Guidelines For Assessment in Listening and Speaking Skills (ALS)

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Guidelines for Assessment in Listening and Speaking Skills (ALS)

ALS must be seen as an integrated component of all four language skills rather than a
compartment of two. Suggested activities, therefore, take into consideration an integration
of the four language skills but during assessment, emphasis will be given to speaking and
listening, since reading and writing are already being assessed in the written exam.

Listening Skills:

The focus is to use the assessment of Listening Skills for improving learners’ competency to
listen for basic interpersonal, instructional and academic purposes. A number of sub-skills need
to be developed in the everyday classroom transaction. Given below are some of the sub-skills
of listening which need to be assessed for the Internal Assessment component of Listening:

i. Listening for Specific Information

ii. Listening for General Understanding
iii. Predictive Listening
iv. Inferential Listening
v. Listening for Pleasure
vi. Intensive Listening
vii. Evaluative Listening
Hence, the assessment items being prepared by subject teachers must assess the above.

Speaking Skills:
Assessment of speaking skills must be made an important component of the overall
assessment, using this assessment as learning.

I. Guidelines for Assessment in Listening and Speaking Skills:

A. Classes 9-10:
 As part of Subject Enrichment Activities for Internal assessment, the Assessment of
Listening and Speaking Skills will be for 03 marks.
 It is recommended that listening and speaking skills should be regularly practiced. Art-
integrated projects based on activities like Role Play, Skit, Dramatization etc. must be
used. Please refer to the Circular no. Acad-33/2020 dated 14th May 2020 at the
i. Activities:
 Activities for listening and speaking available at can be used
for developing listening and speaking skills of students.
 Teachers can also use the NCERT book ‘Interactions’ available at the link:
 Subject teachers should also refer to books prescribed in the syllabus.
 In addition to the above, teachers may plan their own activities and create their own
material for assessing the listening and speaking skills.

ii. Parameters for Assessment: The listening and speaking skills are to be assessed on the
following parameters:
a) Interactive competence (Initiation & turn taking, relevance to the topic).
b) Fluency (cohesion, coherence and speed of delivery).
c) Pronunciation
d) Language (accuracy and vocabulary).
A suggestive rubric is given below:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
 Contributions are  Contributions  Develops  Interaction is  Can initiate &
mainly unrelated are often interaction adequately logically develop
to those of other unrelated to adequately, initiated simple
speakers those of the makes and develop conversation on
 Shows hardly any other speaker however  Can take turn familiar topics
initiative in the  Generally minimal effort but needs  Can take turns
development of passive in the to initiate little appropriately
conversation development of conversation prompting
 Very limited conversation  Needs
interaction constant
prompting to
take turns
 Insufficient  Frequently  Largely correct  Mostly correct  Can pronounce
Pronunciation accuracy in unintelligible pronunciation & pronunciation correctly &
pronunciation; articulation clear articulation & clear articulate clearly
many  Frequent except articulation  Is always
grammatical phonological occasional  Can be clearly comprehensible;
errors errors errors understood uses
 Communication  Major  Some most of the appropriate
is severely communication expressions time; very few intonation
affected problems cause stress phonological
without errors
of spoken
 Noticeably/ long  Usually fluent;  Is willing to  Speaks without  Speaks fluently
Fluency & pauses; rate of produces simple speak at noticeable almost with no
Coherence Speech is slow speech fluently, length, effort, with a repetition &
 Frequent but loses however little repetition minimal
repetition and/or coherence in repetition is  Demonstrates hesitation
self- correction complex noticeable hesitation to  Develops topic
 Links only basic communication  Hesitates find words or fully &
sentences;  Often hesitates and/or self use correct coherently
breakdown of and/or resorts to corrects; grammatical
coherence slow speech occasionally structures
evident  Topics partly loses and/or self-
developed; not coherence correction
always  Topics mainly  Topics not fully
concluded developed, but developed to
logically usually not merit

Vocabulary &  Demonstrates  Communicates  Communicates  Can express  Can express
almost no with limited with limited with some with some
Grammar flexibility, and flexibility and flexibility flexibility and flexibility and
mostly struggles appropriacy on and appropriacy on appropriacy on a
for appropriate some of the appropriacy on most of the variety of topics
words topics most of the topics such as family,
 Uses very basic  Complex forms topics  Demonstrates hobbies, work,
vocabulary to and sentence  Sometimes ability to use travel and current
express view- structures are uses complex complex forms events
points. rare; exhibits forms and and sentence  Frequently uses
limited sentence structures most complex forms
vocabulary to structures; has of the time; and sentence
express new limited expresses with structures; has
ideas vocabulary to adequate enough
describe/ vocabulary vocabulary to
express new express himself/
points herself

iii. Schedule:
 The practice of listening and speaking skills should be done throughout the academic
 The final assessment of the skills is to be done as per the convenience and schedule
of the school.
iv. Record Keeping:
The record of the activities done and the marks given must be kept for three months after the
declaration of result, for any random checking by the Board.

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