Essotrans Extra, Multigrade 30, 10W, 30, 50 Essotrans Extra, Multigrade 30, 10W, 30, 50
Essotrans Extra, Multigrade 30, 10W, 30, 50 Essotrans Extra, Multigrade 30, 10W, 30, 50
Essotrans Extra, Multigrade 30, 10W, 30, 50 Essotrans Extra, Multigrade 30, 10W, 30, 50
August 2008
The ESSOTRANS product line from Imperial Recommended for Application Requiring:
Oil offers the following features and benefits: Caterpillar TO-4, TO-2 API GL-3
Allison C-4 Vickers 35VQ25
♦ Provides TO-4 quality in ESSOTRANS Komatsu Micro-Clutch
10W, 30, and 50 monogrades.
Performance Features
♦ Provides TO-4 protection in two
multigrades, ESSOTRANS EXTRA, a Viscosity Grade Availability
0W-20 and ESSOTRANS ESSOTRANS products are available in five
MULTIGRADE 30, a 5W-30. Both viscosity grades. The 10W, 30 and 50 mono-
grades deliver the added advantage of grades cover Caterpillar and most other OEM
multi-season performance. ambient temperature operating requirements.
The multigrade products ESSOTRANS EXTRA
♦ Provides outstanding protection for final (a 0W-20) and ESSOTRANS MULTIGRADE
drives, transmissions, torque converters, 30 (a 5W-30) are specifically designed for
wet brakes, hydraulics, hoists and excellent low temperature operation, and offer
combination systems in Caterpillar and high temperature protection and the advantage of
other OEM equipment including Case multi-season service in selected applications.
and Komatsu ESSOTRANS EXTRA is designed for extreme
low temperature applications.
Primary Applications Equipment Durability
The ESSOTRANS family was developed ESSOTRANS TO-4 technology has excellent
specifically for equipment requiring Caterpillar compatibility with transmission friction materials
TO-4 quality fluids for transmissions with and elastomer components. This translates to
standard and variable capacity torque converters. longer equipment life and reduced oil system
Typical application industries include off- leakage. Some TO-2 technology products - in
highway construction, logging, mining and particular engine oils with high nitrogen contents
farming equipment. could cause friction materials to become brittle,
to flake or to break.
Because ESSOTRANS oil also meets Allison
C-4 performance levels, applications can be Operating Efficiency
extended to manual, powershift and automatic The ESSOTRANS product line has carefully
transmissions for any equipment requiring this balanced and stable friction characteristics to
performance level. provide optimum torque transfer for more
efficient transmission operation. Clutch slippage
and the associated loss of torque transfer is well
*Trademarks of Imperial Oil Limited. Imperial Oil, Licensee. Lubricants and Specialties, Marketing Technical Services
™Trademark of Exxon Corporation. Imperial Oil, Licensee. Helplines: 1-800-268-3183
Fluid Performance temperature applications from the same TO-4
The ESSOTRANS family has excellent anti- technology as the monogrades in the
wear, oxidation resistance and foam resistance ESSOTRANS oil family and have the same
properties. These combine to extend the fluid performance. The ESSOTRANS family is fully
performance and equipment life. backed by the Imperial Oil Lubrication
ESSOTRANS 10W, 30 and 50 grades meet the Precautions
performance requirements of Caterpillar
TO-4, TO-2, Allison C-4, API GL-3 gear oils ESSOTRANS line is manufactured from quality
and Komatsu Micro-Clutch Fluid. The SAE petroleum base stocks, blended with selected
10W and 30 grades also offer good hydraulic additives. As with all petroleum products, good
system protection - Vickers 35VQ25 personal hygiene and careful handling should
performance provides the protection needed for always be practiced. Avoid prolonged contact
today's high-pressure hydraulic systems. with the skin, splashing into the eyes, ingestion,
Although the SAE 30 and 50 grades meet API or vapour inhalation. Please refer to the Esso
CD performance levels, neither ESSOTRANS Material Safety Data Sheet for further
30 nor ESSOTRANS 50 oils are recommended information.
for diesel engine lubrication. Note: This product is NOT controlled under the
MULTIGRADE 30 are blended for low
Typical Properties
ESSOTRANS EXTRA Multigrade 30 10W 30 50
Kinematic Viscosity, D445 cSt @ 40°C 32.9 53.0 38.0 101 218
cSt @ 100°C 7.5 10.5 6.1 11.4 18.5
VI 206 192 106 99 94
CCS Viscosity D5293 cP @-25°C -- -- 5,327 -- --
cP @-30°C 2,014 5,810 -- -- --
cP @-35°C 3,323 -- -- -- --
MRV TP-1 Viscosity D 4684 cP @-30 °C -- -- 12,048 -- --
cP @-35°C 3,594 13,150 -- -- --
cP @-40 °C 6,685 -- -- -- --
Brookfield Viscosity, D2983 cP @ -15°C -- -- -- -- 60,000
cP @ -25°C -- -- -- 80,000 --
cP @ -35°C -- 14,000 50,000 -- --
cP @ -40°C 7,000 -- -- -- --
Low Temperature Pumpability, °C, D4684 -53 -43 -36 -24 -18
Pour Point, °C, D97 -54 -45 -39 -27 -21
Flash, °C 170 180 220 250 260
Specific Gravity 0.873 0.879 0.880 0.889 0.897
The values shown above are representative of current production. Some are controlled by manufacturing and performance
specifications while others are not. All may vary within modest ranges.
*Trademarks of Imperial Oil Limited. Imperial Oil, Licensee. Lubricants and Specialties, Marketing Technical Services
™Trademark of Exxon Corporation. Imperial Oil, Licensee. Helplines: 1-800-268-3183