A. Roth Chapter 1: The Relationship of Nutrition and Health Key Terms
A. Roth Chapter 1: The Relationship of Nutrition and Health Key Terms
A. Roth Chapter 1: The Relationship of Nutrition and Health Key Terms
Instructor’s Guide to Accompany Nutrition & Diet Therapy, 10th Edition, by Ruth
A. Roth
Key Terms
anthropometric measurements
biochemical tests
carbohydrates (CHO)
clinical examination
cumulative effects
deficiency diseases
dietary-social history
essential nutrients
fats (lipids)
food diary
iron deficiency
nutrient density
nutrition assessment
nutritional status
peer pressure
24-hour recall
1. Assign each student a partner. Have them assess each other for the physical
characteristics of good nutrition (hair, skin, eyes, etc.) and for elimination and sleep
patterns, followed by a discussion with the partner to correlate the findings with the
dietary habits of the person. What conclusions can be deduced about the nutritional habits
of each other?
2. Have the students search the web for a variety of sites that have computer analysis
capabilities to evaluate their nutritional intake.
3. Have each student keep a five-day food diary and use the previously researched web sites
to perform a computer analysis of the foods consumed. Evaluate the results for
consumption of adequate nutrient intake. (Remind students to keep the diary as it may be
used later, at the instructor’s discretion. References to it are in the Discussion Questions).
4. Have students complete a 24-hour recall. In groups of four or five, have them compare
and discuss their nutritional intake. Each group should summarize results and present to
the class examples of optimal nutritional intake and examples of a diet with inadequate
nutrient intake.
Discussion Question 1
The author of the text notes that, “Nutrition and diet choice is a logical starting point for
preventive health care measures and education to improve quality of life.” Have students explore
community agencies that offer preventive health care programs that deal with nutrition. Have
them differentiate which are community funded, state funded, or federally funded. Describe the
services provided, the age groups it serves, and the disease or health problem it serves. These can
be presented in class as a discussion group.
Discussion Question 2
Have students determine community projects that offer any type of preventive health programs
for community members. There are a multitude of projects available to residents, but the
community members may not be aware of the resources.
1. Have students determine what community resources are available that focus on
preventive health.
2. What methods do they use to let the public know what is available?
Help the students become advocates for preventive health care during a group discussion focused
on “the help is there, but the message may not have gotten out.”
1. c
2. d
3. b
4. b
5. a
6. c
7. b
8. c
9. c
10. b
11. d
12. b
13. d
14. a
15. d
Gary has not eaten much, and so this plate is too much food. Gary should be started on a vitamin
and mineral supplement in the form of a one-a-day vitamin with no more than 100% for each
Calories are given first in the form of carbohydrates, simple sugars, and fats. Proteins are started
after other caloric sources have already provided the necessary energy.
The caloric density of the plate is too high. At first, small amounts of food need to be offered.
Gary may have thought this was what he wanted, but his body would not be able to handle the
Many malnourished children develop lactose intolerance and will have to drink milk with the
enzyme lactase added to it to break down the lactose (the milk sugar).
Shannon was a healthy 16-year-old Asian girl who was so happy to return to school this year.
This is her junior year of high school, and she has been looking forward to attending the junior-
senior prom with Mike.
Shannon is very active in cheerleading, Photo Club, gymnastics, and swimming. She has decided
to join the Prom Committee this year so she can help plan the best prom that Wayne High has
ever seen. Shannon has begun to look for prom dresses knowing that she will need to be saving
every cent she can to afford the most perfect dress. Shannon has decided that she would like to
lose a few extra pounds before the prom and decides to go on a strict diet.
Shannon’s friends have noticed that the once perky, playful superstar of the swimming team has
been losing her “shine.” She has dull limp hair, which is a total change from the full head of
shiny, bouncy black hair. Shannon has developed a complexion problem and has started using all
kinds of acne products. Her skin is very oily and feels dirty all the time. Shannon’s friends also
noticed that she is not as pleasant as before, and Shannon has started to lose lots of her friends.
Shannon’s friend Ruth contacted Shannon’s mother and told her of her concerns. Shannon’s
mother agreed that she had also noticed the changes and would take Shannon to the doctor.
1. Identify three changes in Shannon to suggest that she was getting into trouble.
a. Less energetic, lost her “shine”
b. Complexion problems
c. Attitude changes
2. What information would be important to share with the physician?
a. Shannon’s diet history
b. Her change in attitude and her unpleasantness
c. Her complexion changes
3. In which category of nutritional assessment would you list Shannon’s observations?
a. Anthropometric and biochemical assessments
1. Was the amount of peanut butter sufficient? If not, why not? How would you change the
serving size?
2. Was the amount of jelly sufficient? If not, why not? How would you change the serving
3. Was the bread the best choice? Why or why not?
4. Is there any other food or foods that you would like to add to this lunch and why?
5. Why do you think Shannon is experiencing changes in appearance and demeanor?
Resource Guide
1. http://www.ajcn.org
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. This site is sponsored by the U.S.
government, and the reliable health information is selected by the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services. Topics include: food safety, nutrition, obesity, osteoporosis,
and diabetes.
2. http://www.nutriwatch.org
3. http://www.nutrition.org
American Society for Nutrition. This site is sponsored by the American Society for
Nutrition. Icons are on the home page for MyPyramid, Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs),
and Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Detailed research is provided for each nutrient,
vitamin and coenzyme, and mineral.