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Attitude & Job Satisfaction




Group Dynamics


Power & Politics

Organizational Design – Structural Arrangements

Organizational Culture

Organizational Change Management

Attitude & Job Satisfaction
·         Components

o   Cognitive component

o   Affective Component

o   Behavioral component              pg 85-86          

·         Job Attitudes

o   Job Satisfaction

§  A positive feeling about one’s job resulting from an evaluation of its

characteristics     pg 88

o   Job Involvement

§  The degree to which a person identifies with a job, actively participates

in it, and considers performance important to self worth

o   Psychological empowerment

§  Employees belief in the degree to which they affect their work

environment , their competence , the meaningfulness of their job and
their autonomy in their work

 Organisational commitment
o  degree to which an employee identifies with the particular
organisation and its goals and wishes to maintain membership
in the organisation   
 Perceived organisational support
o  the degree to which employees believe an Organisation
values their contribution and cares about their well being        
pg 89
 Employee engagement
o And employees involvement with, satisfaction with ,and
enthusiasm for the work he or she does             pg 90

Job Satisfaction

Measuring job satisfaction                                page 92

Cause of job satisfaction      

 Job conditions
  Personality
  Pay
  CSR

 outcomes of job satisfaction

 Job performance 
  organisational citizenship behaviour
  customer satisfaction
  life satisfaction

Impact of job dissatisfaction                             pg 97-100

 Exit            Destructive  and active

  Voice          active and constructive
  Loyalty         constructive and passive
  Neglect          destructive and passive
     counterproductive behaviour                     pg 101
o Actions that actively damage the  organisation, including stealing,
behaving aggressively towards co-workers, or being late or absent
o Absenteeism
o  turnover

Personality and values

the sum of ways in which individual reacts to and interacts with
Personality model                                                              pg 163
 Conscientiousness
o  personality dimension that describes someone who is responsible,
dependable, persisted and organised
 Emotional stability
o  personality dimension that characterizes someone has come, self
Celkon, and Secure versus nervous, depressed and insecure
 Extraversion
o  a personality dimension describing someone who is sociable,
gregarious and assertive
 Openness to experience
o  personality dimension that character is someone in terms of
imagination, sensitivity E and curiosity
 Agreeableness
o  mention that describe someone who is good nature, cooperative and
 what to look for parameters when looking for personality-              pg 165-166
1. Emotional stability
2.  Extraversion
3. Openness
4.  Agreeableness
5.    conscientiousness 
 The dark triad
o   Machiavellianism
  the degree to which an individual is pragmatic, maintain
emotional distance, and believes that ends can justify means
o Narcissism
   the tendency to be arrogant, have a ground or a sense of self
importance, requires excessive admiration, and possess the
sense of entitlement
o  Psychopathy
  tendency for a lack of concern for others and a lack of guilt or
remorse when actions cause harm 
o Antisocial
o  borderline people who have low self esteem and high uncertainty
o   Schizotypal
o Avoidant 

Personalties that are power

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