Harar Polytechnic College: Learning Guide #4
Harar Polytechnic College: Learning Guide #4
Harar Polytechnic College: Learning Guide #4
NetBEUI is easy to configure, since no network addresses are needed.
Generally, all you need to establish a connection between computer systems using
NetBEUI. It is a NetBIOS computer name.
NetBIOS names must be unique and contain 15 or fewer characters, but other than
that there isn’t much to it.
To install the NetBEUI protocol in any version of Windows except XP, follow these
1. In Windows 2000, click Start | Settings | Network and Dial-up Connections.
Double-click the Local Area Connection icon to bring up the Local Area
Connection Status dialog box (Figure 2.1).
2. Click the Properties button to bring up the Local Area Connection Properties
dialog box (Figure 2.1).
(Figure 2.2)
(Figure 2.3)
Although you can run these tools by typing them directly into the Run prompt, as
soon as the command has finished, the window will close which will stop you from
seeing the results.
Always open a command line window first before starting the tool.
3. You'll see how Ping turns the web address into the corresponding IP address
(i.e. "www.google.com" would be turned into
Ping sends four packets and gives you an average for the time it takes for the ping to
make it round
Ping responses
Response Explanation
Ping request could not find host... Check your destination address.
Reply from... Destination is responding.
Request timed out... Destination not responding.
Continuous Ping
Ping sends four packets of data, which isn't very good at showing problems that are
A continuous Ping can be useful if you think there might be a problem with cables,
as you can see exactly when connection problems are occurring.
1. In the command line window type "path ping [address]" for example "pathping
2. View the first set of results - which is a list of servers that your ping data travels
through to reach the destination address.
Each server that is passed through on the route is known as a 'hop'.
You will see the message "Computing Statistics for 250 seconds..." Pathping is
now monitoring data through each of the servers, looking to see if any of them
are responding slowly, or intermittently.
The longer the route to the destination, the more time will be required for the
Once complete, you'll see a table that shows if any of the servers are dropping
packets of data. If a server is faulty or overloaded you might see a high
percentage of lost packets.
Trace route - "How does my data reach its destination?"
Trace route shows you the route your data packets are taking to reach a destination
Trace route results can show:
Problems with the system you are trying to connect to.
Windows 2000/XP offer the command-line tool IPCONFIG for a quick glance at your
network settings.
Click Start |Run and type CMD to get a command prompt. From the prompt, type
IPCONFIG /ALL to see all of your TCP/IP settings
Tracert command
The tracert command lists the number of hops needed to connect to a target
Each hop represents a device that the packets of data must travel through in order
to continue along the network.
On the Internet, this is a usually a router. When testing in a LAN environment, there
is usually just one hop.
1. Testing Using a Continuity Tester
Power on the continuity tester.
Insert one of the cable plugs into the tester and the other into the terminator.
Look at the display of the network tester.
o Depending on your continuity tester, at a minimum it will indicate if
there is a break in the cable and, should it include this feature, which
cable pairs the break affects.
2. Testing Continuity Without a Continuity Tester
Power the computer and a router or other networking device on.
Plug the cable into the network port on the computer and the other end into
the networking device.
Look at the back of the computer where the cable is plugged into the Ethernet
jack and see if any flashing green or yellow lights come on.
o These lights indicate if the computer is sending or receiving any
o If the lights are lit or flashing, the cable continuity is good. If not,
replace the cable.
3. Resolving NIC Problem
The Ethernet Adaptor or the Network Interface card (NIC) is the piece of
hardware that makes it possible to access the internet.
The Network Interface card is also essential for PC-to-PC communication and
other forms of computer interactions that involve two or more devices such as
Bluetooth and Infrared.
Frankly, two computer systems can only share a file with each other because
they have a network Interface Card that enables them to communicate with
each other -- sending and receiving signals.
If a device must communicate with another device, it needs a NIC.
Your broadband modem and printer use the NIC technology.