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Level III


Unit of Competence : Identify & Resolve Network Problem

Module Title : Identifying & Resolving Network Problem
LG Code : ICT HNS3 07 1019

LO2: Troubleshoot Network problems

LO1: Troubleshoot Network problems Version 1 Date: July: 2019 Page 1 of

Author: Harar Polytechnic College/ICT Department 18
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Information Sheet-1 Troubleshoot Network problems

Network Diagnostic Tools

Installing and Configuring a Wired Network
 To have network connectivity, you need to have three things in place:
 NIC: The physical hardware that connects the computer system to the
network media.
 Protocol: The language that the computer systems use to communicate.
 Network client: The interface that allows the computer system to speak to
the protocol.
 If you want to share resources on your PC with other network users, you also need
to enable Microsoft’s File and Printer Sharing.
 This installs the services and software that turns a Windows PC into a server.
 Plus, of course, you need to connect the PC to the network hub or switch via some
sort of cable (preferably CAT 6 with Gigabit Ethernet cranking through the wires,
but that’s just me!).
 When you install a NIC, by default, Windows 2000 and XP Professional install the
TCP/IP protocol, the Client for Microsoft Networks, and File and Printer Sharing for
Microsoft Networks upon setup.
Installing a NIC
 The NIC is your computer system’s link to the network, and installing one is the first
step required to connect to a network.
 NICs are manufactured to operate on specific media and network types, such as
100BaseT Ethernet or 16 Mbps Token Ring. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions
for installation.
 If your NIC is of recent vintage, it will be detected, installed, and configured
automatically by Windows 2000 or Windows XP.
 You might need a driver disc or a driver download from the manufacturer’s Web site
if you install the latest and greatest Gigabit Ethernet card.

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Add Hardware Wizard
 The Add Hardware Wizard automates installation of non–plug-and-play devices, or
plug-and- lay devices that were not detected correctly.
 Start the wizard by clicking Start | Settings | Control Panel, and double-clicking the
icon for the Add Hardware applet.
 (Note that Windows 2000 calls this the Add/Remove Hardware applet.) Click the
Next button to select the hardware task you wish to perform, and follow the
prompts to complete the wizard.
Configuring a Network Client
 To establish network connectivity, you need a network client installed and
configured properly.
 You need a client for every type of server NOS to which you plan to connect on the
network. Let’s look at the two most used for Microsoft and Novell networks.
Client for Microsoft Networks
 Installed as part of the OS installation, the Client for Microsoft Networks rarely
needs configuration, and, in fact, few configuration options are available.
 To start it in Windows XP, click Start, and then right-click My Network Places and
select Properties.
 In Windows 2000, click Start | Settings | Network and Dial-up Connections. In all
versions of Windows, your next step is to double-click the Local Area Connection
icon, click the Properties button, highlight Client for Microsoft Networks, and click
the Properties button.
 Note that there’s not much to do here. Unless told to do something by a network
administrator, just leave this alone.
Client Service for NetWare
 Microsoft’s Client Service for NetWare provides access to file and print resources on
NetWare 3.x and 4.x servers.
 Client Service for NetWare supports some NetWare utilities and NetWare-aware
 To connect Microsoft client workstations to NetWare servers running NDS also
requires the Microsoft Service for NetWare Directory Services (NDS).
 Once installed, Client Service for NetWare offers no configuration options.

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Configuring Simple Protocols
 Protocols come in many different flavors and perform different functions on the
 Some, such as NetBEUI, lack elements that allow their signals to travel through
routers, making them non-routable (essentially, this protocol is unsuitable for a
large network that uses routers to re-transmit data).
 The network protocols supported by Windows include NetBEUI, NWLink (IPX/SPX),
and TCP/IP, although Windows XP drops support for NetBEUI.
 This section looks at installing and configuring the simple protocols used by
Windows 2000: NetBEUI and NWLink.

 NetBEUI is easy to configure, since no network addresses are needed.
 Generally, all you need to establish a connection between computer systems using
NetBEUI. It is a NetBIOS computer name.
 NetBIOS names must be unique and contain 15 or fewer characters, but other than
that there isn’t much to it.
 To install the NetBEUI protocol in any version of Windows except XP, follow these
1. In Windows 2000, click Start | Settings | Network and Dial-up Connections.
Double-click the Local Area Connection icon to bring up the Local Area
Connection Status dialog box (Figure 2.1).
2. Click the Properties button to bring up the Local Area Connection Properties
dialog box (Figure 2.1).

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LAN Properties dialog box (Figure 2.1)

3. Click the Install button. In the Select Network Component Type dialog box,
highlight Protocol and click the Add button (Figure 2.2).
4. In the Select Network Protocol dialog box, select NetBEUI Protocol (Figure
2.3), and click the OK button. You will be prompted to reboot the system to
make the changes take effect.

(Figure 2.2)

(Figure 2.3)

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TCP/IP testing tools
 All versions of Windows come with handy tools to test TCP/IP.
 Those that you’re most likely to use in the field are Ping, IPCONFIG, NSLOOKUP, and
 All of these programs are command prompt utilities! Open a command prompt to
run them, if you just place these commands in the Run command, you’ll see the
command prompt window open for a moment and then quickly close!
Does your PC have a network connection?
 Check the sockets.
 Most sockets have a connection light.
1. The light is on when a connection is detected.
2. The light flashes when data is passing through the connection.
 Check your network settings
1. Click Start.
2. Click Settings.
3. Click Network Connections.
4. Check the status of your network connection. If your connection is broken,
your connection icon will show a small red cross.

5. Right click on your connection icon.

6. Select Status to view details.

7. If your connection is broken, click on Repair to attempt to reconnect.
 If your connection is still broken, you need to check your network settings.
Using the command line (DOS prompt)

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 To use the network tools described in this article you need to open a command line
 Command line looks like the old DOS environment, and is used through typed
commands rather than with a graphical interface. To open a command line:
1. Click Start.
2. Click Run (or press the r key).
3. Type "cmd" into the 'Run' window.
4. Click Return.

 Although you can run these tools by typing them directly into the Run prompt, as
soon as the command has finished, the window will close which will stop you from
seeing the results.
 Always open a command line window first before starting the tool.

Which command line tools should I use?

 I can connect but cannot view websites.
Ping - Trace route - DNS Lookup - Telnet
 I can browse websites but cannot connect to email.
Ping - Trace route - Telnet
 I have an intermittent connection problem.
Ping - Netstat - Netshell
 I think I have a virus problem on my system.
Netstat - DNS Lookup

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Author: Harar Polytechnic College/ICT Department 18
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Ping (Packet Internet Groper)
 Ping sends packets of data to another computer and measures how long it takes to
get there.
 Ping results can tell you that:
 You are connected.
 Your connection is responsive (low latency).
 Your connection is consistent (not dropping out).
To use Ping
1. In the command line window, type "ping [destination address]".
2. Click Enter and watch for the results.

3. You'll see how Ping turns the web address into the corresponding IP address
(i.e. "www.google.com" would be turned into
 Ping sends four packets and gives you an average for the time it takes for the ping to
make it round
Ping responses
Response Explanation
Ping request could not find host... Check your destination address.
Reply from... Destination is responding.
Request timed out... Destination not responding.
Continuous Ping
 Ping sends four packets of data, which isn't very good at showing problems that are
 A continuous Ping can be useful if you think there might be a problem with cables,
as you can see exactly when connection problems are occurring.

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To use Continuous Ping

1. In the command line window type “ping [destination address] -t"
2. Click Enter and watch for the results.
3. when you want to end the ping press Control and C together.
Path ping (Vista/Windows XP/Windows 2003 Server)
 Is an enhanced form of ping that provides some of the information you would gain
from using the trace route tool.
 It is most useful for identifying where a connection problem is occurring.

1. In the command line window type "path ping [address]" for example "pathping
2. View the first set of results - which is a list of servers that your ping data travels
through to reach the destination address.
 Each server that is passed through on the route is known as a 'hop'.
 You will see the message "Computing Statistics for 250 seconds..." Pathping is
now monitoring data through each of the servers, looking to see if any of them
are responding slowly, or intermittently.
 The longer the route to the destination, the more time will be required for the
 Once complete, you'll see a table that shows if any of the servers are dropping
packets of data. If a server is faulty or overloaded you might see a high
percentage of lost packets.
Trace route - "How does my data reach its destination?"
 Trace route shows you the route your data packets are taking to reach a destination
 Trace route results can show:
 Problems with the system you are trying to connect to.

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 Problems with the network between you and the destination system.

 Problems with your own network setup (Firewall or router problems).

Trace route Responses
Response Explanation
Unable to resolve target system... Check your destination address.
Trace complete... Trace route worked.
Request timed out... Destination not responding.
Destination network unreachable...* Indicates a network problem.
 Destination network unreachable - this means that a device that you are sending
data to is not responding, it my down, or there might be a network fault. This type of
problem is usually outside Plusnet's control.

 Windows 2000/XP offer the command-line tool IPCONFIG for a quick glance at your
network settings.
 Click Start |Run and type CMD to get a command prompt. From the prompt, type
IPCONFIG /ALL to see all of your TCP/IP settings

IPCONFIG /ALL (Figure 2.5).

 When you have a static IP address, IPCONFIG does little beyond reporting your
current IP settings, including your IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, DNS
servers, and WINS servers.

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 When using DHCP, however, IPCONFIG is also the primary tool for releasing and
renewing your IP address.
 Just type ipconfig /renew to get a new IP address or ipconfig /release to give up the
IP address you currently have.
DNS Lookup - "Is my computer data going to the right place?"
 DNS (Domain Name System) turns your user-friendly web addresses into the
numerical IP addresses that are used by computer systems.
 If you have a working connection, but can't view popular websites like BBC or
Google, then faulty DNS settings may be the cause.
Flush DNS Cache
 The first thing you should do is remove the saved DNS information in your computer;
this may now be out of date.
To Flush your DNS Cache
1. In the command line window, type "ipconfig /flushdns"
2. Click Enter.
3. Watch for the flush to complete with the message. "Successfully flushed the DNS
Resolver Cache."
4. Retest to see if you can browse popular websites.
 DNS lookups You can test to see if your DNS is working properly by doing a DNS
lookup, using the command line tool nslookup.
To do a DNS Lookup
1. In the command line window, type"nslookup [Website Address]" for example
2. Click Enter.
3. Check the results to see if an (IP) address is found that corresponds with the
name of the website address. If your DNS is not working properly, nslookup
won't be able to return an IP address.

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Netstat - "what's my computer connecting to?"

 Netstat tells you what your computer is connected.
 This makes if useful for seeing if your computer is connected to servers that you
don't know about. If you think that your computer is infected with "Spyware" or
certain types of virus Netstat may help you find them out.
To run Netstat
1. In the command line window, type "netstat -a"
2. Click Enter
3. View the list of connections on your PC.

 Different programs and processes may connect to remote computers.

 In most cases there's nothing to worry about.
 The two things to look for are the numbers after the colon (port numbers), and the
Foreign Addresses.
 Ports are the doorways that different computer programs use to send data
over a network.
o For example, browser traffic uses Port 80, email uses ports 25 and
port 110.

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o If you are worried that your system has been infected with a Trojan,
or similar virus, you may be able to spot the connection it uses.
o The port numbers that are associated with Spyware and Trojans are
changing all the time - it’s always best to make sure you have updated
anti-virus and firewall software running on your computer.
 Foreign addresses are the systems that are connected to your computer that
appear to be remote.
o While it can be hard to know what to look for, one solution is to run
netstat while no programs are running and save the results to
compare later.
Telnet - "Can I connect to it?"
 Telnet is a program that allows you to access and use other computers remotely.
 It has lots of uses for testing problems because it can let you manually test Internet
services as if you were a browser or email program.
 You can then see if a problem you have is due to the service or your computer setup.
 You can use telnet to confirm that a service like email is accepting connections.
 A telnet client is included with most versions of Windows, though in Windows Vista
it has to be added as follows:
1. Click Start > Control Panel > Programs
2. Then Turn Windows Features on or off.
3. In the list, scroll down and select Telnet Client.
4. Click OK to start the installation.
 A better telnet program, called Putty is available to download for free.
Problem receiving email - test your mailbox
1. In the command line window type "telnet mail.plus.net 110"
2. Click Enter.
3. You should be connected to the mailserver - you should see the response
"+OK Hello there" which confirms the mailserver is OK.
4. Type 'user [username]' where [username] is your account mailbox username.
5. Click Enter.
6. You should see a message "+OK Password required".

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7. Type "pass, for example, if your password is pa55w0rd you should type pass
8. Click Enter.
9. You will see the message "+OK Logged in".
 You are now in your mailbox and can be sure your email account
details are correct, and that the mail server is responding to
 If your normal mail program can't connect, you should consider
checking that your settings are correct, or reinstalling the program.
Problem sending email - test you access to our mail relay server
1. In the command line window type "telnet relay.plus.net 25".
2. Click Enter.
3. You should see a response that begins "220" which indicates that you have
successfully connected to the mail relay server.
 If you don't get a response that beings with "220" then either the relay
server is not responding, or port 25 is being blocked.
Netshell - "One-stop network check"
 Netshell is a tool that allows you to check that Windows is properly setup for
 It can test many different aspects of your network connection, depending on what
you have got setup on your system.
To use Netshell
1. In the command line window, type "netsh diag gui".
2. Click Enter.
3. A Network Diagnostics Window will open.
4. Click Scan your system to begin testing, or Set scanning options to change
which things you want Netshell to test.

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Tracert command
 The tracert command lists the number of hops needed to connect to a target
 Each hop represents a device that the packets of data must travel through in order
to continue along the network.
 On the Internet, this is a usually a router. When testing in a LAN environment, there
is usually just one hop.

Validating Network Cabling

How to Test an Ethernet Cable for Continuity
 The easiest and most informative method to test the continuity of an Ethernet cable
involves purchasing an affordable device called a continuity tester.
 A basic model will test the continuity of Ethernet and coaxial cable.
 A continuity tester is not absolutely necessary, but highly useful if you need to test
Ethernet cables frequently.
 There is some important terminology you should understand before proceeding.
 Jacks are where the ends of the cable plug into a computer or other networking
 Plugs are the small plastic connectors on the end of the cable.
 Pairs refer to colour-coded strands of wires that are matched together, and cable
housing is the plastic insulation that covers and protects these wires.

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1. Testing Using a Continuity Tester
 Power on the continuity tester.
 Insert one of the cable plugs into the tester and the other into the terminator.
 Look at the display of the network tester.
o Depending on your continuity tester, at a minimum it will indicate if
there is a break in the cable and, should it include this feature, which
cable pairs the break affects.
2. Testing Continuity Without a Continuity Tester
 Power the computer and a router or other networking device on.
 Plug the cable into the network port on the computer and the other end into
the networking device.
 Look at the back of the computer where the cable is plugged into the Ethernet
jack and see if any flashing green or yellow lights come on.
o These lights indicate if the computer is sending or receiving any
o If the lights are lit or flashing, the cable continuity is good. If not,
replace the cable.
3. Resolving NIC Problem
 The Ethernet Adaptor or the Network Interface card (NIC) is the piece of
hardware that makes it possible to access the internet.
 The Network Interface card is also essential for PC-to-PC communication and
other forms of computer interactions that involve two or more devices such as
Bluetooth and Infrared.
 Frankly, two computer systems can only share a file with each other because
they have a network Interface Card that enables them to communicate with
each other -- sending and receiving signals.
 If a device must communicate with another device, it needs a NIC.
 Your broadband modem and printer use the NIC technology.

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Diagnose NIC Problems
 The Network Interface Card must be functioning for your PC to be able to
communicate on a network.
 When network problems occur, the NIC is less likely to be the cause than
infrastructure such as cables, routers and hubs.
 All problems below assume that you are experiencing a complete or intermittent
failure of network connectivity.

Common problems with NIC and respective Troubleshooting

 The cable is connected but there is no light on the NIC
 Unplug and replug the network connector into the NIC and at the other end.
 Check that the other end of the cable is connected to a device that is powered
 Try switching the cable to a different port if available.
 Try a different network cable.
 Check the control panel in Windows to make sure the card is recognized and
 The data collision light is frequently or continuously lit
 Check that the far end of the network cable is connected to the proper port, or
try a different port.
 Check that your PC is not using an IP address that is already in use on your
 Make certain that your PC is not using a name that is already in use by another
PC on the network.
 The lights on the NIC are normal but I cannot connect to the network
 Make certain that other network devices are powered on.
 Make certain that your PC is configured with the proper Workgroup or Domain
 Check that your PC is not using an IP address that is already in use on your
 Make certain that your PC is not using a name that is already in use by another
PC on the network.

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 Allow up to 20 minutes for network polling to identify all available resources.
 Check the network cable connections and use a different port if available.
 If Windows is configured for more than one NIC, make certain that the correct
one is being used for this network.

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