Criteria 4 3 2 1 Points Earned: Total Points 20 Points Possible
Criteria 4 3 2 1 Points Earned: Total Points 20 Points Possible
Criteria 4 3 2 1 Points Earned: Total Points 20 Points Possible
Introduction The The The Thesis
statement/topic statement/topic statement/topic statement/topic
idea sentence is idea sentence is idea sentence is idea sentence is
clear, correctly either unclear or unclear and unclear and
placed, and incorrectly incorrectly incorrectly
restated in the placed, and it's placed. It's placed, and it's
closing restated in the restated in the not restated in
sentence. Your closing closing the closing
three supporting sentence. Your sentence. One sentence. Your
ideas are briefly three supporting of your supporting ideas
mentioned. ideas are briefly supporting ideas are not
mentioned. is briefly mentioned.
Supporting Each paragraph Each paragraph Each paragraph Paragraphs
Details has a topic has a topic has a topic have no
sentence and sentence and sentence and supporting detail
three or more two supporting one or two sentences that
supporting detail detail sentences supporting detail relate back to
sentences that that relate back sentences that the main idea.
relate back to to the main idea. relate back to Topic sentences
the main idea. Specific the main idea. are unclear. No
Specific examples are No specific examples are
examples are given. examples are given.
given. given.
Grammar No grammar Some minor Multiple Major/multiple
errors Articles grammar errors grammar errors grammar errors.
correct Verb Problems with: Problems with: Problems with:
tenses correct Articles Verb Articles Verb Articles Verb
Subject/verb tenses Subject/ tenses tenses
agreement verb agreement Subject/verb Subject/verb
correct Contractions agreement agreement
Contractions and idioms Contractions Contractions
and idioms used and idioms and idioms
Spelling You have 0-1 You have 2-3 You have 4-5 Your spelling
misspellings. misspellings. spelling errors. errors are
numerous and
distract the
reader from your
Vocabulary/Word Vocabulary/word Vocabulary/word Vocabulary/word Vocabulary/word
Choice choice is choice is choice is choice is clearly
impressive. You impressive. All adequate, but limited, affecting
use some of the words are used could be written
target appropriately. improved. More communication.
vocabulary from adjectives, Some words are
the subunit. adverbs, and used
descriptive inappropriately.
words are
Total Points 20 points possible