Fan Fan System Vibration Fe 200

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Information and Recommendations for the Engineer FE-200

Fan & Fan System Vibration

There is a trend in the fan industry that is causing oriented towards practical considerations involved with
significant changes in fan design and in the manner in fan applications.
which fans are marketed. As a result of the maturing
vibration measuring instrumentation market, computer
software and maintenance training programs have been What Is Vibration?
adapted which equate “low vibration” with long life, Forces that are not constant in amplitude or direction
higher quality and lower maintenance costs. The fan over time can cause solids to move repetitiously. We
manufacturers used to be the “vibration experts” and set call this vibration. The similar motion imparted to the air
the tolerance for acceptable levels of vibration. In our is called sound. These phenomena are somewhat
evolving industry, the experts are the administrators of interchangeable since sound can cause vibration and
the maintenance programs and the equipment is vibration can cause sound. One difference is that sound
expected to conform to their expectations. This has is only dealt with when it is audible while vibration must
created a number of problems: be addressed even when it is outside the range of
1. Specifications are being written by people who may human perception.
be vibration experts, but know little or nothing about
the equipment they are controlling.
2. Specifications are “all over the map” in both amplitude Why Is Vibration Bad?
levels and in the manner in which the levels are All fans must generate some vibration. They continuously
specified. rotate and, since nothing is perfect, cyclic forces must
be generated. It’s only when vibration reaches a certain
3. Technical terms are used which may be foreign to amplitude that we call it “bad.” Vibration may just be an
the people trying to market the product, design the indicator of some problem with a mechanism, or it may
products, build the products and perform field start- be a cause of other problems. High vibration can break
up and maintenance. down lubricants in the bearings and, in addition, may
4. It is difficult for the manufacturer to predict the cause metal fatigue in the bearings. Excessive vibration
additional costs that may be incurred in achieving the can cause fasteners to loosen or can cause fatigue
wide variety of specifications. failure of structurally loaded components. Finally, vibration
can transmit into adjacent areas and interfere with
5. The field costs incurred in conforming to an precision processes, or create an annoyance for people.
overlooked specification, (or one of unanticipated
difficulty) can easily exceed the cost of the equipment.
In an attempt to restore some credibility and to
alleviate some of the above mentioned problems, the fan
What Is the Main Cause of
manufacturers have fought back. Through the fan Vibration?
manufacturers’ trade association, AMCA (Air Movement The forces which result in vibration in fans are primarily
and Control Association), a standard identifying the due to minor imperfections in the rotating components.
appropriate levels of balance and vibration for fans was The most common of these imperfections is that the
created. AMCA Standard 204 “BALANCE QUALITY AND center of mass does not coincide with the center of
VIBRATION LEVELS FOR FANS” was issued in 1998 and rotation. We call this “unbalance.” Unbalance is corrected
has been approved by ANSI. If well received and by adding (or removing) weight so as to make the two
accepted (as are most of the other AMCA standards) centers coincide.
most of the difficulties and problems will be corrected. Some fan rotor systems may have multiple planes
No matter what happens in the future, it will be along the axis of the shaft where unbalance exists. A
necessary for people in the fan industry to become fan that has a fan wheel on one end and a large sheave
better educated in the field of vibration. Expectations for on the other may have to be balanced by adding
fewer vibration problems will continue to grow, just as weights to both the fan wheel and the sheave. This is
we expect our cars to last longer and have fewer called “two-plane balancing.” A wide fan wheel should
problems. We must be able to communicate with the be balanced in two planes that are on the fan wheel
growing community of vibration experts. In addition, we itself. This is also called “dynamic balancing.” The term
must have some knowledge as to the causes and cures dynamic balancing is often confused with a rotating
of vibration problems. With this knowledge will come an balance. Balancing machines that are commonly used on
understanding of the role that many parties must play fan wheels may be capable of either static (single plane)
in achieving low vibration requirements, and in assigning or dynamic (two plane) balancing. In both cases, the
responsibilities to the appropriate parties. The field of wheel is rotated to measure the amount of unbalance.
vibration is vast and complex. This discussion will
address some of the basic concepts and is specifically

©2018 Twin City Fan Companies, Ltd.

What Are Other Sources of 17. Rotating components that make contact with
stationary parts (rubbing) can result in major noise
Vibration? and vibration.
There are numerous other “imperfections” that can result 18. Coupling misalignment tends to generate forces that
in vibration. Some of the more common are as follows: commonly result in vibration in the axial direction.
 1. The center of V-belt sheave grooves is not 19. Loose or leaking access doors or insufficiently rigid
concentric with center of rotation. This can be panels in the air system may flutter and result in
caused by a bent shaft, a bad bushing, or an vibration that permeates the system.
improperly machined sheave. The end result is a
tugging action between the two sheaves. 20. The fan wheel impacting with solids or liquid in
material conveying systems can shock load the fan
 2. Belts which have non-uniform hardness, a permanent
into very high vibration.
set, or non-uniform wear, can also result in a
tugging action. 21. Motor eccentricities, unbalance, electrical unbalances,
 3. Misaligned sheaves will cause the belts to try to or magnetic abnormalities are sources of vibration
climb the sides of the sheaves, then slip back in energy.
the groove periodically, resulting in vibration. 22. Grease may churn and excite vibration on new
 4. Adjustable pitch sheaves are notorious for having equipment and immediately after relubrication.
non-uniform groove spacing around the periphery of 23. Wind blowing on a roof mounted fan can excite
the sheave. This can result in severe vibration, large amplitude vibrations due to vortex shedding.
especially when a higher horsepower is involved.
 5. Sheaves may be out of balance or become out of
balance due to use of a key that is not of proper
Variation of Vibration
length. Levels Over Time
 6. Shafts that are not straight can cause an unbalance So far we have been identifying potential sources of
and also may force the bearings to rock or twist in vibration for new and undamaged equipment. It is not
an oscillatory manner. uncommon for vibration levels to drift or change over
 7. Shaft keyways cause nonsymmetric stiffness in the time or in varying operating conditions. Some of the
shaft. When the keyway is at the top or the bottom more common causes of this are:
in an Arrangement 3 fan, the wheel will drop slightly  1. Abrasive wear or corrosion.
due to the fact that the shaft is slightly weaker in
this position. Internal shaft flaws can cause a similar  2. Water buildup in hollow airfoil blades.
response. Analysts have at times misinterpreted this  3. Material buildup on the blades.
symptom as being caused by a cracked shaft.
 4. Deformation of fan components due to impact.
 8. Bearing flaws are a common source of vibration. Flaws
on inner race, outer race, balls or rollers tend to  5. Deformation of fan components due to exposure to
generate vibration at predictable higher frequencies. temperature.
 9. Contamination in the bearings generates high  6. Bearing deterioration.
frequency vibrations.
 7. V-belt drive deterioration.
10. Bearing mounting surfaces that are not flat can twist
or distort the bearings. The rolling elements passing  8. Fatigue type failure in fan components due to
through these nonsymmetric surfaces will result in continued exposure to abnormal loads or vibration.
vibration.  9. Loosening of hardware on the fan or deterioration
11. Some self-aligning ball bearings take considerable of the structure and hardware supporting the fan.
force to align themselves. If forced to operate with 10. Fan wheels may not be perfectly symmetric and
trapped misalignment, vibration results. (This can may become out of balance due to a change in
often be cured by tapping on the bearing with a RPM or in temperature.
lead or plastic hammer.)
12. Setscrew mounted bearings can trap some 11. The fan wheel may “throw” a balance weight.
misalignment between the bearing bore and the
shaft. Sometimes this can be corrected by loosening Vibration Detective Work
one bearing, running the fan for a few seconds, then All fans are exposed to a variety of vibrational forces.
retorquing the setscrews. Repeat on the other Fortunately, most of the forces mentioned above are
bearing if required. Misalignment can also be trapped relatively small and cause no problems. However, as
by having more than two bearings on a single shaft, specified vibration levels are pushed lower and lower,
and in this case it may be difficult to correct. The more factors come into play. Each of these must be
bearings can be aligned with the fan stationary, but investigated before they can be excluded.
the misalignment will reappear in operation. A common characteristic of fans is that they tend to
13. Undersized shafting can induce unbalance, as well be large, bulky, and relatively light and flexible for their
as cause distortions of bearings. size compared to other rotating machinery. The impact
14. Imperfect fan wheel shapes can cause non-uniform of this is that small forces can result in large motions.
pressure generation and result in vibration. Acceptance criteria are based on the magnitude of the
motion, not on the force that creates the motion.
15. Turbulent or eccentric airflow on the fan inlet (and Therefore, vibration energy must constitute a very small
sometimes the discharge) can excite vibrations. percentage of the total energy consumed by the fan.
16. Operating the fan at flows lower than where the The cumulative effect of many small sources of
peak pressure occurs can cause instabilities that vibration is the creation of a background (lower limiting)
result in vibration. vibration level. Once this background level is achieved,

2 Fan Engineering FE-200

finer balancing is futile. In order to consistently achieve towards its center of rotation. One or more planes along
lower vibration levels than that typical to the fan many the axis of the shaft may be selected for balancing. The
things may have to be done. The precision level of all object of balancing is to eliminate the unbalance forces
fan components must be improved. The fan rigidity may that cause vibration. (See also Static Unbalance and
need to be increased. The fan mounting arrangement Dynamic Unbalance.)
must be very solid. Finally, air turbulence through the
BALANCE QUALITY GRADE — This is a term used to
fan must be minimized.
define the limits of residual unbalance in many
If a fan is already built, and the specified levels cannot
international standards. It represents the product of the
be achieved by balance, the fan vibration detective must
eccentricity (in millimeters) times the operating frequency
go to work. All parts of the fan must be examined for
(in Hertz). A balance quality grade of G6.3 is appropriate
precision, and any possible contributor to vibration energy
to most fans. A grade of less than G2.5 is usually only
must be considered and corrected if required. This is an
achievable on very special equipment.
expensive, time-consuming effort that can have severe
negative consequences to a manufacturing shop’s DISPLACEMENT — This represents the maximum
production effort because of its unpredictability. distance (and direction) of a vibrating body from its
neutral or unexcited position. (See also Mils, Peak and
Peak to Peak.)
Paying More for Less DYNAMIC UNBALANCE — This type of unbalance
At some point someone must answer the big question: requires at least two different planes along the shaft to
How much vibration is acceptable? With the current correct. To create a true dynamic unbalance on a
situation, there are many people who think they know the centrifugal fan wheel, first add a weight on the inlet side
right answer to this question but few who are competent of the fan wheel. At the same time add an equal weight
to answer it accurately. A well thought out vibration (at the same radius) on the back side of the wheel with
specification should take into account the following issues: the second weight rotated 180 degrees from the first
1. The added cost of the equipment caused by low weight. This is also called “couple unbalance.” (See
vibration specifications must be offset by reduced Static Unbalance and Figure 3.)
maintenance cost, longer life, reduced downtime, or ECCENTRICITY — One way of defining unbalance. It is
some other economic benefit. the distance between the center of rotation and the
2. Any supplier can only be responsible for those items center of gravity of the rotational components of a fan.
that they provide or have an opportunity to integrate into FILTER — Vibration, like sound, is composed of a
an assembly. A near perfect fan mounted to a multitude of different frequencies. A filter is a device used
substandard base may have substandard vibration levels. to separate the vibration into its individual components
3. The terminology used should be precise and on the basis of frequency. All good quality vibration
appropriate to the instruments and the procedures instruments will have a way of filtering vibration data.
commonly em-ployed in the trade. FILTER IN — Refers to vibration measured only at one
4. Tolerance levels should be different based on the frequency. Normally this is the operating frequency (or
type of equipment involved. The tolerance for a V-belt RPM) of the fan (or the motor). A “filter in” reading with
driven fan needs to be higher than for a direct the filter set at the operating speed measures the “1X”
driven fan. Large horsepower fans may have tighter response.
tolerances than small horsepower fans. Fans mounted FILTER OUT — This refers to overall vibration or the
on springs (soft-mounted) need to have higher limits sum of all frequency components (or at least over a very
than those mounted on concrete slabs. wide range of frequencies).
As stated above, using proper terminology is critical FLEXIBLE SUPPORT — A type of foundation design
in this very technical field. Before addressing vibration that usually involves the use of springs or rubber
specifications some of the more common terms used in isolators. Vibration levels tend to be higher on this type
the trade need to be defined. of support since there is little resistance to motion. By
definition, a flexible support has its first natural frequency
well below the operating frequency. (See also Rigid
Definitions Support.)
The terms that are defined below represent a combination FOUNDATION — This is the component of a system to
of true scientific terms as well as terms that have which the fan (or fan and motor) is attached. Foundations
evolved based on the capabilities and settings of the must be designed to have sufficient rigidity to avoid
instruments commonly used to measure vibration: resonance (where vibration can amplify dramatically) and
1X, 2X, 3X, ETC. — For a 1X vibration measurement a to maintain proper alignment of all components. (See
filter is used so that only that part of the vibration that also Flexible Support and Rigid Support.)
is moving at the operating speed of the fan (or motor) FREQUENCY — In vibration, this is the number of
is measured. A 2X vibration is filtered to look at the complete cycles of motion that a body moves in a
component only at two times the operating speed, etc. second (Hertz) or in a minute (CPM or RPM). (CPM =
ACCELERATION — A value of vibration amplitude that Hertz x 60)
is usually specified in G’s. It is the time rate of change MILS — A unit used for the measurement of
of velocity. Many vibration meters will read this value, displacement. One mil equals .001 inch.
but it is not very useful for establishing a vibration
tolerance. Acceleration is sometimes used for monitoring NATURAL FREQUENCY — The frequency that an object
the degradation of bearings. would continue to vibrate at if quickly released from a
deformed position. Every fan has a multitude of natural
BALANCING — The process of adding (or removing) frequencies. It is common to measure natural frequencies
weight on a rotor in order to move its center of gravity by a “bump test” where the vibration response is
measured after impacting with a hammer.

Fan Engineering FE-200 3

PEAK — A term used in the measurement of cyclical motion. It is a vector quantity (having both an
displacement, velocity, and acceleration that refers to the amplitude and a direction). A common vibration
maximum deviation from zero (or the undisturbed value). specification limit is 0.157 in/sec peak filter-in.
PEAK TO PEAK (P-P) — A term that refers to the total VIBRATION AMPLITUDE (or VIBRATION LEVEL) — For
distance traveled in one cycle of vibration. It is used in fans, this usually refers to the magnitude of the vibration
the measurement of displacement only, for example, four motion at or on the fan bearings. It is usually given in
mils P-P equals 2 mils Peak. (See Figure 2.) units of displacement or velocity. When given in “in-sec
peak”, the maximum velocity that the bearing moves
RESIDUAL UNBALANCE — The amount of unbalance
during a cycle of motion is identified. (See also Mils,
remaining after balancing.
Peak, Peak to Peak, Displacement and Velocity.)
RESONANCE — A condition where an operating
VIBRATION SPECTRUM — Vibration instruments can
frequency (or other exciting frequency) coincides with a
often display an X-Y plot of vibration frequency vs.
natural frequency. At resonance, relatively small sources
vibration amplitude. A mathematical technique called a
of vibration energy can result in large amplitude
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is used to yield this
responses because the energy is stored and added
vibration spectrum. (See Figure 1.)
together. (Another characteristic of resonance is unsteady
“phase” which is beyond the scope of this article.) VIBRATION TRANSDUCER — A device used to sense
vibratory motion and convert it into a signal for the
RIGID SUPPORT — A type of foundation design usually
purpose of measurement.
characterized by a firmly supported concrete slab. By
definition, a rigid support must be so strong that the
first natural frequency of the system is well above the
operating frequency.
Typical Vibration Specifications
RMS (ROOT MEAN SQUARE) — International standards
And Their Consequences
often give limits of vibration using RMS values. Vibration The following list identifies items that may appear on a
instruments must be capable of integrating the vibration vibration specification, and how the fan manufacturer
over a period of time to arrive at this value. For may view their impact on compliance:
sinusoidal motion the RMS value is about 71% of the 1. “xxx inches per second filter-out (over-all)” — Any
peak value. It is normally assumed that fan vibration is specification that requires filter-out levels raises “red
sinusoidal in order to convert between specifications. flags” with a manufacturer. Many components of the
(See Figure 2.) fan that are purchased, such as motor and drive, can
ROTOR — This is a body capable of rotation (normally affect the overall vibration levels, yet the fan
within a pair of bearings). It includes the fan wheel, the manufacturer has little control over the precision of
shaft, the fan sheave (or coupling), and that part of the these components. In addition, the fan manufacturer
bearings that rotates with the shaft. typically designs fans so that the first natural
frequencies are somewhere between 1.25 and 2.0
SPEED — A term referring to how fast the fan will times the design speed. Many things can generate
rotate, usually given in RPM. We also have: small forces at even multiples of the operating speed,
BALANCING SPEED — The speed at which the rotor and it is not rare for one of the higher order natural
is balanced. frequencies to be excited to vibrate at significant
DESIGN SPEED — The maximum speed at which the
fan can be safely operated. 2. “Maximum vibration shall not exceed 0.01 inches per
second peak” — In this example, a vibration level
SERVICE SPEED — The speed of the fan in its that is less than one-tenth of the levels normal to the
normal intended duty. industry is specified. This is virtually impossible to
STATIC UNBALANCE — A form of unbalance that can achieve. Any special vibration consideration should
be corrected by adding a single correction weight not be less than one-half of the level normal to the
directly opposite the heavy spot on the rotor. Static type of equipment involved.
unbalance can be detected by setting the rotor on knife 3. Any vibration specification where the fan manufacturer
edges and letting the heavy spot bottom out. Dynamic is not supplying all components of the fan including
unbalance cannot be detected in this manner. (See its motor, drive, and the fan base. In this case, only
Figure 3.) tolerances for the residual unbalance of those
TRIM BALANCE — This refers to balancing done on a components supplied is appropriate.
fan assembly (even though the individual components 4. Any vibration specification that does not state the
have been previously balanced). It compensates for operating condition for which the fan is expected to
minor unbalance induced by the fit-up between parts. achieve the specified levels. Is the stated value to be
TRI-AXIAL SET — This term refers to the common in the manufacturer’s plant, on their test stand, or
practice of taking three vibration readings at each mounted on springs at the final installation site?
bearing. The vibration transducer is positioned so that 5. Any vibration specification that employs units or terms
each reading has an orientation that is perpendicular to that are strange or unfamiliar. For example, some
the other two readings. (Normally, horizontal, vertical, specifications limit vibration to “1.0 gSE”. Even if this
and axial readings are taken.) unit is known, it is unlikely that the manufacturer will
UNBALANCE — A condition of a rotor that results in have enough experience to estimate their likelihood of
forces being applied to its supporting bearings when the success.
rotor is spinning.
VELOCITY — In vibration work, velocity is a measurement
of the speed at which an object moves during its

4 Fan Engineering FE-200

Recommended Vibration Tolerances Final Warnings
It is strongly recommended that AMCA Standard 204 be As you may have surmised by now, we are on a
used to establish tolerances. Otherwise the following slippery slope until we can get universal acceptance on
guidelines are suggested for vibration tolerances: what the appropriate vibration specifications for fans
should be and how they should be measured. One
1. Conditions of measurement and units: loaded technical word in a specification that gets
a. Vibration amplitudes are in inches/second-Peak. All overlooked can cost untold thousands of dollars. Once
values are filter-in at the fan speed. again, it is strongly recommended that AMCA Standard
204 be universally adapted. But as general guidelines:
b. Vibration levels will be measured with the fan
mounted to the factory test floor. Larger fans may 1. Be knowledgeable about what the potential sources
have inlets blocked to limit horsepower. of vibration are.
c. A tri-axial set of readings will be taken for each 2. Consider what parties have control of each source so
fan bearing (or near each motor bearing on Arr. 4 that appropriate responsibilities can be assigned.
fans). 3. Be aware of the time (and costs) of diagnosing
2. Vibration limits will be per the table below. abnormal vibration sources.
4. Be knowledgeable about vibration terminology in
Table 1. Vibration Limits order to communicate with the experts.
5. The standard limits given above will give long fan life
STD. and are suitable for the vast majority of fan
All V-Belt Driven Plug Fans & DWDI Fans 0.157 0.140
Other V-Belt Driven Units Up To 1200 RPM 0.157 0.050 6. Be prepared for added cost where lower limits are
Other V-Belt Driven Units 1201 To 1800 RPM 0.157 0.080 required; limits lower than the “extra low limits”
Other V-Belt Driven Units Over 1800 RPM 0.157 0.100 shown above are practically unachievable.
All Direct Drive Units Up To 1200 0.157 0.030
All Direct Drive Units 1201 To 1800 RPM 0.157 0.050
All Direct Drive Units Over 1800 RPM 0.157 0.080

Note: For fans on flexible supports (on springs) multiply

the “EXTRA LOW LIMITS” by 1.5.

Figure 1. Vibration Spectrum

A Paused 30 Hz 57.62 mVpk



Vpk 0 Hz 100 Hz 200 Hz
FFT 1 Linear Mag BMH RmsAvg 10

4/02/99 09:53:41
Fan Engineering FE-200 5
Figure 2. Cycle of Vibration



Peak Velocity
(When Displacement = 0)




Peak To Peak
-0.6 Displacement



Figure 3. Types of Unbalance Related to Number of Planes

Dynamic Unbalance

Static Unbalance

Static & Dynamic Unbalance

202 Commerce Way | Pulaski, TN 38478 | (931) 424-2500

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