Chondroblastic Osteosarcoma in A Cat Case Report
Chondroblastic Osteosarcoma in A Cat Case Report
Chondroblastic Osteosarcoma in A Cat Case Report
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ISSN: 2472-4971
Osteosarcoma is one of the most important bone tumors of human beings and pet animals. It is a rapidly
progressive, early metastasize, osteolytic, highly fatal tumor. It may arise from central medullary osteoblasts,
peripheral periosteal or perichonderal cells, and extra skeletal tissues or may have a pluripotent potential. A Shirazi
Native breed cat was examined for the presence of multilocular lobulated partially encapsulated masses in the
external ear. The excised tissue revealed anaplastic, chondroblast and osteoblast mesenchymal differentiations
associated with hypercellularity, pleomorphism and increase in mitosis, consistent with chondroblastic
Keywords: Anaplastic; Chondroblast; Osteoblast; Mesenchymal; osteosarcoma in cats is 10.5 years (range 3-18 years) and there is no
Differentiations; Mitosis; Pleomorphism apparent breed predisposition. Most studies of osteosarcoma in cats
involve fewer cases than in dogs and information on predilection sites
Introduction is less precise. In chondroblastic osteosarcomas, the malignant
mesenchymal cells directly produce both osteoid and chondroid
Primary bone tumors are commonly encountered in cats and dogs. matrices. Although the two components are usually intermixed, they
The proportions of benign and malignant neoplasms of bones are remain separate in some tumors and small biopsy specimens may lead
approximately equal. In cats Osteosarcomas may be of central or to an incorrect diagnosis of chondrosarcoma [4]. Differentiating
medullary and peripheral (periosteal and parosteal=juxtacortical) chondroblastic osteosarcoma from other types of conventional
origin. Sarcomas arising within bones are more common and osteosarcomas is of clinical importance because of the differences in
consistently more malignant than sarcomas of periosteal origin. their prognosis [5,6]. In comparison with other types of osteosarcoma
Parosteal osteosarcomas are included in the peripheral (surface) despite similar therapeutic regimens [7], some studies have indicated a
malignant tumors of bones with their well-differentiated relationship between the histological subtype of osteosarcoma and the
osteosarcomatous features [1]. Besides, invasion of the underlying response to chemotherapy [6,8]. The rate of good response to
cortex which is a commonplace and a contrasting feature in preoperative chemotherapy was significantly higher in the fibroblastic
distinguishing periosteal osteosarcoma of other peripheral malignant and telangiectatic osteosarcoma and significantly lower in
tumor of the bones from parosteal osteosarcoma [2]. Osteosarcoma is chondroblastic tumors. Although the histological subtype of
the most common neoplasm of the bone in human patients, cats, and osteosarcoma is closely correlated with the response to chemotherapy
dogs, and it is generally assumed that it derives from osteoblastic cells, and probably also with the prognosis [6], the differentiation between
but now pluripotent stem cells have also been under discussion as a chondroblastic osteosarcoma and chondrosarcoma is more important
source of neoplastic cells [3]. It is a rapidly progressive tumor with because of the clear differences in the treatment and prognosis [5].
early metastasis to the lungs leading to early mortality. Most Chondroblastic osteosarcoma is a high-grade malignancy needing pre
osteosarcomas arise from within bones, particularly in the metaphyseal and postoperative chemotherapy like other types of osteosarcoma [5].
regions of long bones, and are referred to as central osteosarcomas.
Less commonly, osteosarcomas arise in the periosteum or even in History
extraskeletal tissues. Two types of peripheral osteosarcoma may arise
in the periosteum. One is referred to as periosteal osteosarcoma and A 1.5 years old Shirazi native breed cat was submitted to Clinical
may show similar biologic behavior to central osteosarcoma; the other Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Tripoli University, Libya
is parosteal (juxtacortical) osteosarcoma, which shows greater with marked weight loss, anorexia ,hair loss and a masses in the concha
differentiation, slower growth, and a much better prognosis than and scaphoid fossa of the right ear. Bleeding scratches in the skin of the
central osteosarcoma. Osteosarcoma accounts for approximately 80% external ear and deviation of the head to the right side were observed.
of primary bone tumors in dogs and 70% in cats. Osteosarcomas
occasionally occur at sites of chronic irritation and repair, such as Clinical and Gross Findings
those associated with osteomyelitis, bone infarcts, or the presence of an
internal fixation device. In such cases, the tumor may originate from During physical examination, the cat was cachectic, emaciated and
the diaphyseal region of long bones, or other locations not normally walk with deviated head. A raised multilocular lobulated partially
considered predilection sites for osteosarcoma. The mean age of encapsulated mass was seen in the concha of the right external ear with
a smaller one in the scaphoid fossa (Figure 1). The masses were
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Hematological and biochemical analyses revealed normocytic
hypoochromic anemia, leucocytosis with slight relative lymphocytosis Figure 3: Photomicrograph of the tumor tissue showing,
and normal biochemical markers. mesenchymal proliferative reaction with cartilaginous and osseous
Histopathological investigation revealed mesenchymal proliferative differentiations., pleomorphism , degenerative and necrotic changes
reaction in different parts of the tumor with cartilaginous and osseous and lymphocytic infiltration (arrows). H and E 300X.
differentiations. Hypercellularity, pleomorphism, blood vascular
spaces, and focal degenerative and necrotic changes with mononuclear
cells infiltration were seen (Figures 2 and 3). The characteristic
outstanding feature was the presence of sheets, masses and individual
cells of chondrocytes and chondroblasts. The latter showed
hyperchromacia, increased nuclear/cytoplamic ratio and mitosis
(Figure 4). Ossious differentiations with formation of wavy bone, bony
spicules and incomplete haversian system were observed (Figure 5).
Proliferated osteoblasts with increased mitotic activity were seen
intermixed with the bony structures.
Peripheral osteosarcomas are malignant neoplasms particularly seen
in cats and dogs. The number of cases reported in cats is too small to
Figures 2: Photomicrograph of the tumor tissue showing,
determine age, sex, clinic characteristic, or site incidence. Furthermore,
mesenchymal proliferative reaction with cartilaginous and osseous
previously reported data are insufficient to conclude that the prognosis
differentiations and blood vascular spaces. (arrows). H and E 300X.
for cats, and dogs or humans with peripheral osteosarcoma differs
from that of central osteosarcoma [9]. In peripheral osteosarcomas, no
specific tumor site was indicated for the cat [10]. It is of great
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