The Initiate

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N a me Lo o k

Human: Jackie, Wong, Sai-Yuk, Mulan, Cynthia, Michael Eager eyes, Cold eyes, or Sharp eyes.
Elf: Sammo, Leung, Jet, Tanit, Taimak, Katheryn Braided hair, Trim hair, or No hair.
Dwarf: Bruce, Chow Tai, Donnie, Rebekah Tough clothes, Loose clothes, or Training clothes.
Slim body, Huge body, or Scarred body.

Assign these scores to your stats: 16 (+2), 15 (+1), 13 (+1), 12 (+0), 9 (+0), 8 (-1)
St r en gt h D ex t er i t y Co n st it u t io n I n t el l i gen c e Wisdo m C h a r i s ma

WE A K -1 SH AK Y -1 SI C K -1 STU N N E D -1 C O N F U SE D -1 SC AR R E D -1


D a ma g e d 10 ARMOR HP C u r r en t
Y o u r Ma x H P i s
8 + Constitution

A l i g n me n t St a r t i n g Mo v es
Lawful Signature Style
Endanger yourself to uphold your school’s honor. You have mastered a style of martial arts. Choose a focus. (All are Hand range,
precise, and 0 weight.)
Hands and Fingers
Prove your kung fu is superior. Feet
Good Elbow and Knees
Grappling and Joint Locks
Endanger yourself to protect those who cannot fight.
Choose two enhancements:
Ra ce Weapon-Using. +1 damage and choose one additional range, but +2 Weight.
Brutal: Add messy and forceful.
Dwar f Dim Mak: +2 Piercing
You may use your Ability of Lightness to walk across trapped Passive: +1 Armor
surfaces as if they were water. Intense: +1 damage
Choose a look:
Elf Animal-Mimicking
When you use your Sublime Understanding of the Body, Classic Grace
you gain an additional choice: “Their mind is addled.” Ancient Splendor
Hardened Fury
Human Sinister Movements
Your people are naturally aggressive, and you take Loose Form
+1 forward on the first action of any fight.
Ability of Lightness

Bo n ds When you run across a surface that cannot hold your weight, roll +Dex. On a 10+,
you make it across gracefully and without trouble. On a 7-9, you make it across,
but expose yourself to danger somehow. The GM will tell you how.
_______ is from a rival school! I must surpass them.
Sublime Understanding of the Body
My master warned me about ________.
_______ fights with skill and grace, and I respect them. When you attack a foe purely to disable them, roll +Dex. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9, choose 1.

I will study at _______’s feet and learn their secrets. They are dizzied and unstable.
Their muscles are weakened or strained.
They feel sick and nauseated.
One of their limbs is locked or made useless.
Their control of their magical power is loosened.

The Initiate L ev el
Gea r
Your load is 8+Str. You carry dungeon rations (1 weight) and some mark of your school, master or training, describe it.
Choose one:
Leather Armor (1 Armor, 1 weight)
Scale Armor (2 Armor, Clumsy, 3 weight)
Adventuring Gear (1 weight) and Poultices and Herbs (1 weight)

and choose one:

2 Healing Potions (2 weight)
Halfling pipeweed or the equivalent (1 weight)
Dungeon rations (1 weight)

A d v a n c ed Mo v es
When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-5
World of Rivers and Lakes
When you spout lore about the world of martial arts or Testicle Eight Outstanding Techniques
other martial artists, take +1.
Replaces: Skin of Bronze, Bones of Iron
Training in the Guyana Highlands When you wear no armor and use no shield, you get 3 Armor.
When you face an enemy who has defeated you before, take +1
ongoing against them until you defeat them. Man Who Can Catch Fly With Chopsticks Can Do Anything
Replaces: Sweep the Leg
Skin of Bronze, Bones of Iron When you train someone or show them the proper way of fighting, they take
When you wear no armor and use no shield, you get 2 Armor. +1 ongoing while following your advice, but -1 ongoing when they go
against your ways.
Intensive Training
When you Bolster yourself by hard training, it takes you Peaches of Immortality
half the normal time to gain preparation. When you have time and access to good materials, you may design a regimen
of massage, training and diet to heal or strengthen someone. You may heal any
Wave Motion Fist wound, sickness or ailment this way or even give them mystical qualities,
You may Volley with your Signature Style, using +Wis instead of +Dex. but the GM will give you one to four of the following conditions:
However, as your style has no ammo, you may not choose to reduce ammo. It’s going to take days/weeks/months.
Instead, you may choose to suffer a debility of your choice, so long as you are First, you must _____
not currently suffering from all six debilities. You’ll need help from ______
It will require a lot of money.
Superior Style You and your allies will risk danger from ______
Choose one extra enhancement for your signature style. The best you can do is a lesser version, unreliable and limited
It’s going to take blood. A lot of blood.
Master’s Pearls of Wisdom
When you think about what your master would do in a situation,
Perfected Training
you will think of an insight relating to the current situation. The GM may Replaces: Intensive Training
ask you a few questions in return. Roll +Wis. On 10+, the advice is shockingly When you Bolster yourself by hard training, it takes you only a single day to gain
relevant and detailed. On a 7-9, it’s potentially relevant but vague. 1 Preparation, and only a single week to gain 3.
Forging the Temple Body
When you have access to a shrine, you may undergo a ritual process of
Esoteric Mastery
purification and meditation to graft the magical qualities of a weapon directly Required: Esoteric Training
into your body. This process destroys the magical weapon, but gives Choose one move from another class. Treat your level as one lower for choosing
your signature style the magical powers of the destroyed weapon. that move. If you take Signature Weapon and have the Weapon-Using enhancement
for your signature style, you may choose to lose all benefits of Weapon-Using
Sweep the Leg and apply your Signature Weapon’s abilities instead.
When you train someone in the proper way to fight a specific foe,
they take +1 ongoing while facing that foe for one battle.
Instant Master
When you study someone else using a fighting technique, roll +Wis. On a
Esoteric Training 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 1. On a miss, hold 1, but the GM holds 1.
Choose one move from another class. Treat your level as one lower for choosing You may spend your hold 1-for-1 to use the technique you studied. The GM will tell
that move. If you take Signature Weapon and have the Weapon-Using you what it does. The GM may spend their hold to have a foe use one of your
enhancement for your signature style, you may choose to lose all benefits of own techniques against you!
Weapon-Using and apply your Signature Weapon’s abilities instead.
Gutei’s Finger
When you use your Sublime Understanding of the Body, on a 12+, you may
forgo all normal effects to name one specific action (“attack my ally, Aaron”, “
take flight”, “use the Curse of Ten Thousand Years”) that they can no longer perform.

The World Is My Weapon

When you use the environment against your foe, roll +Dex. On a 10+, deal your
damage and deal +1d6 damage. On a 7-9, you deal 1d6 damage and take +1 forward
against them, but you break something, putting yourself in danger.

Why I Killed Your Master

Required: Training in the Guyana Highlands
An enemy who has defeated one of your friends or students counts as an enemy
who has defeated you.

Forbidden Technique
When you Hack and Slash, you may choose to deal one of the effects of your
Sublime Understanding of the Body in addition to the normal results of your roll.
If you do, you also suffer one of its effects.

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