Copper and Copper Alloy Clad Steel Plate: Standard Specification For
Copper and Copper Alloy Clad Steel Plate: Standard Specification For
Copper and Copper Alloy Clad Steel Plate: Standard Specification For
B 432 – 04
thick, and require that the cladding and/or base be machined chemical composition prescribed in the respective cladding
flat over part or all of the face while maintaining specified metal Specifications B 96, B 152/B 152M, or B 171/B 171M,
minimum thicknesses. or other copper-base alloy specification as agreed upon by the
purchaser and manufacturer.
4. Ordering Information
4.1 It is the responsibility of the purchaser to specify all 7. Mechanical Requirements
requirements that are necessary for material ordered under this 7.1 Tensile Property Requirements:
specification. Such requirements may include, but are not 7.1.1 Tensile tests shall be performed on the base metal
limited to the following: only.
4.1.1 Quantity (weight or number of pieces), 7.1.2 Tensile tests shall conform to the requirements of the
4.1.2 Dimensions, including the thickness of the cladding Base Metal Specification.
alloy and the backing steel, or of the total composite plate, and 7.2 Bond Strength Requirements:
if more or less restrictive thickness tolerances apply, 7.2.1 Shear Strength Test—When required by the purchaser,
4.1.3 Cladding metal specification (see Section 6), the minimum shear strength of the interface shall be 12 000 psi
4.1.4 Base metal specification (see Section 6), (84 MPa). The shear test, when specified, shall be made in the
4.1.5 Advise if the part is to be used as a tubesheet, cover, manner indicated in Fig. 1. The shear test is not applicable
or blind flange, when the specified minimum cladding thickness is 0.075 in.
4.1.6 Shear testing requirements if any (see Sections 7 and (1.9 mm) or less.
8), 7.2.2 Alternate Bond Strength Test—As an alternative to the
4.1.7 Restrictions, if required, on repair by welding (see shear strength test provided in 7.2.1 or when agreed upon by
Section 11), the purchaser and the manufacturer, three bend tests shall be
4.1.8 Additions to the specification or special requirements. made with the alloy cladding in compression to determine the
4.2 The purchaser is referred to the listed supplementary quality of the bond. These bend tests shall be made using 1.5
requirements in this specification and to the detailed require- in (38 mm) wide by full thickness specimens and shall be bent
ments in Specifications A 20/A 20M or A 6/A 6M as appli- through an angle of 180° to the bend diameters provided for in
cable. If the requirements of this specification are in conflict the base metal specification. At least two of the three tests shall
with the requirements of Specification A 20/A 20M or A 6/ show not more than 50 % separation on both edges of the bent
A 6M, the requirements of this specification shall prevail. portion. Greater separation shall be cause for rejection. The
bond strength bend test is generally not recommended for
5. Materials and Manufacture cladding thicknesses where the shear test is applicable.
5.1 Process: 7.3 Test specimens may be taken at the manufacturer’s
5.1.1 The steel shall be made by the open-hearth, electric- option from the excess portion of the material after the final cut
furnace (with separate degassing and refining optional), or to size or from separate pieces produced from the same heat
basic-oxygen processes, or by secondary processes whereby under the same manufacturing conditions.
steel made from these primary processes is remelted using, but 7.4 Additional mechanical tests may be performed. See
not limited to electroslag remelting or vacuum arc remelting Supplementary Requirements.
5.1.2 The cladding metal may be integrally and continu-
ously bonded to the base metal by any method that will
produce a clad steel that will conform to the requirements of
this specification.
5.1.3 Heat Treatment—Material shall be furnished in a
condition that the manufacturer determines is most appropriate,
unless a heat treatment is specified by the base metal specifi-
cation, cladding material specification, or by mutual agreement
between manufacturer and purchaser.
6. Chemical Composition
6.1 The clad plate shall conform to any combination of base
metal and cladding metal as described in 6.2 and 6.3, and as
agreed upon between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
6.2 Base Metal—The base metal may be carbon steel or
low-alloy steel conforming to the ASTM specifications for SI Equivalents
steels for either pressure vessels or general structural applica- in. mm in. mm
tions, or other, as agreed upon by the purchaser and manufac-
0.005 0.127 1 25.4
turer. The base metal shall conform to the chemical require- 1⁄8 3.18 21⁄2 63.5
ments of the specification to which it is ordered. 3⁄4 19.1 3 76.2
6.3 Cladding Metal—The copper or copper-base alloy clad- FIG. 1 Test Specimen and Method of Making Shear Test
ding metal specified shall conform to the requirements as to of Clad Plate
B 432 – 04
8. Number of Tests and Retests 10.4 The results of the product analysis shall conform to the
8.1 One or more tension tests, as required by the base metal requirements of the cladding metal and base metal specifica-
specification, and when specified, one shear test or three bond tions, as applicable.
strength bend tests, as applicable, shall be made, representing 10.5 Results of the product analysis for the backing steel
each manufacturing lot. Each specimen shall be in the final when required shall conform to the requirements of Section 7
condition of heat treatment required for the plate, including any of Specification A 20/A 20M or A 6/A 6M, as applicable.
SPWHT (Simulated Post Weld Heat Treatment) if required, 11. Dimensions and Permissible Variations
Supplementary Requirement S3. A manufacturing lot shall be
11.1 Unless otherwise specified herein, permissible varia-
defined as all product from each base plate as-rolled which is
tions except for thickness shall be in accordance with Specifi-
clad under the same conditions.
cation A 20/A 20M or A 6/A 6M as applicable based on the
8.2 If any test specimen shows defective machining or
base metal specification.
develops flaws, it may be discarded and another specimen
11.2 Minimum thickness of the alloy cladding metal and of
the backing steel, or of the total composite plate, shall be as
9. Test Specimens required by purchase order documents when ordered to mini-
mum thickness.
9.1 The tension test specimens shall conform to the require-
11.3 Permissible variation in thickness when ordered to
ments prescribed in the specifications for the base metal.
nominal thicknesses shall be 0.01 in. (0.3 mm) under each for
9.2 When required by the purchaser, the shear test specimen
backing steel or total composite, and 0.03 in. (0.8 mm) under
shall be taken near a top or bottom corner of the plate as rolled,
for the alloy cladding.
parallel to its longitudinal axis, or other location that is
11.4 Permissible variations for excess thickness of the total
representative of the final product.
composite shall be the greater of 0.125 in. (3 mm) or 10 % of
9.3 Bend test specimens for the alternative bond strength
the total composite thickness ordered and may occur in either
tests shall be taken at right angles to its longitudinal axis.
backing steel, cladding, or both, provided the minimum for
10. Product Analysis each is met.
11.5 When the product is specified for use as tubesheets,
10.1 Product analysis may be performed on the cladding covers, or blind flanges in the ordering information, the flatness
metal, the base metal, or both, as specified in the contract. tolerances of Table 1 shall apply, otherwise flatness shall be in
10.2 When product analysis is specified for the cladding accordance with A 20/A 20M or A 6/A 6M as applicable based
alloy on finished product, the chemical analysis may be on the base metal specification.
accomplished by wet chemical or instrumental procedures. If 11.6 When the product is specified for use as tubesheets,
wet chemical procedures are used, millings may be taken only covers, or blind flanges in the ordering information and a
when the composite plate thickness is sufficient to permit machined edge condition is specified, the diameter tolerances
obtaining millings without danger of contamination from the of Table 2 shall apply.
adjacent layer. If spectrometric procedures are used, the sample 11.7 More restrictive or less restrictive permissible varia-
shall be exposed on the center line of the cladding when there tions may be agreed upon by the purchaser and the manufac-
is sufficient cladding thickness available so that there is no turer.
contamination from the adjacent base metal.
10.3 If product analysis is specified by the purchaser for the 12. Workmanship, Finish and Appearance
cladding alloy, it shall be made on a sample taken from the 12.1 The material shall be free of injurious defects and shall
finished product or a broken test specimen. For wet chemical have a workmanlike appearance.
analysis, in order to avoid contamination by the base plate 12.2 Unless otherwise specified, the clad surface may be
metal, millings of cladding samples shall be taken from the test supplied as-rolled, ground, blasted (descaled by means of sand,
coupon by removal and discard of all the base metal plus 40 % grit, shot or wire followed by pickling), or 100 % conditioned.
of the cladding thickness from the bonded side, not to exceed
0.063 in. (1.6 mm). The material shall be cleaned and sufficient 13. Bond Quality
millings taken to represent the full cross-section of the remain- 13.1 The cladding metal shall be integrally and continu-
der. ously bonded to the base metal.
TABLE 1 Flatness Tolerances for Tube Sheets, Clad One Side OnlyA
Maximum Deviation from True FlatnessB for a Given Diameter, Width, or Length, in. (mm)
Total Thickness, in. (mm) Over 48 (1219) Over 72 (1829) Over 96 (2438) Over 120
To 48 (1219)
to 72 (1829) to 96 (2438) to 120 (3048) (3048)
To 21⁄2 (63.5) ⁄ (3.18)
18 ⁄
18 (3.18) ⁄
3 16 (4.76) ⁄
14 (6.35) ⁄
12 (12.7)
Over 21⁄2 (63.5) to 4 (102) ⁄ (3.18)
18 ⁄
18 (3.18) ⁄
14 (6.35) ⁄
12 (12.7) ⁄
12 (12.7)
Over 4 (102) to 6 (152) 1⁄8 (3.18) 1⁄4 (6.35) 3⁄8 (9.52) 1⁄2 (12.7) 1⁄2 (12.7)
Over 6 (152) to 8 (203) 3⁄16 (4.76) 3⁄8 (9.52) 1⁄2 (12.7) 1⁄2 (12.7) 1⁄2 (12.7)
Two side clads by special arrangement.
Measured distance from an imaginary plane representing the best fit to the part surface. Measurement methods may include, but are not limited to, planar grids, planar
redial wheels, setup on a machining table, or laser surveying.
B 432 – 04
TABLE 2 Outside Diameter Tolerances for Tubesheets, Covers, 14.1.3 The defective area shall be removed, and the area
or Blind Flanges when a Machined OD is Specified prepared for rework shall be examined by a liquid penetrant
Diameter Tolerance, 6 method compliant with ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1,
Under 60 in. (1.52 m) 0.06 in. (1.5 mm) Appendix 8, to ensure all defective area has been removed.
60.0 to 84.0 in. (1.52 to 2.14 m) 0.12 in. (3.2 mm) 14.1.4 The rework weld shall be deposited in accordance
>84.0 in. (>2.13 m) 0.25 in. (6.4 mm)
with a welding procedure and welding materials suitable for
the cladding material. The surface condition of the reworked
13.2 Inspection: area shall be restored to a condition similar to the rest of the
13.2.1 Clad plates less than 0.375 in. (9.5 mm) total cladding.
minimum composite thickness shall be visually inspected for 14.1.5 The reworked area shall be examined by a liquid
bond integrity prior to shipment. penetrant method in accordance with ASME Code Section
13.2.2 Clad plates 0.375 in. (9.5 mm) and thicker total VIII, Division 1, Appendix 8.
minimum composite thickness shall be ultrasonically inspected 14.1.6 The location and extent of the weld rework together
for bond integrity prior to shipment in accordance with the with the rework procedure and examination results shall be
procedures and methods of Specification A 578/A 578M. transmitted as a part of the certification.
13.2.3 Areas of non-bond detected visually in 13.2.1 shall 14.2 The material manufacturer may repair defects in the
be explored ultrasonically to determine the extent of the base metal by welding provided repairs are permitted in the
condition per 13.2.2. For purposes of defining non-bond, the base metal specification and are made in accordance with that
cladding shall be interpreted to be non-bonded when there is specification.
complete loss of back reflection accompanied by an echo
indication from the plane of the interface of the clad and 15. General Requirements for Delivery
backing steel. Areas within 1 in. (25 mm) of a cut edge on the 15.1 Material furnished under this specification shall con-
plate that contain indications exceeding 50 % of the back form to the applicable requirements of the current edition of
reflection at the bond interface shall be considered to be Specification A 6/A 6M or A 20/A 20M as appropriate for the
non-bonded. backing metal.
13.2.4 The extent of ultrasonic examination shall be at the 15.2 In the event of conflicts between this specification and
discretion of the manufacturer and sufficient to provide the the general delivery requirement specification for the backing
quality level in 13.3 specified by the purchaser. Plates shall be steel, this specification shall apply.
examined with 100 % coverage when Supplementary Require-
ment S1 is specified. 16. Certification
13.3 Quality Levels: 16.1 The chemical analysis of the base metal and the alloy
13.3.1 Class A—No single unbonded area exceeding 1 in. cladding shall be certified to the purchaser by the clad plate
(25 mm) in its longest dimension with total unbonded area not manufacturer.
to exceed 1 % of the total clad surface area. 16.2 The results of the tests in Section 7 and any other tests
13.3.2 Class B—No single unbonded area exceeding 3 in. required by the purchase order shall be reported to the
(75 mm) in its longest dimension with total unbonded area not purchaser.
to exceed 3 % of the total clad surface area. 16.3 Compliance with the clad quality level of 13.3 shall be
13.3.3 Class C—No single unbonded area exceeding 9 certified. Reports shall include the results of ultrasonic inspec-
in.2 (58 cm2) with total unbonded area not to exceed 5 % of the tion when Supplementary Requirement S.1 is specified.
total clad surface area.
13.3.4 The Class to be supplied shall be listed on the 17. Product Marking
purchase order. When none has been specified, plates shall be 17.1 Except as specified in 17.2, plates shall be marked in
furnished as Class C. accordance with the requirements of Specification A 6/A 6M or
A 20/A 20M for the backing steel as applicable, the cladding
14. Rework of Cladding by Welding alloy designation, and this specification number.
14.1 The material manufacturer may rework defects in 17.2 For double-clad material or for material under 0.375 in.
cladding by welding provided the following requirements are (9.5 mm) nominal in thickness or for clad plates provided with
met: conditioned surfaces, the marking specified in 17.1 shall be
14.1.1 When specified in the purchase order, prior approval legibly stenciled instead of stamped.
shall be obtained from the purchaser.
14.1.2 The welding procedure and the welders or welding 18. Keywords
operators shall be qualified in accordance with ASME BPV 18.1 bond strength; clad; cladding; clad steel plate; copper;
Code Section IX, as applies to overlays. copper-base alloy; steel
B 432 – 04
S1. Ultrasonic Inspection of 100 % of Surface be thermally treated to simulate a post-weld heat treatment ,
S1.1 Ultrasonic inspection shall be performed with scanning using the heat treatment parameters (such as temperature
over 100 % of the plate surface. range, time, and cooling rates) specified in the order. The test
results for such heat-treated test specimens shall meet the
S2. Product Analysis applicable product specification requirements.
S2.1 A product analysis shall be made on either the cladding
metal, base metal, or both as specified in the purchase order. S4. Charpy V-Notch Impact Test
S2.2 Testing shall be in accordance with Section 10 unless
S4.1 Charpy V-notch impact tests shall be conducted in
Section S2.4 applies.
accordance with Supplementary Requirement S5 of A 6 or
S2.3 The testing frequency shall be agreed upon between
purchaser and manufacturer. A 20, as applicable for the base metal specification.
S2.4 Product verification by Positive Metal Identification
(PMI) techniques may be used as an alternate to the require- S5. Ultrasonic Examination of Base Metal for Soundness
ments of Section 10 when mutually agreed upon. in Accordance with Specification A 578/A 578M
S5.1 All plates shall be ultrasonically examined for base
S3. Simulated Post-Weld Heat Treatment of Mechanical
metal soundness in accordance with the requirements of
Test Coupons
A 578/A 578M. The acceptance level shall be specified in the
S3.1 Prior to testing, the test specimens representing the order.
plate for acceptance purposes for mechanical properties shall
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 The SI unit for strength properties now shown is in stress is the newton per square metre (N/m2) which has been
accordance with the International System of Units (SI). The named the pascal (Pa) by the General Conference on Weights
derived SI unit for force is the newton (N), which is defined as and Measures. Since 1 ksi = 6 894 757 Pa, the metric equiva-
that force which, when applied to a body having a mass of one lents are expressed as megapascal (MPa), which is the same as
kilogram, gives it an acceleration of one metre per second MN/m2 and N/mm2.
squared (N = kg·m/s2). The derived SI unit for pressure or
Committee B05 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (B 432 – 91
(1998)) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved May 1, 2004.)
(1) Revised Scope, Referenced Documents, and Terminology (6) Deleted the flatness table for plates, defaulting to the
sections. applicable steel flatness tables.
(2) Added mandatory ultrasonic testing requirements. (7) Deleted unique test specimens, defaulting to the applicable
(3) Added an alternative bond strength test (bend test). steel tests.
(4) Added weld rework criteria.
(8) Deleted other unnecessary or obsolete sections.
(5) Added product analysis criteria.
B 432 – 04
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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