Am Iv - Effective Communication Material.
Am Iv - Effective Communication Material.
Am Iv - Effective Communication Material.
• Clear Message: The message which the sender wants to convey must be
simple, easy to understand and systematically framed to retain its
• Correct Message: The information communicated must not be vague or
false in any sense; it must be free from errors and grammatical mistakes.
• Complete Message: Communication is the base for decision making. If
the information is incomplete, it may lead to wrong decisions.
• Precise Message: The message sent must be short and concise to
facilitate straightforward interpretation and take the desired steps.
• Reliability: The sender must be sure from his end that whatever he is
conveying is right by his knowledge. Even the receiver must have trust on
the sender and can rely on the message sent.
• Consideration of the Recipient: The medium of communication and
other physical settings must be planned, keeping in mind the attitude,
language, knowledge, education level and position of the receiver.
• Sender’s Courtesy: The message so drafted must reflect the sender’s
courtesy, humbleness and respect towards the receiver.