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Capstone Online Enrollment

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Chapter I


Computerization is a control system that manages processes in an

industrial workplace. It lessens human errors and processing time, thus it can

boost productivity and result in high quality of product produce. In Information

systems, computerization is concerned about interrelating different but

interdependent transactions. These can result in a system with well-integrated

processes that can perform much faster and more accurately than a manual

system. Computer technology has opened a new chapter in technical

advancements, allowing computers to become a part of daily life. Computers

make everyone’s lives easier, allowing them to live better lives. At work, school,

and at home, computers are ubiquitous. Teaching and learning, data processing,

record keeping, and the educational system’s enrollment system have all

benefited from technology. 

Enrollment systems are used to keep track of a student’s data. A well-built

one will lighten the load on those who are generally responsible for all of the

work. The enrollment mechanism comes in handy when the school has to get

crucial information from a student. The school can track the standings of pupils

using the enrolling system. A school’s manual enrollment approach might result

in erroneous student performance evaluations, lost student data, inaccurate

reporting, and sluggish enrollment processing. Students will be perplexed as to

what they should do and how they should go about enrolling. It is incredibly

important in the school because it simplifies the enrollment process.

To enroll students, the University follows the traditional method. Manual

enrollment and student record-keeping systems take up too much time for the

teachers or enrolling officers. The main goal of this study is to create a fast,

accurate, and dependable computer-based enrollment system for the School’s

administration, faculty, and staff that will speed up the enrollment process,

facilitate and secure students’ records, reduce the enrolling officer’s effort in

updating students’ information, provide a reliable record-keeping facility, and

provides accurate enrolling information.

The present system of the Eastern Visayas State University Dulag

Extension Campus is done manually such as the enrollment system, and record

keeping. From the start of the school’s operation, they use the manual system.

During the enrollment period, students will go to the admission office and for

requirements needed for the enrollment. The evaluator will then evaluate

student’s grades to know what subjects are to be taken in the current school year

and to know their status. A list of subjects that the students are required to take

will be prepared by the evaluator. Tuition fee is not included, because according

to the joint memorandum, the free tuition program will cover “all Filipino students

enrolling in undergraduate course programs in SUCs for the academic year

2017-2018, subject to the prioritization directive of the President and the

availability of funds in the HESF.” The manual updating of the student’s records

slows down the admission process because the enrolling officer takes time to

search and locate the records of the student in the filing cabinet. Delays in the

evaluation of students because the enrolling officer takes time to check student’s
previous grades and some of the student’s records are misplaced. Tallying

subjects also takes time because of non-organized student’s files. For these

reasons, the researchers were challenged and have decided to design and

develop a computerized enrollment system that is fast, accurate, reliable, and

easy to use. The proposed enrollment system is a good step for the Evsu Dulag

Extension Campus. This could be a great help to the people who are handling

many tasks during the enrollment period by providing fast and easier access to


The purpose and description of the study are stated below. It discusses all

the purpose of the system and its description as well:

This research attempted to identify the problem of the manual enrollment system

in EVSU Dulag Extension Campus. Base on the interview and survey results the

researcher identified that on the manual system that the school is presently

using, information and records were not kept accordingly which causes loss of

important papers and documents, hard to search and retrieve that causes

misplace and no assurance of safekeeping. Another problem identified is when

the entries of form in the student’s master lists are not updated, where some are

complaining when records are incorrect if someone needs the documents. Some

lists of classes were not produced immediately upon the start of the school year,

that’s why it consumes hours or days to know what the student’s section.

The researcher also found out that generating subject every student is on

another side of department building that takes time to walk that cause the
process slow, the increase also of the student population is one of the main

problems during the enrollment process.

Description of Proposed System

The purpose of this research aims to develop an Online Enrollment

System design for the benefits of enrollees and the administrative staff of the

school and to help the EVSU Dulag Extension Campus to have that fast and

accurate enrollment system flow.

This project is an online enrolment system for students. It retrieves and

collects details of students with the enrollment assessment process that

produces detailed reports. It may also be used as a local and online assessment

of the students. The System is outlined to retrieve and track the data in a faster,

easier, and safe way by storing file data of the student enrollees inside a

database which will lessen the effort of the school staff. These details here could

be seen in a second without having to worry that the single data was lost. It has

also functionality that can access through the internet that makes students easily

view and provide information. 

Objective of the Study

The study’s major objective is to create a computerized enrollment system

for the school that will allow for quick, accurate, and simple enrolling and record


The objectives of the study titled Online Enrollment System for EVSU Dulag

Campus are the following:

 To make updating a student’s record as easy as possible for the teacher-

in-charge or the enrolling officer.

 To expedite the enrollment process at all levels of the school year.

 To create a database for student files that would allow enrolling officers to

quickly search, locate, and update information.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The Online Enrollment system concentrates on gathered enrollment data

from students which contains and indicates the subjects and student records like

basic information, contacts, and address. It will provide enrollment history for

every transaction for every student that will be managed skillfully without having

to worry that the single data is lost. The Online Enrollment System is carried out

to design an efficient and effective system when it comes to speed, reliability,

and accuracy reports.

This capstone project will be limited only to the computerized enrollment

system and record-keeping of the school. The database maintenance feature of

the proposed system will focus on adding, and editing students’ records,

students’ grades, maintaining and managing table entries of users and user’s

logs; and monitoring the changes done by authorized users in the system.
Chapter II


This chapter presents the review of the related literature and studies and

the technical background of which will discuss the technicality of the project,

details of the technologies to be used and the relevance of the project.


Computerized Enrollment System

According to Studymode.com (2012) computerized enrollment system tends to

replace what we called “Paper Less” transaction and also it will make any

transaction easier and faster. Also it tends to lessen manpower and human

efforts in terms of processing any transaction in regards with enrollment




Record Keeping

According to Chifwepa (2009) records have a dual function. Not only do they

enable a school to have a clear picture of what is available and what is required,
but they also provide justification of certain needs. Furthermore, they serve to

extend the memory by which persons and/or organizations can pass their

cultures and achievements on to future generations. Record keeping is vital to an

education system’s information cycle as a whole, because of its fundamental role

in the process of efficient information production and collection. Since some of

the most crucial information is produced at the school level, the importance of

creating a systematic record-keeping culture at that level cannot be stressed

enough. (http://www.adeanet.org/adeaPortal)

Importance of Record Keeping

In the study conducted by Adebowale and Osuji (2008) it investigated the record

keeping practices of primary school teachers in selected local government areas

in Ondo state of Nigeria. Data were collected with a questionnaire titled

“Questionnaire on Record Keeping Practices of Primary School Teachers” and

data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings showed that

although the teachers were familiar with some principles of record keeping they

were not proficient in most of the operational procedures and did not

demonstrate the knowledge of using record keeping to further the development

of teaching and learning activities. Equipments that could be used for safe

keeping of records were not available. Recognizing the importance of record

keeping towards the successful implementation of the country’s Universal Basic

Education programmer, the researchers recommend that teachers should be

given regular in-service training in record keeping and retrieval. Development of

record keeping skills should also be included in teacher preparation

programmers. (https://www4.nau.edu/cee/jep/journals.aspx?id=183)

Student Information System

According to Schoolcomputing.wikia.com (2012) Student Information Systems

(SIS) manages student records and information. A SIS may handle course

management, scheduling, personnel records, grades/comments, room/resource

management and more. They can be used to run complex enrollment reports,

admissions, course schedules, grades and more. A SIS helps schools manage

various operations including student data, administrative, and fundraising

operations. A SIS allows for the quick and accessible flow of information. By

implementing a SIS to manage daily school needs, teachers and administrators

can save time and have immediate access to a variety of student data. These

systems are needed for all parties involved in education – parents, children,

teachers, administrators, alumni, etc.



The abovementioned concepts on the computerization of enrollment system and

record keeping is relevant to the present project because these serve as

foundation in the development of an enrollment system for the School that will

minimize the time consumed and effort exerted by the staff in updating student
records and record keeping. The concepts also point to the features of the

present study such as the users’ module and database maintenance that will be

integrated by the developers in the proposed system.

The concept on record keeping, importance of record keeping, and its

fundamental role in the process of efficient information production and collection

is used as basis by the researchers in the formulation of the general objectives

and important factors to be considered in designing the features that should be

included in the development of the proposed enrollment system.The related

studies on the managing of records and information, and record keeping

practices provide details and evidence that guide the researchers on how to

design and develop an effective enrollment and record keeping tool.


          The existing enrollment system of the School is manually done. The

university does not have an existing technology that is essential for fast and easy

enrollment and record-keeping process and generation of reports.

For the implementation of the proposed system, the university needs to acquire

computer units, machines for printing results and set up Local Area Network


Using the computerized enrolment system and taking advantage of the

technology in processing data, record keeping, and in their enrollment system will
provide an effective means of processing information and record-keeping for the


The proposed system shall be installed on the main server and may have

a backup server in case the main server malfunctions. The Microsoft Server 2003

Enterprise Edition will be used as the operating system for the server for running

applications such as networking and databases. A software firewall shall be

configured in the main server and other computers to protect it from viruses. In

the development of the new software, the researchers will utilize the Modified

Waterfall Model.

Chapter III


 Materials

o Software

 XAMPP (version 7.2.32) by Apache Friends is used in

developing the system locally by making use of PHP, a

server-side scripting language and MySQL for a relational

database management.

 Brackets (version 1.12.1) an extension or third party

software of Adobe which is widely used in web development

served as text editor for writing the source code of the


 The operating system being used on the development is

Windows 10 for desktop version and any Android for the

mobile version using chrome as the web browser.

o Hardware used

 A windows computer (laptop) with i3 core is primarily used

on developing the system but any windows computer

regardless of its architecture whether it is a 32-bit or 64-bit

will do as long as it can run a web browser. This hardware

specification also applies to the one used by the staffs in the


o Data

 The data in this study were collected by the researchers

from the respondent: students, teachers and other staffs in

Evsu Dulag Extension Campus. It is obtained through their

records of logsheets or forms acquired recently in the past

few months this year 2021.

 The system is for Evsu Dulag School which is located at

Brgy. Combis Dulag, Leyte. Below is the organizational

structure of the School.

 The way that the clinic delivers their services is not much

suitable nowadays. They are not integrating the use of

technology. They still use a traditional method which is


 Methods

o Experimental Design / Model used

 The model used by the researchers in this study is the

Waterfall Model. This Software Development Life Cycle

(SDLC) is widely used in software development for it is easy

to understand and very simple to apply. Every step has its

own input and output where it is sequentially needed for the

next phase.

 The Waterfall Model is divided into five (5) different phases

as shown in the SDLC Model, Figure 3.2.






Figure 3.1 – Waterfall Model

 Procedures for the different phases


In this Phase, the researcher gathered from the staff of the

organization through interviews and surveys. The

requirement captured will be used for the documentation of

the system.


After acquiring the requirement, the next phase will be taken

which is to Design. The design here means both the physical

and logical design of the system which is based on the

Requirements. Physical design is about the specification of

the hardware to use while Logical design is about how the

system will work. So, the researcher’s analysis and come up

with the system architecture. Hardware and Software

specifications already mentioned. Below are the System and

Design (SAD).


The front end since the Senior Citizen Information

Management System is an application, the front end of the

system is made up of web elements and developed using

PHP, JavaScript, MySQL.

After the development phase, the testing of the system will

be done in this part, the developed system will be tested in

compliance with the System Requirement. Every part of the

system requirements or referred to as modules will undergo

for Testing. This is also known as a unit.


Is the last part of the waterfall If the testing passed, the

proposed system will now be implemented to the research

respondent Online Enrollment System at EVSU – DEC.

 Planning

Before the software project is implemented, the researchers will prepare a

project schedule that identifies the anticipated activities involved,

management of resources and project plans showing the cost needed in

the development of the computer-based enrollment system.

 Modeling

After the gathering of data and identifying user needs through observation

and interview as well as users’ suggestions the researchers will create a

design for the system to be developed.

o Analysis

 All the requirements of the first phase are being used to

contribute in the successful preparation of creating the

Computerized Enrollment System for administration and

staff. This section will present the Context Diagram,

Decomposition Diagram, DFD Explosion for

administrator, registrar, and cashier, and Entity

Relationship Diagram of the developed system.

 Data Processing and Modeling

 Context Diagram

Student Branches
Managemen Manageme
t nt

Faculties Registration
Managemen Managemen
t t

 Data Flow Diagram

Student Start
1 Payment
Information Record
Login / Register

Main Receipt
D1 3
Fees and

Old/New Student Generated

Verified Fee Slip
Record Payment

Assessment 2
updates Cashier


 System Flowchart



Register Student Student List Subject List



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