The Role of Interpersonal Relationships With Peers and With Teachers in Students' Academic Achievement
The Role of Interpersonal Relationships With Peers and With Teachers in Students' Academic Achievement
The Role of Interpersonal Relationships With Peers and With Teachers in Students' Academic Achievement
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3 authors:
Sonja Pečjak
University of Ljubljana
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The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between social and academic variables in different school
periods and to investigate, whether affective and motivational factors can be regarded as mediating variables in the
relation between social and academic variables in school. 1159 students from three different periods of schooling,
covering the age range from late childhood through early to middle adolescence, participated in the study. Differ-
ent models of relations between social and academic variables were tested using structural equation modeling. The
results show that the included mediating variables (well-being in school and academic engagement) do not explain
the relation between social relations and academic achievement. In younger students, peer relations are related
to students’ academic achievement, which does not hold true for both older age groups. Relations to teachers are
related to students’ academic outcomes in all periods of schooling. The results also suggest that the method of data
assessment is a very important factor in establishing the relations between variables.
Key words: peer relations, teacher-student relations, academic achievement, psychological assessment, structural
equation modeling
Social and academic variables in educational research Recently, the researchers in the field of academic moti-
vation started to be increasingly oriented to the investiga-
In the past, academic and social variables were regarded tion of the effect of social and emotional factors on aca-
as two completely separated aspects of motivation. Recent- demic motivation and achievement. Numerous authors (e.g.
ly, these beliefs have been changed radically; namely, aca- Dweck, 1996; Weiner, 1996; Wentzel, 1996a) stress that in
demic and social variables can be intertwined in a number the past, academic achievement and social motivation were
of ways, as for example (Weiner, 1996): studied separately and that the reciprocal interaction be-
tween the two constructs was not taken into consideration.
(1) Feelings of rejection, the lack of social support and This also holds true for the research in school context where
dissatisfaction of social needs influence academic the relation between academic and social factors in students
motivation and performance in school; students feel- has been investigated only recently.
ing lonely in the classroom are more likely to give up Two most frequent and important forms of social rela-
in learning situations and have a higher rate of school tions that students form and maintain in school are relations
drop-out. to teachers and to peers. In the next part of the article, the
(2) Students’ academic achievement and their choice importance of the two forms of social relations is discussed
of peer groups are related; students having similar in detail.
achievement strivings tend to form friendships and
peer groups. The role of teacher support and involvement
(3) Peers also act as models of appropriate academic, as
well as social behavior. Contemporary studies (e.g. Kindermann, 1993; Ryan,
Stiller, & Linch, 1994; Wentzel, 1998) mostly investigate
the influence of relations to peers and to teachers on stu-
dents’ academic motivation, and consequently on their aca-
demic achievement. Studies examining the role of relations
Katja Košir, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, University of to teachers in students’ academic achievement variables
Ljubljana, Aškerčeva 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. E-mail: katja.ko- originate mainly from the self-determination theory (Con- (the address for correspondence); nell & Wellborn, 1991; Deci & Ryan, 2000-2001) which
Gregor Sočan, Department of Psychology, University of Ljubljana; stresses the need for relatedness as one of the basic psycho-
Sonja Pečjak, Department of Psychology, University of Ljubljana. logical needs. According to this theory, teachers’ involve-
ment is crucial for the satisfying the need for relatedness. and motivational factors (Kupersmidt, Buchele, Voegler, &
This refers to the quality of interpersonal relations with stu- Sedikides, 1996; Wentzel, 1996b, 1998). However, the na-
dents and is manifested through teachers having time for ture of the relation between social and academic variables in
students, expressing positive feelings towards them, being students still remains unclear.
flexible to their needs, etc. Teacher’s involvement seems to
be the strongest predictor of students’ academic motivation,
Students’ social acceptance in relation to their aca-
amongst all of the other presumably important dimensions
demic outcomes
of teachers’ behavior. The students of highly involved teach-
ers perceive their teachers not only as involved, but also as
giving more structure and support to student’s autonomy, Peer relations have already been studied in relation to
independently of the teacher’s actual behavior on these two various academic outcomes. The results of such studies
dimensions (Furrer & Skinner, 2003; Skinner & Belmont, consistently show that popular students are those usually
1993). The sense of relatedness tapped by the measures of achieving better outcomes and that rejected students are
school climate and the quality of teacher-student relations, frequently those having learning difficulties (e.g. Wentzel,
as well as the feelings of belonging, acceptance, importance, 1991). These findings were most consistent when academic
and interpersonal support, are related to important academic outcomes were measured by students’ grades (Hatzuchtis-
outcomes, including self-efficacy, expectations of success, tou & Hopf, 1996; Wentzel, 1991; Wentzel & Cadwell,
achievement values, positive affect, effort, engagement, in- 1997), although peer acceptance was also found to be re-
terest in school, task goal orientation, and grades (see Fur- lated to standardized test achievements (Austin & Draper,
rer & Skinner, 2003). Feeling related in the school context 1984), as well as to students’ intelligence (Wentzel, 1991).
gives students a sense of importance and thereby enhances Students of lower sociometric in-class status, especially
their activity (Furrer & Skinner, 2003). rejected students, represent a group of higher risk for
Wentzel (1993) reported that teachers’ liking of students learning difficulties and school drop-out (Hatzuchtistou &
is positively related to students’ academic achievement. Hopf, 1996; Ollendick et al., 1992). This holds especially
Students forming positive relations to their teachers have true for aggressive rejected students (Wentzel & Asher,
more positive attitudes towards school and like school more 1995).
(Skinner & Belmont, 1993). In classrooms where teachers
report that they respond to students’ academic, as well as Students’ friendships in relation to their academic
social needs, students report that they ask for help more fre- outcomes
quently (Ryan, Gheen, & Midgley, 1998). Also, the relation
to teachers plays an important role in some inappropriate
behaviors in school such as cheating at tests; students that Wentzel and Caldwell (1997) conducted a longitu-
report to have a good relation with their teacher also report dinal study of the relation between students’ friendships
less cheating (Murdock, Hale, & Weber, 2001; Murdock, and their academic achievement. The results of this study
Miller, & Kohlhardt, 2004). Similarly, Ryan, & Patrick showed that the relation between having a friend and aca-
(2001) found that 8th grade students that perceiving teach- demic outcomes held stable in the period of two years. In
ers’ support also report about having more self-regulative another longitudinal study, Wentzel, McNamara Barry and
learning and less misbehavior compared to their behavior Caldwell (2004) investigated the influence of friendships
in the 7th grade. on motivation and school adjustment of early adolescents.
Students without reciprocal friendships were less proso-
cial, had lower academic outcomes and reported more
The relation between peer relations and students’
emotional distress compared to their peers with reciprocal
school performance
The second research direction in the investigation of the
effect of social factors on academic variables is represented Perceived peer support and students’ academic vari-
by studies of the relation between peer relations and academic ables
achievement. The results of these studies (e.g. Hatzuchtistou
& Hopf, 1996; Ollendick, Weist, Burden, & Greene, 1992; The perception of peer and teacher support is regarded
Wentzel, 1991; Wentzel & Asher, 1995; Wentzel & Cad- as an especially important factor in the students’ achieve-
well, 1997) indicate positive relation between peer relations ment of learning goals. The students believing their peers
and students academic performance. The results (e.g. Chen, support and care for them are usually more engaged in posi-
Chang, & He, 2003; Guay, Boivin, & Hodges, 1999; Went- tive classroom behaviors compared to the students which
zel, 1993; Wentzel & Caldwell, 1997) mostly indicate that do not perceive such a support (Wentzel, 1994, 1997). The
students feeling more accepted by their peers also achieve latter group of students represents a group having a higher
more. It is likely that this relation is mediated by emotional risk to develop learning difficulties (Goodenow, 1993).
Relations to teachers versus relations to peers cially critical period for students’ learning beliefs and be-
haviors (Eccles & Midgley, 1989). For some early adoles-
In younger students, Birch and Ladd (1997) found a cents, the increase in self-reflection, autonomy and identity
positive relation between students’ peer relations and their exploration leads to new academic interests, an increase
relations to teachers. Teachers provide unpopular students in self-regulative learning and commitment to education
with more corrective feedback and popular students with (Goodenow, 1993). But for many adolescents this is also
more positive reinforcement (White, Sherman, & Jones, a period of doubts in their abilities to succeed in academic
1996). Teacher’s behavior towards students exerts an espe- activities, questioning the value and meaning of school
cially strong influence on other students’ perceptions of this work and consequently the decline of academic effort. The
student in preschoolers and younger school children. At this social environment in the classroom that includes perceived
age, students form more positive relations with peers who teacher, as well as perceived peer support, is therefore cru-
also have more supportive and less conflictive relations with cial for this period. Thus, early adolescence represents an
teachers (Ladd, Birch, & Buhs, 1999; Taylor, 1989). Birch especially sensitive period. For many adolescents, this is a
and Ladd (1996) argue that relations to peers and relations period of decrease in their academic achievement (Ryan &
to teachers probably predict different aspects of school ad- Patrick, 2001).
justment. In some situations, the relation between these two
In transition to adolescence the conflict between social
forms of relations can also be compensatory. The results of
and academic goals is also more frequent than in childhood.
the study investigating the characteristics of early adoles-
cents without friends (Wentzel & Asher, 1995) show that Such incongruities occur when students try to simultane-
teachers’ liking of students can soften the negative effects of ously satisfy the expectations of teachers and of peers which
peer rejection on students’ school adjustment. In any case, can sometimes collide. Also, the incongruities between stu-
the (in)congruity of student’s popularity by peers and by dents’ academic values and those of their friends can appear.
teachers represents an important piece of information about As emphasized by Juvonen (1996), such situations have still
the student’s position in the classroom. not been sufficiently investigated and deserve more research
As indicated by Wentzel (2003), the strength of peer in-
fluence in relation to the influence of adults is one of the
crucial research questions in the field of school adjust- Mediating variables in relation between measures of
ment. However, both social factors of students’ academic students’ interpersonal relationships and their aca-
achievement – i.e. relations to teachers and to peers – were demic achievement
rarely examined simultaneously. Likewise, when tak-
ing into account the social development in late childhood Mediating processes between social relations in school
and adolescence, it is reasonable to expect that the rela- and students academic outcomes represent another research
tive importance of both forms of relationships for students’ area that has not been explained sufficiently. With the refer-
academic achievement change during different periods of ence to the relation between social acceptance and academic
schooling. Wentzel (2003) emphasized that school adjust- variables, Wentzel (1991; also Wentzel & Asher, 1995) hy-
ment and factors which influence it should be investigated pothesized four possible explanations of this connection:
from a developmental perspective – taking into account
students developmental abilities and tasks. Nevertheless, - Positive peer relations influence students’ sense of re-
the studies in this field mostly focus on one single period latedness which has a positive effect on students’ learn-
of schooling and less on the possible changes in relations ing motivation, as predicted by the self-determination
between social, emotional, and motivational factors and theory. Consequently, students having a better accepted
academic achievement, which might result due to devel- of their peers also achieve more.
opmental changes. - The relation between social and academic variables can
be explained by students’ self-regulatory skills. More
Some developmental changes in transition to adoles- mature and independent students are more self-confi-
cence dent, having a better impulse control, and probably out
of this reason are more successful in school, as well as
better accepted by their peers.
In late childhood and adolescence, peer relations be-
come increasingly important. During the childhood, peer - Students accepted by their peers are usually also more
groups enlarge and become less supervised by adults (Gif- accepted by their teachers, as well. In contrast to this,
ford-Smith & Brownell, 2003). In early adolescence, the teachers are more critical towards rejected students and
role of peers as a source of emotional and instrumental offer them less help, which can lead to lower academic
support becomes even more important than it was in the outcomes of these students.
childhood. Peers also become an important factor in organ- - It is also possible that students’ academic reputation is
izing spare time and act as a factor of sexual satisfaction directly related to their social acceptance; the students
and identity formation. Also, early adolescence is an espe- achieving more are also more liked by their peers.
Anderson, 1983) were used to assess the perceived academ- school. The scale was translated into Slovene and adapted
ic (e.g. Other students care about how much I learn) and for the purpose of the study. The internal consistency coef-
personal peer support (e.g. Other students like me the way ficient was .90.
I am). These two scales were translated into Slovene and
adapted for the purposes of this study. The Peer Academic Measures of academic engagement
Support Scale consists of four items; alpha coefficient was
.68. The Peer Personal Support Scale consists of five items,
Self-reported academic engagement. The behavioral and
alpha coefficient was .78. Students rated the items using a 5-
cognitive engagement in schoolwork scale (Assor, Kaplan,
point scale (1- never true for me; 5 – always true for me). & Roth, 2002) was used to assess students’ perceptions of
their academic engagement. The scale was translated into
Measures of relations to teachers Slovene and adjusted for this study. The scale consists of
six items (e.g. I do more than what I am required). Students
Teacher’s liking of the students. Teachers received the rated the items on a 5-point scale. The internal consistency
following instruction: “With regard to the numerous dif- coefficient was .74.
ferences between the students, it is normal and human that Teacher report of students’ academic engagement. The
the teacher does not like all students in the same way, al- scale described above was adjusted for the teachers, as well.
though he/she behaves equally fair to all of them. For all This version consisted of five items. The item In classes I
of the students in the class please indicate how much you try to look busy, but I really do not pay attention was missed
like would to have the particular student in your class next out. Teachers rated the items for every single student using
year”. The rating scale was a 5-point scale (1- not al all; 5 a 5-point scale (1 – never; 5 – always). The alpha coefficient
– very much). for this scale was .91.
Peer perceived relation with teachers. Students were Peer perceived academic engagement. Students named
asked to name three or less classmates that have the best three or fewer classmates that were most engaged in lessons.
relations with teachers. The within classrooms standardized The within classrooms standardized number of nominations
number of nominations that each student received was used for each student was used as a measure of peer perceived
as a measure of peer perceived relation with teachers. academic engagement.
Teacher academic and teacher personal support. Teach-
er academic support and Teacher personal support scales Measures of academic achievement
which form a part of the already mentioned Classroom
Life Instrument were used to assess students’ perceptions GPA in the previous school year.
of both, teacher academic (e.g. My teacher likes to help me Peer perceived academic achievement. Students were
learn) and personal support (e.g. My teacher really cares instructed to name three or less best students in their class.
about me). Both scales consisted of four items. The rating The within classroom standardized number of nominations
scale is the same as for peer support scales. Students were for each students was regarded as a measure of peer per-
instructed bear in mind the majority of teachers. Alpha coef- ceived academic achievement.
ficient of internal consistency is .70 for Teacher Academic
Support Scale and .74 for Teacher Personal Support. Procedure
Measures of students’ well-being in school The data was collected at the beginning of the school
year. The questionnaires for students were administered col-
Teacher report of students well-being in school. Teach- lectively in the classrooms. Students were told they should
ers assessed the degree to which every single student felt report about their relations with other students and teachers,
well/was satisfied in school using a 5-point rating scale (1 the characteristics of their classroom, their well-being in
– very unsatisfied/feels very bad; 5 – very satisfied/feels school and about how they engage in schoolwork. Students
very well). first answered the peer nomination procedures and then the
Self-reported well-being in school. Students’ well-be- self-report scales. During the classroom testing teachers
ing in school was assessed using the Scale of Well-Being in were asked to complete the items in which they assessed
students in their class.
School (Keller, Moser, & Rhyn, 1996), a shorter version of
the Scale of Subjective Well-Being (Moser, Bless, & Hae-
berlin, 1989). Students with a high score on this scale feel RESULTS
good in school and like going to school (Moser, Bless, &
Haeberlin, 1989). The shorter version consists of five items Descriptive statistics and the correlations between mani-
with a 5-point rating scale (1- never true for me; 5 – always fest variables are presented in Table 1. Evidently, the source
true for me). The scale consists of items like I like going to of assessing the variable is an important factor of the size of
Descriptive statistics and correlations between varables included in the model for all pupils together and in different school periods
M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1. Social preference 4th grade 0.00 1.63
7th grade 0.00 1.61 -
2nd grade 0.00 1.60
Together 0.00 1.59
2. Popularitya 4th grade 1.80 2.66 .49
7th grade 2.00 3.03 .41
2nd grade 2.02 3.23 .28
Together 1.92 2.95 .40
3. Friendship 4th grade 2.55 1.85 .70 .39
7th grade 2.52 1.84 .73 .47 -
2nd grade 2.30 1.51 .60 .31
Together 2.47 1.76 .68 .39
4. Reciprocal friendship 4th grade 1.12 1.00 .42 .29 .54
7th grade 1.27 1.06 .50 .37 .64 -
2nd grade 1.60 1.02 .35 .22 .57
Together 1.18 1.02 .43 .30 .58
5. Student academic support 4th grade 3.55 0.86 .14 .12 .06 .08
7th grade 3.16 0.71 .22 .11 .14 .10 -
2nd grade 3.28 0.69 .17 .03 .10 .12
Together 3.34 0.78 .18 .09 .10 .10
6. Student personal support 4th grade 3.78 0.80 .13 .11 .03 .06 .73
7th grade 3.40 0.74 .28 .18 .26 .17 .65 -
2nd grade 3.49 0.65 .18 .09 .12 .16 .70
Together 3.56 0.75 .19 .12 .13 .12 .71
7. Teacher’s liking 4th grade 4.48 0.89 .30 .16 .14 .11 -.01 .00
7th grade 4.12 1.06 .22 .02 .16 .13 .04 -.01 -
2nd grade 4.28 0.89 .15 .06 .03 .07 .02 .00
Together 4.30 0.96 .23 .08 .11 .11 .04 .02
8. Relations to teachers (peer 4th grade 2.14 3.28 .33 .46 .24 .24 .06 .07 .18
report)a 7th grade 2.35 4.22 .11 .21 .13 .14 .01 -.01 .33 -
2nd grade2.35 2.35 4.78 .06 .29 .03 .15 .09 .15 .26
Together 2.27 4.08 .20 .34 .15 .18 .04 .05 .23
KOŠIR, SOČAN and PEČJAK, Interpersonal relationships and academic achievement, Review of Psychology, 2007, Vol. 14, No. 1, 43-58
22.1.2008 13:10:57
M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
9. Teacher academic 4th grade 4.35 0.62 -.05 .00 -.04 .02 .41 .34 .01 .01
support 7th grade 3.69 0.68 -.08 -.05 -.11 -.08 .40 .11 .00 .12 -
2nd grade 3.54 0.68 .09 -.04 .00 -.02 .36 .24 .10 .08
Together 3.89 0.74 -.01 -.04 -.04 -.02 .43 .29 .08 .02
10. Teacher personal 4th grade 4.12 0.82 .00 .08 -.04 -.08 .41 .40 .12 .01 .56
support 7th grade 3.22 0.80 -.06 -.12 -.10 -.07 .37 .21 .13 .22 .63 -
2nd grade 3.14 0.67 .00 -.03 -.05 -.06 .37 .30 .08 .16 .61
Together 3.53 0.90 -.01 -.02 -.06 -.06 .43 .37 .16 .09 .69
11. Well-being in school 4th grade 4.24 0.87 .36 .34 .19 .18 .06 .07 .53 .32 -.07 .09
(teacher report) 7th grade 3.79 0.96 .27 .19 .25 .16 .08 .11 .50 .28 -.05 -.01
2nd grade 3.95 0.82 .25 .12 .02 .06 .05 .08 .53 .28 .11 .16
Together 4.00 0.91 .27 .22 .17 .14 .11 .13 .53 .27 .08 .16
12. Well-being in school 4th grade 3.94 0.96 .11 .06 .08 .05 .39 .39 .16 .15 .37 .37 .15
(self-report) 7th grade 2.93 0.99 .07 .03 .02 .00 .31 .20 .13 .15 .32 .34 .06 -
2nd grade 3.16 0.84 .09 .11 .08 .12 .25 .28 .08 .20 .28 .29 .14
Together 3.37 1.04 .10 .05 .05 .04 .38 .35 .17 .12 .45 .47 .19
13. Engagement (teacher 4th grade 3.92 0.88 .37 .34 .18 .15 .01 .06 .53 .45 -.08 .13 .64 .11
report) 7th grade 3.54 0.99 .21 .05 .17 .11 -.02 .01 .54 .49 .03 .13 .44 .14 -
2nd grade 3.44 0.83 .07 .06 .04 .10 .09 .04 .60 .41 .09 .15 .49 .19
Together 3.65 0.93 .27 .15 .14 .12 .07 .08 .56 .41 .12 .23 .54 .22
14. Engagement (self- 4th grade 4.22 0.62 .15 .13 .02 .02 .22 .31 .22 .21 .28 .29 .24 .38 .29
report) 7th grade 3.59 0.65 -.05 -.09 -.11 -.12 .20 .03 .22 .28 .44 .41 .08 .49 .30 -
2nd grade 3.43 0.55 -.05 .03 -.05 .01 .05 .00 .16 .31 .40 .36 .20 .33 .27
Together 3.78 0.70 .03 .01 -.04 -.03 .24 .21 .23 .18 .52 .51 .23 .52 .36
15. Engagementa (peer- 4th grade 2.42 3.71 .37 .43 .27 .21 ,01 .04 .16 .67 -.02 .06 .29 .09 .45 .20
report) 7th grade 2.40 4.25 .09 .16 .10 .12 .01 .01 .31 .77 .12 .20 .39 .12 .50 .29 -
2nd grade 2.42 4.66 .08 .26 .06 .13 -.04 -.02 .33 .66 .06 .14 .32 .17 .45 .35
Together 2.42 1.18 .21 .30 .16 .16 -.01 0.00 .24 .70 .00 .07 .28 .08 .43 .19
16. Academic achievement 4th grade 4.41 0.79 .37 .33 .20 .18 -.04 .01 .41 .42 -.11 .09 .44 .03 .62 .25 .44
7th grade 4.14 0.90 .24 .11 .21 .14 -.05 .03 .51 .50 -.06 .08 .45 .05 .71 .26 .53 -
2nd grade 3.27 0.76 .13 .12 .14 .20 .09 .08 .43 .42 .19 .21 .27 .14 .56 .27 .45
Together 3.97 0.95 .23 .16 .17 .16 .03 .08 .42 .35 .18 .27 .38 .16 .64 .40 .37
17. Academic achievement 4th grade 2.41 4.15 .36 .47 .31 .19 .04 .02 .20 .64 -.04 .08 .36 .05 .46 .12 .68 .44
(peer report)a 7th grade 2.47 4.92 .14 .20 .14 .12 -.02 .00 .27 .74 .11 .20 .28 .07 .53 .21 .73 .53 -
2nd grade 2.43 5.46 .16 .21 .08 .14 .06 .02 .34 .64 .19 .17 .24 .21 .39 .32 .69 .52
Together 2.44 4.82 .24 .32 .20 .15 .02 -.02 .23 .67 -.01 .05 26 .03 .41 .10 .70 35
Note. Variables are arranged with regard to belonging latent variables; for measures of interpersonal peer assessment the standardized values are used in correlational analysis; correlations sig-
nificant at p≤ .01 are marked with bold; N for 4th grade is 428, for 7th grade 404, for 2nd grade 333, and for all students together 1165; a – normalized variable.
KOŠIR, SOČAN and PEČJAK, Interpersonal relationships and academic achievement, Review of Psychology, 2007, Vol. 14, No. 1, 43-58
22.1.2008 13:10:58
KOŠIR, SOČAN and PEČJAK, Interpersonal relationships and academic achievement, Review of Psychology, 2007, Vol. 14, No. 1, 43-58
First the model in which relations to peers and teachers Also, the factor of the method of data assessment was
effect academic outcomes via students’ well-being in school taken into consideration in the model. The correlations be-
and their school engagement was tested. This model con- tween the manifest variables, gathered from the same source
sists of five latent and seventeen manifest variables and is (self-report, peer nominations, teacher report) were set as
presented in Figure 2. free parameters.
For variables that do not distribute normally the normal- In Table 2 some fit indices for this originally presumed
ized values were used. These variables are some of the peer model tested on all students together and separately for each
interpersonal assessment measures: (1) peer perceived pop- age group are presented. As suggested by Raykov and Mar-
ularity; (2) peer perceived relations with teachers; (3) peer coulides (2000) the value of RMSEA or the lower value of
perceived academic engagement and (4) peer perceived aca- the RMSEA confidence interval of less than .05 is indicative
demic achievement. of the model being a reasonable approximation of the data.
The originally presumed model did not provide a good
fit to the data. The fit for this model is somewhat better when
testing it separately for different school periods; it fits best
for the students of the 4th grade. Because of the inappropri-
ateness of the fit for this model, the model coefficients are
not presented.
The adequacy of the parts of the model was established
for independent, as well as for dependent variables using
confirmatory factor analysis. The fit for the model with rela-
tions to peers and to teachers is appropriate (RMSEA= .021).
The same is also true for the part of the model with depend-
ent variables (RMSEA= .037). However, if directed relations
between dependent variables are predicted (i.e. the influence
of well-being in school on academic engagement and aca-
demic achievement) the fit is very poor (RMSEA= .246).
Table 3 independent variable fitted to the data for the students of the
The fit indices for the versions of the originally presumed model 7th grade and for the 2nd grade of secondary school. For these
RMSEA two older age groups, the model coefficients are presented
Model df χ2 GFI AGFI 90% confidence in Figure 3. As is evident in Figure 3, the strongest relation
interval appears between students’ academic engagement and their
Model 1a: model with mediating variables - peers academic achievement.
together 52 314.13** .95 .92 .071 (.063; .079)
4th grade 52 146.50** .94 .89 .073 (.059; .087) Model 2: Model without mediating variables
7th grade 52 113.82** .95 .91 .059 (.044; .074)
2nd grade 52 97.92** .95 .91 .056 (.038; .072)
Because the originally presumed model did not prove to
Model 1b: model with mediating variables - teachers
be appropriate, the model without mediating variables was
together 37 893.70** .86 .75 .153 (.144; .180)
tested, i.e. the model in which the direct influence of rela-
4th grade 37 244.70** .89 .80 .127 (.110; .140)
7th grade 37 346.83** .84 .72 .156 (.140; .170)
2nd grade 37 176.06** .90 .82 .114 (.097; .130)
Table 4
Note. The maximum likelihood method was used; GFI – goodness-of-fit-
Fit indices for the model without mediating variables
index; AGFI – adjusted goodness-of-fit-index; RMSEA – root mean
square error of approximation. RMSEA
*p ≤ .05; **p ≤ .01. Model df χ2 GFI AGFI 90% confidence
Model 2: model without mediating variables
together 35 245.56** .96 .91 .078 (.069; .088)
4th grade 35 96.25** .96 .90 .071 (.054; .088)
7th grade 35 34.56 .99 .97 .000 (.000; .038)
2nd grade 35 51.47* .97 .94 .041 (.011; .063)
Note. See note to Table 3.
*p≤ .05; **p≤ .01.
Table 6 For all students together, the model with latent variables
Fit indices for the model with latent variables with regard to the method with regard to the method of data assessment does not fit to
of data assessment the data. However, the RMSEA value is quite close to .05.
RMSEA The fit is appropriate for the students of the 2nd grade of sec-
Model df χ2 GFI AGFI 90% confidence ondary school. The model coefficients for this age group are
interval shown in Figure 7. In any case, the fit for all age groups is
Model 3: model with latent variables with regard to the method of data better than for the originally presumed model with mediat-
assessment ing variables. This is surprising considering the fact that the
together 90 521.76** 0.94 .90 .070 (.064; .076) variables in the originally presumed model are formed with
4th grade 90 326.23** 0.93 .87 .069 (.058; .079) regard to their contents, whereas in this model all that vari-
7th grade 90 251.57** 0.92 .87 .072 (.061; .083) ables within a specific latent variable have in common is the
2nd grade 90 194.03** 0.93 .87 .064 (.049; .076) method of data assessment.
Note. See note to Table 3. As can be observed in Figure 7, the relations between
*p≤ .05; **p≤ .01. measures of peer nominations and teacher assessment are
stronger compared to the measures of self-report that weak-
ly correlate with other measures.
The main purpose of the study was to test the model of
relations between social and academic variables in school
context. Therewith, we wanted to establish the relation
between social and academic variables in different school
periods and test whether affective and motivational factors
act as mediating variables in the relation between social and
academic variables in school.
The model that hypothesizes that the relation between
social (i.e. peer and teacher relations) and academic vari-
ables is indirect via students’ well being in school and their
academic engagement did not provide the appropriate fit
to the data. Additional assumptions about the nature of
the relations between social and academic variables were
therefore made. The model without mediating variables that
assumes the direct influence of peer and teacher relations
on students’ academic achievement proved to be more ad-
equate. The fit indices of this model were better than for
the originally presumed model with mediating variables.
However, the fit was appropriate only for the students of
Figure 7. Parameter estimates for the model with latent variables the 7th grade and the students of the 2nd grade of secondary
with regard to the method of data assessment (Model 4) for the
school. In these two age groups, the influence of relations to
students of the 2nd grade of secondary school
teachers on students’ academic achievement is much larger
Note. The manifest variables for the latent variable self-report
are the following: S1 – teacher academic support; S2 – teacher compared to the influence of peer relations, which is close
personal support; S3 – peer academic support; S4 – peer personal to zero and slightly negative, respectively.
support; S5 – self-reported well-being in school; S6 – self-report-
ed academic engagement. Manifest variables of the latent variable The relation between social and academic variables in
peer nominations are: PN1 – social preference; PN2 – peer per- students
ceived popularity; PN3 – number of friendships; PN4 – number
of reciprocal friendships; PN5 – peer perceived relations with
teachers, PN6 – peer perceived academic engagement; PN7 – peer
The results indicate that the originally presumed mod-
perceived academic achievement. The latent variable teacher el is not adequate because of the mediating variables. The
assessment consists of the following variables: TA1 – teacher’s model without mediating variables fits better than the model
liking of the student; TA2 – teacher report of students’ well-being with mediating variables1. For the model that presumes only
in school; TA3 – teacher report of students’ academic engagement;
TA4 – GPA. Manifest variables that represent the measures of the
same construct (peer relations, relations to teachers, well-being, 1 This can also be inferred from the following results that we do not refer
academic engagement, academic achievement) are correlated. here in detail because of the lack of space: (1) If the latent variables
peer relations as an independent variable, the fit is also bet- and academic variables, it is reasonable to assume that
ter if mediating variables are not included in the model. The the relation between social and academic variables de-
inclusion of mediating variables decreases the explanatory pends on the social norms that are formed in the peer
value of the model. This indicates that the presumed mediat- group. These norms are developmentally specific and
ing variables are not adequate. are especially prone to changes when students enter ad-
olescence. In younger students, it is usually the teacher
The finding that emotional and motivational variables
that influences the norms, rules, and values that are
are not the factors mediating the influence of social relations
valid in the peer group. Consequently, students’ norms
students form in school on their academic outcomes is not regarding school work and learning are very similar
congruent with the findings of some other studies. Some au- to the expectations that teachers and other adults hold
thors report motivational variables as those that mediate the toward students. However, when entering adolescence
relation between students’ relations in school/family con- the influence of the peer group becomes increasingly
text and their academic achievement (e.g. Grolnick, Ryan, important. Adolescents often believe that two different
& Deci, 1991; Wentzel & Caldwell, 1997). Alternative as- sets of behavioral and academic attributes are needed
sumptions about the relation between social and academic to be popular with peers versus preferred by teachers
variables should thus be made. Some possible interpreta- (Hopmeyer Gorman, Kim, & Schimmelbusch; 2002).
tions of this relation are mentioned below: In adolescents, the peer group presents a very influen-
(1) The relation between social and academic variables is tial context for the development of academic beliefs
direct. and behaviors (Ryan, 2001). It is possible that the so-
(2) Some third variable (e.g. self-regulatory skills or self cial norms that are formed in students’ peer group are
variables as self-concept or self-efficacy) is behind the the reason for a stronger connection between peer rela-
relation between both groups of variables. The results tions and academic achievement in the period of late
of the Buhs’ (2005) study speak in favor of this as- childhood as compared to adolescence.
sumption. These results showed that the influence of Also, the possibility that the model does not fit the data
peer relations on academic outcomes is mediated by because they are coming from different sources should be
students’ perceptions of their own competence. Went- taken into consideration.
zel and Asher (1995) also suggest that students’ self-
regulatory skills are those influencing students’ effec-
The relation between social and academic variables in
tive performance in social, as well as academic field.
different school periods
(3) The positive relation between students’ peer relations
and their academic achievement is due to the relations
students form with their teachers. Teachers usually Considering the social development in late childhood
prefer students which perform better in school. It is and adolescence it is reasonable to assume that the impor-
possible that because of the teacher preference, these tance of both kinds of relations (i.e. relations to peers and to
students could also be more accepted by their peers. teachers) for the academic achievement changes during the
different school periods. For that reason, the relation of both
(4) The relation between social and academic variables kinds of relationships that students form in school to their
depends on developmentally specific norms which academic achievement was investigated in students in dif-
form among peers with regard to learning and learning ferent school periods. The comparison between the students
behavior. Namely, the interpretations mentioned above of different ages is possible only in the model that assumes
can not explain the fact that in older students the corre- the direct influence of peer relations to students’ academic
lations between peer relations and academic variables achievement (Model 2a). This is namely the only model that
are much lower compared to younger students. For ex- fits the data in all of the three age groups. The model’s coef-
ample, it is not very likely that a decrease in students’ ficients between the peer relations and students’ academic
self-regulation skills occurs when entering adolescence achievement are highest for the students of the 4th grade
(actually, the research shows the opposite; see e.g.
and lower in both of the older age groups. Thus, the crucial
Paris & Newman, 1990). Because of the age depend-
change in the influence of peer relations obviously occurs in
ence on the strength of the connection between social
the period between ten and thirteen years of age. Most like-
ly, a decrease in the influence of peer relation on academic
outcomes coincides with the transition to adolescence.
peer relations and relations to teachers are excluded from the model
and only the relation between those variables that represent dependent In adolescence, the influence of peer relations on stu-
variables in originally presumed model is tested, and directed links dents’ academic achievement is low. The students that form
between those variables are presumed (i.e. well-being – engagement more positive relations with peers are not those students that
– academic achievement), the fit of such model is very poor (RM-
SEA=0.246). (2) If the influence of both independent variables is
are also academically better (this holds true for the students
tested separately for each mediating variable (well-being and engage- of the 4th grade). Some models of relations between social
ment), none of those models fits to the data. and academic variables fit only to the two older age groups
of students. These models enable the comparison between ables develops gradually – the teacher’s liking positively
the students of the 7th grade and the students of the 2nd grade influences students’ academic achievement, which in turn
of secondary school. There are no essential differences in strengthens the positive relation that these students form
the model’s coefficients between different variables in the with their teachers.
models of these two age groups. Apparently, there are no
differences in the relation between measures of peer rela- Evaluation of the methods for assessing the data about
tions and academic variables between early and middle ado- students’ social and academic characteristics
lescents. Nevertheless, it should not be forgotten that we do
not posses longitudinal data and is, therefore, impossible to
It this study at least two different measures of each con-
draw conclusions about developmental changes.
struct were used to assess the latent variables included in the
models. On the one hand, the purpose of such assessment
The relation between both kinds of social relations in was to validly assess each latent variable, but at the same
different school periods time we were also interested in the relations between the
different measures of the constructs with each other. The
For the most part, the correlations between the measures analysis of the correlations between all manifest variables
of peer relations and relations to teachers decrease with stu- already shows that the correlations between the measures
dents’ increasing age. This is true only for the measures that of the same construct, assessed from the different sources,
are assessed using peer and teacher report. The self-report are mostly lower than the correlations between the meas-
measures relate very weakly to other measures. ures of different constructs, assessed from the same source.
In late childhood, students that form more positive rela- Therefore, the model with latent variables taking into the
tions with peers are also in better relations with their teach- account the method of data assessment was tested. Since
ers. But in adolescence (i.e. students of the 7th grade and the latent variables in this model are designed only with regard
2nd grade of secondary school) the relations which students to the method of data assessment and include manifest vari-
form with peers and with teachers become less related to ables from different constructs it would be reasonable to
each other. In this period, the correlations between both con- expect that the model does not fit to the data. However, the
structs are still positive, but low. Thus, the findings of some results show a different picture. The fit indices are appropri-
studies which show that students who form more positive ate only for the oldest group of students, whereas for both
of the younger age groups these indices are quite close to
relations with peers are also more liked by the teachers (e.g.
the recommended limit values. In any case, the fit is much
Birch & Ladd, 1997; Donohue, Perry, & Weinstein, 2003;
better than for the originally presumed model with mediat-
Taylor, 1989) can not be generalized to adolescents without
ing variables that consists of latent variables designed with
some caution.
respect to the construct they are supposed to measure. Such
Also the differences in the importance of both kinds of results seem quite alarming and have some important im-
relations for students’ academic achievement were found. plications for psychological research. Namely, especially
The results of the structural equation modeling indicate that for the research in the past it was common that only one
the effect of peer relations on students’ academic achieve- source of data assessment was used in the study. According
ment depends on the students’ age. For students in late child- to the findings of our study the relations between variables,
hood, peer relations are important factors of their academic as found in such studies, can also be interpreted as an arti-
achievement, whereas in older students the model’s coef- fact of the method of data assessment and not as the actual
ficients between peer relations and academic achievement (content) relation between variables. The possibility of such
are low. In contrast to this, the importance of relations to interpretation questions the findings of numerous psycho-
teachers for students’ academic achievement is not age-de- logical studies that are based upon one single source of data
pendent. The correlations between the measures of students’ assessment.
teacher relations and academic achievement are low to mod- The analysis of the correlations between all manifest
erate in all periods of schooling. Peer relations to teachers variables indicates that the measures of self-report are es-
are important for students in all periods of schooling. Furrer pecially weakly connected with other variables, whereas the
& Skinner (2003) explain this relation with the sense of re- peer and teacher report variables are more strongly corre-
latedness that is crucial for students’ active engagement in lated. This is true for all three age groups of students and,
school activities, which leads to better academic outcomes. therefore, can not be attributed to the factors of students’
On the other hand, it is also possible that the direction of cognitive development (e.g. insufficiently developed meta-
that relation is quite the opposite – in all periods of school- cognitive skills in younger students).
ing teachers might prefer the students that are more engaged Similar discrepancies between measures of self-report
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