Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction: Quarter 1-Module 3: Disasters and Its Effects

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Quarter 1- Module 3:
Disasters and Its Effects

Submitted by:
Sammer Faye T. Bisnar Grade 12-STEM

Submitted to:
Mrs. Ma. Theresa B. Sayat

What’s In
Calamity/Disaster Your Feeling
This calamity is something that I have
Earthquake experienced in the past two years. It was
honestly scary, but we remained calm
and slowly went to an open area.
This certain disaster was something I
watched online; it was a movie about
Tsunami tsunami and sharks. While watching, I
felt as if my whole body was in shock...
I was frightened and terrified with the
This type of calamity is usually
common in the Philippines; there about
20 typhoons that strike in our country in
a year and with this, I and my family
always prepare basic necessities
whenever a typhoon will hit our region.
Typhoons make me feel anxious and
worried about everyone’s safety.
Last January 2020, Filipino people were
panicky because of Taal Volcano
eruption... the phenomenon was pure
chaos. I was genuinely concerned and
Volcanic Eruption
worried for my kababayans who were
affected with the calamity. My heart
aches to see the fear in their eyes upon
losing their houses, pets, and crops.
I have watched and read regarding the
wildfire that happened in Australia. The
dreadful catastrophe was able to move
me to tears... there were a great number
Wildfire of casualties which include billions of
animals harmed, 34 people died, and a
lot of properties were destroyed, I was
hurt by the news and it has affected me
for a few days.
What’s New
This pandemic has affected each one of us in different ways. Others are coping up harder than some
people, while others are slowly adjusting to the new normal. On the contrary, we still can’t deny the
negative impacts COVID-19 has brought into our lives; people’s overall health- especially physical and
mental health, livelihoods, and routines deteriorated before our very eyes. We are all fighting our way in
life- we are fighting to survive. Each and every person, most especially our modern heroes who wear
protective clothes and equipment are doing their best to fight this deadly disease. In the present time, the
government and some generous people organized a community pantry for everyone; it aims to provide foods
and important necessities for those who aren’t doing well in life. They said it was for everyone, but some
people are just selfish and cruel... some often take almost every product and keep it for themselves. It was
clearly unfair and injustice. I understand that we are all new to this kind of life, but it is our responsibility to
be strong and to consider others because we never know what they are going through in life. If there is one
thing I learned about this pandemic, it would be the magic of love and kindness to our fellow; it won’t
actually cost you a single cent.

What’s More
1. This is a pretty serious and tough issue; the biggest impact of this disaster to Dale Marc’s family is
the loss of their livelihood. Other than that, the eruption of Taal volcano might damage their home,
the power and water supply, and might put their health in danger. As his friend, it is my
responsibility to support him morally, I know that they are going through something painful and the
least I can do is listen to his feelings and help him in my own little ways. I will encourage Marc Dale
to always find a silver lining amidst difficult situations and to be never be afraid to stand again after
falling... Also, I will donate some of our old clothes to his family and to shelters so that each
individual there will have something to wear for as long as their condition lasts. I will also donate
non-perishable foods, medicines, hygiene kits, toys for the children, and even a little amount of cash.

2. This tragedy can have a big impact on Anna’s mental health. The memory of losing and not being
able to save her children would haunt her... but it wasn’t her fault, it was an accident and the
situation was really tough. As Anna’s friend, I will help her cope up with the trauma by bringing her
to therapy. The professional there will help her overcome and heal from her nightmare... hopefully,
she gets better in time. For Anna’s peace, I will ask assistance from the authorities to find Anna’s
children. We don’t know what has happened to the poor kids, but I just hope that they survive the
tragedy. Anna needs emotional support in hard times and I will be there to help her get better and get
back on track little by little.

3. We are still in the middle of the pandemic and we have witnessed the destruction it has brought into
our lives. The virus is deadly and highly contagious that is why we were advised to stay at home and
follow all the health protocols set by the government. The ones affected greatly by this disease are the
frontliners, especially the nurses. They are fighting this pandemic bravely even if their mental health is
becoming at stake; they are stressed and anxious, they fear of losing this battle, they fear of witnessing
their patients die, they fear of acquiring the disease and possibly infecting their loved ones, these are
just few of their struggles during this pandemic. With the increasing number of COVID cases in the
Philippines, nurses are becoming more and more fragile and prone to the disease, yet they are still
doing their job professionally and giving their best to conquer the virus. All we can do to help is be
obedient to the rules and protocols to suppress the spread of this virus.
Quarter 1- Module 4:
Disasters from Different Perspectives
What I Know

1. B. 6. D

2. D. 7. C
11. C
What’s In
12. D
3. B. 8. C 13. D
1. YES
4. B. 9. D 14. B 2. NO
10. C 3. YES
5. C. 15. C
4. YES
5. YES

What I Have Learned

If I were to rank Tajima’s needs from the most important to the least important, it would be arranged
this ways:

These, for me, are the most important needs to the least important needs. The first one is
food, food is needed in order for Tajima and her family to survive- it provides the body
nutrients that allow the immune system to keep moving and be healthy. The second one is
home, having a roof over our heads is one of the most incredible feelings in this world,
and home is a place wherein you feel safe and sheltered that is why it is the second most
important thing next to food. The third on my list is work, it is necessary because it will
help Tajima afford all the necessities their family needs, with enough money, she can buy
things that they needed the most. The fourth one is medicine, like what I’ve said, they
need money to buy medicine, which is why it is next to work. Medicine is also important
because it helps cure certain illnesses and keeps a person healthy- plus, health is wealth.
The fifth in line is counselling, with the entire trauma they have experienced with the
disaster, they certainly need a professional help. Counselling will help them become
much stable mentally and emotionally... Last but not the least, government assistance.
Most of the time, the government aren’t fully attentive to those who requires real help;
that’s why Tajima should not always expect help from the government, instead, she needs
to stand on her own two feet and find ways to help them survive. If the government gives
assistance, then she should just be grateful for the blessing, but she should never rely their
life on them.

Quarter 1- Module 5:
What’s In

1. Examine Figures A and B. Identify all the hazards that you can see.

Figure A Figure B

2. Give at least three (3) potential scenarios from each picture that can occur due to the presence of hazard.

In Figure A, when or if an earthquake happens, the person sitting in the office will be buried before

he/she could even evacuate. Also, if a typhoon hits, it is best to stay away from this office. It has so many

materials that can be dangerous in any calamity. The things might fall and the office might also collapse.

In Figure B, during a disaster, glass might tend to collapse and shatter without difficulty that is why it is

unsafe for people to stay near the objects with glasses around.

Both figures
What’s New
Inspection Time
Susceptible family
Hazard Possible events member/s Reason of
(Exposure) Vulnerability
When using insect I have a little bit of a lung
sprays, the toxic problem and being
chemicals inside the exposed to the harmful
bottle might spread into substances might put my
Insect Repellent Sprays the air which can be Me health at risk.
harmful to a person’s
respiratory health-
problems such as
difficulty breathing
might occur.
We often use a knife My mama is the main chef
when cooking, and most in the house and she is an
of the time, we use sharp incredible cook, but
knives to make our job sometimes, accidents do
happen. There were tines
Knife cuts easier. With that being My mother
said, we sometimes where she accidentally cut
cannot avoid accidentally her finger with a knife
cutting our fingers when while chopping the
preparing the ingredients for her chosen
Papa is the handyman of
Electric wires carry the house. He would
electric currents which always do his best to fix
Electric wires often lead to My father every concern in our home
and with that, among all of
us, he is prone to getting
electrocuted in case there is
a defect in the electric
Kuya was trained by our
papa to help with
household works and one
LPG can easily catch fire of his assignments is to
look after our LPG tank.
Liquefied Petroleum when not used the right My brother
He is in charge of turning
Gas way. on and turning off the LPG.
In that case, one wrong
move oh his can put our
lives in danger.
In case our windows break,
Glass windows can be the shattered pieces will
Windows dangerous when there My father, my mother, put our family’s safety at
are calamities for they my brother, and me risk for it can harm or
injure us. The sharp objects
tend to break and crash
can lead to cuts and
into pieces. bleeding. Other than that, it
may also cause us infection
that may be hard to treat.

Guide Questions:
1. Based on your assessment from the tour that you made, how will you define vulnerability in
your own words?
In my own perspective, vulnerability refers to a person’s inability to avoid a certain hazard or
disaster which may eventually lead to serious inconvenience. Moreover, vulnerability can
produce harmful consequences like the weakening of people’s overall health and livelihoods,
injuries, deaths, destruction of properties and infrastructures, disrupted economic, and many
other more.
2. After knowing the hazards in your house, what is your plan of action to avoid harm?
After I identified the hazards in our house, I then came up with a plan to discuss these
dangerous things with each family member so that we can come up of ways to possibly get
rid of them. As a member of this family, it is my responsibility to take action in leading our
goal to ensure my loved one’s safety- our safety will always be our number one priority.

What I Have Learned

1. If you are going to base your definition of vulnerability on the story given, how will you define
If I were going to base my definition of vulnerability on the story given, I will define it as the
dangers that they might face in the school or areas near their school. The negligence of the
school officials to announce class suspension contributes to their problem. Thus, vulnerability
in the story is refers to them being unaware of what to do in situations like this. We must
remember that well-informed people are less vulnerable to hazards than those who aren’t.
2. Based on the story given previously about Nick and Gary, describe what could possibly
happen. What have you realized in the story?
Since they are already outside of their homes, which simply mean that they are more prone to
dangers. A typhoon can easily break infrastructures due to strong wind and rain, and them
being in a covered gym doesn’t guarantee their safety. Worst case scenarios can happen
anytime that is why they need to stick together and be vigilant of their surroundings. If the
storm weakens or stops, then they need to ask for help or even evacuate. I have realized in
this story that with poor actions from the officials of the community, a lot of lives might be in
danger. If they were informed that there is no class, then some students might not go school
in order not to miss class.
3. Could it be possible that both students are exposed to the same hazard, but they can have
different level of vulnerability? Explain how.
Yes, it is possible for both students to be exposed to the same hazard, but have different level
of vulnerability it is because one of them has brought some survival materials with him, while
the other one didn’t. With this, Gary, the boy who was a little prepared can less likely be
extremely vulnerable to hazards since he can use the materials to survive the situation.
4. Based from the story, is vulnerability situation specific or hazard specific? Explain.
Based on the story, the vulnerability is situation specific because the vulnerability of Nick
and Gary depend on the level of their preparedness.
5. Cite your realization/s about the importance of knowing one’s capability, strength, and
exposure to hazard.
Knowing one’s capability, strength, and exposure to hazard can save a person’s life. Being
aware of what to do can guarantee your safety in emergency situations. Having knowledge
about hazard can be beneficial in our everyday life, plus, we can also share our knowledge to
other people so that they too, will know what they can do to survive.

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