Guidelines For Block Grant To Colleges: University Grants Commission

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Guidelines for

Block Grant to Colleges


University Grants Commission

Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg

New Delhi -110 002

1. The development of Colleges in the previous plan periods was profoundly influenced by
three objectives viz. Access, Equity and Expansion. The scheme General Development
Assistance has supported in a major way to sustain and scale-up the capacity of
undergraduate and postgraduate education in all eligible colleges.
Against this backdrop and subsequent to rationalization of schemes, the Commission has
decided to give a fresh impetus to General Development Assistance by merging and
regrouping different schemes. The scheme is titled as Block Grant to Colleges (BGC).
The following four components constitute Block Grant to Colleges:
I. Component I (Basic Assistance)
II. Component II (Quality Initiatives)
III. Component III(Sports Infrastructure Development)
IV. Component IV(Faculty Development Programme)

Funding Pattern:
For Component I funding will be provided to all eligible colleges. However, funding for
component II, III and IV will be based on performance parameters.
General Eligibility Conditions for Components I, II, III & IV
 The assistance under this scheme will be provided to only Government and Government
aided private colleges included under Section 2(f) and declared eligible to receive central
assistance under Section 12B of the UGC Act, 1956 and fulfill the eligibility conditions
as given below:
(a) It shall be mandatory for every college to get accredited by NAAC, after passing out
of two batches or six years of establishment, whichever is earlier.

(b) The colleges whose Institutional Information for Quality Assessment” (IIQA) is
accepted by NAAC will also be considered eligible for assistance.
(c) It is mandatory for Colleges, to register in the PFMS portal. (Unregistered colleges
may fill the proforma at Annexure I and submit to the regional office concerned for
(d) Colleges should have registered with the E-schemes Portal of UGC
( for submitting online application.

General Financial Rules (Components I, II, III & IV)

 Grants released under capital assets and/or non-recurring grants should be utilized
within the period prescribed under various components. Any grant not utilized
during the prescribed period is liable to be refunded along with the interest at the
prescribed rate.
 Interest earned against Grants-in-aid released should be mandatorily remitted to
UGC account and should not be treated as additional funds over and above the
 Allocation under various components is subject to availability of funds and may not
be treated as committed liability of the UGC.
 Expenditure on non-recurring items must be as per the provisions of General
Financial Rules, 2017 and no deviation thereof is allowed.
 Colleges should submit statement of accounts from the bank in which the grants are
being received through PFMS, at the end of every financial year.
 Colleges should ensure purchases from GeM portal of Government of India

Auditing of Accounts:
For private colleges a certified Chartered Accountant/CA empanelled by CAG appointed
by the Governing Body/Planning Board shall conduct the audit. For Government
Colleges, State Accountant General (AG) or CA empanelled by CAG shall conduct the


Colleges share the maximum responsibility of teaching at the undergraduate level, and to
a great extent for postgraduate teaching as well. Development of Colleges teaching
courses in Humanities, Social Sciences, Sciences, Commerce etc., therefore, is an

important area in higher education from the point of view of maintenance of proper
To address the multiple responsibility of maintaining the educational standards, to
encourage growth in student number, to equalize educational opportunities for the weaker
sections of the society particularly the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and those
belonging to the educationally backward areas and to promote innovations, UGC has
identified 13 heads under component I (Basic Assistance) where financial assistance will
be provided to all eligible colleges, every year.

A. Objectives
1. To provide grants to the colleges for strengthening basic infrastructure and meet their
basic needs like books & journals including book banks, scientific equipment,
campus development, teaching aids and sports facilities.
2. To provide assistance for construction/extension/ renovation of existing buildings and
construction of new buildings.
3. To provide assistance to the colleges catering to the needs of the students belonging
to the SC, ST, OBC (non-creamy layer)/ Minority communities as well as Physically
Challenged and economically deprived students coming from families below Poverty
Line (BPL) as per definition adopted by the State Government/ Union Territory
/Central Government.
4. To encourage outreach activities, adult and continuing education in the neighboring
areas where the college is located so that the society as a whole is benefited.
5. To provide facilities like rest rooms, wash room, toilets, incinerators etc. for women.
6. To support capacity building initiatives and promote multicultural activities in
colleges, especially for teachers/students.
7. To initiate experiment and document innovations in the areas of teaching, learning,
research, evaluation and outreach activities leading to academic excellence and
societal growth.
8. To establish Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC).
9. To support Visually Challenged Teachers.

B. Eligibility Conditions:
1. Assistance for Development of undergraduate education in UG and PG colleges
The University Grants Commission will provide assistance for the development of
undergraduate education only to such colleges which fulfill the conditions as
indicated below. The college (except for single faculty colleges) must have at least
three teaching departments in a faculty. The Colleges must have at least a minimum

number of sanctioned and filled full-time permanent/regular positions including
the Principal as described below:
1.1 Arts/Commerce Colleges
The College should have at least 7(Seven) sanctioned and filled positions of
full-time permanent / regular teaching positions.
1.2 Science/Multi-faculty Colleges
The College should have at least 11(Eleven) sanctioned and filled positions of
full-time permanent / regular teaching positions.
1.3 Single Faculty colleges offering undergraduate courses leading to Bachelor’s
degree like Law, Physical Education, Social work, Management, Home
Science, Music and Dance, Fine Arts, Sanskrit, Teacher Education etc.

The College should have at least 5(Five) sanctioned and filled positions of full-
time permanent / regular teaching positions.
1.4 College of Education offering B.Ed./M.Ed./ B.P.Ed./M.P.Ed. courses
(General / Special)
The College should have at least 5(Five) sanctioned and filled positions of
full-time permanent / regular teaching positions.
The approval of concerned regulatory, professional council, wherever
applicable, is mandatory for the courses under their purview.

2. Additional Assistance for Development of Postgraduate Education

The colleges recognized by UGC for offering instruction up to PG level and
satisfying the following conditions will be eligible for additional assistance for the
development of postgraduate departments:

2.1 Humanities and Social Science departments must have sanctioned and filled
positions of a minimum of 4 (four) teachers in each department.
2.2 Science departments and departments with Practical/Field work must have
sanctioned and filled positions of a minimum of 5 (five) teachers in each
2.3 The department must have access to at least 8 standard academic/refereed
journals in the subject.
2.4 The department should have shown sufficient potential for research in the
five preceding years which may be assessed by at least one of the following
or a combination thereof:
 At least one Major Research Project
 At least three Minor Research Projects
 At least five Research Papers published or accepted for publication in
standard academic journals/refereed journals

2.5 Besides, professional journals published by the department, if any, number
of students who have cleared NET/SET, different competitive exams and
potential for innovation may be given due consideration by the UGC while
finalizing allocation for the department.
C. Planning Board
Planning Board headed by the Principal is responsible for preparing proposal and
estimates, based on the needs of various departments , in consonance with UGC
guidelines in the prescribed proforma (Annexure II) to oversee the utilization of
funds and submitting audited accounts to UGC. Besides the Principal, Coordinator
IQAC, and senior teachers, Librarian, the Bursar or a senior person from the
Accounts Department and University representative comprise Planning Board.
Heads/items earmarked for financial assistance under the scheme for improving the
standards of teaching and research at various levels are given below. The object head
i.e. Grant-in-Aid General „31‟ and Capital Assets „35‟ under which the expenditure
may be booked is given against each of the item given below.
Percentage of allocation under the heads viz. Grant-in-Aid General (31) and Capital
Assets (35) under component I will be in the ratio of 20:80. Planning board may
earmark funds as per requirement within the Component I allocated by UGC without
altering allocation under 31 and 35.
Major heads for which expenditure can be incurred by colleges under component I
are as below:

a) Books & Journals Capital Assets 35

Books & journals (including e journals), CDs, Microfilms, including setting up of
book bank and / or strengthening of the existing book banks in order to augment the
facilities and improve reading habits among the students. The library grant may be
utilized to procure the latest publications. Care may be taken not to purchase “second
hand” or “remainder” books. The amount up to 15% under this item may be utilized
for stacking purposes. This will be within the amount allocated under this head.

Capital Assets 35
b) Equipment
Equipment which may include, among others, laboratory equipment including
refrigerator, water purifier, fax, audio-visual equipment including digital camera,
LCD/TV and other teaching aids, computer and accessories, software (including that
for automation of Office and Library), CCTV, generator/inverter and reprographic
facilities, public address system, networking and internet connection. It will not
include typewriters, office furniture or fixtures. Any equipment other than those
mentioned in this para needs adequate justification and may be procured only after
getting specific approval of the Commission. The amount up to 15% under this item

may be utilized for purchase of racks and furniture for computer (computer table and
chair). This will be within the amount allocated under this head.
The UGC will not insist on a permission letter from the State Government when
Government colleges purchase Equipment/Books under any scheme of the UGC,
provided that the purchase is strictly as per laid-down norms of State Govt. /UGC and
do not violate standard financial rules. Colleges should submit list of equipments and
books purchased from UGC funds to UGC office and the State Government at the end
of financial year.

c) Instrumentation Maintenance Facility General 31& Capital 35

The Colleges, under Equipment grant, build up a sizeable pool of instruments and
modern electronic hardware, which increase with time need proper maintenance.
Instrumentation and maintenance facility may also include curriculum related support
facilities for workshops, maker spaces and tinkering labs. To this end expenditure
may be incurred towards:
 Essential spares, components for instrument (Capital Assets 35)
 Contingencies for instrument repair and maintenance (General 31)
 Training for teachers, technicians and students of concerned departments in
the use, maintenance, repair of instruments (General 31)
 Annual Maintenance Contract (General 31)
 Remuneration to technical staff hired (General 31)

d) Construction/Extension/Renovation of building Capital Assets 35

College can extend / renovate various types of building such as library, laboratory,
class rooms, workshop shed, animal house, men‟s hostel, women‟s hostel, staff
quarters, teachers hostel (transit/temporary), seminar hall, committee room,
counseling cell, auditorium, tutorial room, canteen building, non-resident students‟
centre, health centre, sports facility and others. While making a proposal for the
construction/extension/renovation of hostel for students, the college should keep in
view the need for reserving seats for students belonging to the Scheduled Caste,
Scheduled Tribe and OBC (non-creamy layer), 15%, 7.5% and 27.5% respectively, in
centrally supported institutions, or the required percentage at the State level, which
could be given to other students only if the requisite number of SC/ST students is not

Building grant will be available on 100% basis. However, expenditure on
construction/ extension and renovation of building should not exceed 50% of the total
grant allocated under „Component I‟. Colleges may use fund from other sources in
addition to the grant received from UGC for the building projects. Colleges need not
submit any proposal to the UGC for its approval. Instead, a Building Committee, with
members as given in the Guidelines for the construction of building (2018) must be
formed and the Committee will be responsible for the execution of the project in
accordance with the provisions given in the Guidelines for the Construction of
Building and in adherence to the rules of the State Government. The Building
Committee will also be responsible for the utilization of funds received under this

Capital Assets 35
e) Improvement of existing premises
Expenditure may be incurred on minor repairs and maintenance. Grant may be used
for improving common room and toilet facility for women, tapping alternative energy
sources (including installation of solar energy systems, rainwater harvesting facility),
tree plantation, electrification and sanitary work, acquiring facilities such as aqua-
guard, cooking gas and other kitchen amenities, fitting/amenities for
washrooms/toilets, simple items of furniture standby lighting arrangements etc.

General 31
f) Capacity building initiatives in colleges
Special competence is needed to be built and nurtured among staff and students.
Expenditure may be incurred on activities related to capacity building such as:
 Motivating teachers for acquiring classroom skills
 Developing administrative skills for the Principal, Heads of Departments and
Office staff
 Technology enabled teaching-learning and evaluation
 Promotion of skill development and learning of soft skills, viz. methodology of
studying/research/ use of library facilities/ persuasive writing/confidence
building/ personal and group interviews/ leadership skills/entrepreneurship/
organizing students‟ seminars and sports and cultural activities (for students)
 Participation in workshop/Training programmes (at other Institutions within
India) for Students, the Principal and other Faculty Members, Librarians, Physical
Education Instructors and Office staff
 Workshop/Training programmes for multi-tasking staff
 Recurring expenditure such as TA/DA etc. as per Govt. /University rules for
participating teachers as well as resource persons is permissible.

General 31 & Capital Assets 35

g) Educational Innovation
In order to accommodate innovative proposals to impact teaching, research, academic
excellence and societal growth, colleges may submit a work plan, laying emphasis on
the novelty of the proposal which is locale specific, may also be implemented under
this scheme.
The college may innovate on different dimensions of curriculum, pedagogy, delivery,
experiential learning, curriculum approaches addressing multiple learning styles, new
forms of social engagements, integrating outreach with curriculum, new modes of
academic governance, flipped classrooms, creative use of technology, field orientated
learning with interdisciplinary perspective, micro teaching, theme based teaching and
other innovations may also be tried. Active involvement of researchers, scientists,
social scientists, technologists, industrialists, academicians and other organizations
may also be sought for, wherever applicable. The process and outcome of the
innovation shall be documented properly. The expenditure under the head for this
purpose can be booked for educational innovation, purchase of books and equipments
(Capital Assets 35) and hiring charges(General 31).

h) Field Work / Study Tours General 31

Wherever the curriculum involves field work or study tours, grant may be sought
under this head. The grant may be utilized for transportation, conveyance, boarding,
lodging of students and accompanying teachers.

i) Extension Activities General 31

Extension Activities for the benefit of the weaker sections of society in the form of
specific programmes like adult literacy, literacy for children, activities related to
women empowerment, human rights, protection of environment, health awareness
etc. shall be creatively planned and implemented under this head. Wherever possible
the activity can be linked innovatively with the curricula. Grant may be utilized for
remuneration, transportation, hospitality and contingency.

j) Day Care Centre General 31 & Capital Assets 35

Grant may be utilized for acquiring essential facilities at indoor space to provide a
secure place and environment during working hours for children of staff and students
(Capital Assets 35) and day care maintenance facility (General-31).

General 31
k) Career and Counseling Cell

The Career and Counseling cell in a college has to be a resource centre of
information, guidance and counseling with free accessibility, internet based global
connectivity and exchange of information on professional placements. A coordinator
may be identified by the Head of the Institution.

l) ICT in Education General 31 & Capital Assets 35

Grant may be utilized for the purchase /up-gradation of computers (with accessories
and software), internet connectivity, Wi-Fi router and LAN/WAN connections which
have direct impact on student outcome and learning experience.
The grant may be used for purchasing computers, UPS, software, printer, photocopier
and Scanner. It may also be used for internet facility, hiring charges, TA/DA for the
services of a Counselor and other Resource Persons, payment of honorarium to
Counselor, Resource Persons and Coordinator, reading material and contingency.
Expenditure on equipment may be booked under Capital Assets (35). Other items
like honorarium and hiring charges may be booked under General (31).

m) Establishment & Monitoring of the IQACs in colleges General 31

For continuous improvements in the standards of education in the colleges, besides

accreditation, an effective internal mechanism for assurance, enhancement and
sustenance of the quality education is required. Therefore, it is essential to have
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQACs) with the following composition:

a) The Principal of the College (The Chairperson)

b) Five senior teachers, representing at least three departments (Members)
c) One senior administrative Officer (Member)
d) Coordinator (Member Secretary)
e) Two external experts on Quality Management/Industry/ Local community

The Principal of the college shall nominate the members from (b) to (e). The
membership of such nominated members shall be for the period of two years. The
IQAC meeting should be held at least once in a quarter. The quorum of meeting shall
be at least two-third of the total number of members. The minutes, agenda and the
action taken are to be documented with the official signatures and Annual Quality

Assurance Report be submitted in the format prescribed by NAAC. The coordinator
may be paid an honorarium of Rs. 2000/- p.m.

n) Financial assistance to visually challenged teachers General 31

To help visually challenged permanent teachers to pursue teaching and
research with the help of a reader and by using teaching and learning aids. Allowance to
visually challenged teachers will be Rs. 36,000/- per annum for following purposes:
 Payment to reader
 Purchase of Braille books/materials
 Any other related/required materials/equipment for research, teaching and

Financial Assistance
Annual financial assistance for the items mentioned under Component I for UG
colleges is as follows:
Annual Financial Assistance for Single Faculty Colleges

Student strength (Rs. in lakhs)

50 to 200 5.00
201 – 400 6.00
401 – 600 7.00
601 and above 8.00

Annual Financial Assistance for Arts/Commerce/Science/Multi faculty Colleges

Ceiling of assistance (Rs. in lakhs)
Student strength
Arts/Commerce Science/ Multi-faculty
200 to 400 6.00 8.00
401 – 1000 7.00 9.00
1001 – 1500 8.00 10.00
1501 – 2000 9.00 11.00
2001 – 2500 10.00 12.00
2501 – 3000 11.00 13.00

3001 and above 12.00 14.00

Annual Financial Assistance for PG Departments

Ceiling of Assistance
(Rupees in lakhs)
Science 3.00

Social Sciences, Humanities 2.00

D. Basis of Grant
The pattern of assistance will be 100% on annual basis. Grants released under all heads
are to be utilized within one year. All eligible colleges will be provided with financial
assistance under component I, in accordance to the ceiling of assistance.

E. Procedure for release of grant

Grants will be released under two object heads, Grant-in-Aid General „31‟ (20% of BGC)
and Capital Assets „35‟ (80% of BGC). Capital Assets (35) include expenditure on
Books & Journals, Equipment, Furniture, Fixtures, Software, Construction/Renovation/
extension of Building. All other items will come under Grant-in-Aid General (31). 75%
of the grants will be released to the colleges in the beginning of a financial year. The
remaining grant would be released on receipt of utilization certificate and statement of
expenditure for at least 50% of allocated amount. On the basis of utilization certificate
and statement of expenditure signed by the Principal and Coordinator (Planning Board),
proposal from colleges for the subsequent year will be considered. However, after the
completion of two financial years, proposal from a college will be considered only on
receipt of audited utilization certificate (Annexure III) and audited statement of
expenditure (Annexure IV) for the grants of the year preceding the last.


In recent times, the attention paid to efficiency, effectiveness and quality has increased
and funding too has increasingly been linked to performance of colleges. As a quality
initiative, the Commission has decided to follow performance based funding as a means
to reward well performing colleges. Colleges on the basis of either NIRF rank in the
respective category or CGPA score of NAAC will get a certain percentage of allocation
under component I as additional funds based on performance formula given below.
Ceiling under component II, for colleges having both NIRF rank and NAAC score, will
be fixed based on better score.

NIRF Ranking
CGPA score Quantum of additional
No. in the respective
(NAAC) assistance
1 Top 50 3.51 and above 50% of Component I

2 51-100 3.26 – 3.50 40% of Component I

3 101 – 150 3.01 – 3.25 30% of Component I

4 151 – 200 2.76 – 3.00 20% of Component I

5 >200 ≤ 2.75 No additional grant

The objective of component II is to support colleges for the following purposes with the
freedom to operate with increased flexibility.
1. To support Minor Research Projects
2. To organize Seminars/Conference/Symposia/Workshop
3. To support Travel Grant to the college teachers for presenting papers in national /
international conferences/seminars/symposia

Colleges should select research projects, identify departments to organize

seminar/conference and finalize deserving teachers to travel abroad and within country to
present papers in seminars/conferences/symposia, as per the guidelines given below:

A) Minor Research Project (MRP) to college teachers

1. Eligibility Conditions
1.1. A regular & permanent teacher can apply under the scheme.
1.2. A teacher can get only one project (Minor/Teacher Fellowship) of the UGC at
any given time. The Planning Board is responsible to ensure this condition.
1.3. The Principal Investigator should publish at least two papers, duly
acknowledging the financial assistance received from the UGC, in a
reputed/refereed journal from the said project.
1.4. Submission of copies of research publications and a one year gap after settlement
of accounts of the previous MRP are mandatory to submit minor research project
proposals, subsequently.
1.5. The teaching faculty of Library Science and Physical Education are also eligible.

2. Ceiling of assistance and tenure

2.1. The ceiling of assistance for a Minor Research Project in Science subjects
including Engineering and Technology, Medical, Pharmacy, Agriculture etc. is
Rs. 3.00 lakhs.
2.2. For Humanities, Social Science, Languages, Literature, Arts, Law and Allied
disciplines the ceiling of assistance is Rs. 2.00 lakhs.
2.3. Duration of Minor Research Project is two years. The effective starting date of
implementation of the project will be the date of release of grant to the Principal
of the college who shall ensure that the funds are released to the concerned
Principal Investigator within a month.

Note - Funds may be given under the following heads

 Non-Recurring (Capital assets 35) items are equipment, book and journals
(After the completion of the project, these will become the assets of the
 Recurring items (Grant-in-aid General 31) include Hiring Services,
Contingency, Special needs, Chemicals and Consumables, Travel and Field

B) Seminars, Workshops and Conferences General 31

The UGC will provide financial assistance to colleges for organizing seminars/

The Research Assessment Committee (as provided for in these guidelines) based on the
merit of the proposal, may assign funds to departments without exceeding the category-
wise ceiling given below:

Categories Ceiling of Assistance
No. (Rs. in lakhs)
1 State level Seminar/Conference/Workshop 1.00
2 National level Seminar/Conference/Workshop 1.50
3 International level Seminar/Conference/Workshop 2.00
1. Conditions

1.1 The college should call for papers and delegate participation through
advertisements in academic journals and/or through college website.

1.2 A College may support five state/national level activities in a financial year,
but not more than one activity to a department in a year.

1.3 For State/National level activities, the participants may be provided free
boarding and lodging by the host Institution, wherever it is possible.
Participants may be charged registration fees. Travelling allowances for
outstation participants‟ may be limited as per college rules where the
activity is being organized.

1.4 International Conference may be organized , once in two years, with prior
approval from Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India. Post Graduate
Departments, eligible for financial assistance under Block Grant to Colleges
are only eligible to organize international seminar/conference. The
Participation of foreign delegates is a must. However, payment for travel
outside India is not permissible under the scheme.
1.5 Grant will be available for TA, honorarium for resource persons, paper
presenters, pre-conference printing, publication of proceedings and local

C) Travel Grant to college teachers

General 31

To encourage college teachers to present research papers in national / international
conference colleges may consider providing travel grant to eligible teachers. A teacher
can avail assistance once in three years on 100% basis for the expenditure on fare
component only by entitled class (in air travel by economy class only) by Air India if it
operates on the sector as per Govt. of India rules. SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy
layer)/Physically Handicapped Teachers will be provided financial assistance once in two
years on 100% basis.

Terms & Conditions for providing assistance to attend conference abroad:

a) College teachers working on permanent basis are eligible for financial assistance once
in three years. SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer) / physically challenged teachers will
be eligible to avail assistance once in two years.
b) The assistance towards expenditure on visits abroad to present paper at an
international conference would be limited to 100% of the admissible expenditure on
fare component only. Colleges may re-imburse admissible expenditure on production
of receipts with the claim.
c) Persons selected for participation should travel by the cheapest excursion air ticket, in
sectors where Air India is not operating. Actual fare not exceeding AC-II class train
fare will be admissible from the College headquarters / residence to the nearest air
port and back. If the journey is performed by taxi/own car, the fare should be
restricted to AC-II class train fare/road mileage according to distance. The air tickets
shall be procured from authorized websites of airlines or through Govt. approved
travel agents.
d) Actual train/bus fare from the airport abroad to the town where the conference is held
and back will be provided. The Principal should submit, separately for each travel
grant awardee, a certificate as per the proforma. Principal should ensure that travel
grant paid is fully in accordance to the terms and condition as given in guidelines.
e) In case, the travel grant facility is to be availed by the Principal, the proposal should
be assessed by the Board of Goverance.

Participation of Teachers in Academic Conference (PTAC) within the Country:

a) Permanent / regular teacher whose paper has been accepted for presentation in a
seminar/conference/symposium may avail assistance once in three years. Poster
presentation is not permitted for assistance.
b) TA/DA, as per rules of the concerned university, and registration fee will be
Mode of Selection (for Minor Research Project, Seminar and Travel Grant):

1.1 The College shall have a Research Assessment Committee (RAC) for
selection and evaluation of Minor Research Projects,
Seminar/conference/workshop and travel grant. The Committee shall include
the Principal, two department heads, two subject experts including one from
outside the college (to be nominated by the Principal) and one local
practitioner/industry expert (to be nominated by the Principal). The College
may meet the expenditure for such meeting from the Block Grant for
component I up to a maximum of Rs, 50,000/-.

1.2 Any grievance related to MRP, Seminar, Travel Grant shall firstly be dealt
with by the Principal of the College and then UGC- Regional Office.

1. Basis of Grant
Grants under component II will be allocated on the basis of the performance formula on
100% basis, annually. The allocation is subject to availability of funds and may not be
treated as committed liability of the UGC.

2. Procedure for release of grant

75% of allocated amount as per the performance formula given above will be released
lump-sum (General 80% and Capital Assets 20%) to the college. The remaining grant
would be released on receipt of utilization certificate and statement of expenditure for at
least 50% of allocated amount. On the basis of utilization certificate and statement of
expenditure signed by the Principal and Coordinator, proposal from the college for the
subsequent year will be considered. However, after the completion of two financial
years, grant to a college will be considered only on receipt of audited utilization
certificate (Annexure III) and audited statement of expenditure (Annexure IV) of the
year preceding the last and beneficiary analysis (Annexure V)

NOTE: The colleges which are not found eligible for getting additional grant under
Component II due to not being able to meet quality benchmark, may use up to 10%
of the grant allocated under Component I for the activities listed under Component


a) Development of sports infrastructure and equipment in colleges

To enhance the capacity building in various colleges for promotion of sports with an idea
that broad base of the sporting pyramid would ultimately produce sports persons to
participate and win in international events. Keeping in view, it has been decided to
support colleges to develop sports infrastructure facilities gradually starting from the
basic to the optimal keeping in view the participation of students in particular games.
UGC may allocate fund to the college to acquire basic facilities for football, basketball,
cricket pitch, hockey, volley ball, etc. along with purchase of sports equipment. The
college should have necessary staff required in the form of sports coaches/Directors of
Physical Education (DPE‟s) etc., and adequate land in its name to develop the facilities.
Assistance can be availed for any two of following items:

1. Basis of Grant

Ceiling of Assistance
No Type
( lakhs)
Composite football/Cricket play field with pitch without
1 8.00
running track
Composite football/Cricket play field with pitch with 6 lanes
2 9.00
running track
Composite football/Cricket play field with pitch with 8 lanes
3 10.00
running track
Play field standard size hockey grass field without running
4 5.0
Play field Standard size concrete basketball court with upright
5 5.0
post and synthetic back boards
6 Cricket pitch for training 1.00
7 Flood lighting for volleyball and basket ball 4.00
8. Tennis court (one concrete court) 5.0
9 Tennis court (one morrum court) 3.00
10 Indoor sports equipment 10.00

Grants under component III will be finalized and approved by the competent authority of
the UGC on the basis of recommendations by an expert committee, appointed by the
Chairman, UGC.

2. Duration

Facilities sanctioned under component should be completed/purchased within a period of

three years.

3. Procedure for release of grant

The grants will be released under Capital Assets (35) in three installments. 50% of
allocated amount will be released as 1st installment. Release of 40% of allocated amount
as 2nd installment will be subject to the submission of audited utilization certificate
(Annexure- III) and audited statement of expenditure (Annexure- IV). Final installment
will be reimbursed on submission of audited utilization certificate (Annexure- III),
completion certificate (Annexure- VI) and asset certificate (Annexure- VII).


PROGRAMME) General 31

(a) Faculty Development Programme (FDP)

It is important for college teachers to have a quality educational background.

Colleges can help eligible teachers earn M.Phil. /Ph.D. by offering Teacher
Fellowships through component IV (Faculty Development Programme)

(b) Eligibility conditions for Teacher Fellowship (TF)

1. Teachers working on permanent basis under aided category are eligible to apply
for Teacher Fellowships to complete their research activities leading to the award
of M.Phil/Ph.D degree.
2. The Teacher should not be more than 50 years of age (5 years relaxation for
Women Teachers and Teachers belonging to SC/ST/Minority Communities).
3. The Teacher should have at least second class Master‟s degree with minimum
55% (50% for teachers from SC/ST/Minority Communities).
4. The Teacher should have at least 3 years of Teaching Experience at degree level
on the date of Submission of application.
5. Preference may be given to those who had not availed any fellowship from UGC
/any other agency earlier.

6. Teacher should have been registered for Ph.D. or should have already taken
admission to M.Phil. programme in any Indian university. He/She has to submit
the thesis submission Certificate within the tenure of the fellowship. However,
further extension for the submission of thesis may be provided up to 1 year for
Ph.D and six months for M.Phil, on case to case basis by the respective Regional
Office of UGC on the recommendation of the supervisor and Principal.
7. Librarians not having teaching Experience are not eligible.
8. The teacher will continue to receive the full salary from the parent Institution
during the period of Teacher Fellowship.
9. 10% of the Permanent teachers only are eligible to avail Teacher Fellowship at
any given time. 15%, 7.5% and 27% out of the total Fellowships allocated to a
College will be reserved for SC, ST and OBC (non-creamy layer) candidates,
respectively. Until a teacher submits Ph.D thesis or completes M.Phil, the slot
will remain occupied.
(c) Mode of Selection
The principal on the basis of the recommendations of the Planning Board will send the
proposals for teacher fellowships, as per the limit indicated at clause IV(b) 9 above, to the
UGC Regional Office concerned. The final selection will be done by respective Regional
Office of UGC, based on the number of Teacher Fellowships recommended by the
selection committee to be appointed by the Chairman, UGC and availability of funds.

(d) Tenure, leave rules and financial assistance:

1. The Teacher Fellow shall execute a bond on a non-judicial stamp paper accepting
terms and conditions of FDP. Joining report should be submitted as per the
proforma(Annexure- VIII) to the UGC immediately after joining the research centre.
2. The Teacher Fellowship for Ph.D programmes would be for a period of two years.
Extension of one year can be granted for Ph.D. candidates based on the justification,
recommendation by the Supervisor/Guide, and No Objection Certificatae(NOC) from
the parent institution. For M.Phil. the extension is permissible for a period of 6
months and remaining procedures are same as for Ph.D.
3. In the event of a Teacher Fellow not completing the M.Phil./Ph.D. within the time
period or leaving in midway the Substitute Teacher‟s salary /Honorarium to Guest
Faculty may be recovered from the Teacher Fellow with penal interest. Principal of
the College and College Development Council of the University have to ensure
timely completion of research and intimate the same to UGC.

4. The substitute teacher appointed in the place of teacher fellow is eligible to receive
the minimum pay scale prescribed for an Assistant Professor (with no increments) by
UGC if the appointment of substitute Teacher is in accordance with the relevant UGC
Regulations and has the approval of the State Government. In case it is not possible

to appoint a Substitute Teacher on regular basis then part-time/guest lecturer may be
arranged on the basis of Rs. 1000 per hour, not exceeding Rs. 25,000/- in a month.

(e) Basis of Grant

Grants under component IV will be approved and released by the Competent Authority of
UGC based on the number of Teacher Fellowships and availability of funds.

(f) Procedure for release of grant

1. The grants will be released under General (31) annually. Bills of salary or
honorarium shall be processed at the College level itself and shall be sent to UGC.
Colleges should submit utilization certificates (Annexure- III) at the end of financial

Submission of Invitation to submit proposal

statement of
expenditure and Jan Feb Submission of
release of second proposal by colleges
installment grant
Dec Ma
r Expert committee
meetings &
Apr Commission‟s
No approval to the
Timeline for Funding
v recommendations of
May the committee

Release of 1st installment
Au grants
g Jul

Colleges to convene the

meetings of Research
Assessment committee


UGC Fund Transfer through Public Financial Management System (PFMS)

Details of the college

PFMS unique code (if available)

Agency Name
(Name of College as in 2(f)/12 B letter issued
by UGC Head Office)
Agency Type
Hierarchy of Agency

Act/Registration No.
Date of Registration
Registering Authority
State of Registration

Block No/Building/Village/Name of premises
Road/Street/Post Office
Pin Code
Contact Person
Alternate Phone/Mobil No.

Funding Agency
(a) Will receive funds directly from
central government
(b) Will receive funds from this agency
Bank Name
Branch Address
Pin Code
Branch Name
Bank Account No.
BSR Code
Agency Name as per Bank Account

If already registered in PFMS, the following data shall also be included.

Unique ID
(Automatically generated by the PFMS
portal during the registration process
and which is delivered to the email ID
given during the registration process)

Whether the College has submitted the

Bank Mandate Form for account
transfer via RTGS/NEFT


Proforma For Submitting Proposal Under COMPONENT (I, II, III & IV)

(Please indicate the enclosure number against the relevant column in all such cases where the
required information has been given on a separate sheet of paper).

1. Name of the College with complete address with pin code

1. Name of college :
Locality :
Town / City :
District :
State :
Pincode :
e-mail Id

2. Contact details of Principal and Coordinator

Principal Coordinator

3. Other details

Date of Establishment
Name of Trust / Society (if any)
Name of university to which affiliated
Date of Affiliation (Permanent)
Date of inclusion under section 2 (f) of UGC ACT 1956*
Date of inclusion under section 12 B of UGC ACT 1956*
(*Please upload copy of letter from UGC Head Office)

4. Status of the College

Government Private (Aided) Constituent College

5. Please tick (✓) for the type of college under which it falls:

 Arts/ Commerce Colleges ( )

 Science/ Multi-faculty Colleges ( )
 Single faculty UG Colleges ( )
 Single faculty PG College ( )
 Colleges of Education offering B.Ed./M.Ed/B.P.Ed./.M.P.Ed. Courses
(General/Special) ( )

6. Recognitions received from UGC

1 Autonomous College Yes No

2 College with Potential for Yes No


7. Accreditation / Ranking details

a) National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)
Year Grade / Level Score accreditation
certificate (Yes/No)

b) National Institution Ranking Frame work (NIRF)

Year Rank (in the respective category)

8. Total grants received from the UGC, during 12th Plan.

Year Grant received Grant Utilized Unspent balance

Total Sum
Please upload letter stating settlement of XI Plan accounts issued by regional office

9. Total grants received from Government sources (Other than UGC) in the last 5 years
Year Funding Revenue Capital

Total Sum

10. Resource Generation:

Resources generated by the college in the last 5 years

Year External resources

Internal resources
(Consultancy, Research
(Fee etc.,)

Total Sum

11. Sports infrastructure development:

a. Details of existing sports infrastructure available in the college

Sl. Name of Infrastructure facility


b. Details of financial assistance received for development of sports infrastructure in the earlier plans

Sl. Name of Facility Amount Received


c. Participation of College in sports during last three years

Sl. Total Number of Students
Sport Year
no participated

d. Medal tally of College in inter-college events and above for last three years

Year Sports Level of Participation Medals

e. Human Resource available in the College

Designation Number Date of joining


Deputy Director

Assistant Director


f. Details of land available

Land Area (in Sq. Mts.) Purpose for which it is to be used Ownership Deed

12. Details of departments and number of teaching posts sanctioned:

Number of
Name of Teaching position
Sanctioned Filled



13. Number of teachers*

Category As Temporary/ On
Part- Total
per serial Permanent Ad-hoc (full- contract
time/guest/visiting Number
No. 5 time) basis

*Details indicating the name, designation, qualifications, date of appointment and date of confirmation (for
permanent teachers only) of each teacher to be given in a separate sheet for permanent, temporary/ad-hoc(full-
timers) and part-time/ guest/ visiting teachers)

14. Number of teachers under reserved category (SC/ST/OBC/PH)

Number of reserved post Remarks, If

Number in
Sl. no. Category as per government not filled
reservation policy

15. Profile of Student enrolment in degree classes and above as on 31st March, 2017


Name of the courses

(non Economically Physically

SC ST Minorities
creamy weak* Challenged













* Students coming from families with income below the poverty line (as guided by the State/UT/Central

16. Details about Post graduate departments

sanctione No. of
No Name of No. of No. of MRPs No. of Major Projects
d & filled Papers (in
. Department* Journals (in last 3 yrs.) (in last 3 years)
teaching last 3 yrs.)

*Only Aided departments are eligible

Details of teachers, research publications, research projects, journals subscribed etc. are to be uploaded.

17. Summary of Financial Requirement (Component I, II. III & IV)

Annual Funds required by the College for the financial year________________________

(Please give the requirement as per the ceiling indicated in the guidelines)

1. Component I (Basic Assistance)

Level of Teaching General Total
(35) (31)

Undergraduate Assistance

a) Capital
a) Books and Journals
b) Equipment
c) Instrumentation Maintenance Facility
d) Extension/renovation/construction of building
e) Improvement of facility in existing premises
f) Educational Innovation
g) Establishment of Day Care Centre in Colleges
h) Career and Counselling
i) ICT in Education
j) Internal Quality Assurance Cell

b) General
a) Instrumentation Maintenance Facility
b) Capacity building initiatives in Colleges
c) Educational Innovation
d) Field Work/Study Tours
e) Extension Activities
f) Career and Counselling Cell
g) Internal Quality Assurance Cell
h) Establishment of Day Care Centre in Colleges
i) ICT in Education
j) Assistance for visually challenged teachers

Aided Postgraduate Assistance (indicate the names of the Arts

departments)maximum of ₹.2.00 lacs p.a, per department (Please indicate
the items for which expenditure is proposed )


Aided Postgraduate Assistance (indicate the names of the Science

departments)maximum of ₹.3.00 lacs p.a, per department
(Please indicate the items for which expenditure is proposed )

Grand Total

II. Component II (Quality Initiatives)

(Please give the requirement as per the ceiling indicated in the guidelines)

Purpose Capital (35) General (31) Total

Minor Research Project


Travel Grant

III Component III (Sports Infrastructure Development)

Purpose Details Justification Funds required


IV Component IV (Faculty Development Programme)

No of No of teacher No of teachers who

Total funds
teachers in proposed to pursue P.hD /
the college With M.phil / P.hD Without M.phil / P.hD M.phil

I here by certify the facts given above are correct

(Signature with seal)

Certificate to be given by Planning Board

It is certified that the ________________________College is affiliated to the University of

__________________and is included under Section 2(f) and 12 B of the UGC Act . It is certified that the proposal
of the College for development of undergraduate education has been finalized by the Planning Board of the college.
The college has the necessary financial resources and managerial ability to meet the expenditure over and above the
UGC grant, if required, to complete the projects within the period in accordance with the terms and conditions
prescribed for the purpose and submit necessary statement of accounts and other documents including Utilization
Certificate as required by the Commission. The assistance sought from the Commission is not for the purpose of
fulfilling the conditions of affiliation laid down by the University.

Further the college fulfills the eligibility conditions as laid down by UGC in its guidelines for Post Graduate
department‟s and is, therefore, eligible to receive financial assistance for development of Post Graduate courses.

The college undertakes to utilize the grants for the purpose for which they are sanctioned and would furnish all
necessary documents as required in the conditions of grants laid down by the UGC.

Signature of Chairman and Members of Planning Board ___________



Registrar/ Coordinator/ Director, College Development Council






respect of recurring/non-recurring


i. Name of the Scheme......................................................................................

ii. Whether recurring or non-recurring grants.......................................................

iii. Grants position at the beginning of the Financial year

i. Cash in Hand/Bank

ii. Unadjusted advances

iii. Total

iv. Details of grants received, expenditure incurred and closing balances: (Actuals)

Unspent Interest Interest Grant received during Total ure Closing

Balances of Earned deposited the year Available incurred Balances

Grants thereon back to funds (5-6)
Received the (1+2-
Years Govern- 3+4)
[figure as at ment
Sl. No.

(iii) above]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Sanction Date Amount


(i) (ii) (iii)

Component-wise utilization of grants:

Comp t-in-
onents aid– Grant-in-aid– Grant-in-aid–creation Total

ral Salary of capital assets





Details of grants position at the end of the year

i.Cash in Hand/Bank

ii.Unadjusted Advances


Certified that I have satisfied myself that the conditions on which grants were sanctioned have
been duly fulfilled/are being fulfilled and that I have exercised following checks to see that the
money has been actually utilized for the purpose for which it was sanctioned:

i. The main accounts and other subsidiary accounts and registers (including assets registers)
are maintained as prescribed in the relevant Act/Rules/Standing instructions (mention the
Act/Rules) and have been duly audited by designated auditors. The figures depicted above
tally with the audited figures mentioned in financial statements/accounts.

ii. There exist internal controls for safeguarding public funds/assets, watching outcomes and
achievements of physical targets against the financial inputs, ensuring quality in asset
creation etc. & the periodic evaluation of internal controls is exercised to ensure their

iii. To the best of our knowledge and belief, no transactions have been entered that are in
violation of relevant Act/Rules/standing instructions and scheme guidelines.

iv. The responsibilities among the key functionaries for execution of the scheme have been
assigned in clear terms and are not general in nature.

v. The benefits were extended to the intended beneficiaries and only such areas/districts were
covered where the scheme was intended to operate.

vi. The expenditure on various components of the scheme was in the proportions authorized as
per the scheme guidelines and terms and conditions of the grants-in-aid.

vii. It has been ensured that the physical and financial performance under…………….. (name of
the scheme) has been according to the requirements, as prescribed in the guidelines issued
by UGC.



Signature Signature

Name................................................................... Name.................................................

Govt. Auditor/Chartered Accountant Head of the Organization

(Strike out inapplicable terms)

N.B. The Utilization Certificate should be accompanied by audited statement of accounts indicating
expenditure on various items.



Component Grant Expenditur Unspent Remarks

received e incurred balance

Component I (Basic Assistance)

a) Capital
a. Books and Journals
b. Equipment
c. Instrumentation Maintenance Facility
d. Extension/renovation/construction of
e. Improvement of facility in existing
f. Educational Innovation
g. Establishment of Day Care Centre in
h. Career and Counselling cell
i. ICT in Education
j. Internal Quality Assurance Cell

b) General

a. Instrumentation Maintenance Facility
b. Capacity building initiatives in Colleges
c. Educational Innovation
d. Field Work/Study Tours
e. Extension Activities
f. Career and Counselling Cell
g. Internal Quality Assurance Cell
h. Establishment of Day Care Centre in
i. ICT in Education
j. Assistance for visually challenged

Postgraduate (Arts)


Postgraduate (Science)


Component II (Quality Initiatives)

a. Minor Research Project
b. Seminar/Conference/ Symposia/workshop
c. Travel Grant

Component III (Sport infrastructure development)


Component IV (Faculty development programme)

Signature ________________ Signature_____________

Principal (with seal) Chartered Accountant/

Government Auditor(with seal)



Number of Amount
Heads Amount Paid balance
Beneficiaries Utilized
Minor Research Project
Travel Grant
Details of Minor Research Project

No. of
Name of
Sl. papers Amount Amount Unspent
Title of project Principal
no published Paid Utilized balance

Details of Seminar/Workshop/Conference

Sl. Category
no Name of the (Internatio Unspent
Amount Amount
Title of seminar organizing nal/ balance
Paid Utilized
Department National /

Travel Grant

Name of the
Amount Amount Unspent
Category Name of Candidate conference /
Paid Utilized balance


(Signature with seal)



It is certified that the construction of …………………… approved by the University Grants

Commission vide its letter No .F…………………………. dated …………… has been
completed on …….. at a cost of Rs…………in accordance with plans approved by the
University Grants Commission. The site has been properly cleared.

Signature of the Principal Signature of Qualified Engineer/Registered Architect

(seal of the College)



It is certified that inventories of permanent of semi-permanent assets created/acquired wholly or

mainly out of the grant given by the University Grants Commission are being maintained in the
prescribed form and are being kept up-to-date.

Signature of the Principal Signature of Govt. Auditor/Chartered Accountant

(seal of the College)




Joining Report
Faculty Development Programme – Teacher Fellowship

This is to certify that Mr./Ms.____________________ who has been working as a Teacher

(specify designation) in College joined the Department of at on _________(F.N./A.N.)
and is working for his/her research under the guidance of __________. He/She has been
admitted to M. Phil. course/registered for Ph. D. on ____________.

Signature of Research Guide (SEAL)

Signature of
(Parent Institution) (SEAL)


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