Star Formatlon
Star Formatlon
Star Formatlon
less than,
equal to the rate
of nuclear fusion
OW-mass star? e r than, or
oVnich of the following statements best describes how the lifetimes compare bewe
with six times the mass
arA (a star with a mass equal to the Sun) and Star B (a star It may be nelprui to
neSun)? Circle the best possible response given below. (Note:
examine the information given in the table on the previous page)
7) The Sun has lifetime of approximately 10 billion years. If you could determine the rate
of nuclear fusion for a star with twice the mass of the Sun, which of the following would
best describe how its fusion rate would compare to the Sun? Circle the best possible
response to complete the sentence given below. (Note: It may be helpful to examine the
information given in the table on the previous page.)
A star with twice the mass of the Sun would have a rate of nuclear fusion that is
the rate of fusion in the Sun.
a) less than
than twice
d) more
2 0 1 3 Pearson Education,