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Use of Dolichos (Lablab Purpureus L.) and Combined Fertilizers enhance Soil
Nutrient Availability, and Maize (Zea Mays L.) Yield in Farming Systems of
Kabete sub-County, Kenya

Article  in  Agricultural Science Research Journal · February 2017

6 952

1 author:

Ruth c Sitienei
University of Nairobi


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Agricultural Science Research Journal Vol. 7(2): 47 – 61, February 2017
Available online at
ISSN: 2026 –6073 ©2017 International Research Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Use of Dolichos (Lablab Purpureus L.) and Combined

Fertilizers enhance Soil Nutrient Availability, and Maize
(Zea Mays L.) Yield in Farming Systems of Kabete sub-
County, Kenya
Ruth C. Sitienei1, *Richard N. Onwonga1, Joyce J. Lelei2 and Peter Kamoni3
Department of Land Resource Management and Agricultural Technology, University of Nairobi, P.O. Box 29053-00625,
Nairobi, Kenya
Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils, Egerton University, P.O. Box 536 - 20115, Njoro, Kenya
Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization, P.O. Box 14733-00800, Nairobi, Kenya

*Corresponding Author's Email:


Enhanced maize (Zea mays L.) production in Kabete sub-County, Kenya, is constrained by low soil fertility combined with
continuous unsustainable agricultural practices. The current study evaluated the effects of incorporating dolichos (Lablab
purpureus (L.) and combined fertilizer application on soil N, P and K balances, and maize yields in Kabete field station,
University of Nairobi. The experiment was carried out, between mid-March to May 2015 (long rain season - LRS) and October
to December 2015/16 (short rain season -SRS). The experimental set up was a Randomized Complete Block Design with a
split-plot arrangement replicated three times. The main plots were; cropping systems i.e. incorporation of dolichos (i) as an
intercrop (dolichos /maize intercrop) and (ii) in rotation with maize (dolichos-maize rotation). Sole maize, without dolichos
integration, was included as control. The sub-plots were fertilizer types: (i) farmyard manure (FYM); (ii) triple superphosphate
(TSP) and urea; (iii) integrated organic and organic fertilizer (FYM+TSP+Urea) and (iv) no fertilizer applied (control). Top soil
samples (0-20 cm) were taken at the end of each cropping season, for determination of total N and available P and K. The
NUTrient MONitoring (NUTMON/ MonQi,) tool box was used to calculate N, P and K balances. Maize was harvested at
physiological maturity for yield determination. Significantly (P≤0.05) high soil N and P levels were obtained in maize/dolichos
intercrop with application of FYM and TSP+FYM+Urea in both LRS (0.29% and 19.6 ppm; 0.3% and 16.5 ppm) and SRS (0.34%
and 28.5 ppm; 0.28% and 26.1 ppm), respectively. The soil K (cmol/Kg) levels were significantly (P≤0.05) high in
-1 -1
maize/dolichos intercrop with FYM application during the SRS (1.3) and LRS (1.8). Less negative N balances (-9.1 kg ha yr )
-1 -1
were obtained in maize/dolichos intercrop with FYM application while pronounced N (-20.1 kg ha yr ) losses were realized in
maize/dolichos intercrop with TSP+Urea application. P losses were higher in maize/dolichos with TSP+FYM+Urea (-2.2 kg ha
1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
yr ) and TSP+Urea (-2.4 kg ha yr ) application. Significantly (P<0.5) higher K losses (kg ha yr ), with TSP+Urea application,
occurred in dolichos/maize intercrop (-6.7), dolichos-maize rotation (-4.9) and in sole maize (-4.5). Maize grain yields (t ha ) in
the SRS and LRS were significantly (P≤0.05) higher in dolichos/maize intercrop with application of TSP+FYM+Urea (5.6 and
4.5) and FYM (5.4 and 4.9) with no significant differences across seasons. Dolichos-maize rotation with TSP+FYM+Urea
-1 -1
application resulted in significantly higher dry matter yields (9.4 t ha ) compared to intercrop with FYM (9.5 t ha ) application
in the SRS. When compared across seasons, soil NPK levels, maize grain and dry matter yields were consistently higher in
maize/dolichos intercrop with application of FYM and TSP+FYM+Urea in the SRS compared to LRS. Pronounced negative N
and P balances were realized in maize/dolichos intercrop and dolichos-maize rotation with application of FYM and
TSP+FYM+Urea. It is evident that improved soil nutrient status led into increased maize yields. With the increase in maize
yields, however, significant nutrient losses were realized. Adoption of the best performing technology, incorporation of
dolichos in maize as an intercrop with application of FYM and TSP+Urea, ought therefore to be tapered (in the short run) with
prudent nutrient management strategies to minimize nutrient losses through harvested products for cropping system

Key words: Farm Yard Manure, Intercropping, NUTMON/MonQi, Nutrient balances, Rotation, Triple Super Phosphate, Urea;
Soil nutrient Availability

Introduction Additionally, higher and sustained yield could be obtained
through use of combined inorganic and organic fertilizers
Soil fertility degradation is recognized as a major factor with integration of legumes (Bhatti et al., 2008). To assess
underlying the low crop productivity in sub-Sahara Africa the impact of agricultural technologies on soil fertility and
(SSA). It affects the livelihoods of the population that ensure future sustainability, calculation of nutrient
depends directly on agriculture for food and income balances is necessary (Vlaming et al., 2001), especially in
(Sanchez, 2002). Several reasons for the declining soil sub-Saharan Africa where it is becoming increasingly
fertility have been advanced and include; continuous difficult to satisfy short term production needs and long
cropping with little or no replenishment of nutrients term sustainability demands concurrently (de Jager et al.,
removed through either crop harvests or other losses such 1998).
as leaching and likely soil degradation (Kibunja et al., Farm productivity can be measured by quantifying
2007). In Kenya, poor soil fertility is the most widespread, nutrient balances (Segala et al., 2010), which are useful
dominant limitation on maize yields, a major staple and indicators in assessing the sustainability of farming
food security crop (Mugwe et al., 2009; Henao and systems (de Jager et al., 1998). NUTMON (now known as
Baanante, 2006; KARI, 2002). MonQi), a nutrient monitoring tool, has been applied to
The smallholder farmers of Kabete sub-County are study ecological sustainability of various nutrient
prone to and experience decline in soil fertility and crop management strategies in different environments (Priess
productivity (Kibunja and Mugendi 2010). This is because, et al., 2001; Onwonga et al., 2015). The current study
majority of the smallholder farmers lack financial evaluated the effects of integrating dolichos with combined
resources to access sufficient amount of chemical application of inorganic and organic fertilizers on soil
fertilizers to replace soil nutrients removed through nutrient status and balances, as a basis for determining
harvested crop products and crop residues (Jama et al., system ecological sustainability, and maize yields in
2000). Additionally, mineral fertilizers use has also faced Kabete, sub- County, Kenya.
important limitations due to highly variable nature of soils
and inherent low nutrient conversion efficiency (AGRA, Materials and Methods
On the other hand, organic fertilizer, although mostly Site Description
available, is of low quality due to poor quality livestock
feeds (Lekasi et al., 1998; Lukuyu et al. 2011)). Adoption The field experiment was conducted at Kabete field station
of improved and sustainable technologies that are within of the University of Nairobi, located about 10 km north of
the farmer’s socio-economic circumstances, to enhance Nairobi, during the short rain season (SRS) of 2015/2016
soil fertility and thereby food productivity and security and long rain seasons (LRS) of 2015. The field station
(Landers, 2007; Goletti and Yudelman, 2000) without (1940 m asl), is located at latitude 1° 15’ S and longitude
causing damage to the environment (Topliantz et al., 36° 41’ E and is categorized under agro-ecological zone III
2005) is imperative. Such technologies include integrated (Sombreak et al., 1982). The climate is typically sub humid
soil fertility management practices (ISFM), which involves with minimum and maximum mean temperatures of
intercropping cereals with legumes as one of its main 13.7°C and 24.3°C, respectively. The site has a bimodal
components (Sanginga and Woomer, 2009). This practice rainfall distribution (mid-March to May, long rains and
is an attractive strategy for increasing productivity and October to December, short rains). The average annual
land labour utilization per unit area of available land precipitation is 1000 mm (Jaetzold et al., 2006). Soils at
through intensification of land use in small holder farms the research site are predominantly deep red Humic
(Seran and Brintha, 2010). Nitisols containing 60-80% clay (WRB, 2006). The
Furthermore, intercropping cereals with legumes has measured initial soil characteristics (0-20 cm depth),
huge capacity to replenish soil mineral nitrogen through its (Table 1) indicated; clay texture, moderate acidity,
ability to biologically fix atmospheric nitrogen (Giller, 2001) moderate organic carbon, moderate nitrogen, high
and not compete with maize for nitrogen resources (Adu- potassium and low available P levels according to Landon
Gyamfi et al., 2007 and Vesterager et al. (2008). (1991) soil nutrient classification method.

Table 1: Initial physical and chemical soil properties at experimental site (0-20 cm depth)

Soil property Units Value Soil Property Units Value

Soil pH (H20) - 6.1 Ca CmolKg 8.22
Soil pH (CaCl2) - 5.7 Mg CmolKg 1.6
Available P Mg Kg 11 % Sand % 6
Total N % 0.28 % Silt % 28
Organic C % 1.96 % Clay % 62
Potassium CmolKg 1.07 Textural Class - Clay

Treatments and Experimental design superphosphate (TSP) and urea; (iii) integrated organic
and organic fertilizer (FYM+TSP+Urea) and (iv) no
The treatments used in the study were inorganic and fertilizer applied (control).
organic fertilizers applied singly or in combination, and
dolichos incorporated as an intercrop or grown in rotation Agronomic practices
with maize. The experimental set up was a Randomized
Complete Block Design with a split-plot arrangement Land was prepared manually using hand hoes followed by
replicated three times. The main plots were; cropping secondary cultivation which involved leveling. Planting
systems i.e. incorporation of dolichos (i) as an intercrop was done by placing seeds directly into the planting hole.
(dolichos /maize intercrop) and (ii) in rotation with maize Two maize (Duma 43 variety) seeds were planted per hill,
(dolichos-maize rotation). Sole maize, without dolichos at a depth of about 5cm and spacing of 75 cm by 30cm in
integration, was included as control. The sub-plots were respective plots (Table 2).
fertilizer types: (i) farmyard manure (FYM); (ii) triple

Table 2: Treatments and crop sequence during the LRS and SRS of 2015/2016

Cropping System Treatments Description Fertilizers Crop/Season

Monocrop/Sole maize 1 Maize Monocrop Control Maize Maize
2 Maize Monocrop FYM Maize Maize
3 Maize Monocrop TSP+FYM+Urea Maize Maize
4 Maize Monocrop TSP+Urea Maize Maize
In rotation 5 Lablab-Maize Control Lablab Maize
6 Lablab-Maize FYM Lablab Maize
7 Lablab-Maize TSP+FYM+Urea Lablab Maize
8 Lablab-Maize TSP+Urea Lablab Maize
As an intercropping 9 Lablab/Maize Control Lablab/Maize Lablab/Maize
10 Lablab/Maize FYM Lablab/Maize Lablab/Maize
11 Lablab/Maize TSP+FYM+Urea Lablab/Maize Lablab/Maize
12 Lablab/Maize TSP+Urea Lablab/Maize Lablab/Maize
Key: FYM – Farm Yard Manure; TSP – Triple Superphosphate; Control – no fertilizer; LRS – Long Rain Season; SRS – Short Rain
Farm yard manure (10 t ha ), applied in planting holes a Soil, Plant sampling and analysis
week to planting, TSP and Urea (each applied at 60 kg ha
) were placed in the planting holes (banding) at about 5 Soil sampling and analysis
cm deep, and mixed well with soil before planting, in both
the LRS and SRS. In rotation system, two seeds of Composite top soil (0-20cm) samples were collected in a
dolichos, black variety, were planted at a depth of about 5 zigzag manner before set up of the experiment, for
cm and spacing of 75 cm by 30 cm. In the intercrop, determination of initial physical and chemical properties
dolichos was planted between maize rows at the same (Table 1). Subsequent, composite samples were collected
inter-plant spacing as in dolichos pure stands, at the start from each plot at crop harvest for determination of Total N,
of the LRS of 2015 and SRS of 2015/16. Sole dolichos available P and extractable K, and quantification of N, P
was planted, at spacing of 75 cm by 30 cm, during LRS and K flows and balances. The samples were collected
and rotated with maize in the SRS. Thinning to one between the plants within a row in every plot, using a 5cm
seedling per hill was done four weeks after planting for all diameter soil auger. The soil samples were kept in
crops. Weeding was done by hand hoeing, three weeks polythene sampling bags, sealed and transported to
after crop germination and at flowering. laboratory in portable cool boxes. Air-dried soil, sieved
through 2 mm mesh was analyzed for soil available P
using the Mehlich III Double Acid method (Mehlich et al.,
1984), total N by Kjeldahl digestion method (Black, 1965;
Anderson and Ingram, 1993), exchangeable K by Flame P and K) flows and balances (Vlaming et al., 2001). The
Emission Spectrophotometry (Jonca and Lewandoski, toolbox has within it a structured questionnaire, a
2004) and texture using hydrometer method (Black et al., database and a simple static model. Data entry and
1965). Undisturbed core samples were used in bulk extraction is possible from the database through a user
density determination (Blake 1965). Soil organic carbon interface to produce inputs for the model. A detailed
was determined using Walkley-Black wet oxidation description of the model is provided in the NUTMON
method (Nelson and Sommers, 1982). manual (Vlaming et al. (2001); Surendran and
Murugappan, (2006) and also on website.
Plant sampling and analysis and yield determination
Farm Conceptualization
Grain (adjusted to 13% moisture content) and dry matter
yield (70 ⁰C) were determined at crop physiological In NUTMON, farms are conceptualized as a set of
maturity, from three center rows of each plot. Grain yield dynamic units depending on management, which form the
was determined by weighing seeds from the sampled source and destination of nutrient flows. Consequently,
plants per plot and converting the yield to kg ha . For dry the following units relevant to the study were defined:
matter measurement, plant stems were cut immediately Farm Section Unit (FSU), these are areas within the farms
above ground and weighed to determine fresh weight. with relatively homogenous properties; Primary Production
Sub-samples were taken to the laboratory and oven dried Unit (PPU)/crop activities, formed the piece of land with
at 70 °C for 48 hours and thereafter weighed for DM different possible activities such as one or more crops
determination. which are either annual or perennial. These units are
located within FSUs; Stock, the amount of staple crops,
The grain and DM yields were expressed on hectare basis residues and fertilizers temporarily stored for later use;
using the following formula: Outside (EXT): external nutrient pool consisting of markets
(de jager et al., 1998).
Grain yield (kg/ha) = Grain yield m (kg) x 10000. The study assessed the nutrient balances at primary
production unit. The method used was adjusted to enable
The dried plant samples were finely ground and 5 grams generation of output within an experimental area.
used analysis of N and P concentration using the methods Consequently, the blocks/replicates were the equivalent of
described by Okalebo et al. (2002). K was measured by the FSU, the primary production units (PPUs) were the
Flame Emission Spectrophotometry (Jońca and plots comprising of the 12 treatments (Table 2). In line
Lewandoski, 2004). with de Jager et al. (1998), the modified concept upheld
nutrient inputs (Table 3) through mineral fertilizer (IN 1)
Quantification of Nutrient Balances but omitted that through subsoil exploitation (IN 6)
because of the shallow to moderate rooting depths (0-
The NUTmon MONitoring (NUTMON) Tool box (now 20cm) of the crops involved.
known as MonQi) was used in quantification of nutrient (N,

Table 3: Sources of nutrient flows into and out of the farm

IN flows OUT flows Internal flows

IN1 Inorganic fertilizers OUT1 Harvested products FL1 Feeds
IN2a Organic inputs: purchased manure and OUT2 Crop residues and manure FL2 Household waste

IN2b Organic inputs: manure from grazing OUT3 Leaching FL3 Crop residues
outside the farm

IN3 Atmospheric deposition OUT4 Gaseous losses FL4 Grazing of vegetation

IN4 N-fixation OUT5 Erosion FL5 Animal manure
IN5 Sedimentation OUT6 Human excreta FL6 Farm products to household
Source: De Jager et al. (1998)

Fertilizers (IN1 - TSP/Urea and IN 2a - FYM), (IN 3), calculated at the end of the experimental period through
atmospheric deposition and (IN 4) biological nitrogen independent assessment of the major inputs and outputs.
fixation were identified as nutrient flows into PPU. Nutrient Harvested crop products were analyzed for N, P and K
output flows were identified as crop harvest (OUT 1), content as a basis of quantifying the respective nutrient
leaching (OUT 3), volatilization (OUT 4) and soil erosion amounts contained in the harvested products.
(OUT 5). Flows and balances of N, P and K were

Calculation of Partial and Full nutrient balances balances for the various PPUs were generated by
NUTMON-toolbox and then exported to GenStat 15th
To distinguish between primary data and estimates, two Edition, 2012 for further analysis. The effects of cropping
different balances were calculated in NUTMON: the partial systems and application of fertilizers on soil nutrient
balance at farm level (IN1 + IN2) - (OUT1 + OUT2) made balances were compared by analysis of variance
up solely of primary data and the full balance (ALL IN - (ANOVA) and separated using the Fisher’s Protected
ALL OUT) made up of a combination of the partial balance Least Significant Differences P ≤ 0.05.
and the immissions (atmospheric deposition and nitrogen
fixation) and emissions (leaching, gaseous losses, erosion Results and Discussions
losses) from and to the environment (Vlaming et al.,
2001). In this study, particular interest was on how Soil Nutrient Concentrations as affected by use of
cropping systems and application of fertilizers affect the dolichos and fertilizers
full balances of major nutrients, N, P and K in soil after
harvest. Calculation of nutrient balances therefore Available Phosphorus
involves a number of methods: Product flows for N, P and
K (IN 1 and IN2 and OUT1 and OUT 2) (obtained from During the SRS, significantly (P≤0.05) high soil available P
experimental records and through sampling and analysis was obtained in sole maize with FYM, TSP/Urea and
crop products) and use of transfer functions (IN3, IN4 and TSP+FYM+Urea application. This was however not
IN 5, and OUT 3, OUT4, OUT5 and OUT6) (van den significantly different from dolichos-maize rotation, with
Bosch et al., 1998). NUTMON-toolbox calculated nutrient FYM, TSP+FYM+Urea and TSP/ Urea application and
balances by subtracting sum of nutrient outputs from sum dolichos/maize intercrop with FYM and TSP+FYM+Urea
of nutrient inputs and presents then in Kg ha (van den application in the SRS. The control treatment had
Bosch et al., 1998). significantly lower amounts of available P than other
treatments, with no significant differences across cropping
Statistical Analysis systems. During the LRS, the P values were not
The data recorded on soil nutrients and yields was significantly different across cropping systems and
subjected to statistical analysis of variance using GenStat fertilizer type (Table 4).
statistical software (Payne et al., 2006). N, P, and K

Table 4: Effect of dolichos incorporation and fertilizer application on available P (ppm)

Season Treatment Dolichos-Maize Maize/dolichos Maize

a a a
LRS CONTROL 11.4 11.0 11.0
abcde abcdef abcde
FYM 17.1 19.6 17.2
ab abcde abc
TSP/FYM/UREA 13.3 16.5 14.6
abc abcd abcd
TSP/UREA 15.4 16.1 16.0
a a
Mean 14.3a 15.8 14.7
abc abcde abc
SRS CONTROL 15.5 16.8 15.1
bcdef cdef bcdef
FYM 26.9 28.5 26.1
def bcdef f
TSP/FYM/UREA 29.6 26.1 31.1
cdef b ef
TSP/UREA 28.6 27.2 29.4
b b b
Mean 24.3 24.7 25.4
Lsd 0.05: Dolichos incorporation*Fertilizers = 8.16; Season*Dolichos incorporation*Fertilizers =11.54
Note. Means within a row followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P ≤0.05. LRS – Long Rain Season, SRS – Short
Rain Season

The significantly high soil available P with FYM and phosphate and thus improves the available P content in
TSP+FYM+Urea application compared to other treatments soil (Zsolnay and Gorlitz 1994). Higher P losses in rotation
across cropping systems in the SRS could be attributed to and intercrop involving dolichos could partly be attributed
FYM decomposition and subsequent release of nutrients to higher uptake of P by legume crops that is essential for
in addition to mineralization of crop residues, from the BNF process and root development (Cassman et al.,
LRS, resulting from high plant biomass produced following 1981). Increased crop yields under legume rotation and
FYM application. intercrop could have equally played a part in increased
The incorporation of manure has been shown to mining of P (Onwonga et al., 2008a).
increase the amount of soluble organic matter which are Similarly, Kouyate et al. (2012) observed higher soil P
mainly organic acids that increase the rate of desorption of under monocropped sorghum compared to rotation with
legumes attributing it to export of P to grains. They further
noted that P losses from soil increase with increasing Significantly (P ≤ 0.05) high soil total N levels were
grain yields due to most of the P being transported to the obtained in maize/dolichos intercrop with application of
grain (Cassman et al., 1981). Furthermore, it has been FYM having no significant difference with TSP+FYM+Urea
demonstrated that legumes can increase uptake of P for and TSP+Urea application in the SRS. The control
the companion crop when intercropped or rotated (Li et treatment had significantly lower (P<0.05) levels of N
al., 2004). Legumes particularly dolichos, has shown to across cropping systems in the LRS and SRS. Similarly,
increase the uptake of P for the subsequent crop in high N levels were observed in intercrop with
rotation or the associated crop in intercropping systems TSP+FYM+Urea application with no significant difference
Nuruzzaman and Veneklaas (2005). with FYM application in the LRS (Table 5). Significantly
Maize/dolichos intercrop however resulted in (P<0.05) high soil N was obtained with FYM and
significantly (P≤0.05) higher soil P with FYM application TSP+FYM+Urea application across cropping systems in
compared to monocrop and rotation in both seasons. This the SRS. This could be attributed to direct addition of N to
was probably due to the mineralization of FYM. In soil as FYM and TSP+FYM+Urea mineralized as well as
addition, the higher dolichos biomass produced in addition crop residue addition. Higher soil organic matter due to
to better litter quality may also have been contributory addition of FYM has shown to closely correlate with the
factors to increased P levels. Ayoub (1986) reported amount of N in the soil (Kapkiyai et al., 1999). Adekayode
mineralization of crop residues that had been returned to and Ogunkoya (2011) observed higher N content in plots
soil. Higher P under legumes has also been reported by treated with FYM attributing this to direct input of N and
Bagayoko et al. (2000) and Li et al. (2008). High P levels ability of manure to make N available for a long time due
(P<0.05) obtained in the SRS compared with LRS can be to slower release of N. Increased N in the soil due to
explained by the residual effects of FYM due to slow application of organic residues has been reported by
decomposition rate and release of nutrients to the soil. Mbah and Nneji (2010) in Nigeria. Mutegi et al. (2012)
According to Rowell et al. (1994) and Lydie-Stella et al. also reported an increase in N as a result of organic
(2013), the rapid adsorption of P onto soil particle surfaces residue incorporation in a study conducted in Meru south,
is followed by a slower conversion into less available Kenya.
forms including mineral phosphates. The P in FYM is Higher N levels obtained in intercrop with FYM
therefore available in the LRS after application but application compared to monocrop and rotation could be
remains over long periods of time hence their residual attributed to higher fixation of nitrogen in addition to high
effects. These findings agree with those of Tognetti et al. litter quality of incorporated dolichos. Ayoub (1986) had
(2008) who reported an increase in available P in soil with also observed higher rates of nitrogen release through
application of compost in a study conducted in Argentina. biological fixing and decomposition under dolichos based
Similar findings were also reported by Guo and Sims, cropping systems. It has also been reported that
(2002) in a study conducted in New Zealand which intercropping with dolichos compared to rotation may
reported an increase in P by more than 60% with litter result in increased amount of nitrogen fixed by legumes as
application. the companion non-fixing crop utilizes excess nitrates in
the root zone which would otherwise retard N fixation if
Total Nitrogen they accumulate (Li et al., 2003).

Table 5: Effect of dolichos incorporation and fertilizer application on total N (%)

Season Treatment Dolichos-Maize Maize/dolichos Maize

a a a
LRS CONTROL 0.21 0.19 0.19
bc bcd bc
FYM 0.29 0.29 0.27
bc bc bc
TSP/FYM/UREA 0.27 0.30 0.29
bc bc bc
TSP/UREA 0.29 0.27 0.28
ab ab ab
Mean 0.27 0.27 0.27
a a a
SRS CONTROL 0.19 0.19 0.19
bc c bc
FYM 0.29 0.34 0.29
b bc bc
TSP/FYM/UREA 0.26 0.28 0.28
bc bc bc
TSP/UREA 0.28 0.31 0.28
a b a
Mean 0.26 0.29 0.26
Lsd 0.05: Dolichos incorporation*Fertilizers = 0.03
Note. Within rows means followed by the same letters are not significantly different at P ≤0.05. LRS – Long Rain Season, SRS – Short
Rain Season

A significant amount of N can be added to soil through subsequent crops (Wortmann et al., 2000). The control
BNF which is then made available to the same crop or treatment had significantly lower (P<0.05) levels of N

across cropping systems. This could be due to the fact increased significantly in maize/dolichos with FYM
that nothing was added to the soil and hence N uptake by application across the LRS and SRS. This could be
maize for its growth and development was limited to soil attributed to the slow buildup of organic matter due to
reserves. Besides there was no legume crop in this incorporation of residues and FYM which lead to an
treatment that could supply N through biological nitrogen increase in soil K (Gikonyo and Smithson 2003). Kapkiyai
fixation. et al. (1999) had also shown a closer link between amount
of soil organic matter and the quantity of available K.
Available Potassium similarly, Kihanda (1996) and Hunter et al. (1997) reported
increase in potassium due to farmyard manure
Significantly (P<0.05) higher amount of K were observed application.
in intercrop with FYM application as compared to Such increase in potassium could be explained by the
monocrop in the LRS. However, there were no significant fact that manure contains high and readily decomposable
differences in K levels in crop rotation with FYM potassium (Gachengo, 1996; Hunter et al., 1997; Jama et
application. The control treatment had low K levels across al., 2000). Kaur and Benipal (2006) also reported
monocrop, crop rotation and intercrop in the LRS (Table increased concentration of K in the soil with application of
6). The same trend was observed during SRS where high farm yard manure. According to Paradelo et al. (2012)
K levels were obtained with FYM application in application of compost increased K concentration in the
maize/dolichos intercrop. soil from 150-200 mg/kg which was a 50% increase.
Soil K increased as compared to the initial values
(Table 1) across treatments and seasons. The K

Table 6: Effect of dolichos incorporation and fertilizer application on available K (cmolkg )

Season Treatment Dolichos-Maize Maize/dolichos Maize

abcde abcde ab
LRS CONTROL 1.14 1.17 1.07
fg f f
FYM 1.71 1.83 1.62
f f f
TSP/FYM/UREA 1.64 1.57 1.64
f fg f
TSP/UREA 1.60 1.68 1.55
bc c b
Mean 1.52 1.57 1.47
ab abc a
SRS CONTROL 1.08 1.10 1.01
cde e b
FYM 1.27 1.32 1.28
cde de b
TSP/FYM/UREA 1.27 1.29 1.28
e bcde b
TSP/UREA 1.32 1.23 1.25
a a a
Mean 1.24 1.23 1.19
Lsd 0.05: Dolichos incorporation*Fertilizers =9; Season*Dolichos incorporation*Fertilizers = 0.12
Note. Within rows means followed by the same letters are not significantly different at P ≤ 0.05. LRS – Long Rain Season, SRS – Short
Rain Season

Maize/dolichos had significantly (P<0.05) higher K with Nutrient Balances as affected by dolichos integration and
FYM and TSP+FYM+Urea application compared to sole fertilizer application
maize in both seasons. This could be attributed to higher
biomass production from dolichos which ensured more K Nitrogen Balance: Averaged across the two seasons,
release upon decomposition. Dolichos-maize and sole significantly (P ≤ 0.05) less negative N balances were
maize did not increase soil K in the SRS. Bagayoko et al. obtained in (Table 7) maize/dolichos intercrop (FYM),
(1996) showed that sole cropping, intercropping and maize/dolichos intercrop (control), dolichos-maize rotation
rotation of millet and cowpea led to a decline in K levels. (FYM), dolichos-maize rotation (control), sole maize
Murugappan et al. (1999) similarly reported that crops (control) and sole maize (TSP + Urea). More negative (i.e.
tend to have luxury consumption of K, which could lead to high losses) N balances were noted in intercropping and
decline in soil K. Soil K significantly reduced during SRS dolichos-maize rotation with application of TSP+Urea and
compared with LRS. This could be as a result of soil K TSP+FYM+Urea. Negative N balances across all
losses due to nutrient mining from the harvested products. treatments could be attributed to nutrient removal in
These losses are more pronounced especially when the harvested products obtained from the grain yields. Fatima
biomass is removed as most losses of K occur through et al. (2008) noted that nutrient removal of above ground
removal of above-ground biomass (Smaling, 1993) that plant parts through harvesting has implications on residual
led to less marked increase in soil organic matter hence K effect of legumes on N balance in soil.
decline. Additionally, negative N balances in the maize
monocrop with TSP+FYM+Urea and FYM are attributable
to the cereal’s inability to fix N on its own and other
processes such as leaching, erosion and N nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), as nutrients are held by the
immobilization. Ndufa (2001) also noted low levels of soil microbial biomass which in turn plays an important role in
N in continuously cropped maize even after residue facilitating nutrient loss from soils in some situations
incorporation in soil. There is also good evidence that (Turner & Haygarth, 2001).
adding organic matter and fertilizers together improves

-1 -1
Table 7: Effect of Dolichos incorporation and Fertilizers application on N (Kg ha yr ) balances
-1 -1
Cropping System Fertilizers N balance (Kg ha yr )
Sole maize Maize (M) CTRL -6.81
FYM -14.53
TSP+UREA -11.41
Dolichos-Maize CTRL -9.41
FYM -11.07
TSP+UREA -14.01
Maize/dolichos CTRL -10.73
FYM -9.14
TSP+UREA -20.13
Lsd 0.05: Dolichos incorporation*Fertilizers 2.96

Key: CTRL = Control; TSP = Triple superphosphate; FYM =Farmyard Manure. Means in a column followed by the same letter(s) are not
significantly different at P≤0.05 according to Fisher's Protected Least significant Difference Test

Additionally, this could be due to nutrient supplied by attributed to supply of N through biological nitrogen
TSP+FYM+Urea leading to high N levels being lost fixation (BNF) by dolichos and decomposition of its
through leaching and gaseous loss. The N release from incorporated residues. The ability of legumes to fix N
TSP+Urea fertilizer is readily available for crop uptake and symbiotically has been previously observed by Baldwin
hence its effects may not be long lasting. It has also been and Creamer (2014). In a study on effect of organic based
observed that some ammonia-N may be lost through nutrient strategies on nutrient availability, a higher N
volatization thus reducing the content of N that could be content was observed following lablab and was partly
supplied from Urea compared to FYM. Gachimbi et al. attributed to its deep root systems that captured nitrate
(2005) reported that most of the losses of N from soil from the subsoil (Lelei et al., 2009).
could mainly be as a result of factors which are difficult to Phosphorus Balances: Significantly (P ≤ 0.05) less
control such as erosion, leaching and vitalization. negative P balances were obtained in crop rotation system
Similarly, Kroeze et al. (2003) attributed negative nitrogen with the application of FYM compared to intercrop and
balance to the high outflow of nitrogen through harvested monocrop. The intercrop system with TSP+Urea
products and leaching. Similar results were reported by application obtained higher negative P balances
Ehabe et al. (2010) and Kanmegne et al. (2006) in the compared to FYM+TSP+Urea and FYM. The maize-
Southern part of Cameroon on perennial and annual dolichos rotation with control treatment had significantly (P
crops. ≤ 0.05) more negative P balances compared to monocrop
Less negative N balances obtained in rotation and and intercrop (Table 8).
intercrop with application of FYM and Control could be

-1 -1
Table 8: Effect of Dolichos incorporation and Fertilizers application on P (Kg ha yr ) balances
-1 -1
Dolichos incorporation method Fertilizers P balance (Kg ha yr )
Sole Maize (M) CTRL -1.33
FYM -1.93
TSP+UREA -1.43
Dolichos-Maize CTRL -2.31
FYM -0.37
TSP+UREA -0.49
Maize/dolichos CTRL -1.97
FYM -1.53
TSP+UREA -2.41
Lsd 0.05: Dolichos incorporation*Fertilizers 0.375
Key: CTRL = Control; TSP = Triple superphosphate; FYM =Farmyard Manure. Means in a column followed by the same letter(s) are not
significantly different at P≤0.05 according to Fisher's Protected Least significant Difference Test.

Higher negative P balances were realized even with Mpairwe et al. (2002); Onwonga et al. (2008a) had also
addition of P through TSP+FYM+Urea and TSP+Urea in noted an increase in biomass production due to
intercrop (Table 8). The additional supply of P from TSP application of manure and that the main contributing factor
could have contributed to increased root development was the uptake of P which was removed at harvest.
hence better P uptake and plant growth eventually Higher levels of soil P under FYM could similarly be as a
resulting to more negative P balances due to its result of direct input of P into the soil through
subsequent removal in harvested products. Grant et al. decomposition of manure. Eghball and Power (1999)
(2001) noted that plants required adequate P from the reported that application of FYM could improve P status of
very early stages of growth for optimum crop production soil.
and hence high soil P uptake from the soil. Nuruzzaman et
al. (2005) also documented that the presence of a legume Potassium Balances: Averaged across the two
in a cropping system often increases P uptake for the seasons, less K negative balances were realized in FYM
subsequent crop in rotation or companion crop in an across cropping systems as compared to TSP+FYM+Urea
intercropping system. Onwonga et al. (2015) also noted and TSP+Urea. Higher negative K balances were
that legumes had significantly higher yields and attributed obtained in intercrop with control treatment having no
the same to their efficiency in P acquisition from soils significant difference in crop rotation and monocrop. There
resulting to P mining from the harvested products. were pronounced negative K balances in intercrop with
Integration of lablab into the cropping systems resulted application of TSP+Urea compared to monocrop and crop
in higher P balances compared to sole maize cropping rotation (Table 9). Negative K balances with addition of
system. Decline in soil P could be as a result of higher TSP+FYM+Urea across all cropping systems is indicative
biomass productivity due to increased P uptake from and of the fact that nutrient inputs were more than outputs
inclusion of legume. Veneklaas (2007) and Pearse (2006) through harvested products and other nutrient loss
revealed that more P was lost through crop uptake under pathways. Increased K losses through biomass have also
dolichos based cropping system and this could be been reported by Smalling (1993) who found that most K
attributed to efficiency of P acquisition by the legume. losses occurred due to export of harvested residue. This
Dolichos-maize rotation with TSP+FYM+Urea application also confirms observation by Murugappan et al. (1999)
resulted in significantly (p ≤ 0.05) more negative P that mining of soil K always occurred regardless of
balances (Table 8). This was due to higher P input whether K is added or not due to luxury consumption of K
through FYM as well as higher biomass production, which by most crops.
may have led to more P release upon decomposition.

-1 -1
Table 9: Effect of Dolichos incorporation and Fertilizers application on K (Kg ha yr ) balances
-1 -1
Dolichos incorporation method Fertilizers K balance (Kg ha yr )
Sole Maize (M) CTRL -1.93
FYM -0.41
TSP+UREA -4.53
Dolichos-Maize CTRL -2.67
FYM -0.21
TSP+UREA -4.93
Maize/dolichos CTRL -3.01
FYM -1.13
TSP+UREA -6.67
Lsd 0.05: Dolichos incorporation*Fertilizers 0.944
Key: CTRL = Control; TSP = Triple superphosphate; FYM =Farmyard Manure. Means in a column followed by the same letter(s) are not
significantly different at P≤0.05 according to Fisher's Protected Least significant Difference Test.

Higher negative K balances in intercrop with TSP+Urea to greater depths, which is influenced by the production
application were due to readily available nutrients supplied system.
that enhanced biomass production and subsequent
removal in harvested products. Onwonga et al. (2008b) Maize Grain and Dry Matter Yields
noted that in legume rotations, increase in yield
corresponded to K acquisition hence its decline in soil. Maize grain yield: Significantly (P≤0.05) higher maize
This is also in agreement with Fermont et al. (2007) who grain yields were obtained in dolichos/maize intercrop
found that intercropping systems increased nutrient losses system with application of TSP+FYM+Urea and
due to harvest of combined products at the same time. TSP+Urea as compared to monocrop in the LRS. The
Potassium losses from soil commonly occur via leaching yields were however not significantly different with FYM
application for intercrop and monocrop (Fig. 1).

Grain yields (t ha-1)

Cropping systems and Seasons


Key: IC - intercrop (Dolichos/Maize), MC - Monocrop (sole maize), CR - Crop rotation (Dolichos –maize), LRS – Long Rain Season,
SRS – Short Rain Season

Fig 1: Effect of cropping systems and fertilizer application on Maize grain yields (t/ha).
During the SRS, significantly (P≤0.05) higher maize grain (Murwira et al. 2002). Ibewiro et al. (1997) assessed
yields were obtained in the dolichos/maize intercrop with nitrogen contribution by legume roots to succeeding maize
application of FYM and TSP+FYM+Urea. The grain yields crops in Ibadan, Nigeria and showed that the root biomass
were however not significantly different in crop rotation of velvet bean and Lablab purpureus (L.) sweet variety
and monocrop with FYM, TSP+FYM+Urea and TSP+Urea increased maize yields. Higher grain yields obtained in
application (Table 10). The highest grain yield was intercrop with TSP+FYM+Urea during SRS was not
recorded in the plots with TSP+FYM+Urea while the significantly different from FYM application. Maize yield,
lowest in the control treatment. The maximum grain yield across cropping systems, following combined inorganic
attained by the interaction of the combined fertilizers might and organic fertilizers and with sole inorganic fertilizer
be due to the synergistic effects of nutrients supplied. application were comparable. This is because of the faster
Bayu et al. (2006) and Makinde and Ayoola (2010) stated nutrient release from inorganic fertilizer and maize, being
that high and sustainable crop yields are only possible an aggressive feeder, was able to utilize it for its growth.
with combined use of inorganic and organic fertilizers than Murwira and Kirchmann (1993) have observed that
yields from sole organic fertilizer application. Tadesse et nutrient use efficiency of a crop is increased through a
al. (2013) also noted that applying FYM at 15 t/ha with 120 combined application of organic manure and mineral
-1 -1
kg N ha and 100 Kg P ha responded the maximum fertilizer.
grain yield which increased by123.0% compared to the Tejada et al. (2006) reported that manure is a good
control. Similarly, Bhandari et al. (2002); Ladha et al. fertilizer on soil that supplies P and N to produce high
(2003); Regmi et al. (2002) similarly observed that yields. This is attributed to manure’s slow release of plant
continued use of mineral fertilizers alone results in lower nutrients especially N and P. High grain yields were
grain yields, while the use of organic fertilizer combined obtained in the SRS compared to the LRS across all
with appropriate mineral fertilization helps to maintain high cropping systems with FYM application. This may be
yields. attributed to the ability of farmyard manure to provide plant
Significantly (P<0.05) higher maize yields were nutrients and increase nutrient holding capacity of soil, as
obtained in maize/dolichos intercrop with application of well as water holding capacity and infiltration rates (Gateri,
TSP+FYM+Urea and FYM compared to sole maize with Muriuki, & Kanyanjua, 2006; Fening et al., 2005). This
application of TSP+FYM+Urea during LRS. This could be could be explained in terms of the elevated available
due to inclusion of dolichos into the maize system that nutrients in soil due to residual effect and slower
potentially fixed N and thence available for maize uptake decomposition of FYM application which caused longer
leading to enhanced grain yield. Cheruiyot et al. (2003) in lasting effects on soil properties (Brady & Weil, 1996) and
a study on the effect of legume managed fallows (common its subsequent uptake by maize (Buresh et al., 1997).
beans and lablab) on soil N reported that among the Maize Dry Matter Yields: Higher dry matter yields (DM)
legume species, lablab showed outstanding positive effect were obtained in monocrop with application of FYM and
on succeeding maize yield, this could be attributed to TSP+Urea compared to intercrop. There were no
improved nutrient synchronization. Li Yang et al. (1999) significant (P<0.05) differences in monocrop and intercrop
reported that if a legume is integrated with another crop with application TSP+FYM+Urea in the LRS. Similarly,
commonly a cereal, the N nutrition of the associated crop there were no significant differences under intercrop
may be improved by the direct N transfer from the legume across all fertilizer treatments during the LRS. Higher dry
to the cereal. The legume uses fixed atmospheric N which matter yields were obtained in crop rotation with
can be exploited by the companion crop (Stern 1993). application of TSP+FYM+Urea and FYM compared to
Higher yields obtained in intercrop with TSP+FYM+Urea intercrop and monocrop in the SRS.
and TSP+Urea application can be attributed to the readily The DM yield were however not significantly different in
available nutrients released by the applied fertilizers monocrop and intercrop with FYM, TSP+FYM+Urea and
translating to higher maize grain yields. Studies by TSP+Urea application. Maize dry matter yield was
Murwira and Kirchmann (1993) showed that synchrony significantly (P<0.05) high following TSP+FYM+Urea and
between N release and crop uptake was best achieved by FYM application for intercrop during the SRS compared
applying combinations of manure and mineral N. This is with LRS. Higher biomass production during SRS could be
evident in Zimbabwe where Supplementation of 5 t ha due to improvement in soil productivity as a result of
with 40 kg N ha (inorganic fertilizer) resulted in a maintenance of soil organic matter levels and residual
statistically higher yield than sole manure treatment effects of TSP+FYM+Urea and FYM treatments.


Dry matter yields (t/ha)

Cropping Sytems and Seasons


Key: IC - intercrop (Dolichos/Maize), MC - monocrop (sole maize), CR - Crop rotation (Dolichos –maize), LRS – Long Rain Season,
SRS – Short Rain Season

Fig. 2: Effect of cropping systems and fertilizer application on dry matter yields (t/ha)

There was a general reduction in dry matter yields in

control plots compared to TSP+FYM+Urea and FYM Conclusions
application where it showed consistent increment of dry
matter yields. The most probable explanation for this Soil N, P and K were consistently high in maize/dolichos
event is that FYM application improved structure and intercrop with the application of FYM and TSP+FYM+Urea
water holding capacity of soils which in turn promoted the in SRS. Negative N, P and K balances were pronounced
vegetative growth of a plant together with nutrient uptake in maize/dolichos intercrop and dolichos-maize rotation
translating to increased dry matter yields. Similar results with application of FYM and TSP+FYM+Urea. Significantly
were reported by Cassman et al. (2003) and Gupta (2004) (P<0.05) higher K losses were observed across cropping
in which the average dry matter maize yield for combined systems; dolichos/maize intercrop, dolichos-maize rotation
mineral and organic fertilizers application had a yield and monocrop with TSP+Urea application. Significantly
increment of 25 to 75% and 6 to 68% over the control (P≤0.05) high dry matter yields were obtained in dolichos-
treatments, respectively. Similar results were reported by maize rotation with FYM application and higher grain
Nyongesa et al. (2009) in Nandi district, Kenya who maize yields were realized in intercrop with application of
observed that organic residues application increased grain FYM and TSP+FYM+Urea in SRS as compared to the
yield and stover in maize. Chung et al. (2000) have shown LRS. It is obvious that improved soil nutrient status and
that application of organic manures with an adequate balances in maize/dolichos intercrop with the application
amount of chemical N fertilizer gave higher dry matter of FYM and TSP+FYM+Urea led into increased maize
yield of maize. yields. With the increase in yields, significant nutrient
Kibunja et al. (2010) reported that total dry matter of losses were realized and were pronounced in the intercrop
maize was higher in treatment combinations of inorganic system compared to the rotation system. Adoption of the
and organic fertilizers than mineral fertilizers alone. High N best performing technology, maize/dolichos intercrop with
-1 -1
fertilizer application could improve the growth and above combined application of 5 t ha FYM and 60 kg ha
ground biomass production of maize crop as maize is the TSP+Urea, ought therefore to be tapered (in the short run)
heavy feeder of N. The integration of legumes potentially with prudent nutrient management strategies for system
enhanced the yields of the following maize crop, an effect sustainability.
which can largely be attributed to the increase in plant
available nitrogen in the soil for uptake by the same crop
and the following crops (Herridge and Ladha, 1995).
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