MC 02 s2017 (Agricultural and Fishery Council)

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RG Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Agriculture PHILIPPINE COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURE AND Apacible Bldg, DA Compound, Diliman, Quezon Gif” ‘Telephone No. 9278641/9243361 013-PMKMD-GU-17-001 February 7, 2017 MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR no, 02 SERIES OF 2017 SUBJECT: GUIDELINES ON THE AGRICULTURAL AND FISHERY COUNCIL (AFC) MONITORING AND TRACKING ACTIVITIES ' The Philippine Council for Agriculture & Fisheries (PCAF), formerly National Agricultural and Fishery Council (NAFC) and Livestock Development Council (LDC), under Executive Order (EO) No. 116, is mandated to serve as the advisory body of the Department of Agriculture (DA) to ensure the success of its programs and projectsjand to establish a private sector-led nationwide network of agricultural and chery councils (AFCs) and sectoral committees. This network provides inputs inj the formulation and implementation of agricultural and fishery policies, programs|and projects. | DA Administrative Order No. 6 Series of 1998 or the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act - Implementing Rules and Regulations (AFMA-IRR) also mandates ‘the National Agriculture and Fisheries Council (NAP Council) to assist the DA in| the ‘broad-based monitoring and coordination of the AFMA processes and to serve a$ the consultative_ and integrative structure fot inter-agency and inter-se collaboration in agriculture and fishery modernization. This function is facilit through the PCAF which serves as the secretariat of the NAF Council and throug! network of consultative bodies at the regional, provincial, city and municipal 1 specifically the Agricultural and Fishery Councils (AFCs). ‘The network of AFCs and National Sectoral Committees (NSCs) has been in placp for more than twa decades serving mainly as a participatory forum for consultation|and for the continuing discussions of issues and concerns confronting the agricultural] and fishery sectors with the end in view of finding solutions/recommendations to these problems. Composed of stakeholders of the agricultural and fishery sector, it has}also provided feedback to the DA on the implementation of programs and projects at their respective areas. [AF Montoring Guidlines - age 1 Cognizant of the AFCS! potential as partners in development that would provide private sector views and inputs, the DA Secretary issued Order No. 542, Series of 2007 authorizing the AFC to monitor and validate DA programs and projects. | ‘As such, these guidelines are issued to ensure a systematic and effigient monitoring/validation of DA/PCAF programs and projects. This also covers PCAF's monitoring through the AFCs, of DA-funded programs, projects and all other interventions provided. OBJECTIVES 1. To monitor/assess the status of the implementation of DA and PCAF-funded priority programs and projects and to provide feedback and recommendations to further improve implementation; and 2, To mainstream private sector participation through the local AFCs in| the monitoring and evaluation of the DA-PCAF programs projects and activities, SCOPE AND COVERAGE i AFC monitoring shall cover all DA progtams/projects/activities specified under Special Order 542, Series of 2007 authorized by the DA Secretary but priority will be on farm-to-market roads (FMR), irrigation and post-harvest facilities (PHF) as well as PCAF-funded projects. It shall be focused on the validation of DA and PCAF-fuded programs/projects based on accomplishment reports submitted by DA RPOs, and other DA operating units. Jt shall commence upon release of the fund to the DA- Regional Field Offices (DA-RFOs) for this purpose | CREATION OF MONITORING TEAMS ‘The Regional Agricultural and Fishery Council (RARC) shall spearhead the creatign of monitoring teams at the regional and provincial levels. These shall be referred to as ‘AFC Regional Monitoring Team/s (RMTs) and Provincial Monitoring Team/s (PMTs), respectively. The RAFC Chairperson shall officially endorse the names of the members of the teams to the DA Regional Director (RD) who shall issue a Special Order, topy furnished the PCAF, concerned Bureaus, Attached Agencies and DA Banner Program Directorates. ‘The monitoring teams shall strictly be composed of private sector members. ach team shall be headed by Team Leader. The number of teams to be created Shall depend on the area coverage (no. of municipalities, topography, accessibility, ete) and number of projects to be monitored/validated. The team shall be composed of a minimum of three members as follows: ‘The AFC RMTs shall be composed of private sector members of the: | ‘+ Regional Agricultural and Fishery Colunctl (RAFC), ‘AFC Monitoring Guidelines - Page 2 + Highly Urbanized City Agricultural and Fishery Councils (HUCAFCs) or Independent Component City Agricultural and Fishery Councils (ICCAFCs), and * AFC member representing the Regional Sectoral Committee on Womeh or Rural Improvement Club. ‘The AFC PMTs shall be composed of private sector members of the: | ‘+ Provincial Agricultural and Fishery Council (PAFC), and | + One representative from the women sector or from the Provincial Rural Women Group/Rural Improvement Club. | ‘The composition shall be determined by the RARC in consultation with PAFC officers and members. | { ‘TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR) AFC Regional Monitoring Team/s (RMTs) | ‘The AFC RMTs shall: | 1. Assist the RAFC Chair in the creation and mobilization of the AFC PMTs (c.g. schedules, plans and activities to facilitate preparation of logistical support); 2, Conduct simultaneous monitoring/validation with the AFC PMTs if needed 3. Conduct exit conferences with DA-RFO officials, concerned Local Chief Executives (CEs) and other government officials on their findings] and recommendations; | 4, Render written report on their findings and recommendations to the Technical Working Committee (TWC), copy furnished the DA-Regional Directors and the PCAF Executive Director within five (5} working days after each travel; | 5. Analyze and consolidate the written reports of the AFC PMTs; and 6. Liquidate the amount received for monitoring/validation activities to the DA- RFO within three (3) working days after each travel. | AFC Provincial Monitoring Team/s (PMTs) | ‘The AFC PMTs shall: 1, Monitor on-going projects and validate past year’s DA and PCAF programs and projects. 2. ‘Through the PAFC, RAFC Chairs and AFC RMT, coordinate with the concerned LGUs and DA RFO, respectively the scheduled date ofthe ‘monitoring/validtion to facilitate preparation of logistical support. 3, Prepare the writen reports within fve (8) working days after each rave, for submission to the TWC, copy furnished the RD and PCAF. | 4. Coordinate/conduct exit conference with the LGUs and other concerned offices on the results of the monitoring/validation of the team. 5. Coordinate with the AFC RMT regarding actions/recommendations to be done which were agreed during the exit conference conducted. | 6. _Liquidate the amount received for monitoring/validation activities to the DA- RFO within three (3) working days after each travel, ‘a is Fa Technical Working Committee (TWC) ‘At the regional level, the RAFC shall create or may opt to utilize the AFC RMT as TWC while at the provincial level, a TWC may be created composed of leaders of the|AFC PMTs. The TWC shall undertake the following functions and activities: 1. Maintain a database of projects for monitoring and validation at) the RAFC/PAFC office; 2. Update the status of these projects after each monitoring/validatior | 3. Provide lists of projects by category and province /municipality, when needed: and 4. Consolidate the written reports submitted by the AFC RMTs/PMTs, DA-REGIONAL FIELD OFFICE REGIONAL DIRECTOR (RD) ‘The RD shall ensure the following: 1. Issuance of a Special Order for the members of the monitoring teams; 2, Availability of the list of projects (including the detail) funded by the DA; | 3, Presence of concerned government officials during the finalization of schedules, plans and activities of the monitoring teams, as well as during exit conferences; 4, Provision of readily-available logistical support needed by the monitring ‘teams; and 5. Preparation of documents and conduct of processes needed for) the procurement of goods as identified in the work plans of the monitoring tgams (eg. Purchase Request, Annual Procurement Plan, Bidding, Canvass, etc.) | RAFC EXECUTIVE OFFICERS AND REGIONAL AND PROVINCIAL AFC COORDINATORS ‘The respective RAFC Executive Officers and RAFC and PAFC Coordinators shall: 1. Assist in the preparation/consolidation of the written reports of the AFC RMT/s and PMTs; 2. Ensure that reports are submitted to the RD and the PCAl Maintain a record of all reports of the AFC RMTs/PMTs; 4, Assistthe TWC in maintaining and updating database of projects for monitéring and validation at the RAFC/PAFC office; 5, Ensure that the funds provided to monitoring teams are immediately liquidated for the subsequent release of monitoring funds; and 6 Perform such other functions as maybe needed by the RAFC/PAFC Chairs; ‘AFC Monitoring Guidsines- Page 4 ‘MECHANICS OF PROJECT MONITORING AND VALIDATION «The Regional AFC Executive Officers shall secure from the concerned DA Regional Offices and attached agencies the list of projects per category andrea and shall provide these lists to the concerned AFC RMT. PCAF shall, likewise, provide list of PCAF Programs and Projects. | . ‘The RAFC shall prioritize from among the lists, the projects to be monitored and validated. From the priority list, the RAFC shall assign the teams, /and endorse to the RD the composition of the AFC RMTs and PMTs for the preparation of the Special Order and prepare the schedule and funding requirement. © Toensure a common understanding of terminologies used by projects, what to do and data to obtain, the RAFC shall conduct a briefing to all AFC RMTs and PMTs. The RAFC shall utilize the AFC RMTs to facilitate the creation |and mobilization of the AFC PMTs. It shall coordinate with the RD to call on her concerned regional offices who shall brief them on the status of the ombing projects in the region. + To facilitate monitoring/validation by the ARC RMTs/PMTs, the RAFC, thrdugh the RD may request project implementers to accomplish, prior to the conluct of the monitoring and validation activities, Monitoring Form No. 1. + ‘The RAFC together with the RD shall inform concerned offices on theschedhed monitoring activities. The AFC RMTs/PMTs shall conduct entry conferences with the DA-RDs, Local Chief Executives (LCEs) and/or Heads of concerned |.GU offices, and Heads of other concerned NGAs. | - The AFC RMTs/PMTs shall conduct monitoring: and validation of the prioritized projects using Monitoring Form No. 1. The forms shall contain all relevant data and contextual parameters that would explain the positive and/or negative findings, The accomplished form should be supported by picture(s) of each project visited. * All AFC PMTs and RMTs shall render a written report of their findings within five (5) working days after return from each travel. | REPORTING FLOW AND SUBMISSION ‘The AFC PMTs/RMT, shall prepare and submit written report to the PARC and RAFC, copy furnished the RD and PCAF, using the prescribed form (M7 Form No.1) after each travel | ‘The RAFC may create a TWC to consolidate the findings and recommendations of the ‘AFC PMTs. The consolidated report shall be submitted to the PCAF copy furnished the RD every 5 working day of the first week of the month. i ‘The PCAF shall consolidate the reports by region with the corresponding recommendations for submission to the Office of the Secretary (OSec) every 15" ofthe ‘AFC Nanitarng Guidelines -Page 5 succeeding month. The OSec shall in turn discuss these matters with the concerned agencies and departments. Figure 1: Reporting Flow and Linkages erases al Pcar RAFC | RDPWH/RNIA LGU/ OPA/ OMA FUNDING AND LOGISTICAL SUPPORT Funding The PCAF shall source and provide funds for the conduct of the monitoring) and validation activities of the AFCs. Funds shall be released to the DA RFOs, subject tp the availability thereof and the usual government accounting and auditing rules] and regulations, The DA-RFO shall also allocate 15% of their annual regional Banner Program allocations for monitoring and validation of AFCs as per attached memorandum dated July 1, 2009. ie tea The RAFC shall submit to PCAF and the DA-RFO their program of work and expenditures for the monitoring and related activities which shall be the bases for the funding and logistical support accorded to them. Likewise, on a per travel/activity basis, the AFC PMTs/RMTs through the RAFC shall submit their funding requirements to the RD which shall be the basis of the DA-RFO for the release of funds. [AFC Monitoring Guidelines - Page 8 Each member of the Monitoring Teams shall be entitled to travelling expenses and per diems chargeable against the funds released to the DA RFOs and/or the monitoring funds allocated by the DA-RFO. Gasoline and other incidental expenses shall also be provided per monitoring team subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. Salaries/wages shall not be allowed. ‘The DA RFO shall provide the TEVs, gasoline and other incidental expenses of the monitoring team through all possible means available (e.g, cash advance through a special disbursing officer, payroll, etc.) in consultation with the DA COA Resident ‘Auditor to facilitate the disbursement of funds. Each member of the team shall immediately liquidate to the DA RFO within three (3) working days the amount received after each monitoring/validation activity conducted. ‘The DA-RFOs shall immediately liquidate the funds in order that the succeeding monitoring fund shall be released by PCAF. Logistical Support All DA RFOs and concerned LGUs are urged to extend all possible logistical) and technical support to facilitate the conduct of these activities. ‘These guideline shall take effect immediately. EMANNUEL F} noon Secretary i ‘AFC Monitoring Guidelines - Page 7

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