Reviewer CW
Reviewer CW
Reviewer CW
Economy may be a driving force in creating political activity increasingly takes place at the
global change in some periods, but it effects global level.
depend on what happens outside of world Under globalization, politics can take place
market. above the state through political integration
HOMOGENEOUS WORLD schemes such as the European Union, the
ASEAN integration where Philippines is involved
• Certain activities or institutions become though intergovernmental organizations such as
global, they must displace existing local the IMF, the WB, and the WTO.
variable activities and institution.
Political activity can also transcend national
• If there are more linkages, global borders through global movements and Non-
institutions, and global values, Governmental Organization (NGO)
presumably this means that more
people will have more in common. Civil society organizations act globally by
forming alliances with organizations in other
REASONS WHY GLOBALIZATION WILL NOT countries, using global communication system,
MAKE THE WORLD HOMOGENEOUS and lobbying international organizations and
actors directly, instead of working through their
1. General rules and models are interpreted in
national governments.
light of local circumstances.
2. Economist
Regions respond to similar economic
constraints in different ways; countries still have Integration through international trade of
great leeway in structuring their own policies; markets in goods and services as reflected in
the same television program means different variety of possible measures (direct measures of
things to audiences; such as McDonald's adopts barriers such as tariffs and transport costs,
its menu and marketing to local tastes. trade volumes and price related measures).
2. Growing similarity provokes reactions. foreign direct investment, increased trade in
intermediate product, international outsourcing
Advocates for many cultures seek to protect
of services like the call center industry, and
their heritage or assert their identity. (action of
international movement of persons like our
indigenous people to claim their right to cultural
Include the international spread of ideas, from
3. Cultural and political differences have
consumer tastes (like Coke and Hershey's) to
themselves become globally valid.
intellectual ideas like technology patents and
The notion that the people and countries are management principles and accounting
entitled to their particularity of distinctiveness standards.
is itself part to global culture. the tension
3. Sociologist Globalization means the spread of free-market
capitalism to virtually every country in the
an on-going process that involves
interconnected changes in the cultural and
social spheres. 2. Globalization is inevitable and irreversible.
it involves the spread and diffusion of Globalization reflects the spread of irreversible
ideologies-values, ideas, norms, beliefs and market forces driven by technological
expectations - that foster, justify and provide innovations that make the global integration of
legitimacy for economic and political national economies inevitable.
market globalism is almost intertwined with the
fuelled by globally integrated communication deep belief in the ability of markets to use new
systems like social media, media coverage of technologies to solve social problems far better
the world's elite and their lifestyles, the than any alternative course.
movements of people around the world via
Governments, political parties, and social
business and leisure travel, and the
movements had no choice but to adjust to the
expectations of these travellers that the host
inevitability of globalization.
societies will provide amenities and experiences
that reflects their own cultural norms. since the emergence of a world based on the
primacy of market values reflects the dictates of
4. Historian
history, resistance would be unnatural,
historian follow rather than lead the way. irrational and dangerous.
Group of countries that agreed to participate in automation – the use of various control
the General Arrangement to Borrow (GAB) systems for operating equipment such as
established in 1962 to provide IMF additional machinery with minimal or reduced human
fund to increase its lending ability. They lend to intervention.
IMF $6 billion in their own currencies. It may damaged less automated local firms and
Members are : Belgium; Canada; France; require workers to develop new skills in order
Germany; Italy; Japan; Netherlands; Sweden; to transition into the changing economy, leaving
United Kingdom and United States. some behind.
In 1964 Switzerland was admitted as member Corporations have also outsourced in recent
but the name remain G-10 years
The IMF meeting in Jamaica in January 1976 Example of Multinational Corporation: GE, Ford
finally legalized freely floating system. Each Motors, Fujitsu, GlaxoSmithKline and Adidas
government was permitted to decide whether EFFECTS OF ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION ON
to establish a par value for its currency or to DEVELOPING COUNTRIES
shift to floating rates.
1. Increased Standard of Living- gives
Floating exchange rate is a regime where the governments of developing countries
currency price is set by the forex market based access to foreign lending. When these
on supply and demand compared with other funds are used in infrastructure
currencies. including roads, health care, education
In a fixed exchange regime, monetary policy and social services, the standard of
must be subordinated to the requirement of living will increase.
maintain the peg, while floating regime allows 2. Access to New Markets – globalization
monetary policy to be set autonomously, as leads to freer trade between countries.
deemed appropriate in the domestic context. This is one of the largest benefits to
developing countries. Home-grown
industries have access to a much wider
international trade. The growth allows
companies to develop new technologies Some of these were created after WWII to assist
and produce new products and services. the reconstruction of Europe and other
countries affected by the devastation of the
3. Widening Disparity of Income – influx of
foreign companies can also increase the WORLD BANK
wage gap between those who are
Formerly known as International Bank for
educated and those who are not. Over
Reconstruction and Development (IBRD),
the longer term, education levels will
founded in 1944.
rise, but in short term, some of the poor
will become poor. Originally focuses on rebuilding countries
devastated by WWII, it shifted to
4. Decreased Employment – the influx of
infrastructure such as dams, electrical grids,
foreign companies in developing
irrigation systems, and roads. Later, in 1956, it
countries increase employment in many
became able to lend to private companies
sectors, specially for skilled workers.
and financial institution in developing
Automation in the manufacturing and
countries. In 1960 it put greater emphasis on
agricultural sectors lessen the needs of
the poorest countries. It further rounded out its
unskilled labor and unemployment rises
ability to connect global financial resources to
in these sectors.
the needs of developing countries.
The largest development institution. The Bank
1. World Bank (WB) Group works with country governments, the
private sector, civil society organizations,
2. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
regional development banks, think tanks, and
3. European Investment Bank (EIB) other international institutions on issues
ranging from climate change, conflict, and food
4. Islamic Development Bank (IDB) security to education, agriculture, finance and
5. Asian Development Bank (ADB) trade.
6. European Bank for Reconstruction and The vital source of financial and technical
Development (EBRD) assistance to developing countries around the
7. CAF-Development Bank of Latin
America Goals for the world to achieve by 2030:
Reciprocity – Incentives for mutual cooperation Members of an identity community care about
– Downward spirals: Complex Accounting the interest of others in the community enough
to sacrifice their own interest to benefit others.
Identify – Sacrifice for Group, Redefine Interest
– Demonizing an out group In IR , identity communities play important roles
in overcoming difficult collective goods problem
Practical discipline
Theoretical assumption :
Trusteeship Council