Persuasive Speech - Edited

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Nicole Taylor’s Persuasive Speech

Topic: Irregular and insufficient Physical Exercise

Specific Purpose statement: To persuade the audience to realize that lack of exercise is harmful

to one's health, and the solution is to adopt an exercise routine since health is wealth.

Central idea: To convince the audience that lack of exercise is harmful to one's health, and the

solution is for everyone to adopt an exercise regimen because health is wealth


I. Do you want to feel and look good when you look at the mirror, then I would suggest

that exercise is the answer.

II. Everyone aspires to be physically fit and healthy regardless of age, gender, and race.

III. I have conducted extensive research, and I would like to outline the impact of exercising

on one's physical, mental and social life; and by the end of this presentation, everyone

will be persuaded to start exercising immediately.


(TR: Before I tell you the solutions, I have to outline the problems that arise for refusing

to exercise.)

I. The lack of exercising causes three major problems (Problem).

A. First, it leads to people suffering from cardiovascular disease


1. The New York State Department of Health reports that about 35% of the deaths

attributed to heart disease are due to lack of physical activity.

2. Americans have adopted a sedentary lifestyle, resulting in the accumulation of

fat and cholesterol in the body, which causes heart disease(NIMH).

B. Second, it leads to Obesity.

1. According to the US Center for Disease Control, in their article titled "Obesity is a

Common, Serious, and Costly Disease, "the prevalence rate of Obesity in the US

is 42.4%.

2. Conditions related to Obesity include cancer, diabetes, stroke, and heart disease.

3. The estimated cost of Obesity in the American healthcare system is $147


4. Obesity is the number one cause of preventable death.

C. Third, people end up suffering from mental health conditions

1. About 20.6% of the American population suffers from some form of mental


2. The most common mental disorders are anxiety and depression.

3. If left untreated mental health disorders can result in a severe effect on

emotional and physical health, such as self-harm, social isolation, and substance


(TR: Now that you are aware of the problems that result from lack of exercise, let me outline

the solutions)

II. Taking time out of your busy schedule does not require a lot of investment. People must

make an effort to exercise. (solution)

A. First, According to the American heart association, the exercise of 30 to 60 minutes

improves blood circulation in the body and increases the supply of oxygen.

1. Oxygen is critical for the heart muscles because they pump blood to the rest of

the body.

B. Second regular exercise results in weight loss.

C. Exercise release endorphins in the bloodstream, which help improve a person's mood,

especially for a person suffering from depression and anxiety.

D. Regular exercise has many benefits. Exercise also helps to protect against depression

and allows you better manage stress.

1. Physical exercise boosts dopamine and serotonin levels in the bloodstream,

which affects a person's mood and attention span.


I. I leave you with these words.

II. To make an informed judgment on the need for you to exercise and remember health is


Works Cited

American Heart Association. (January 2011). Guidelines for Physical Activity. In American Heart

Association. Retrieved September 21,2012, from



CDC."Obesity is a Common, Serious, and Costly Disease." Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention, 7 June 2021,

NIMH. Mental Illness.”, 5 Jan. 2021, Accessed 16 Apr. 2021

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