Garza - 160 Syllabus - 41625

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English 160: Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts

Writing for the Web

Fall 2021

Instructor: Alexander Garza CRN: 41265

E-mail: Time and days class meets: MWF 9:00-


Remote drop-in hours: Tuesday and Room: Stevenson Hall - 212

Thursday 2:00-3:00pm

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

After completing English 160, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate rhetorical awareness of audience through different genre-based
2. Read texts in a variety of disciplines and genres, using critical reading strategies.
3. Draw connections at the level of ideas across multiple texts.
4. Defend a position in relation to the range of ideas surrounding a topic.
5. Demonstrate knowledge of writing as a process, including consideration of peer
and instructor feedback, from initial draft to final revision.
6. Demonstrate sentence-level correctness.

Course Description

When you write for the web, you are voicing your ideas to the rest of the world in real time. It
allows for businesses to reach their customers, it can sway consumers to watch or not watch a
certain film, they can incite action during a crisis, and it can move people to change government
policies. Not only does writing for the web impact peoples’ decisions and actions, it is also one
of the most sought after skills in the job market today. Though the internet has allowed for
positive communication, social media has been abused in the past few years leading to
censorship issues. With the advent of censorship in social media and other online platforms,
there is a debate whether social media apps have the right to censor users or if these users are
protected under the first amendment. In this class, you’ll get to explore the various genres of web
writing, analyze texts from different web sources, write a blog article, write an online film
review, enter into a written conversation about online censorship, reflect on your learning, and
create your own website.

Course Method of Instruction:

This class will meet in person for the semester unless the university moves us to hybrid or
remote instruction. Given the continuing, evolving, and exhaustive nature of the COVID-19
pandemic, we will all need to adjust to whatever the situation presents. Please stay in contact
should you or your home life be affected in any way. I am committed to helping everyone
complete the work in this course, even if that means we need to make some adjustments along
the way.

You will need access to a personal computer and broadband internet access. If you plan on
printing readings and/or discussions and notes, you will need to either have a printer at home or
utilize the printing capabilities at the UIC Libraries or Computer Labs.

All course materials will be listed under the Blackboard site.

Links to Zoom will be posted on the course Blackboard site.

Zoom and Blackboard will be the most used technology in this course. You may also use basic
web development tools such as WordPress or Wix.

You may contact ACCC to request and borrow a laptop or be assigned a hotspot for the semester
if you do not have the required hardware and internet capabilities:

Face Mask Policy for In-Person Classes for Fall 2021

Masks covering both the mouth and nose must be worn at all times by all students, faculty, and
staff while on campus and inside any building regardless of vaccination status. If you do not
wear a mask, you will be asked to leave the classroom and will not be allowed back in class until
you wear a mask. If you have forgotten your mask, you may pick one up from one of the student
information desk in the Student Center East during the first two weeks of the semester. Students
who do not comply with the mask wearing policy will be reported to the Dean of Students.
Eating and drinking is not allowed in classrooms.

Student Accountability

It is your responsibility to read all of the information in this syllabus carefully and ask for
clarification, if necessary. University, program, and course policies are not negotiable. By
remaining enrolled in this course, you are implicitly agreeing to abide by these policies and
accept the consequences if you violate them.

UIC Add/Drop Policy

Students enrolled in First-Year Writing courses may add, drop, or switch their FYW classes
during the first two weeks of the semester. After the second week, however, students may neither
add nor switch classes.

Name and Pronoun Use

If your name does not match the name on my course schedule (and my class roster), please let
me know as soon as possible so I may adjust my records. My pronouns are he/him/his. If you
would like to share your pronouns with me, I welcome that. For more information about
pronouns, see this page:

Course Texts and Resources

1. Graff, Gerald, and Cathy Birkenstein. They Say/I Say: The Moves That Matter in
Academic Writing. 3rd ed. New York: W.W. Norton, 2014.

2. Braziller, Amy, and Elizabeth Kleinfeld. The Bedford Book of Genres: A Guide and
Reader. Boston, Bedford, 2014.

These books can be purchased through the UIC Bookstore or any online book sellers
like Amazon, Chegg,, etc.

Purdue Online Writing Lab for Grammar, Citation, and Writing Guides:

Some resources can also be found electronically through the UIC Libraries website.

The abbreviations for assigned readings in the daily schedule are “BB” for Blackboard, or
“OWL” for Purdue Online Writing Lab, WP for Writing Project.

The Writing Center

The Writing Center will be offering online tutoring in Fall from September 1 to December 10.
Tutors are friendly and supportive and can help you with reading and writing in any of your
courses, not just English. Tutors are ready as well to help with personal statements, emails, job
applications, and resumes. The tutor and you will work together to decide how to improve your
writing. If you have not started your assignment, a tutor can help you brainstorm or make an
outline. If you are using the Writing Center for the first time, tutors will be happy to guide you
through your first session. You have two options for appointments: you can meet remotely with
the tutor synchronously (using chat, audio, phone, or video), or asynchronously by submitting up
to 4 pages of text (1500 words) and receiving written feedback within 48 hours. To schedule an
appointment, visit For more information, visit the website at

Fall tutoring will begin September 1-December 10.

In-Person Tutoring Hours:

Location: 105 Grant Hall:
Monday: 12:00pm-4:00 pm
Tuesday-Thursday: 10:00 am-4:00 pm
Friday: 12:00pm-4:00 pm

Virtual Tutoring:
Monday: 12:00pm-8:00 pm
Tuesday-Thursday: 10:00am-8:00 pm
Friday: 10:00am-700 pm
Sunday: 2:00pm-8:00 pm

Closed Sept 5 & 6 for Labor Day

Closed Nov 25 & 26 for Thanksgiving


Federal law (FERPA) prohibits me from disclosing or discussing grades over email. Visit me
during remote drop-in hours if you want to talk about your work, though please be aware that it’s
your responsibility to keep these conversations private without anyone else listening.

The categories below are worth a certain percentage of your final course grade. Grade
distribution for this class works as follows:

Writing Project 1: Blog Post 15%

Writing Project 2: Film Review 15%

Writing Project 3: Argumentative Essay 20%

Writing Project 4: Reflective Essay 20%

Participation 15%

Homework 15%

Total 100%

Grades are earned by actively participating in class and peer review sessions, completing
homework assignments, and showing significant effort in drafting and revising your writing
projects on time. The rationale for grading homework and participation is to ensure that you are
achieving milestones that will lead to your success on your final papers.

Midterm and Final Posted Grades are based on the standard A, B, C, D, F scale (A =
90% [or 90 pts], B = 80% [or 80 pts], C = 70% [or 70 pts], D = 60% [or 60 pts], F = 59%
or below [or below 59 pts]). Midterm grades are an important part of ENGL 160 and will
be posted for students to view as of Thursday of Week 9.

For more information about FERPA, consult the UIC Office of the Registrar at

Program Policies

First-Year Writing Program Add/Drop Policy

Students enrolled in First-Year Writing courses may add, drop, or switch their FYW classes
during the first two weeks of each semester. After the second week, however, students may
neither add nor switch classes. Please check with the registration office as cut-off dates may
change at any time.

Attendance and Course Engagement

Students are allowed up to two weeks of absence from the course without penalty. However,
each additional absence will reduce a student’s final grade by one letter. For example, a student
earning a B at the end of the semester with one absence beyond two weeks will receive a C.
Students who miss four sessions beyond the two weeks will not receive credit for the course.

You are required to let me know as soon as possible if you have health-related or technical
concerns that keep you from participating in the coursework so that we may make additional
arrangements if you’ll be absent for more than two weeks.

Academic Integrity Policy

A student who submits work, at any stage of the writing process, which in whole or part has been
written by someone else or which contains passages quoted or paraphrased from another’s work
without acknowledgment (quotation marks, citation, etc.), has plagiarized. In addition, a student
who submits work for an FYW course that s/he has also submitted for other courses has
plagiarized. Maintain your integrity when completing assignments and give credit where it is
due. If you are ever unsure about what constitutes plagiarism, ask me. Students who are found to
have plagiarized may be subject to various disciplinary actions, including a failing grade on a
particular assignment or failure of the entire course; I may also file an incident report with the
Office of the Dean of Students. For more information about violating academic integrity and its
consequences, consult the website of the UIC Office of the Dean of Students at

Disability Accommodation Policy

Students with disabilities who require accommodations for access to and/or participation in this
course must be registered with the Disability Resource Center (DRC). Please contact the DRC at
(312) 413-2183 or visit

Instructor Policies

Late Work Policy

In general, I do not accept late work. However, in light of the unique circumstances this
semester, I will accept late work in the event of an unforeseen emergency. I will also grant
extensions upon request if the request is made 24 hours or more before the assignment is due.
Both in the case of an emergency or an extension, you must send me an email explaining the
reasons for missing the assignment deadline.

Drafting and Feedback Policy

Each writing project requires a minimum of two drafts, and at least one of these drafts will
receive instructor feedback prior to being graded.

Submission Policy

● MLA style is the default for FYWP courses

● All submissions must be in by 11:59pm CST of the date due in the daily schedule.
● You must submit through BB as a docx.

Privacy Notification and Policy for Videorecording of Synchronous Class Sessions

We may be recording the class sessions, or portions of the class, for students who are unable to
attend synchronously. The recording feature for others is disabled so that no one else will be able
to record this session through [Zoom, BB Collaborate, etc.]. Recording by other means is not
permitted. The recorded class sessions will be posted on our Blackboard class website unless
otherwise notified.
If you have privacy concerns and do not wish to appear in the recording, turn OFF your video
and notify me in writing (via email) prior to the next class session. If you prefer to use a
pseudonym instead of your name, please let me know what name you will be using, so that I can
identify you during the class session. If you would like to ask a question, you may do so
privately through the chat feature by addressing your question to me only (and not to
“everyone”), or you may contact me by another private method, which we will agree upon in
advance of class. If you have questions or concerns about this videorecording policy, please
contact me before the end of the first week of class.
Adjustments During the Pandemic
This class will meet in person for the semester unless the university moves us to hybrid or
remote instruction. Given the continuing, evolving, and exhausting nature of the COVID-19
Pandemic, we will all need to roll with whatever situation we are presented. Please stay in
contact should you or your home life be affected in any way. I am committed to helping
everyone complete the work in this course—even if that means we need to make some
adjustments along the way.
Online Course Communication Guidelines (Netiquette)
● Be respectful of others’ views and opinions.
● Be mindful of different cultural and linguistic backgrounds, as well as different political
ideologies and religious beliefs.
● Take a professional approach to your written communications.
● Use good judgment when composing your written responses. Swearing and profanity
should be avoided. Also consider that slang terms can be misunderstood or
● Be careful using all capital letters when composing your written responses. This can be
considered “shouting” on the internet and is regarded as impolite or aggressive. It can
also be stressful on the eye when trying to read your message.
● In emails, always identify yourself and what class and section you are in. It is a good
practice to put your course and section in the subject line. This helps your instructor
identify course-related emails.

Email Communication Policy

Please check your UIC emails daily for any class updates, reminders about deadlines, schedule
changes, etc. I check my emails during business hours (M-F, 9-5 pm), and you can expect a
response from me within 24 hours of the next business day. I may respond to an email outside of
these hours, but it is not guaranteed. Please be polite when communicating through email and
begin with telling me your name and time your class meets, especially in the beginning of the
semester. I will only answer specific questions about drafts through email - I will not respond to
general requests such as “Is it good?”

Remote Drop-In Hours

Student drop-in hours is a time reserved for you! Tell me about your academic life at UIC. Come
discuss the material presented in the course. Ask questions about your assignments. I am looking
forward to connecting with you and supporting your academic success!

COVID-19 Infection Procedures, Testing and Tracing

UIC has built an infrastructure for COVID-19 testing and tracing of UIC community members.
Please refer to the UIC website, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) | UIC Today, and the
Circle Back to Campus Plan website and newsletter for up-to-date campus policies and
procedures. For information about what to do: UIC FAQs.

Students who think they have been exposed to COVID-19 or who have tested positive should
inform Student Health Services at (312) 996-2901, as soon as possible, so that the University can
take action in accordance with University policies. Please do not hesitate to share a positive
diagnosis; your identity will NOT be revealed to your classmates. UIC’s utmost concern is for
the students’ welfare and trying to ensure that everyone can take the needed precautions to
reduce the likelihood of additional infection. Arrangements will be made with students on an
individual basis to accommodate missed classes or assignments due to illness.

Student Resources

Information about students’ colleges, departments, and programs, as well as campus resources, is
available on the Blackboard landing page to provide students with information about their
colleges, departments, and programs, etc., to make it a one-stop for not just all course materials
but also for news and information about UIC.

Questions? Concerns?
Contact the First-Year Writing Program office at, call (312) 355-2776, or
stop by UH 2003.

Writing projects begin on the next page.

Writing Projects
Writing Project 1: Blog Post
Length: 5-6 Pages
Due dates:
● Draft 1 (For Peer Revision): Wed, Sep. 1
● Draft 2 (turned into instructor via email with responses to feedback): Wed, Sept. 8
● Final draft (turned in on BB): Mon. Sept. 20
● Brief (1-2 pp.) reflective piece on WP: Wed, Sept. 22

● Braziller, Amy. Elizabeth Kleinfeld. “Public Genres” from Chapter 5. pp 78-89. The
Bedford Book of Genres
● Graff, Gerald. Birkenstein. “Chapter 13: Don’t make them scroll up.” pp 166-175. They
Say, I Say.
● Edidin Rachel. “5 Reasons Why Listicles are Here to Stay, and Why That’s OK”
● Poole, Steven. “Top Nine Things You Need to Know About Listicles”
● Felder, Lynda. “Chapter 10. A Refresher on the Rhetorical Modes” Writing for the Web.
● Felder, Lynda. “Chapter 12. Writing Blogs” Writing for the Web.
● Nawotka, Edward. “Connect, Don’t Network”: Author Blog Award Winners Gaiman,
Benet on Blogging”
● Fiddler, Dana. “How To Format Your Blog Posts To Keep Your Readers Engaged”
● Lamott, Anne. Shitty First Drafts. Bedford Book of Genres. pp 522-525

The word blog comes from the 1990s term, weblog. It was primarily used as a diary entry
website that an individual user would update regularly. As the world wide web began expanding
exponentially quickly thousands of new blog sites were created. Some of these come in the form
of multiblog sites. Today, there are over 600 million blogs in the world, and about 31 million
active bloggers reside in the U.S. Blogs can come in a variety of forms, but the ones that we will
consider are the ones that are more for commercial use or for addressing social issues. In other
words, it should be formatted in a way that will draw readers in, keep them engaged, and
encourage them to take some sort of action, to think about something, or to feel something.

For this assignment, you will analyze use of one or all of the rhetorical appeals (logos, pathos,
and/or ethos) in an online blog post, demonstrating what it does to appeal to its audience in order
to persuade them to think about something, to learn or practice a skill, to take some type of
action, or to buy a product or service. You do not need to address every rhetorical appeal; choose
the appeal(s) that you see as the most important to the blog post. Remember, be specific.

● Determine the purpose of the blog post. Is the blog post trying to change the minds of
people, or just inform, or entertain?
● Determine the audience targeted: race, age, ethnicity, gender, income level, politics,
ideological views, industry, hobbies, etc.
● Determine the actual overall message. What problem are you trying to solve for the
● Read other blog posts about the same topic you are writing about. What are some
common elements in those posts? How can you restate them in an original way? Are
there elements of your topic that these other bloggers have missed?
● Outline your blog article with 3-5 sections or a listicle of 5-10 sections. Each section
should have its own heading except for the introduction.
● Start your introduction and each section with some type of hook or topic sentence.
● Include background information.
● Include a problem statement or some other problem that needs to be solved.
● Use supporting details (other sources) to support your message.
● Conclude with a restatement of your thesis in a different way.
● Conclude with a call to action or a question that makes the audience think, feel, or do

A Successful Blog Post Will:

● Demonstrate a clear understanding of how a blog post communicates its message;
● Clearly state the purpose of the post and offer background information about its subject in
the introduction;
● Address the audience you’re speaking to or somehow make it clear who the audience is;
● Use appropriate tone and level of language: dark, upbeat, casual, semi-formal, formal,
academic language.
● Use one of the three aspects of rhetorical arguments (Ethos, Pathos, Logos);
● Have a thesis statement that makes a specific claim about the rhetorical situation of the
blog post;
● Use specific evidence from other 3 reputable sources (online or print) to support analysis;
● Be free of sentence-level and grammatical errors.
● Include an introduction, and 3-5 sections for blog post or 5-10 sections for listicle
● Use basic SEO practices: Use at least 3 images with captions, at least 3 sections with
headings, use at least 1 keyword, and at least 1 link within your article to help internet
users find your blog article.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Demonstrate rhetorical awareness of audience (SLO #1)
Read texts in a variety of disciplines and genres (SLO #2)
Draw connections at the level of ideas across multiple texts (SLO #3)
Defend a position in relation to the range of ideas surrounding a topic (SLO #4)
Demonstrate knowledge of writing as a process (SLO #5)
Demonstrate sentence-level correctness (SLO #6)
Writing Project 2: The Film Review
Length: 4-5 pp.
Due Dates:
● First draft for peer review and edit: Monday, Sept. 27
● Second draft: Fri. Oct 1
● Final: Friday, Oct. 15
● Brief (1-2 pp.) reflective piece on WP: Mon. Oct. 18

● The Bedford Book of Genres: A Guide and Reader. 2nd ed., edited by Amy Braziller and
Elizabeth Kleinfeld. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2018, pp. 50-65 (BB)
● “Film Review” The Writing Center.
● “How to Write a Good Movie Review for College Like a Film Critic”.
● Belin, Adela. “How To Write A Movie Review for College” Writers Per Hour.
● “Film Writing: Sample Analysis”
● Debruge, Peter. “‘Wonder Woman 1984’ Review: Escapist Superhero Sequel Whisks Us
Away From Real-World Disaster”. Variety.
● Travers, Peter. “‘Moonlight’ Review: Story of African-American Boy Growing Up Is a
Gamechanger”. Rolling Stone.
● They Say / I Say Chapter Seven (“So What? Who Cares?”) (91-100)
● They Say / I Say Chapters Eight (“As A Result”) and Nine (“You Mean I Can
● Just Say It That Way?) (101-130)
● They Say / I Say Chapter Ten (“But Don’t Get Me Wrong”) (131-140)
● They Say / I Say Chapter Eleven (“He Says Contends”) (141-161)
● “Blog: Priester, “B.J. The Heroine’s Journey”, Bedford Book of Genres: pp 467-470
General Summary
A review is an important part of rhetorical analysis. It is a description of an object and a form of
subjective engagement with the film. A review of a film on Rotten Tomatoes, IMDB, The New
York Times, NPR, or any number of online magazine publications informs the reader about the
film but at the same time, it gives expression to the reviewer’s values — that is, what the
reviewer thinks is important, noteworthy, worth celebrating, or worth criticizing. In this sense, a
review provides a valuable public service: it helps inform readers about a specific cultural object
and also can inspire the reader to action, namely, to see or not see a film.

For this assignment, you should select from one of the films below. It is recommended that you
choose a film that is easily accessible. The review should address a general audience of
nonspecialists. Possible subjects for review will be discussed in class well before the due date.
Any film not on this list must be approved by the instructor.

Finding Forrester (2000)

Just Mercy (2019)
Barton Fink (1991)
Dead Poet’s Society (1989)
Fences (2016)
42 (2013)
The Color Purple (1985)
The Trial of the Chicago 7 (2020)
Critical Thinking (2020)

The Process
1. Choose a film from the modern era (since the invention of color tv/film) and watch. Have
paper and something to write with so you can take notes. Don’t let your note taking
distract you from actually watching the film.
2. If you have time, re-watch the film or replay certain scenes that interest you.
3. Think about relevant criteria and read some reviews in the genre. Begin by making a list
of important criteria by which to evaluate the object (e.g., acting, directing, costumes,
lighting, mise en scene, story/plot, sound, colors or tone, genre of film (comedy- did it
make you laugh, drama- did it make you cry, horror- did it make you scared?).
4. Watch the movie again, How does it meet the appropriate criteria? Can you compare it to
the director’s or actors’ other films? How does the theme or story of the film compare to
other films of that genre? You can certainly compare sequels to their predecessors.
5. Write the review. Include an introduction and a conclusion. While your analysis portion
doesn’t have to be specifically outlined- you might want to choose a only few film
production topics to focus on.
6. Think about the rules specific to the review; for example, a film review should avoid
spoiling the plot unless the article has a disclaimer at the top that says “Spoilers ahead.”
The reader should be able to learn something about the film as well as something about
the reviewer’s values.

Evaluation Criteria
● Detailed review of only 1 specific film.
● The review should at least contain an introduction, background information, the thesis or
argument, the analysis, and closing remarks or call to action.
● The analysis should contain some but not necessarily all of the following elements:
acting, directing, costumes, lighting, mise en scene, story/plot, sound, music, colors
schemes, tone, and genre of film. It is entirely up to you how many or how much of these
elements you want to include. For example, if you know about the actors’ previous work,
you might spend extra time on the acting in your review.
● Ability to address a movie-going audience.
● Formatting/structuring the review that makes it easy to follow- focus on one analysis
element at a time when possible.
● Spelling, grammar and other stylistic concerns.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Demonstrate rhetorical awareness of audience (SLO #1)
Read texts in a variety of disciplines and genres (SLO #2)
Draw connections at the level of ideas across multiple texts (SLO #3)
Defend a position in relation to the range of ideas surrounding a topic (SLO #4)
Demonstrate knowledge of writing as a process (SLO #5)
Demonstrate sentence-level correctness (SLO #6)
Writing Project 3: Argumentative Essay - Social Media Censorship

Length: 5-6 pp.

Due dates:
● Bring in first paragraph for in-class review: Wed. Oct. 20
● First draft for peer review and revision: Mon. Oct. 25
● Second draft (for instructor): Fri Oct. 29
● Final draft: Wed. Nov. 10
● Brief (1-2 pp.) reflective piece on WP3: Fri. Nov 12

● Suciu, Peter. “Do Social Media Companies Have The Right To Silence The Masses –
And Is This Censoring The Government?”
● Madison, Amber. “When Social-Media Companies Censor Sex Education”
● Evans, Jennifer. “Why social media sites shouldn’t censor erotic images”
● Video: “Hear Both Sides of the debate over free speech and social media” CNN.
● They Say / I Say Chapter Twelve (“I Take Your Point”) (162-165)
● They Say / I Say Chapters Thirteen (“Don’t Make Them Scroll Up”) and
● Fourteen (“What’s Motivating This Writer?”) (166-186)
● They Say / I Say Chapter Fifteen (“On Closer Examination”) (187-204)
● OWL Purdue, “The Argumentative Essay”
● OWL Purdue, “Creating a Thesis Statement”
● OWL Purdue, “A Strong Thesis Statement”
● OWL, MLA Overview & Workshop (BB)
● OWL, MLA Formatting and Style (BB)
● Chapter Sixteen (“The Data Suggest”) from They Say / I Say (205-223)
● Chapter Seventeen (“Analyze This”) from They Say / I Say (224-242)
● Bedford Book of Genres. 12. Evaluating and Choosing Sources. pp 349-371
● Bedford Book of Genres pp 372-390 MLA source documentation
● “Hate Speech on Social Media” by Amos N. Guiora, S.J. Quinney, Elizabeth Park,
The writing skills utilized in this writing project are basic and fundamental requirements of
academic writing. This essay will allow you to develop the ability to effectively argue a position
using logic and factual evidence, to think critically, understanding both the potential weaknesses
and strengths of your and others’ positions, and to construct a coherent analysis of a topic
through the use of appropriate methodology and sources to establish a strong argument. Using
essay writing techniques discussed in class and learned from They Say / I Say, write an
argumentative essay about an issue that is contentious, that is to say, an issue that has people that
are strongly for it and people that are strongly against it. You will take a position, argue, and
defend that position.

Having explored topics regarding the persuasive tactics, for this writing project you will
contribute to the ongoing debate around an issue regarding Social Media Censorship. For this
essay, conduct research to find at least four reliable sources related to your issue. After reviewing
these sources, construct an argument that takes a stance about the issue you have chosen. Using
persuasive strategies to convince your reader, your writing should combine your personal
experience and knowledge with what you have learned from your research to explain why your
stance on this issue should be prioritized. Do you agree or disagree with what others have said on
your topic? Why and how? Or do you have a unique perspective on the topic that others should
Additionally, your essay must address at least three counterarguments to the stance you have
taken. How can you respond to these counterarguments?
Accompanying your argumentative essay, you will write a 1 to 2 page self-reflective cover letter
to me (your instructor) describing your drafting, writing, and revision process: how did you
select your topic, how and why did you select the sources you chose, and what is your overall
goal for this assignment. What was easiest and most difficult for you? How might this writing
help you in your other and future classes?

1. Research a controversial issue that creates at least two main arguments for or against
2. Research some of the arguments for or against the issue.
3. Choose which side you will argue for and defend.
4. Outline your paper, and include what each paragraph will be about.
5. While a 5 Paragraph essay (Intro. paragraph, 3 Supporting paragraphs, Conclusion
paragraph), it is not required as long as your essay is well organized and includes all
other requirements.
6. Include a thesis statement in your introduction.
7. Use supporting evidence, quotes, and paraphrasing to support your argument.
8. Restate your thesis statement in your conclusion.

Evaluation Criteria:
● Have a clearly stated and strong thesis;
● Support claims with evidence;
● Effectively use 5 quotations and paraphrase;
● Logically organize all claims and evidence;
● Utilize rhetorical strategies (pathos, logos, ethos, kairos) to persuade readers;
● Logically summarize counterarguments;
● Be clearly and concisely written;
● Be free of sentence-level and grammatical errors;
● Be formatted according to MLA style;
● Show evidence of active revision in response to comments and advice from peers and the

Student Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate rhetorical awareness of audience (SLO #1)
Read texts in a variety of disciplines and genres (SLO #2)
Draw connections at the level of ideas across multiple texts (SLO #3)
Defend a position in relation to the range of ideas surrounding a topic (SLO #4)
Demonstrate knowledge of writing as a process (SLO #5)
Demonstrate sentence-level correctness (SLO #6)
Writing Project 4: Reflective Essay and Project

Essay length: 4-5 pp.

Due dates:
● First Paragraph draft due: Mon. Nov. 15
● First draft: (for in-class peer review) Fri. Nov. 19
● Second draft: (In-class drafting): Wed. Nov. 24
● Option 1 or 2 of Reflection Essay Project Due: Wed. Dec. 8

● “Reflections,” from The Little Seagull Handbook, pp. 70-73 (BB)
● “Academic Reflective Genres,” The Bedford Book of Genres, pp. 72-75 (BB)
● Chapter 6: “The Author’s/Artist’s Statement: A Genre for Reflection” pp. 90-102
● “A short guide to reflective writing”. University of Birmingham. pp. 1-8
● OWL Purdue Active Vs Passive Voice
● “Digital Stories,” Bedford Book of Genres pp156-165

Writing a reflection means thinking about your progress as a writer and a college student over
the course of this semester. Use your reflection paper from the beginning of the semester to
compare where you are now as a writer/student/person. In its simplest form, you are comparing
your writing skills and thoughts about your writing and learning process from the beginning of
the semester to now. What about you, your approach to writing and learning, and your writing
itself has changed since then? What have you discovered about yourself as a writer and learner
that you didn't know before? What are some skills you would still like to improve? How has this
course prepared you for future writing assignments and courses? You should quote from all three
previous writing projects as your sources, and you may include other sources if necessary. You
may think of this project as a summary or reflection on the course as a whole, but you should
also treat it as an opportunity to push yourself as a writer. Do your best to experiment and try out
new ways of engaging your reader. Multimedia skills are a hot commodity in today’s job market.
Companies (and on-campus jobs!) are often looking for “content creators” -- people who can
write articles, blog and social media posts, edit video footage, update and design web pages etc.
This means that being able to write in many different genres and media formats is a valuable and
highly desired skill set that not many people have. You will benefit from completing either
option for the fourth Writing Project.
Option 1
A written essay (minimum 1,000 words), defined as a piece of formal writing organized into
related sections or paragraphs, which meets all the reflective project’s requirements.

Option 2
A written essay (minimum 500 words), defined as a piece of formal writing organized into
related sections or paragraphs, accompanied by one additional creative format (see list that
follows). Together, the essay and creative format should meet all of the reflective project’s
requirements. Therefore, students should consider carefully what their choice of creative format
will express and how this will contribute to the final project overall. Note that the additional
creative format should complement the essay, not simply restate or reformat the same
information. In other words, the specific content of the creative format must differ in some way
from the content of the essay. For example, students should not take an argument or anecdote
from the essay and then simply repeat it in the creative format.

Additional creative formats:

● A short video (3-5 minutes). Students may work in whatever genre they think will
complement the final project, such as a documentary, a skit, a news report, a piece of
animation, a rap video, etc.
● A short podcast (3-5 minutes) through which students communicate some aspect of
their reflection in a spoken format.
● A visual display (up to 10 annotated images; 500 words) that tells a linear narrative
through imagery. Examples include a storyboard, a photo essay, a comic strip, or a
collection of original artwork. This format must have a written component such as
annotations, captions, or explanations of each image (minimum 500 words total)

Video or Podcast Script: 1 page double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font, 1”
margins. Include your first and last name, course (ENGL 160), assignment name
(ex: Rough Draft 1), and date in the upper left-hand corner of the first page in a
header. Include a title on the first page. Include page numbers in the upper
right-hand corner of the pages. Adapting from your reflective essay, write a
shorter, more concise script for you to read aloud during your podcast or video. Think
about how spoken language differs from written language - how will you change
your writing style to fit an audience who is listening to you instead of reading?
Digital Story: Using any software you wish, create a video or “digital story” to
showcase your script. It takes roughly 2 minutes to read 1 page (~250 words)
aloud, so try to aim for this length (yes, you must read the script aloud). Digital
stories may be a photo slideshow (self-taken and found online), all video footage,
or a combination of both. Music is encouraged, but you must approve it with me
beforehand and make sure your voice can clearly be heard at all times. Recommended free
project creating editing software/sites: iMovie, WeVideo, PowerPoint, Youtube, etc.

Evaluation Criteria:
● Describes what you learned: A) from our course, B) from writing these various
pieces and thinking about these ideas, and C) from the making of this final project.
● Describe the main theme or major idea of the project.
● Show thoughtful, genuine reflection on your semester long journey as a writer and how
your journey as a writer will impact you in the future.
● Include or reference excerpts of each of your other three writing projects.
● Incorporate quotations smoothly and summarize yours and others’ ideas (if applicable).
● Describe what was difficult or what was easy about each assignment.
● Use proper grammar, word choice, and sentence structure, and be free of grammatical
● Use MLA formatting, and produce the required page-length using the appropriate
font, font size, and spacing.
● Use correct in-text citations and have a properly formatted Works Cited.

Student Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate rhetorical awareness of audience (SLO #1)
Read texts in a variety of disciplines and genres (SLO #2)
Draw connections at the level of ideas across multiple texts (SLO #3)
Defend a position in relation to the range of ideas surrounding a topic (SLO #4)
Demonstrate knowledge of writing as a process (SLO #5)
Demonstrate sentence-level correctness (SLO #6)

Daily Schedule begins on next page.

Daily Schedule
*All lessons and dates are subject to change as needed by the instructor.

Mon. Aug. 23
Discussion: Class discussion about prior writing experiences and expectations from the First
Year Writers Program. Discuss previous experience writing for the web.
In Class:
● Introductions to UIC and First Year Writing Program
● Introductions to classmates and instructor
● Syllabus Overview
● Read:
o The Introduction: Entering the Conversation from They Say / I Say
o Braziller, Amy. Elizabeth Kleinfeld. Chapter 1. pp 4-15. The Bedford Book of
o Lamott, Anne. Shitty First Drafts. Bedford Book of Genres. pp 522-525
● Activity:
o Type a one-page self-reflection paper (minimum; two pp. max.) describing your
experiences as a writer. Describe what you like about writing but also what you
struggle with when writing, etc. Also, write about what you like to read (e.g.,
novels, short stories, on-line reviews, essays, Twitter, recipes, etc.). Submit to
Blackboard by Wednesday, Aug. 26, before class.
o Begin thinking about possible topics for WP1 and begin working on your first

Wed. Aug. 25
Discussion: We will have volunteers read sections from their homework assignment aloud; and
everyone will have submitted their assignments via BB before class. Discussion of Introduction
to They Say / I Say.
In Class:
● Presentation over Rhetorical Situations and Choices
● Write about a situation you’ve had in the past week
● Introduction to Writing Project 1 (Blog Post) (3-4 pp.)
● Read:
o Chapter 1 from They Say / I Say. pp. 19-29
o Lawson, Donnie. “What should I blog About? 10 Ways to Discover Your Perfect
● Activity:
o Write and post a response to the question on the discussion board. What do you
think the difference is between a blog article, a magazine article, and a news
article? Think of tone, audience, structure, kind of language, etc.
o Work on first draft of Writing Project 1, due Wednesday, Sept. 1

Fri. Aug. 27
Discussion: Discussion of Lawson, Donnie. “What should I blog About? 10 Ways to Discover
Your Perfect Niche” and discussion of Chapter 1 to They Say / I Say.
In Class:
● Presentation: Genre-writing
● Discussion: Chapter 1 of They Say / I say
● Discussion: Chapter 2 Bedford Book of Genres.
● Discussion: Writing Project 1: The Blog Article
● Activity: Break out into groups to brainstorm possible ideas for a blog post.

● Read:
o Chapter 2 from They Say / I Say
o Braziller, Amy. Elizabeth Kleinfeld. Chapter 2. pp 16-26. The Bedford Book of
o Saxena, Jaya. “The knitting community is reckoning with racism”
● Activity:
o Write a one page summary of the blog article assigned (The knitting
community…”). Double-spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman.
o Work on first draft of Writing Project 1, due Wednesday, Sept. 1

Mon, Aug. 30
Discussion: Discussion of Chapter 2 from They Say / I Say. Saxena, Jaya. “The knitting
community is reckoning with racism”.
In Class:
● Discussion: Writing Project 1: The Blog Article
● Presentation: Language and Consequences
● Discussion: Chapter 2 of They Say / I say
● Discussion: Saxena, Jaya. “The knitting community is reckoning with racism”
● Writing: describe argumentative claims in this article (ethos, pathos, logos, kairos).
● Activity: Break out into groups to brainstorm possible ideas for a blog post and
reconvene to hear volunteers explain their choice.

● Read:
o Chapter 3 from They Say / I Say, 43-52
o Braziller, Amy. Elizabeth Kleinfeld. “Public Genres” from Chapter 5. pp 78-89.
The Bedford Book of Genres
o Graff, Gerald. Birkenstein. “Chapter 13: Don’t make them scroll up.” pp 166-175.
They Say, I Say.
o Edidin Rachel. “5 Reasons Why Listicles are Here to Stay, and Why That’s OK”
● Activity: Work on first draft of Writing Project 1, due Wednesday, Sept. 1

Wed, Sep. 1
Discussion: Discussion of Chapter 3 from They Say / I Say.
In Class:
● DUE: 1st Draft of Writing Project 1
● Discussion: Chapter 3 of They Say / I say
● Chapter 5 Bedford Book of Genres.
● Activity: Peer Review

● Read:
o Poole, Steven. “Top Nine Things You Need to Know About Listicles”
o Felder, Lynda. “Chapter 10. A Refresher on the Rhetorical Modes” Writing for
the Web.
o Felder, Lynda. “Chapter 12. Writing Blogs” Writing for the Web.
● Activity: Complete and submit through Google Docs your Peer Reviews by Fri, Sep 3.

Fri, Sep. 3
Discussion: Poole, Steven. “Top Nine Things You Need to Know About Listicles”, Felder,
Lynda, “Chapter 10. A Refresher on the Rhetorical Modes” Writing for the Web. Felder, Lynda.
“Chapter 12. Writing Blogs” Writing for the Web.
In Class:
● DUE: Peer Review complete and returned to writer.
● Discussion: Poole, Steven. “Top Nine Things You Need to Know About Listicles”,
Felder, Lynda, Chapter 10. Chapter 12. Writing for the Web.
● Discussion: Structure of a blog post.
● Activity: Peer Editing in Groups

● Read: Read Chapter Four (“Yes / No / Okay, But”) from They Say / I Say
● Complete and return peer edited papers.
● Activity: Work on second draft of Writing Project 1, due Wednesday, Sept. 8.

Mon, Sept. 6
Labor Day – no class!

● Work on revisions for WP1, based on peer review, due Wednesday, Sept. 8

Wed, Sept. 8
Discussion: They Say / I Say Chapter Four, focusing on ways to respond (I say) to others’
arguments (They Say).

In Class:
● Due: Writing Project 1 (second draft)
● Discuss They Say / I Say Chapter Four
● While reading, answer the following:
1. Scorsese’s essay responds to general reactions to his argument that Marvel superhero
movies “aren’t cinema.” Where in his essay does he distinguish between his claims (his
“I say”) and the views of others (his “they say”)? Check out Chapter 5 for an explanation
of why it’s important to make this distinction and for templates of the moves that writers
use to do this work.

2. Scorsese argues that in the past, the Hollywood film industry has depended on a
“productive tension” between artistic vision and the practical financial pressures of
running a business. Today, he claims, “that tension is gone,” resulting in movies that are
merely entertainment, not art. What does he mean by this distinction? What’s your take?
Respond to Scorsese’s claim, perhaps using a template from Chapter 4. Do you agree
with his claim, disagree, or both? Use your own experiences with films as evidence for
your response.

3. Streaming services, like Netflix and Hulu, are showing more independent, “artistic” films
that may not be profitable enough for the big screen. What does Scorsese think of this
shift? What are the benefits and drawbacks of streaming films? How do streaming
companies affect which films are created, who gets to see films, and how the larger
movie industry operates?
● 5 Minute reading: “Martin Scorsese: I Said Marvel Movies Aren’t Cinema. Let Me
● Grammar: commas

● Read:
○ Nawotka, Edward. “Connect, Don’t Network”: Author Blog Award Winners
Gaiman, Benet on Blogging”
○ Fiddler, Dana. “How To Format Your Blog Posts To Keep Your Readers
○ Work on final WP1, due Monday, Sept. 20
○ Read Chapter Five (“And Yet”) from They Say / I Say

Fri, Sept. 10
Discussion: They Say / I Say Chapter Five. Nawotka, Edward. “Connect, Don’t Network”:
Author Blog Award Winners Gaiman, Benet on Blogging”. Fiddler, Dana. “How To Format
Your Blog Posts To Keep Your Readers Engaged”

In Class:
● Discuss They Say / I Say Chapter Five. Nawotka, Edward. “Connect, Don’t Network”:
Author Blog Award Winners Gaiman, Benet on Blogging”,
● Discuss Fiddler, Dana. “How To Format Your Blog Posts To Keep Your Readers

● Read:
○ Nawotka, Edward. “Connect, Don’t Network”: Author Blog Award Winners
Gaiman, Benet on Blogging”
○ Fiddler, Dana. “How To Format Your Blog Posts To Keep Your Readers
○ Work on final WP1, due Monday, Sept. 20
○ Read Chapter Five (“And Yet”) from They Say / I Say

Mon, Sept. 13
Chapter Five (“And Yet”) from They Say / I Say, focusing on distinguishing what you say from
what they say. Rhetorical strategies: Introduction to Ethos / Pathos / Logos / Kairos.

In Class:
● Chapter Five (“And Yet”) from They Say / I Say, focusing on distinguishing what you
say from what they say.
● Rhetorical strategies: Introduction to Ethos / Pathos / Logos / Kairos.
● Nawotka, Edward. “Connect, Don’t Network”: Author Blog Award Winners Gaiman,
Benet on blogging”. Look for examples of Ethos / Pathos / Logos / Kairos.
● Fiddler, Dana. “How To Format Your Blog Posts To Keep Your Readers Engaged”.
Look for examples of Ethos / Pathos / Logos / Kairos.

● Read Chapter Six (“Skeptics May Object”) from They Say / I Say
● Work on final WP1, due Monday, Sept. 20

Wed, Sept. 15
Discussion: Chapter Six (“Skeptics May Object”) from They Say / I Say,
In Class:
● Returning 2nd Drafts to you.
● Discuss the concept of planting a naysayer in the text.
● Recognizing Fallacies.
● Group activity: Analysis of text provided looking for fallacies.
● “From a Rapt Audience, a Call to Cool the Hype”
● “Fallacies of Movie Critics”

● Work on WP1 Final draft due Monday, Sept. 20
● BB Discussion on Writing Project 2: Film Review: Do you read film reviews? Do you
read them before or after watching the film? Why? What do you think the purpose of a
film review is? Who do you think the audience is? What are the consequences of a
positive film review? A negative one?

Mon. Sept. 20
Discussion: Overview of Film reviews. Group discussion of review ideas. Discussion of
differences in review approaches and styles when writing about different genres.
In Class:
● DUE: WP1 final draft.
● Overview of film reviews.
● Discussion of BB Discussion question.
● Discussion of differences in review approaches and styles when writing about different
● Write a brief (one page) reflection on Writing Project 1; write on your process, the
decisions you made, and any problems you had while writing due Wednesday, Sept. 22
and turin in by email.
● Choose a film and be prepared to talk about your choice on Wednesday, Sept. 22
● The Bedford Book of Genres: A Guide and Reader. 2nd ed., edited by Amy Braziller and
Elizabeth Kleinfeld. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2018, pp. 50-65 (BB)
● “Film Review” The Writing Center.
● They Say / I Say Chapter Seven (“So What? Who Cares?”) (91-100)

Wed, Sept. 22
Discussion: Review topics.

In Class:
● DUE: Brief reflection on WP1
● We will break into groups and discuss chosen subjects for review.
● As a class, we will discuss your review ideas and how they fit in (or don’t!) with the
reviews we have looked at thus far.
● Grammar: The Colon (the use of semicolons will also be discussed and included in
● Grammar: Film Review Titles and the use of colons

● Read Chapter Seven (“So What? Who Cares?”) from They Say / I Say
● Read Guided Reading / Sample Film Review pp 50-64 in Bedford Book of Genres
● “How to Write a Good Movie Review for College Like a Film Critic”.
● Belin, Adela. “How To Write A Movie Review for College” Writers Per Hour.

Fri. Sept 24
Discussion: Chapter Seven (“So What? Who Cares?”) from They Say / I Say, “How to Write a
Good Movie Review for College Like a Film Critic”, and “How To Write A Movie Review for
In Class:
● Discuss
○ Chapter Seven (“So What? Who Cares?”) from They Say / I Say,
○ Guided Reading / Sample Film Review pp 50-65 in Bedford Book of Genres
○ “How to Write a Good Movie Review for College Like a Film Critic”
○ “How To Write A Movie Review for College”.

● Work on WP2 first draft, due Monday, Sept. 27
● Read: “Film Writing: Sample Analysis”
Mon, Sept. 27
Discussion: Common problems with peer reviewing.

In Class:
● DUE: WP first draft for peer review
● Activity: Peer Review Writing Project 2

● Debruge, Peter. “‘Wonder Woman 1984’ Review: Escapist Superhero Sequel Whisks Us
Away From Real-World Disaster”. Variety.

Wed, Sept. 29
Discussion: Reflection on peer review and WP2
In Class:
● DUE: one page journal reflection on peer review and WP2
● Discuss the structure and Web Search Engine elements
● Peer Review in class using Peer review Worksheet
● Work on WP2 second draft, for instructor feedback, due Friday, Oct. 1
● Write one page reflection on peer review.

Fri. Oct 1
Discussion: Word Choice, italics, quotes.
In Class:
● WP2 second draft due.
● Discuss Word Choice using Google Slides Presentation and handout
● Discuss the use of italics. - rhetorical emphasis, film titles in WP2,
● Analyze text for italics: “Blog: Priester, “B.J. The Heroine’s Journey”, Bedford Book of
Genres: pp 467-470
● Discuss quotes and block quotes on the web.
● Read:
○ Chapters Eight (“As A Result”) They Say I Say

Mon, Oct. 4
Discussion: Chapters 8 from They Say / I Say.
In Class:
● Discussion of Chapters Eight from They Say / I Say, focusing on connecting sentences
and paragraphs and ideas, in general, and maintaining one’s own voices while cogently
relaying concepts.
● In class lesson on Voice

● Chapter 9 (“You Mean I Can Just Say It That Way?) from They Say / I Say
● Travers, Peter. “‘Moonlight’ Review: Story of African-American Boy Growing Up Is a
Gamechanger”. Rolling Stone.

Wed, Oct. 6
Discuss: Writing Project 3, Chapter 9 They Say/ I Say, Moonlight Review

In Class:
● Discuss Chapter 9 They Say/ I Say
● Discuss Moonlight Review

● BB discussion: In the film review for Moonlight, where did you find examples of pathos,
logos, ethos, or kairos? What element of the film appealed the most to the author? What
element of the film did not appeal to them? What argument or supporting evidence do
they use to support their claim?
● Work on WP2, final draft, due Friday, Oct. 15
Fri, Oct. 8
Discussion: Moonlight, Punctuation, (commas, colons, semicolons)

In Class:
● Brief discussion of BB responses on Moonlight
● Discuss writing project 3
● Review punctuation (commas, colons, semicolons) - handout/presentation

1. Watch film: CBSN Originals presents "Speaking Frankly: Censorship" | Full Documentary
2. Work on WP2 final draft, due Monday, Oct. 15

Mon, Oct. 11
Discussion: Chapter Ten from They Say / I Say, “Speaking Frankly”

In Class:
● Activity p 134 They Say / I say
● Discussion of the documentary "Speaking Frankly: Censorship" | Full Documentary,
● Review MLA formatting of Bibliographies and Works Cited pages

● Write brief response to the film "Speaking Frankly: Censorship" | Full Documentary.
● Read: OWL, Conducting Research
● Work on WP2, final draft, due Friday, Oct. 15

Wed, Oct. 13
Discussion: Research techniques
In Class:
● Research techniques (web, library, databases, interviews, other sources)
● Popular versus scholarly articles
● A word on Wikipedia: How to use Wikipedia without plagiarism or inaccurate
● Visit and presentation from UIC Library representative

● Read Chapter 10 They Say/ I Say

Friday, Oct. 15
Discussion: Chapter 10 from They Say / I Say, focusing on revision and the use of templates
when revising, etc.

In Class:
● DUE: WP2, Final Draft
● Introduce Writing Project 3, Argumentative Essay
● Individual: p 140 Bedford Book of Genres #2 (4 templates)

● Read Chapters Eleven (“He Says Contends”)
● Read the article, “Do Social Media Companies Have The Right To Silence The Masses –
And Is This Censoring The Government?”
● Blackboard Discussion: What is a thesis statement? And how does one come up with and
assert a thesis statement?
● 1 page reflection on WP2 Emailed
Questions to get you started:
○ Have you ever written a film review? Would you write one again? About a
different film?
○ What was easy about this writing project? What was difficult?
○ How does a film review differ from the blog post you wrote in WP1?
○ What kind of evidence from the film did you come up with to support your
○ Did you use the blog format discussed in WP1? Did you use headers this time?
Images? Why or why not?
○ What message were you trying to send to the reader/your audience? What action,
if any, were you trying to make them take?

Mon. Oct. 18
Discussion: Chapter 11 from They Say / I Say, brief discussion of the nature of in class
discussions, building on metacommentary, etc.
In Class:
● Discuss Chapter 11 They Say / I say
● p 137 in They Say / I say
● DUE: 1 page reflection on WP2 Emailed
● Discuss the article, “Do Social Media Companies Have The Right To Silence The Masses
– And Is This Censoring The Government?”
● Read Chapter Twelve (“I Take Your Point”) from They Say / I Say
● Find one article that opposes your paper position: Read “Rules to Regulate Digital
Content Undermines Freedom of Expression as well as the Right to Privacy”.
● Work on first paragraph of WP3 for Peer Review on Monday, Oct. 20

Wed. Oct. 20
● Chapter 12 They Say / I Say
● How to incorporate opposing viewpoints in your paper and in your first paragraph.
● Should the government intervene in digital (social media and other internet) companies in
the matter of the content they post? What should and should not be legal or illegal to

In Class:
● Chapter 12 They Say / I Say
● Review Peer Review concepts
● Analyze “Rules to Regulate Digital Content Undermines Freedom of Expression as well
as the Right to Privacy”.
● Thesis statement discussion continued ->what does a good thesis statement look like?
● Write: three other ways your thesis statement could be written.

● Read Chapters 13 (“Don’t Make Them Scroll Up”)
● Bedford Book of Genres pp 104-111
● Bedford Book of Genres, p 108-111: Dickinson, Chase, “Are Kids on a One-Way Path to
● Post to BB Discussion: Answer Questions 1-5 on page 111 of Bedford Book of Genres.
● DUE: Peer Review on first paragraph of WP3

Fri, Oct. 22
Discussion: We will discuss how violence is portrayed in the media, and in particular draw from
the evidence and arguments in the article assigned. What claims does the author make? What
evidence do they use to support their arguments? How does this author begin their essay? What
is their thesis statement?
In Class:
● DUE: Peer Review on first paragraph of WP3
● Discuss: Chapters 13 (“Don’t Make Them Scroll Up”)
● Bedford Book of Genres, p 108-111: Dickinson, Chase, “Are Kids on a One-Way Path to

● Activity: First draft of WP3
● Chapter Fourteen (“What’s Motivating This Writer?”) from They Say / I Say
● “Don’t Blame the Reader” They Say / I Say pp 245-247
● Read “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr
● Read “Response to Nicholas Carr’s ‘Is Google Making Us Stupid?’” by Trent Batson.

Mon. Oct. 25
Discussion:Many blog posts, news articles, and op-ed pieces are in response to someone else’s
written work. Sometimes, it is a critique of another blog post. Today, we will look at the two
readings assigned and see if the writers are using rhetorical concepts from They Say / I Say.
In Class:
● DUE: Peer Review of First draft of WP3
● Analyze How is an argument in conversation with others? “Don’t Blame the Reader?”
they Say/ I Say.
● Discuss Opposing articles by Nicolas Carr and Trent Batson. How are they using Chapter
13 and 14 templates from They Say / I Say?
● Activity: In small groups take at least one of your sources for WP3 and create a sentence
with it using one of the templates from They Say / I Say Chapter 13.
● Read:
o Madison, Amber. “When Social-Media Companies Censor Sex Education”

Wed, Oct. 27
Discussion: Sex education resources online have received a lot of criticism for various reasons.
Is sex education to explicit? Should these resources be censored to protect younger internet
users? Do you think sex education online can prevent unsafe sex practices?
In Class:
● Madison, Amber. “When Social-Media Companies Censor Sex Education
● Small Groups:
○ What should or not be censored in the media online? Think about different
genres and mediums of communication: news, films, video games, social
media, memes, blogs, graphic novels, e-books and novels. Think about
how these things are created and how they are consumed. Does the author
reflect life in their work or does society reflect the media they have
created? Does watching a crime movie about a gangster make the
consumer want to become a gangster? What if the consumer is mentally

● Read:
o They Say / I Say Chapter Fifteen (“On Closer Examination”) (187-204)
o OWL Purdue, “The Argumentative Essay”
o DUE next time: WP3 Second Draft for Instructor Review

Fri. Oct. 29
Discussion: We will discuss how literature plays a role in rhetorical writing. We will discuss key
points of the argumentative essay and use templates from They Say / I Say.
In Class:
● Discussion about literature and how conflict, argument, evidence, interpretation, and
opinion are related.
● Explore the role of literary critics in conversation with texts.
● Examples of how these concepts fit into your essay using templates from They Say / I
● DUE: WP3 Second Draft for Instructor Review
● Discuss They Say / I Say Chapter Fifteen (“On Closer Examination”) (187-204)
● Discuss OWL Purdue, “The Argumentative Essay”
● Read: Flannery O'Connor, “Everything That Rises Must Converge”. pp 275-296

Mon. Nov. 1
Discussion: How does literature compare with the non-fiction pieces we’ve read so far? How
does rhetorical analysis help you read literature? How does reading literature help you with
rhetorical analysis?
In Class: In groups answer the following questions from They Say I Say in response to the short
piece by Flannery O'Connor, “Everything That Rises Must Converge”.
p 195:
1. What are some differences and similarities between this piece of fiction and some of the
web articles we’ve read?
2. What is the purpose of this piece?
3. Who is likely the audience?
4. Is there an argument of some sort being made by the author?
5. What is the central conflict?
6. Which side-if any- does the text seem to favor?
7. What’s your evidence? How might others interpret the evidence differently?
8. What’s your opinion of the text?
● Activity: Video: “Hear Both Sides of the debate over free speech and social media”

Wed. Nov. 3
Discussion: What are the current debates over social media and first amendment rights? Who are
the players? What are their arguments? What consequences result or what precedents are set
from these debates, decisions, and laws? How will this affect the future of writing for the web?
In Class:
● Video: “Hear Both Sides of the debate over free speech and social media” CNN.
● Write: A response to the discussion questions:
o Who created this video or who produced it? What do you think their purpose was
in creating this video? Who is the intended audience(s)? Do you think that this
video is politically biased for some reason- do you think they are not being
objective as they could be? Which argument(s) caught your attention and what
kind of appeal was it making (pathos, ethos, logos, kairos). After hearing their
arguments, do you think social media outlets should have the right to censor
people? Should the government intervene and issue a policy that prevents SM
platforms from censoring people?

● Read “Hate Speech on Social Media” by Amos N. Guiora, S.J. Quinney, Elizabeth Park
o “OWL Purdue Conclusions.”
● Activity: Pick one of the situations from Section 5 of the article and post your analysis on
BB: Answer the following:
o Who is the person making their “free speech”? Who is the main player of the
situation you chose? What claims does the author make, if any? What claims does
the person involved make? What do you think of this particular case? Is there a
clear sentiment of hate speech? Are SM audiences too sensitive? In the situation
you’ve chosen do you think enough information was provided to make a
judgement about whether or not it was hate speech?

Fri. Nov. 5
Discussion: Return Drafts. WP3: restating your thesis, the conclusion. Analyzing conclusions.
In Class:
● Conclusions, restating thesis, closing arguments, final thoughts, recommendations for
policy change or further research, etc.
● “Hate Speech on Social Media” by Amos N. Guiora, S.J. Quinney, Elizabeth Park,
○ Who wrote this article?
○ What is their purpose? What are they trying to do with this essay?
○ Who is their audience?
○ What stance are they taking?
○ What evidence do they have to back up their claims?
○ Discuss BB questions:
● Read: Bedford Book of Genres pp 314-348 12. Evaluating and Choosing Sources


Mon. Nov. 8
Discussion: What is the difference between popular and scholarly sources? Are some sources
better than others? What makes a source reliable? How to evaluating and choose sources.
In Class:
● Revisit how to use the library search tools.
● Discuss Bedford Book of Genres pp 314-348 12. Evaluating and Choosing Sources
● Provide examples of both popular sources and scholarly sources and discuss their
● Read: Bedford Book of Genres. 13. Integrating and Documenting Sources. pp 349-371
● Refer to : Bedford Book of Genres pp 372-390 MLA source documentation
● DUE: WP3 Final Draft

Wed. Nov. 10
Discussion: What is the process of citing and documenting your sources?
In Class:
● DUE: WP3 Final Draft
● Bedford Book of Genres. 13. Integrating and Documenting Sources. pp 349-371
● Presentation with examples:
○ Quoting pp353-357
○ Paraphrasing pp 358-363
○ Summarizing pp 364-366
○ Plagiarism pp 367-371
● Due Friday: 1-2 pp reflection over WP 3
Fri. Nov. 12
Discussion: Introduction to WP4
In Class:
● Due 1-2 pp reflection over WP 3
● Present WP4 project
● Present Examples of WP4
● Discuss WP3 response paper for BB

● Read: OWL Purdue Active Vs Passive Voice
● DUE: Draft of First paragraph of WP4


Mon. Nov. 15
Discussion: WP4, Active Vs Passive Voice
In Class:
● DUE: Draft of First paragraph of WP4
● Discuss: Active Vs Passive Voice
o The purpose of this lesson is to provide clarity to your sentences for the reader
● Activity: On paper, write whether the statement is in passive or active voice. If it is in
passive voice then change it to active voice.
o Go through your paragraph and change sentences that use passive voice to active

● Read:
o “Reflections,” from The Little Seagull Handbook, pp. 70-73 (BB)
o “Academic Reflective Genres,” The Bedford Book of Genres, pp. 72-75 (BB)
● Activity:
o BB Discussion: What are some of the reasons writing a reflective essay would be
beneficial? Why? What might readers gain from or your or someone else’s
reflective essay?

Wed. Nov. 17
Discussion: What is a reflection essay? What should a reflection essay include? What are the
types of non-fiction reflection genres?
In Class:
● Discuss “Reflections,” from The Little Seagull Handbook, pp. 70-73 (BB)
● Discuss “Academic Reflective Genres,” The Bedford Book of Genres, pp. 72-75 (BB)
● Tech tutorials, open work lab, in-text citations

● Read: Chapter 6: “The Author’s/Artist’s Statement: A Genre for Reflection” pp. 90-102
● Activity: WP4 Draft 1 – submit Draft 1 today to Google Docs “WP4 Peer Review”
before Midnight

Fri. Nov. 19
Discussion: What is an author/artist statement? How does it relate to reflection pieces?
In Class:
● WP4 Draft 1 – submit Draft 1 today to Google Docs “WP4 Peer Review” before
● Discuss: Chapter 6: “The Author’s/Artist’s Statement: A Genre for Reflection” pp. 90-
● Answer in groups
○ Which paper did you put modest emphasis on? Which WP did you enjoy the
most/ the least? Which one was easiest/hardest? During which WP did you learn
the most/the least? Which topic did you already have some/little knowledge
● Read: “Reflections,” from The Little Seagull Handbook, pp. 70-73 (BB)
● Activity: BB discussion: Which paper did you put modest emphasis on? Which WP did
you enjoy the most/ the least? Which one was easiest/hardest? During which WP did you
learn the most/the least? Which topic did you already have some/little knowledge about?


Mon, Nov. 22
Discussion: What is the difference between a memoir and an autobiography? “Reflections,”
from The Little Seagull Handbook, pp. 70-73.
In Class:
● Discuss “Reflections,” from The Little Seagull Handbook, pp. 70-73
● Handout: The difference between a memoir and an autobiography. How to write about
yourself. The importance of recalling memory from experiences.
● Individual Writing: Write less than a page about a positive holiday or special gathering
experience. Try to write one from your childhood if possible.
● Read: Memoir vs Autobiography
● Read: “Writing From Memory” by Stacey Mickelbart
● Activity: BB Discussion: Describe the most memorable holiday from your youth. (If no
holiday, then just a memorable event) How did it affect you? What did you see, hear,
taste, touch- what was the environment like- the setting? Who were you with if anyone?
What actions did you take or what reactions did you have? How did you feel and why?
Wed. Nov. 24
Discussion: Writing From Memory: How can writing from memory help your writing? How can
it benefit your well-being?
In Class:
● WP4 Draft 2 Due
● Discuss: “Writing From Memory” by Stacey Mickelbart
● In Class Writing: Write a paragraph about the most memorable moment of this semester
(whether in school, outside of school, anywhere, etc.). Be sure to use evidence to support
that this was your most memorable moment of college so far.
● Begin revisions of WP4 draft 2 as soon as they are returned to you.

Fri. Nov. 26
Thanksgiving Holiday

Mon. Nov. 28
Discussion: WP 4 Common Errors to Avoid
In Class:
● Discuss Instructor Feedback
● Errors in Grammar
● Structure
● Content
● Work on WP4
● Read “Digital Stories,” Bedford Book of Genres pp 156-165
● Post a blog on your website, and answer the following questions:
o What will the world wide web be like in five years? Twenty Years?
o Are blogs literature?
o If you were to write a blog EVERYDAY, what would be the topic and why?
▪ Give your post a title
▪ Use subheaders
▪ Use at least two images

Wed. Dec. 1
Discussion: Digital Stories. Technology used in multimedia projects.
● Discuss Digital Stories from Bedford Book of Genres
● Discuss “Writing the Music Train” by Amy Braziller.
● Survey other examples of multimedia projects.
● Work on WP4
● Activity: Post 1 page reflection of WP4 on BB by Wed, Dec 8

Fri. Dec. 3
Discussion: Writing for the Web in the Future, What’s to come in ENGL 161
In Class:
● Post reflection of WP4 on BB by Wed, Dec 8
● Written Course Evaluations
● Writing for the Web in the Future
● What’s to come in ENGL 161
● Work on WP4 Final Draft

● **No classes. Extended Drop-In Hours TBD** ** Final draft of WP 4 due 12/8 by
11:59 PM on Blackboard**
Wed. Dec. 8
● Submit WP4 Final Draft today to BB before Midnight

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