Color As Iconic Form
Color As Iconic Form
Color As Iconic Form
A Concise Treatise
On the Proportional
Mixture of Pigments
Carl W. Rush
ISBN 978-1-7778353-0-9
LCC ND1286 Painting Technique
ND1489 Color, Study & Teaching
List of Illustrations 4
Introduction 6
The Geometric Value Scale 8
Matching Hue and/or Tone to Value 13
The Geometric Uniform Hue Content Scale 22
A Relief Intensity Scale 25
An Apparently Uniform Intensity Scale 36
The Uniform Intensity Array
and the Perspective Array 42
Applications and Limitations 48
Bibliography 56
Glossary 58
Appendix 1 – Hue and Tone Values Chart 62
Appendix 2 – Hue Content Percent Charts 66
Diagram 1 Arithmetic Proportion by Volume and
Geometric Proportion by Volume 10
Short [2007], 214ff.
Nichomachus of Gerasa [1952], 843.
Birren [1961], 22 ff., and Albers [1975], 54 and 132.
Laming and Laming [1996], 134-144.
Fechner [1966], 112.
Stevens [1957], 153-181.
Dempsey [1977], 13.
6 5 4 3 2 3 4 5 6
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
32 16 8 4 2 4 8 16 32
X2 X2 X2 X2 22 23 24 25
1 part black
1 part white
2 parts 1 part black
1 part white
2 parts white 1 part black
4 parts 3 parts white
Plus 1 part black
4 parts white 7 parts white
8 parts Plus
8 parts white 1 part black
16 parts 15 parts white
16 parts white
32 parts
1 part black
1 part white
1 part black
1 part white 2 parts
3 parts black
1 part white
7 parts black 2 parts black
1 part white 4 parts black 4 parts
15 parts black Plus 8 parts
1 part white 8 parts black
Plus 16 parts
16 parts black
32 parts
Mixing a few short geometric scales with a hue or tone and a few
adjacent greys from the Geometric Value Scale will resolve any
missteps (and eliminate any subjective errors). The resulting short
geometric scales will be of three types: one darkest near the value
scale (indicating that the hue or tone is lighter than that value), a
second, darkest near the hue or tone (indicating that the hue or
tone is darker than that value) and, thirdly, a scale with little or no
change in value (indicating a match of values).
Selected Tone
Diagram 4 shows the percentage of hue, white and black for each
tone in a Geometric Uniform Hue Content Scale and the
procedure to produce it.
Itten [2004], 123.
The yellow-orange and yellow-green scales contain substitutions for black and white. See comments on page 48.
B 3.1
4. Take a portion of the tone below and double its W 46.9
volume adding only the light tone H 50
B 12.5
2. Take a portion of the middle tone and double its W 37.5
volume adding only the light tone H 50
B 25
W 25 1 .Middle tone, equal parts light tone and dark tone
H 50
B 43.8
W 6.3 7. Take a portion of the tone above and double its
H 50 volume adding only the dark tone
B 1
W 0 Dark tone, equal parts hue and black
H 1
In the same way that the 50% Uniform Hue Content Scale was
made produce additional Uniform Hue Content Scales using the
pairs of light and dark tones that contain the same proportion of
hue. Because the value of each pair is approaching the value of
the original hue, as the hue content increases, the resulting
Uniform Hue Content Scales will contain fewer tones (eliminating
the ones that approach the value of the light or dark tone that
produced them). If one light and one dark tone are eliminated
from each successive scale, an array is produced in a triangular
By selecting the tones along the two sides of the triangle opposite
the first 9 tone Uniform Hue Content Scale, a Relief Scale with
proportional increases of the hue content towards the middle
value is produced.
Diagram 6 shows the selected tones for a Relief Scale and the
increasing proportion of hue towards the middle value.
B 0 B 0 B 0 B 0 B 0
W 1 W 1 W 1 W 1 W 1 Light Tone
H 31 H 15 H 7 H 3 H 1
B 1.6
W 48.4
H 50
B 1.6 B 3.1
W 23.4 W 46.9
H 75 H 50
B 23.4 B 46.9
W 1.6 W 3.1
H 75 H 50
B 48.4
W 1.6
H 50
B 1 B 1 B 1 B 1 B 1
W 0 W 0 W 0 W 0 W 0 Dark Tone
H 31 H 15 H 7 H 3 H 1
Selected Tones for a Relief Scale and the percent of Hue, White
and Black for each tone
B 1.6
W 48.4
H 50
B 1.6
W 23.4
H 75
B 1.6
W 10.9
H 87.5
B 1.6
W 4.7
H 93.8
B 1.6
W 1.6
H 96.9
B 4.7
W 1.6
H 93.8
B 10.9
W 1.6
H 87.5
B 23.4
W 1.6
H 75
B 48.4
W 1.6
H 50
For example, produce two, 9 tone scales, using the same hue, one
a Uniform Hue Content Scale and the other, a Relief Scale. Mix
equal portions of the two lightest tones from each scale to
produce an average tone. Continue mixing equal portions of each
successive pair of tones, from light to dark, to create a new scale
of 9 average tones.13
The lightest and darkest tones of the Uniform Hue Content Scale and the Relief Scale are respectively identical
and do not require actual mixing.
B 6.3 B 1.6 B 4
W 43.8 W 10.9 W 27.4
H 50 H 87.5 H 68.8
B 25 B 1.6 B 13.3
W 25 W 1.6 W 13.3
H 50 H 96.9 H 73.5
To create an Array of Uniform Intensity Scales average each of the tones of the Relief Scale
(left) with the horizontally corresponding tones of each of the Uniform Hue Content Scales
(right) from the same Array of Uniform Hue Content Scales (See Note 13 on page 36)
To create the Perspective Array average each of the tones in the Uniform Hue Content Scale
(right) with each of the horizontally corresponding tones from the concentric Relief Scales
(left) from the same Array of Uniform Hue Content Scales (See Note 13 on page 36)
B 1.6
W 48.4
H 50
B 2.4 B 1.6
W 35.2 W 23.4
H 62.5 H 75
B 4 B 2.35 B 1.6
W 27.4 W 16.4 W 10.9
H 68.8 H 81.25 H 87.5
B 35.2 B 23.4
W 2.4 W 1.6
H 62.5 H 75
B 48.4
W 1.6
H 50
B 1.6
W 48.4
H 50
B 2.35 B 3.1
W35.15 W 46.9
H 62.5 H 50
B 35.15 B 46.9
W 2.35 W 3.1
H 62.5 H 50
B 48.4
W 1.6
H 50
Alberti, Leon Battista. On Painting. Trans. John R. Spencer. New Haven, Yale University
Press, 1966.
Birren, Faber. Color, Form and Space. New York, Reinhold Publishing Corporation,
Cennini, Cennino d’Andrea. The Craftsman’s Handbook. Trans. Daniel V. Thompson Jr.
New York, Dover Publications Inc., 1960.
Dempsey, Charles. Annibale Carracci and the Beginnings of Baroque Style. Gluckstadt,
Augustin, 1977.
Hall, Marcia B. Color and Meaning: Practice and Theory in Renaissance Painting.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Itten, Johannes. The Art of Color, The subjective experience and objective rationale of
color. Trans. Ernst van Haagen. Toronto, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2004.
Jacobson, Egbert. Basic Color: An Interpretation of the Ostwald Color System. Chicago,
Paul Theobald, 1948.
Laming, J. and Laming, D. “J. Plateau: On the measurement of the physical sensations
and on the law which links the intensity of these sensations to the intensity of the
source.” Psychological Research. 59 (1996), 134-144.
Ostwald, Wilhelm. The Color Primer. New York, VanNorstrand Reinhold Company,
Pope, Arthur. Tone Relations in Painting. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1922.
Ross, Denamn Waldo. A Painter’s Palette. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1919.
Taylor, J. Scott. A Simple Explanation of the Ostwald Colour System. London, Windsor
and Newton, 1935.
OH red ochre 4
OH caput mortem 5
WN mars violet deep 7 6
OH mars brown 6
OH yellow brown 6 4/5
OH yellow green 5
OH cadmium green deep 7 5
WN cadmium green pale 7 5 4
OH cinnabar green deep extra 3
OH cobalt green turquoise 3/4
OH green earth 4
OH cadmium green light 4
Holbein olive green 5
WN sap green 5
WN chromium oxide 5
WN indian red 6
WN cadmium red deep 8 7 5
OH burgundy wine red (anthraquinone) 8 6
WN transparent maroon (benzimidazalone) 9 5
B 0 B 0 B 0 B 0 B 0
W 1 W 1 W 1 W 1 W 3
H 15 H 7 H 3 H 1 H 1
B 1 B 1 B 1 B 1 B 1
W 0 W 0 W 0 W 0 W 0
H 31 H 15 H 7 H 3 H 1
B 0 B 0 B 0 B 0 B 0
W 1 W 1 W 1 W 3 W 7
H 7 H 3 H 1 H 1 H 1
B 1 B 1 B 1 B 1 B 1
W 0 W 0 W 0 W 0 W 0
H 31 H 15 H 7 H 3 H 1
B 0 B 0 B 0 B 0 B 0
W 1 W 1 W 3 W 7 W 15
H 3 H 1 H 1 H 1 H 1
B 1 B 1 B 1 B 1 B 1
W 0 W 0 W 0 W 0 W 0
H 31 H 15 H 7 H 3 H 1
B 0 B 0 B 0 B 0 B 0
W 1 W 3 W 7 W 15 W 31
H 1 H 1 H 1 H 1 H 1
B 1 B 1 B 1 B 1 B 1
W 0 W 0 W 0 W 0 W 0
H 31 H 15 H 7 H 3 H 1
B 0 B 0 B 0 B 0 B 0
W 1 W 1 W 1 W 1 W 1
H 31 H 15 H 7 H 3 H 1
B 1 B 1 B 1 B 1 B 3
W 0 W 0 W 0 W 0 W 0
H 15 H 7 H 3 H 1 H 1
B 0 B 0 B 0 B 0 B 0
W 1 W 1 W 1 W 1 W 1
H 31 H 15 H 7 H 3 H 1
B 1 B 1 B 1 B 3 B 7
W 0 W 0 W 0 W 0 W 0
H 7 H 3 H 1 H 1 H 1
B 0 B 0 B 0 B 0 B 0
W 1 W 1 W 1 W 1 W 1
H 31 H 15 H 7 H 3 H 1
B 1 B 1 B 3 B 7 B 15
W 0 W 0 W 0 W 0 W 0
H 3 H 1 H 1 H 1 H 1
B 0 B 0 B 0 B 0 B 0
W 1 W 1 W 1 W 1 W 1
H 31 H 15 H 7 H 3 H 1
B 1 B 3 B 7 B 15 B 31
W 0 W 0 W 0 W 0 W 0
H 1 H 1 H 1 H 1 H 1