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Chapter 3 - Basic Features of MS Word

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Beginner’s Guide to Microsoft Word

1. Go to task bar and/or search menu and type Microsoft Word.

- Bunch of templates for creating documents like reports, essays, handouts, flyers, and
- Across the top, can be filtered by category (e.g. Business, Events, etc.) and online
2. Opening a blank document
- Top: Tabs- Home tab, Insert tab, Lay-out tab, References tab, Mailing tab, Review
and View Tab
- Ribbon: The specific commands of tab
- Group: Specific commands under ribbon with different groups and function.
- Launch Button: Found in the button corner of some groups; Doesn’t fit in the space
- Page: The word document
- Zoom: Bottom left corner, 200% maximum, 10% minimum
- Rulers: Across the top and down the left side
- Tell me: Search corner of Microsoft Word






3. Creating hand-outs and etc.

- Highlighting text shows some options from the Home Tab, Home Ribbon (Most
commonly needed: text options like font, alignment, styles)
You can click to move around using the mouse, but you can only click so far.
If you want to put some blank space and then type something below, just tap enter a few times to
move the cursor down
Insert tab:
 Wikipedia articles
 Online videos
 Other stuff
How to insert picture:
 Click insert
 Click pictures
 It will automatically access your computer then browse to find pictures to use in
 You can also insert online pictures. Just connect to the internet then find images,
cliparts and other stuff then cloick and drag to drop in your document
 Click the photo
 Upon clicking the photo, an additional tab will appear (Format tab)
 If you want to resize the photo, just go to the corner, then click and drag to shrink
or expand the photo
 When you click on the photo, a little button will pop up on the side. You can click
that to change the layout options.
 In an older version of MS Word, you have the option to right click and go to wrap
text and it will give you the same options.
Format tab:
 Remove the background
 Alter color scheme
 Corrections
 Artistic effects
 Compress the picture
 Picture styles (Frames, picture border, picture effect and picture layout)
 Crop
Shapes - you can put in arrows, call-outs, squares, rectangles all sort of shapes.
Text Box – special and different from regular text you’re typing in.
-additional text that can float on top of your document.
-can be drag wherever you want it to go
-if you dont want it to be interacting with the text you can use this button

Option to
make it
behind the
text or font of
the text and
other options

Review Tab
Spelling and Grammar – it will check for spelling and grammar mistake.
Word Count – tell you how many characters, words, pages etc.
Thesaurus – help you use a variety of words instead of using the same word over and over

If you’re almost done with your document, things to consider especially if you’re a student:
1. Line spacing under paragraph options
2. Font Color and other Font Options
3. Margins using the Ruler Tool.
If you’re finish with your document go to File
- You have the option to save it directly to this PC option or OneDrive

OneDrive – similar to Dropbox

-to access that it would be helpful to sign in to your Microsoft
account in that way you can get your documents from anywhere
- You can also click the Print if you would like to print it.
- You can create a PDF under Export.
(f you want your document to be seen in your desktop save it to the desktop option)

If you need the same document go to the Word open it and recently created documents would
If you want to put certain document at the top of your list click the PIN.

When you select a text and a picture next to your text is also selected:
OBJECT ANCHOR- The selected object is anchored to the document/paragraph.
¶- Paragraph marker

A. Make text bold

B. Make text italicize

C. Make the text colored (can pick standard colors or customize it)
REPEAT- make the previous current action applied
UNDO (CTRL Z)- If you had a mistake and you want to undo it

Redo (Ctrl + Y) – applying most recent action

– Select the text you want to apply your most recent action and click redo ( )
from the Quick Access Toolbar or use the shortcut keys Ctrl + Y.
– You could also use the shortcut key, F4. Select the text you want to repeat you
recent action and click F4

Undo (Ctrl + Z) – undoing your most recent action.

– Click the undo button from the quick access tool bar ( ) or just use the
shortcut keys (Ctrl + Z)

Changing font style/type

o Select the text > go to formatting toolbar > move over to the right from the current font
style corresponding the drop-down arrow and choose any font you want or you can just
type in a specific font style you want.

Ctrl + D - opening launch button under font group

– If you want more command than what you can see, click the expandable
dialog box button or the launch button or just hit (Ctrl + D).
– You formatting that you can see in the mini toolbar like the font size, font
style, underline, strikethrough, etc.
– You can also have text effect down below, click it and another window will
pop up.

Reapplying multiple formatting

If you want to apply all the formatting you did to the first text to the next, you do not need to
apply them one by one. What you need to do is:
1. Go to the text you want to copy the formatting from
2. Go up on the Home tab to the clipboard group
3. Click the Format Painter
4. You will see that the cursor now has a brush, so it pulls in the formatting
5. Click and drag (select) the text you want to apply the formatting to.
1. Select the text that has the formatting that you want to copy.
2. Click Format Painter command button.
*Or you can use Ctrl + Shift + C key combination to copy the format of the text.
And Ctrl + Shift + V to paste the formatting.
3. Select the text you wanted to change or apply the formatting. Drag over the text to paint it.
And the text is changed.

*You can also right click on the text with formatting, then the mini formatting tool
bar will pop out. Painter is there as well. Double click the Painter, then you will be
able to change the formatting of multiple text. That way, Format Painter mouse
pointer stays active, ready to pain lots of text.

4. When done, Click Format Painter to deselect the painter then the brush will disappear.


The F4 key lets you repeat the last action you took (not only formatting, but many
other commands in Word). For example, If you italicize a word, you can select
another word and hit F4 key to italicize it, everything you’ve done in the dialogue
box, will be applied.


This command lets you peel away all formats from your text.
*Select the text, In the Font Group, click Clear Formatting command button.


1. Click Highlight Color Button, Select a color, then the Word is now in Highlighting mode.
2. Drag the mouse over the text you want to highlight, the text will be highlighted.
*You may Double click on the word to highlight it.
3. To remove the highlight, select the text and click Highlight Color button, then select No


1. In the Paragraph Group, click Paragraph Markers.

* To change an existing paragraph format, highlight the paragraph then choose
among the paragraph format in the Paragraph Group (such as Bullets/Numbering)

WORD 2016: Applying and Modifying Styles

Typically, you want your headings to have some sort of formatting applied to it that
offsets it from the body of the supporting text below it so the reader can more readily identify
those sections. You can do it manually by:
-Selecting the heading and in the mini formatting toolbar, apply some formats like
bold, italics, or something spiffy.
-You can do it manually or you can use STYLES (a collections of formats that
you can apply in a single click like heading Styles) You can find the styles, on the mini
formatting toolbar and in the Home, you can modify the style you want.
The benefits of using Styles
1. You got a single click (when you already modified a style, then you can already apply
it in a single click
2. Once you apply a style to a heading, that when you hover back over that heading that
has its style applied to it, (look over the styled-heading, there’s a drop-down triangle) click on it
and it collapses everything low that style for heading one to the next one. You don’t have to
scroll and scroll to get a review of all the headings or better yet you don’t even have to do that, if
you want to review all the headings by collapsing them but you could if you’d like to prevent
long scrolling.
Remember: Navigation Pane, ctrl+F, the short cut key. Then look at the left side of your
screen, you have the heading search so select headings and it lists all the headings within your
document, the headings that Word recognizes as headings because that’s part of the coding.
3. Headings, once identified by applying styles to them can be used in the table of
contents. Electronically, you can consider the navigation tool bar as the table of contents,
because it has the complete lists of headings
If you’re in doubt, and you want to change the style, right click on the style you
want, and click modify. The properties will be shown.
a. NAME. You can actually change this.
d. FORMATTING. The formatting that’s being applied to the style is the font that you
are currently using. You can change the color if you want.
Means that if you have a lot of text like 2 or 3 lines that has the heading 1 style applied to
it that again if it’s going to create what we’ll talk about orphans and widows where it keeps one
line here and then because it’s at the bottom of a page, it can’t keep the other two lines that has
the heading style with it instead of breaking that and having that at the top of the next page, it
forces everything to the top of the next page so we don’t have a broken heading so keep it the
next paragraph or if you have several lines that has the heading style keep all lines together and
don’t break them across the pages the level one in any case.
At the Properties, additional options are:
-New documents based on this template
-Only in this document
So, the heading 1 by default will be in every single document you create, but when you
make changes to it, it’s only going to be in this document until you select the option that you
want new documents to be based upon the changes you made in this template.
And then if you want to get more particular with additional formats to see what’s
available, click on the format button, go to font and there’s the Advanced tab, how about going
to the font tab and you strike through additional formatting options, click cancel, click format.
You can even assign it a shortcut key if you like instead of coming all the way up and
click on this or that to apply it to a paragraph especially if you’re not on the Home tab and you
don’t want to go all the way over and click on the Home tab. In any case shortcut key, select it
with the cursor flashing and press new shortcut key, you can try one of the ctrl shift or alt keys to
a letter like cntrl+shit+alt+Z, then click assigned. YOU CAN NOT USE SHORTCUTS THAT
Now if you want again to change the heading style, particularly its color, and if you want
that style to be the style of all the headings, just update it in the Home tab by means of right
clicking the style that you wanted to update, then click the Update Heading to match

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