abnormalities[2-4,9-14]
Cleft spine Extremities anomalies A B C
Microcephaly Club foot
Dolichocephaly Radial hemimelia
Plagiocephaly Thumb abnormalities
Vertebral defects
Internal organs abnormalities
Atrial and ventricular septal Fallot tetralogy
defects (the most frequent)
Conotruncal defects Persistent truncus arteriosus
Aortic arch anomalies, Other outflow tract abnormalities D E F
Transposition of the great vessels Dextrocardia Fig. 2. A: Child, age 14, with Goldenhar syndrome manifestation, facial
Urogenital anomalies
Ectopic kidneys Renal agenesis asymmetry caused by bilateral maxillary hypoplasia, more pronounced on the
Fused kidneys Multicystic kidneys left side, leftsided zygomatic bone and mandible hypoplasia; B: Right side of this
Double ureter Hydroureter patient; C: Left side; D: Deformation of left nostril; E: Left ear located lower than
Hydronephrosis the right one, on the left side-preauricular appendages, hypoplasia and improper
Central nervous system[3,17] shape of left auricle; deformation of the wing of the left nostril and nasal septum; F:
Diffuse cerebral hypoplasia Hydrocephalus due to aqueduct of Right earlobe.
Sylvius stenosis
Dilated lateral cerebral ventricles Corpus callosum lipoma
or asymptomatic hydrocephalus
Asymmetric lateral ventricles Absence of septum pellucidum
Corpus callosum dysgenesis Diffuse cerebral hypodensity diagnostic criteria for GS. Some authors emphasize that
Frontal hypodensities Facial palsy presence of isolated hemifacial microsomia together
Microcephaly Trigeminal anesthesia
Encephalocele Developmental delay with a family history of this syndrome should be
Spine deformities Holoprosencephaly considered to be diagnostic.[3]
Arnold–Chiari malformation Hypothalamic hamartoma
Aplasia/hypoplasia of
temporomandibular joints
Gastrointestinal tract[3]
Rectal atresia Trachea-esophageal fistula Etiopathogenesis of Goldenhar syndrome
Aeosophagal atresia Etiopathogenesis of GS is still very poorly known and in
Respiratory system
Abnormal anatomy of larynx Disorder of lobular anatomy of lot of cases unexplained. However, genetic researches,
and pharynx lungs nowadays conducted more frequently, let us know more
and more about this congenital disease. We can suspect that
the reason of occurrence of this syndrome is multifactorial
Airway obstruction and sleep apnea symptoms can and dependent on genetic and environmental factors.
be life-threatening problems related to the retruded In the literature, we can find information about
maxilla and mandible constricting the oropharyngeal cases running in the family with autosomal dominant
airway as well as associated nasal airway obstruction. or recessive inheritance.[12,14,22-25] According to Beleza-
Due to the different scope of clinical phenotype, Meireles et al,[3,12] there are authors who estimate the
there are still no established guidelines for the minimum occurrence of patients with a positive family history
406 World J Pediatr, Vol 13 No 5 . October 15, 2017 .
Goldenhar syndrome: current perspectives

of GS at the low percentage/level but others identified counselling is recommended for any individual who has an
even 31% of familial cases. Some studies also show inherited or de novo chromosome abnormality. It must be
that first degree relatives (as between siblings or from noted that the prediction of all congenital malformations in
parents to children) were most often affected. And the another child with the same chromosomal disorder cannot
risk of recurrence of this syndrome probably equals be accurately done. In families with children presenting
2%-3%.[3] Nevertheless, most of the described cases of GS phenotype it is important to observe their parents and
this syndrome appear sporadically.[3,23,26] siblings to identify all clinical manifestations of OAVS
It is also noticeable that OAVS affects more male (together with subtle ones)-it is important for assessment
than female infants.[12,14,27] Among patients suffering from the risk of recurrence this defect in the future. Also three-
this condition, chromosomal abnormalities are often generation family profile should be prepared to identify all
detected. The following abnormalities have been noted abnormalities characteristic for GS-genetic counselling is
so far: deletion in 1p22.2-p31.1, 5q13.2, 5p15, 12p13.33, advised if any relative with such problems will be found.[3]
14q31.1q31.3, 15q24.1, 22qter, deletions in 22q11.2, Non-invasive prenatal diagnostics (fetal diagnostics)
duplication in 10p14-p15, 14q23.1, 22q11.1-q11.21, is advised in all cases of previously recognized GS in

Review article
trisomy 18, 22, partial trisomy of the 22q11 region, the family. Fetal ultrasound allows to detect microtia,
aneuploidies in chromosome X, translocation t(9;12) preauricular tags and/or asymmetric mandibular hypoplasia
(p23;q12.2), inversion inv9(p11;q13), inv14(p11.2;q22.3), in severe defects, and 3D detailed scans can enable
mosaicism of trisomy 7, 9 and 22.[3] Also duplication of to identify milder cases as well. Invasive diagnostics
SIX1, SIX6, and OTX2 was presented.[28] (the puncture of trophoblast or amniocentesis) can be
Some researchers suggest that the origin of this considered only in cases when genetic mutation causing
syndrome is due to the abnormal development of GS is confirmed in fetus.[32,33]
vascularization in 4th week of pregnancy when it comes
to the development of the 1st and 2nd pharyngeal
arches responsible for growth of craniofacial
structures. [3] Moreover a lot of external factors like Treatment
vasoactive medications, smoking, cocaine, exposure Treatment of patients with GS is complex and should be
to thalidomide, hormonal therapy, drugs in the course divided into stages, according to patient's age, as well as
of some diseases like antineoplastic medicament the extent and severity of observed abnormalities. The
tamoxifen can contribute to interference of normal fact that the spectrum of phenotypic features is variable,
growth of 1st and 2nd pharyngeal arches.[3,27,29] the treatment necessitates an individual multistage and
Studies have shown that infants of diabetic mothers multidisciplinary approach. The therapy usually begins
are more prone to OAVS.[27,30,31] The increased risk of the early and is long-lasting. Below we present a general
syndrome is also closely related to maternal hypothyroidism, scheme of treatment strategy in patients with GS, which
celiac disease, vaginal bleeding during pregnancy or should be individually modified. Over the years, the
premature birth.[17] One of the articles has shown lack of new symptoms can be observed in new parts of the
connection between occurrence of OAVS and parental age, body and previously diagnosed abnormalities become
length of menstrual cycle or previous cases of miscarriages. more pronounced which is due to growth retardation.[28]
However, statistically significant correlation was observed Consultation sections and information in Table 1 give the
between pregnancy at an older age of both parents and full picture of clinical manifestation of patients with GS.
more frequent births of children with GS.[29]
Increasing risk was observed in case of multiple Treatment in newborns and children
pregnancies especially in twins.[3,12,27,29] Moreover, two In the diagnosis of GS, extremely important is the first
to three times more often structural defects affected examination of newborns, when congenital malformations
monozygotic twins.[29] Some of the researches refer to requiring prompt correction should be recognized. Within
higher occurrence of OAVS in pregnant with in vitro a few days of life other components of this syndrome
fertilization.[27,29] are observed, requiring specialized consultations.

General pediatric care

Genetic counselling Neonatologists and pediatricians are involved in treatment
There are no specific genetic tests for GS diagnosis of patients with GS from the onset. Neonatologist is present
although many chromosome abnormalities have been at birth. He is also the one, who confirms the diagnosis of
identified. This fact together with lack of the defined a congenital defect and take care of a newborn from the
minimum clinical diagnostic criteria for GS cause first day of its life. It is crucial to exclude life threatening
difficulties in genetic counselling. Nevertheless, the genetic conditions resulting from airway obstruction and
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internal organ abnormalities. Treatment starts from the establish a good functional nasal airway. Other methods
most important things that give the chance a newborn to of treatment include procedures like: tonsillectomy and
survive and ends with operations from different surgery adenoidectomy, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, anterior
fields. Neonatologists and pediatricians are intend tongue reduction, and endoscopic tracheal granuloma
to identify problems that require referrals to other excision. Most of these airway interventions are
specialists. They are responsible for monitoring weight, performed within the first 6 months of life.[39]
height and development of children with GS. Anomalies Researches have also shown that frequent treatment of
in these parameters, if present, should be examined obstructive sleep apnea is nasal continuous positive airway
by the specialist (endocrinologist, gastroenterologist) pressure ventilation applied with a mask through the
who exclude, other than GS, possible causes. These nares, or if it isn't effective-nasopharyngeal tube, which
patients require periodical further control examinations is also used in case of upper airway obstruction.[34,43]
and checkup visits. The final success depends on close After a diagnosis of congenital disease, to prevent
cooperation between pediatricians and other specialists later complications, it should be remembered to
involved in treatment. evaluate patients for signs of upper airway obstruction
Review article

such as tachypnea, stridor, sleep apnea and hypercapnia

Airway which can be significant in the later treatment.[34,44]
Patients with hemifacial microsomia and GS commonly
have severely decreased oropharyngeal airway as Cardiology consultation
well as nasal airway obstruction. The most common It is performed in children with craniofacial defects
symptoms occurring in these patients are tachypnea,
within first days of life to search for congenital heart
stridor, cyanosis, retractions, and episodic upper airway
defects and malformations of major blood vessels.
obstruction with apnea.[34-36]
It should be considered that in this syndrome some
Problems with airway management appear in
life threatening cardiovascular defects may appear, in
infants and worsen with adolescence.[37,38]
which cardiovascular collapse is likely to occur and
Decrease of the oropharyngeal airway can be
such conditions require immediate treatment after birth
caused mainly by deformation in craniofacial area like:
such as: transposition of the great vessels and aortic
retruded maxilla and mandible, midface and mandibular
arch anomalies (coarctation of the aorta and aortic
In patients with GS, aberrant configuration of stenosis). Other disorders observed in children with
the nasopharynx involving pterygoid processes and GS are clinically significant but do not require prompt
adenoids, vascular ring caused by right-sided aortic arch, interventions or they are clinically insignificant and do
narrowing of the anteroposterior dimension of the airway not require cardiac surgery (dextrocardia). Infants with
at the level of the larynx or narrowing in the lateral atrial and ventricular defects with severe symptoms
dimension at the same level are also observed.[21,40,41] As may require operation treatment within the first few
a consequence, patients with this syndrome may suffer months. In patients with large defects, the defect closure
from asthma, recurrent pneumonias, bronchitis or are is performed electively in infancy or childhood. Some
diagnosed with pulmonary aplasia of a left upper lobe.[21] septal defects may close spontaneously, depending on
All disturbances in the airways and facial deformities their size and location. Despite the efforts to detect
may result in: difficult intubation, airway compromise, critical congenital heart defects in the fetal life or
increased work of breathing, severe obstructive sleep immediately after birth, large population of neonates
apnea, and even lead to respiratory distress. Such problems with heart anomalies are undiagnosed until after
can increase mortality and morbidity among this group of developing serious symptoms.[45]
patients and, as a result, tracheostomy is still the standard In neonates suspected to have congenital heart
procedure for airway control.[36,38] Research showed that disease prompt diagnostics should be performed. Chest
22% of more severe cases may require a tracheostomy X ray is done to assess pulmonary vascular marking
at birth and the patients with ventriculoperitoneal shunt and cardiomegaly and to rule out pulmonary diseases.
have undergone this procedure more frequently.[42] Also electrocardiography is often done for detecting
The retruded maxilla and mandible depending on some defects aberrations in electrical axis (left axis
the severity will decrease the oropharyngeal airway. deviation or right axis deviation) together with clinical
Sometimes the early management of children with examination may suggest a proper diagnosis. The
this problem is indicated to advance the mandible most valuable tool for diagnosing heart defects is
to open up the oropharyngeal airway. Nasal airway echocardiography-the heart anatomy can be easily
obstruction is common in these patients and may assessed, as well as systolic ventricular function,
require reduction turbinectomies or septoplasties to chamber dimensions, wall thickness and with the
408 World J Pediatr, Vol 13 No 5 . October 15, 2017 .
Goldenhar syndrome: current perspectives

use of Doppler technique-the pressure gradients or deformities should depend on the severity of observed
regurgitation flow through valves. Invasive diagnostics defects, chosen treatment method and patient's needs
like cardiac catheterization is rarely applied in some and expectations. For unification of heterogeneous
cases coronary anatomy is assessed in angiography presentation of unilateral craniofacial microsomia and
prior to arterial switch operation in transposition of better treatment planning different classification systems of
great arteries.[45] mandibular hypoplasia have been proposed.[46-48] However,
the most commonly used is Pruzansky-Kaban system
Surgery consultation (Table 2).[46,49] Surgical treatment includes costochondral
In most cases, the abnormalities of digestive duct and bone grafts, classic osteotomies (Obwegeser-Dal
manifest within the first hours of neonate life and Pont's mandibular osteotomy, Le Fort I/II/III level
require prompt surgical intervention. In GS, craniofacial osteotomy, genioplasty), distraction osteogenesis alone
deformities with different severity are observed and in combination with grafts and patient-fitted total
like cleft face, cleft lip, cleft palate, velopharyngeal temporomandibular joint (TMJ) prosteheses.[13,28,50-54]

Review article
inadequacy and hemifacial microsomia, and thus all Total joint prostheses are advocated especially in non-
newborns should be examined by maxillo-facial and growing patients, although in severe cases they may be
plastic surgeon for the establishment of long-lasting, indicated earlier during growth, because they are very
multi-stage treatment plan. Surgical correction of predictable relative to positioning of mandible. This
these defects will improve feeding and swallowing therapeutic concept can be combined with contralateral
in neonates and infants. Hypernasal speech in older mandibular ramus sagittal split osteotomy and maxillary
children may require a pharyngeal flap to improve osteotomies performed during one operation with
speech quality. For aesthetic reasons preauricular counterclockwise rotation of the maxillomandibular
appendages can be removed in the first years of life. complex.[13,52] All these techniques possess advantages
Patients with transverse facial clefts, cleft lip and palate and disadvantages (Table 3). It should be emphasized that
need more complex surgical care. A special additional
patient's schedule is created as these children usually Table 2. The Pruzansky-Kaban classification system[46,49]
undergo several surgery procedures in proper age, e.g., Type I Small mandible with normal morphology
cleft lip repair is performed at the age of 3 months, Type IIa Abnormal size and shape of mandibular ramus
repair of soft and hard palate at 9 months to 1 year, Type IIb Abnormal size morphology and location of mandibular
ramus and TMJ
maxillary bone grafting at the age of 9-11 years. Type III Lack of mandibular ramus, condyle and TMJ
The time of surgical correction of maxillo-facial TMJ: temporomandibular joint.

Table 3. Different surgical techniques in maxillo-facial defect treatment

Treatment methods Advantages/characteristics Limitations/complications
Grafts: They are used to lengthen the mandible[47,51,55-57] Facial asymmetry-unpredictable growth and different growth
Costochondral graft There is a possibility to reconstruct the TMJ and pattern of healthy and hypoplastic side, overgrowth of the
Autogenous bone from the mandibular ramus[47,55,58-61] graft, overgrowth of normal (not affected side), bone
iliac crest resorption[57,60,62,63]
Rib graft 3D overgrowth of the graft diminishing the range of mandibular
Temporal skull region
Outer cortex of the unaffected movements[11]
side of the mandible Risk of graft rejection and/or infection[11,57]
Classic osteotomies They are especially useful for correction of It can't be performed in growing patients
secondary deformity[53] These are large surgical procedures with different complications
impaired healing, malocclusions, sensory disturbances
Elongation and rotation of mandibular ramus fails in severe
Distraction osteogenesis Effective technique in young patients[64-66] Not suitable for TMJ reconstruction
Used to lengthen the jaw and mandible ramus High risk of mild infection during active and passive period of
Relapse of the distracted bone occurs very often[67]
Distraction osteogenesis This method combines the advantages of grafts This method combines the disadvantages of grafts an distraction
with bone grafts and distraction osteogenesis osteogenesis[54]
The good choice for severely affected patients[54]
Total temporomandibular Can be used for correction of major deformities Requires virtual, time consuming planning or preparation of
joint prosthesis Individually patient-fitted titanium prosthesis stereolithic model
Osseointegration of the fossa and ramus Has no potential growth
component is present Possible allergic reactions
Gives the predictable outcomes Requires time to manufacture the prosthesis (6-8 wk) [13,52]
Prosthesis works in poorly vascularized recipient site
Single-stage orthognathic surgery can be
TMJ: temporomandibular joint.

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classic osteotomies can be performed only in patients after size. Most of patients with epibulbar dermoids have no
the end of the osseous growth. symptoms. In some cases, local irritation can be caused
Goldenhar syndrome is believed to have a progressive by hairs or other dermal structures. Surgical treatment
nature and though early correction of observed is primarily used to limit cosmetic defect. For larger
abnormalities as well as reduction of secondary deformity defects except for simple keratectomy also amniotic
is needed.[68-70] Some authors advocate delayed surgical membrane transplantation, autologous limbal stem
intervention (until bone growth is ended) to perform single cell allograft or pericardial patch graft is needed. Only
stage final correction of the defect.[71,72] Such strategy can small asymptomatic grade I limbal dermoids should not
be applied in mild syndromes. Nevertheless, in patients be treated surgically because such treatment may lead
with severe facial defects early correction with multi-stage to development of pseudopterygium.[74] Dermoid cyst
reconstruction seems to be a method of choice, to prevent a can consist of skin, hair, sweat glands, pocket of blood,
negative psychosocial effects.[73] fat, bone, etc. In young children, they often appear on
the eyebrow, but also on cornea and/or sclera. Dermoid
Orthodontic consultation cyst may exist without any symptoms (except cosmetic
Review article

Malocclusion is very common among children with inconvenience). They can be surgically removed
GS and requires consultation. Moreover, different preferably in one piece, and any spillage of cyst content
spectrum of tooth discrepancies can be observed from should be avoided.[75]
agenesis of third molars and second premolars, enamel Coloboma is a congenital defect of the structures
and dentin deformation, delay in tooth development of the eye (iris, retina, choroid and optic disc). It is
to supernumerary teeth. Correction of the occlusion a consequence of absence of normal tissue in above
determines improvement in speaking, chewing, mentioned structures and results in their abnormal
swallowing and also positively affects the appearance of shape. People with coloboma may have no symptoms,
the patient. Orthodontic therapy begins in children with light sensitivity, photophobia or they may have mild to
removable (functional) orthodontic appliances. It is then severe vision impairment, depending on the location
continued with fixed orthodontic appliances in children and size of the coloboma. Large colobomas may even
with secondary dentition. Orthodontic treatment is also cause vision loss. Patients without vision impairment do
extremely important as a part of preparation for surgical not require surgery treatment. For better cosmetic effect
correction of the facial deformities.[11] patients with coloboma can use cosmetic contact lenses
to make the pupil look round.[76,77]
Otolaryngological consultation Other ophthalmological anomalies that can be
This is a very important part of diagnostics of patients with observed in these patients are nystagmus, microphthalmia,
GS, because this syndrome is frequently accompanied anisocoria, and strabismus.[1,78] It should be mentioned
with hearing loss. Laryngological examination should that ocular abnormalities in GS predispose to amblyopia
be performed with thorough otoscopic and hearing development as a result of anisometropia, high degrees
assessment. Diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss of refractive defects, strabismus, deprivation of vision
(hearing prosthetics, cochlear implants) should be caused by vision-obstructing disorders.[1,78]
performed as soon as possible to ensure the proper speech Also a first manifestation of aplasia of trigeminal
development. Furthermore, it is important to assess the nerve can be of the form of ophthalmological symptom-
construction of the pharynx and larynx. Abnormalities of neurotropic keratopathy.[79] The assumption of presence
these organs can cause speech disorders, problems with of such anomaly may bring anaesthesia of the cornea
breathing and sleeping apnea. of the affected side. Hypoplasia or aplasia of trigeminal
nerve is confirmed in radiological imaging-magnetic
Ophthalmological consultation resonance imaging.[80] Patients with GS may develop a
This is also a crucial element of diagnosis of children severe type of keratopathy with extensive ulceration.
with GS. Very often surgical treatment is needed in In such cases the most extended surgical methods
case of epibular dermoids, dermoid cyst on cornea and/ are the best treatment option-multilaminar amniotic
or sclera, and coloboma. Children with such defects, membrane transplant, which supply the basal membrane
who require operation, are treated surgically at different with epithelial cells.[81-83] Early diagnosis of corneal
ages, usually within first 2-3 years of their life. hypoesthesia or anaesthesia may prevent the occurrence
Epibulbar dermoids are solid, white-yellow or of ocular complications and also contribute to proper
pinkish benign tumors (episcleral choristomas). They visual development.[79]
are built with cutaneous and subcutaneous tissue and
sometimes they contain hair and other skin structures. Orthopedic consultation
They are classified into three grades according to their Locomotor system is very important for proper
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Goldenhar syndrome: current perspectives

psychomotor development. In children with GS this screening purposes, an ultrasound examination should
process may be impaired by the occurring skeletal be performed in any child with GS. Very often these
deformations. Orthopedic consultation with accurate defects are underdiagnosed.
radiological examination is necessary to identify
indications for conservative or surgical treatment. Neurological consultation
It consists of classic radiographs and computed The most common reason for consultation with a
tomography, which is preferred in diagnosing spine neurologist is feeding problem in children. They are
pathology.[84] caused by neurological disorders such as abnormal
In GS, structural disorders of the vertebrae (mostly muscle structure (asymmetric development of
in the cervical part of vertebral column) are commonly masticatory muscles), agenesis of salivary glands and
observed. Frequent abnormalities in vertebrae result in salivary fistulas and improper nerve supply in the face
functional impairment, e.g., scoliosis. Most frequent region (especially in oral cavity and palate). [90,91] In
is torticollis which results in restricted mobility of patients with cleft palate a special bottle like Haberman
the neck. Cervico-thoracic scoliosis, thoraco-lumbar

Review article
bottle should be used. In severe cases it is necessary
scoliosis and kyphosis are also observed.[84] to use nasogastric feeds or perform a gastrostomy to
Rib anomalies and deformities in the cervical and provide a proper nutrition. Dysfunction of VII cranial
thoracic spine have equal frequency. Anomalies in nerve may be a consequence of not only impaired
lumbar spine are less often.[85] facial muscles function but also of conduction deafness
Depending on the severity of the defect we should (dysfunction of the temporal and zygomatic ramus
consider different methods of treatment: surgical or of facial nerve).[11] The dysfunction of VII nerve can
non-surgical. Non-surgical approach includes bracing result from its abnormal course and unilateral aplasia
and physical therapy. We should remember that early of the trigeminal nuclei. In people with GS also the
started treatment can prevent severe curvatures. [34]
function of other cranial nerves may be impaired. In
Similarly, in case of congenital scoliosis, we achieved
case of microphthalmia, abnormal structure of the skull
the best results when treatment is initiated before child
and neurological disorders (such as epilepsy, abnormal
completes three years of life. The choice of surgical
muscle tension, abnormal reflexes) it is recommended
treatment depends on such factors like patients age,
to use neuroimaging (magnetic resonance imaging
type of anomaly, the degree of deformation. [86] The
for central nervous system defects diagnosis). Such
best time for surgery treatment is 2-3 years of age.[87]
diagnostics can confirm or exclude different brain
Surgical procedures include in situ fusion, convex
anomalies that can be hydrocephalus, occipital and
epiphysiodesis, hemivertebral excision, single/double
frontal encephaloceles, unilateral arhinecephaly, lipoma
stage correction with instrumentation and fusion,
reconstructive osteotomy, vertebral column resection or of corpus callosum, dermoid cyst, teratoma, Arnold-
growing rods.[88] Chiari malformation, lissencephaly, arachnoid cyst,
Congenital scoliosis can develop slowly so all holoprosencephaly, porencephalic cyst and hypoplasia
patients necessary need radiological assessment at of the corpus callosum.[78,92,93] Obviously, patients with
four to six months periods.[88] In some cases, extremity epilepsy require adequate medical pharmacological
anomalies can be seen such as club foot, radial treatment.
hemimelia, and thumb abnormalities. Clubfoot can be It should be mentioned that children with GS are
treated by rehabilitation through exercise and a plaster at increased risk of developing mental retardation with
or orthopedic splint. Later also stabilizing rails and different, multiple, sometimes severe manifestations.
orthopedic footwear can be used or Ponseti method
using semirigid synthetic soft cast. Sometimes children Psychiatric consultation
under 2 years may require surgical treatment.[89] The GS can also manifest itself through intellectual
It is of a great importance to recognize skeletal disability and cognitive impairment. Psychiatric,
abnormalities and to implement a proper treatment psychological and pedagogical consultation will let
and rehabilitation as soon as possible and to assure an to adapt the school program to an individual patient.
adequate development. Patients' physical appearance and lack of its acceptance
can lead to psychiatric disorders and may require
Nephrology consultation psychiatric consultation and therapy. Moreover, disease
It should be remembered that children with GS may of a child affects the functioning of a whole family,
have congenital defects of urogenital system. Careful changing parents behavior and relations with other
diagnosis should be taken and further treatment people. The stress of having a deformed child can
depends on the results of examination. For the have a profound effect on the parents that could lead
World J Pediatr, Vol 13 No 5 . October 15, 2017 . 411
World Journal of Pediatrics

to divorce and counseling/therapy may be necessary. drugs (antidepressants, stimulants, and antipsychotics)
The parents of a child with congenital defects often are prescribed when behavioral treatment fails or in
experience various strong emotions including anxiety, children with severe symptoms.[104-106]
feelings of powerlessness and helplessness, grief, anger,
rebellion and even remorse.[94] Constant tension and Treatment in adults
nervousness may lead to various conflicts. On the other It is usually a continuation of treatment initiated in
hand, this situation is also reflected in relations with a childhood. It includes reinterventions and corrections
child who is experiencing a lack of emotional support. of secondary deformities. Operational procedures in
The aim of psychiatric consultation is to assess the nongrowing patients give a more predictable effects
potential psychological problems and diagnose mental and they are more streamlined as the bone growth
disorders. Psychiatrics often refer children and parents is ended. Facial asymmetry can be diminished with
to psychotherapist. In some cases of severe personality classic osteotomies and genioplasty. For patients who
disorders additionally psychiatric medications are had TMJ reconstruction with grafts and who require
Review article

reintervention a total TMJ prosthesis combined with

In children with GS, alarming symptoms that orthognathic surgery should be recommended.
suggest autism may be observed like: 1) infant does not Patients with GS should undergo orthodontic
babble by 12 months; 2) infant does not use gestures by treatment in adulthood as a continuation of that
12 months; 3) child is not able to speak a word by 16 started in childhood. Orthodontic treatment in adults
months; 4) child cannot build spontaneous two-word may consist of maintaining proper occlusion by
phrases by 24 months; 5) communication problems or retentive treatment or include secondary correction
social skills deficits, at any age.[96] of malocclusion. These goals are achieved with fixed
Failure to meet any of the following milestones orthodontic appliances.
should bother and require prompt psychiatric Also mental disorders require long-lasting
consultation. In the early childhood, typically in the first treatment, which starts in childhood and continues in
2-3 years of the child's life different signs of autism may adulthood.
be present.[97] They often develop gradually. In some
children at the beginning the mental and psychological
development is not disrupted and then they regress.[98]
Different autism-specific screening tools are available Conclusions
that should be performed in every child who present Goldenhar syndrome is a rare congenital defect. The
alarming symptoms. The most popular are the Modified spectrum of observed symptoms and their severity
Checklist for Autism in Toddlers, the Early Screening differs among affected patients. Treatment of people
of Autistic Traits Questionnaire, and the First Year with GS is a complex process and depends on the
Inventory, the Checklist for Autism in Toddlers.[99] clinical manifestation and patient's age. In some
The diagnosis of autism is based on child behavior.[100] newborns, due to life threatening internal organ
Several diagnostic instruments are available. Two diagnostic abnormalities or airway obstruction a prompt surgical
tests are commonly used. One is the Autism Diagnostic intervention is needed within the first few hours after
Interview-Revised which is based on parent interview. birth.
The second one is the Autism Diagnostic Observation Correction of all malformations requires long-lasting,
Schedule that relies on observation and interaction with multistage and complex treatment plan. Operation of
the child.[101] facial defects is a challenge because in some children
Management of children with autism comprises except for hemifacial microsomia also TMJ aplasia/
of lessening associated deficits and family distress, hypoplasia and orofacial clefts are being observed. In
increasing quality of life and functional independence such children long-term outcomes of treatment are hard
of affected children and adults. To achieve these to foresee, not only because of complexity of the defect
goals many therapeutic options are available like but also because of different patterns of bone growth in
different psychosocial interventions, intensive, affected and non-affected side.
sustained special education programs and behavior In some milder cases, a different surgical strategy
therapy, and medications.[99,102,103] These interventions can be applied, involving late corrective surgery when
start early, after recognition of behavioral problems. the bone growth is ended. This therapeutic option
Developmental models, social skills, speech and facilitate to perform more streamlined and more
language therapy as well as structured teaching, applied predictable treatment.
behavior analysis and occupational therapy are the In conclusion, we believe that to achieve satisfactory
therapeutic options.[97] Psychoactive or anticonvulsants treatment results involvement of a team of different
412 World J Pediatr, Vol 13 No 5 . October 15, 2017 .
Goldenhar syndrome: current perspectives

specialists is crucial. It is also essential to understand Maxillofac Surg 2012;70:2835-2853.

patient's and its family needs, meet their expectations, 14 Tasse C, Böhringer S, Fischer S, Lüdecke HJ, Albrecht B, Horn
D, et al. Oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum (OAVS): clinical
and establish viable and individual treatment plan. Proper
evaluation and severity scoring of 53 patients and proposal for
interdisciplinary, well-thought-out treatment can lead to a new classification. Eur J Med Genet 2005;48:397-411.
acceptable quality of life of patients with GS. 15 Digilio MC, Calzolari F, Capolino R, Toscano A, Sarkozy A, de
Zorzi A, et al. Congenital heart defects in patients with oculo-
auriculo-vertebral spectrum (Goldenhar syndrome). Am J Med
Funding: None. Genet A 2008;146A:1815-1819.
16 Ritchey ML, Norbeck J, Huang C, Keating MA, Bloom DA.
Ethical approval: No ethical approval is needed because the
Urologic manifestations of Goldenhar syndrome. Urology
article is a review. The patient has given formal consent for
photographs publication.
17 Rosa RF, Graziadio C, Lenhardt R, Alves RP, Paskulin GA,
Competing interest: None declared.
Zen PR. Central nervous system abnormalities in patients with
Contributors: Bogusiak K contributed to study design and
oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum (Goldenhar syndrome). Arq
planning, preparation of manuscript, literature analysis and
Neuropsiquiatr 2010;68:98-102.

Review article
search. Puch A contributed to preparation of manuscript.
18 Dali M, Chacko V, Rao A. Goldenhar syndrome: a report of a
Arkuszewski P contributed to study design and planning, and
rare case. J Nepal Dent Assoc 2009;10:128-130.
approved the final version to be published. Arkuszewski P is the
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