Dungeon Goons v1.1

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Wilderness Weather accordingly. Double the duration roll

when it hits.

If needed, roll on the weather table at

the start of the day then adjudicate

Sudden Storm

the results. No roll is needed if a

Storm on the Horizon is in Thunder cracks and rumbles, and

countdown. lightning flashes as heavy rain pours
down. Strong winds blow.
D6 Weather -Or-
1-3 Mild Weather A heavy snow and blustery wind
whips at you, chilling your bones. (If
4-5 Storm on the Horizon adventuring in the winter)
6 Sudden Storm (2d6 hours) Effects:
Travel speed is slowed by 50%.
Mild Weather Chance of losing direction is
The weather is typical for the current increased by 2-in-6
Storm on the Horizon
If there is a storm coming, roll again
to determine when it will hit. Begin a
timer of 1d3 days. After which, the
storm that follows will be more
powerful and last longer than a
Sudden Storm result. The players are
aware of the coming storm and may
use that knowledge to plan ANALOG FANTASY ADVENTURE GAME
V 1.1
Game Structure rolls 2d6 and adds 2 from their Brute Movement & Distance Overland Distance
A referee controls and describes the Score, 1 from their sword, and 1 from Rather than track precise numbers, The range bands Close, Near, Far,
world to players who then describe their shield. The total is 12. The four range bands for can be used for and Distant can be used to abstract
how their characters act in the world. difference between 12 and 10 is 2, so measuring distance relationships in the distance relationships over a
the creature takes 2 damage. A non mechanical terms—Close, Near, Far, greater area. For example, “the village
Action Roll player character’s DS is also their and Distant. is nearby, just down the road a ways.
When an action’s success is Health Points, so now the enemy’s But the ruins are far from here and will
uncertain, a player rolls 2d6 and adds Difficulty Score is 8. If the roll was 8 On their turn, players may move
somewhere nearby as part of an take us the better part of the day to
points from the relevant class and a then the Player Character would have get there.”
point for any relevant items. If the total lost 2 health. See Defending. action, performing that action at any
is equal or greater than the action’s stage of the move. They can skip the » Near - ~3 miles
Difficulty Score (DS) it is successful. Inventory action and move somewhere far » Far - ~24 miles. A day of travel in
Your Inventory Score is how many instead. Anything beyond far can be optimal conditions.
Difficulty Scores items you can carry comfortably. classified as distant and would take
Guidelines: For each item that exceeds your three movements to get to. Getting Lost
Very easy: 6 Easy: 8 Moderate:10 Inventory Score subtract 1 from any The Referee checks for becoming lost
Hard: 12 Very Hard: 14 Approximate distance equivalents: each morning the players are not
Brute or Skulker Rolls.
» Close - roughly 5 ft. or 1 square traveling a well marked trail. The
Dangerous Actions Death » Near - up to 30 ft. or 6 Squares chance of getting lost depends on the
If an action has a risk of physical When a character’s Health Points terrain:
danger, the difference between the roll reach zero, they die. » Far - up to 60 ft. or 12 Squares
» Grasslands - 1-in-6
and Difficulty Score is the amount of » Distant - beyond 60 ft. or 12
damage the endangered participant Healing Squares » Moutains, forrest - 2-in-6
takes. Players regain lost Health Points by » Dessert, jungle - 3-in-6
Example: spending the night resting in a safe
As an action, a Player Character fights
an enemy with a DS of 10. The player
battle-axes, etc. Adds +2 to Brute 1HP for a +2 bonus to their die roll.
Character rolls but counts as two items.
Magic HP lost due to this can only be
Creation Armor Piece (20 silver) - More than 1 If a player has an Erudite score of at
least 2, they can be a Conjurer.
healed through rest.
1. Name your character. piece is a penalty to Skulker rolls. -1 » A really dedicated Conjurer can
per extra piece. Players describe what effect their spell spend weeks prior to adventuring to
2. Health Points are 10 will have. The referee will determine create a focus or totem. If this item
Shield (10 silver) - Held in off hand. is in the mage’s possession when
3. Inventory Score is 8 two things:
Adventuring Gear (2s each): Rope, casting the spell, they can add a +1
4. Distribute 3 points between Iron Spike, Chalk, Parchment, Flint/ 1. Does this spell require a roll? If bonus to rolls to cast spells.
these classes: Steel, Torches (4), Rations (3), the answer is yes proceed to #2,
Brute: Good at smacking things, otherwise the spell effect happens » A Conjurer can only cast a number
Waterskin spells equal to 1+ their level per
feats of strength as player describes
Tools (5s each): Crowbar, Animal day. This number is replenished af‐
Skulker: Good at sneaking, Trap, Lockpicks, Pen 2. Using the normal Difficulty Scores ter a night’s rest.
aiming, balancing & Pot of Ink, Fishing Guidelines, the referee
Erudite: Good at reading, Pole, Shovel, determines the target for the
perception, speaking, and possibly Grappling Hook, player to roll. The referee can use
wielding magic. Pickaxe, 10-foot Pole. the target’s DS as a basis if it
makes sense to do so. If the
5. Purchase Starting Gear: Horses: Mule (30s), situation dictates, the referee
Each character starts with 2 rations, a Riding Horse (100s) may increase this (longer
cloak of their color choice, and 2d6 x Carts (30s): - Pulled range, trying to change
10 silver pieces. by mules. Have an reality, etc). The player will
inventory score of 10. use their Erudite class to
Melee Weapons (20 silver) - Includes test for the spell
swords, hammers, axes, spears, etc. casting.
Great Weapon (40 silver) - Uses two » Players may sacrifice
hands. Includes two-handed swords,
Wandering Monsters Initiative Boss Monster
While players explore, rest, travel, or When a combat breaks out, determine When a particularly nasty foe is
make loud noises, check for wander‐ who gets to go first with a d6 roll. encountered, the DS of the NPC does
ing monsters. Encounter occurrence Players act first 3-in-6. Otherwise they not decrease with damage taken.
happens 1-in-6. act after the monsters.
Advancement & XP
NPC Reactions Defending Players gain XP for completing
Sometimes the reaction of the NPC or the result against the monster’s When a monster attacks, the player objectives and overcoming challenges
Monster isn’t obvious and a roll ad‐ morale score. If the result is igher than makes a defend roll. Roll Brute if it’s a at the end of a session. Objectives are
justed by Erudite must be made. morale score, the monster will close attack or Skulker if it’s Near to the quests or missions the players
surrender or attempt to flee. Far and add relevant bonuses. Being have set out to complete and are
2d6 Monster Reaction The referee makes a morale check for behind cover helps! worth 1-2 points. Challenges come in
2 or less Hostile, attacks monsters when their side suffers a Vulnerable varying degrees of difficulty and are
death and when half of their side is worth 1-3 points depending on the
3–5 Unfriendly, may attack A target is vulnerable when it is danger involved: Hard: 1 Very Hard:
incapacitated. asleep, paralyzed, etc. When a player
6–8 Neutral, uncertain 2 Nearly Fatal: 3. Challenges that
Time & Turns acts against a vulnerable target, add weren’t too difficult to overcome, such
9–11 Indifferent, uninterested
There are 2 important types of tracked +3 to the roll. as slaying a couple goblins or
12 or more Friendly, helpful time—rounds and turns. Multiple Enemies avoiding a trap don’t count.
Morale Rounds are used during combat and When the player is fighting multiple Once the player has accumulated 10
fast paced scenes of danger and enemies, subtract 1 from the roll for points, they can level up. Each level,
Monsters have a morale score Turns are used when exploring and each nearby enemy.
between 2 and 12. Higher morale raise a class score by 1 and raise
adventuring. A referee may advance For example, when a player is fighting either Health or Inventory Score by 1.
scores indicate more fearless the clock as they need substituting
monsters. alone against two thugs, subtract 2
Turns for Hours or Days if the from their roll.
The referee rolls 2d6 and compares adventure requires it.

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