Aladdindao: Security Assessment

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Security Assessment

April 17th, 2021

For :
AladdinDAO Protocol

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CertiK Reports represent an extensive auditing process intending to help our customers increase the quality of their code
while reducing the high level of risk presented by cryptographic tokens and blockchain technology.

Blockchain technology and cryptographic assets present a high level of ongoing risk. CertiK’s position is that each
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the attack vectors and the high level of variance associated with utilizing new and consistently changing technologies, and
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What is a CertiK report?

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Project Summary

Project Name AladdinDAO

Description Decentralized Finance Protocol

Platform Ethereum; Solidity; Yul

Codebase GitHub Repository

Commits 2a84dbdb3fc75b1ef75f7232f83e0e32cf9c3652

Audit Summary

Delivery Date April. 17th, 2021

Method of Audit Static Analysis, Manual Review

Consultants Engaged 2

Timeline Mar. 28, 2021 - April. 17, 2021

Vulnerability Summary

Total Issues 9

Total Critical 0

Total Major 1

Total Minor 1

Total Informational 7

Total Discussion 0
Executive Summary

This report has been prepared for AladdinDAO smart contract to discover issues and vulnerabilities in the source code of
their Smart Contract as well as any contract dependencies that were not part of an officially recognized library. A
comprehensive examination has been performed, utilizing Dynamic Analysis, Static Analysis, and Manual Review

The auditing process pays special attention to the following considerations:

Testing the smart contracts against both common and uncommon attack vectors.
Assessing the codebase to ensure compliance with current best practices and industry standards.
Ensuring contract logic meets the specifications and intentions of the client.
Cross referencing contract structure and implementation against similar smart contracts produced by industry
Thorough line-by-line manual review of the entire codebase by industry experts.
File in Scope

ID Contract SHA256-Checksum

DAO DAO.sol b8d914819016159ecc1ccb715a72b52c79c5ff1480362f802cb855d3bc33be00

TS Treasury.sol 160451b4e029c173c80c100a934dde733a16f8fd6f08cd037edc67f4d7e92041

VT VoteToken.sol 301981c3631eb57b5a7c14ca60fdf65bff37a9e42282fa195991afe903be40ba

BS BaseStrategy.sol 4deec1108bbc994d0fc1a5722fbf895684dab172e68fbb4ef344507f148951e7

SCD StrategyCompoundDAI.sol ffa356d34cb6e0a52554a7d4792b6fbddbf96ccb3ce8031c79de5a217995f571

SCUC StrategyCompoundUSDC.sol edafa70ac8de7e0609f1f56783717c1f8371399afeed89d915014bee0668a245

SCUT StrategyCompoundUSDT.sol 4fb702e278dec9f2b95793ad6a53524bded85b875929e4b84fe7f91729bec1ca

SCWC StrategyCompoundWBTC.sol 3f824262ec4c2dbeb4eaae97f101d5541b43f3269fe4159aec61b80d58332971

SCWH StrategyCompoundWETH.sol f0a11a18a09e82d2b6bdbe91966b5f3d3193a4c63b1267ea6d7230dc6e942dfc

SCP StrategyCurve3Pool.sol caf71fa6def17542857c1989a8021e9668955bb725ed7c0c8cf955470117cd97

SCH StrategyCurveHBTC.sol 695a7696656132b5181ed540e364658fd4999eec73fd2a5693571a29a9284c15

SCR StrategyCurveRenWBTC.sol cee333c705e2e1d00d12a48a4dd3406f5a03cf3524a887572f351cc909b17f3b

SCS StrategyCurveSETH.sol e148702d06bed2f11ec752bc3b93b14ab82ce179cff880fc8256c059437e13a9

SSD StrategySushiETHDAI.sol b1d7f9829a7949b2830abf1eed46f925dc48a6a13d63d0b06cab4ff0a84b80c6

SSEC StrategySushiETHUSDC.sol f74a96b5b286a00fdb73bf06fafe2aa58a6d47e578da7ed4b2db9fc06b1b6de3

SSET StrategySushiETHUSDT.sol 4cbc24d0fd1acc23f371c4a87aeefb7d57b779a5b3e533b2ddef827ea133469c

SSEW StrategySushiETHWBTC.sol dfe92cda227c2c667baf4911cd24c9d1e009c7f6c41f11799813b30b3e5cdc4e

BV BaseVault.sol bfb599fe908dcff380e6d895dd7242202539855b5958ef347dd78bcbd64c9a97

CL Controller.sol b0e4d0ab0b8830c8d1454f87c291ba378ba3d37d03fa626d9b6f129cd31f461b

MR MultiStakingRewards.sol fcbfc6f98a0d872914354db1361d4a808796844fe0814cdb1d8a159c7f88e3ab

RD RewardDistributor.sol d61b1c0e8ff7094571307f241882f9323fac5f978a87d8251a9f660789998388

WE WrappedERC20.sol e6650b064830214793cf55d2f8f4b57da1818f66c730bedf095f116368ef247d

ALD ALDToken.sol dcc7afd20dfebfc6edfcf213ef6aa0433f96fd5be9cf12d9deb45d4e22f743c7

TD TokenDistributor.sol 3e37a7ead7117c5ed97b0953e14d0323f10433393dee2d96bc082c001ab00441

TM TokenMaster.sol 15c5c4c4e89b0c70d1b0d9aa8f54a520e9df06b1c0c0b5906e48612265941c20

Pie Chart



ID Title Type Severity Resolved

DAO- Proper Usage of public And external Type Gas

01 Optimization Informational

VT-01 Boolean Equality Coding Style


BS-01 Improved Checks For harvest() Operation Gas

Optimization Informational

BV-01 A Possible Denial-of-Service Vulnerability In The deposit() Logical Issue Minor


BV-02 Unconditional Transfer Gas

Optimization Informational

BV-03 Unlimited Call Logical Issue Major

BV-04 Unconditional Transfer Gas

Optimization Informational

MR- Data Accuracy Language

01 Specific Informational

TM-01 Missing Modifier Logical Issue

DAO-01: Proper Usage of public And external Type

Type Severity Location

Gas Optimization Informational DAO.sol L112


The declaration of public functions that are never called by the contract should be declared external to save gas.

For example, some functions are as follows:

function mint(address _to, uint256 _amount) public onlyGov {

_mint(_to, _amount);

function burn(address _from, uint256 _amount) public onlyGov {

_burn(_from, _amount);

function takeOut(
address _token,
address _destination,
uint _amount
require(_amount <= holdings(_token), "!insufficient");
SafeERC20.safeTransfer(IERC20(_token), _destination, _amount);

function setGov(address _governance)

governance = _governance;

function setWant(address _want)

want = IERC20(_want);

function setRate(uint _rate)

rate = _rate;

function setShareCap(uint _shareCap)

shareCap = _shareCap;

function setAllowTransferFrom(address _addr, bool _bool)

allowTransferFrom[_addr] = _bool;

function setAllowTransferTo(address _addr, bool _bool)

allowTransferTo[_addr] = _bool;

function addToWhitelist(address _user)


function removeFromWhitelist(address _user)


Similar issues have arisen with other contracts.


Use the external attribute for functions never called from the same contract.

The development team heeded our advice and resolved this issue in commit

VT-01: Boolean Equality

Type Severity Location

Coding Style Informational VoteToken.sol L39 MultiStakingRewards.sol L259 RewardDistributor.sol L91


Boolean constants can be used directly and do not need to be compare to true or false .

// located on VoteToken.sol
require(isMinter[msg.sender] == true, "!minter");

// located on MultiStakingRewards.sol
require(pool.isActive == false, "Cannot withdraw active reward token");

//located on RewardDistributor.sol
require(fundManager[msg.sender] == true, "!manager");


Consider removing the equality to the boolean constant. An example revision is shown below:

// located on VoteToken.sol
require(isMinter[msg.sender], "!minter");

// located on MultiStakingRewards.sol
require(!pool.isActive, "Cannot withdraw active reward token");

// located on RewardDistributor.sol
require(fundManager[msg.sender], "!manager");


No alleviation.
BS-01: Improved Checks For harvest() Operation

Type Severity Location

Gas Optimization Informational BaseStrategy.sol L94


When the user calls the harvest() function, if the variable _balance is zero, the caller is not rewarded, and gas is

function harvest() external {


uint _balance = IERC20(reward).balanceOf(address(this));

uint256 _fee = _balance.mul(performanceFee).div(max);

IERC20(reward).safeTransfer(strategist, _fee);

address _vault = IController(controller).vaults(address(this));

require(_vault != address(0), "!vault"); // additional protection so we don't burn
the funds
IERC20(reward).safeTransfer(_vault, _balance.sub(_fee));


Adding restrictions. An example revision is shown below:

function harvest() external {


uint _balance = IERC20(reward).balanceOf(address(this));

require(_balance > 0, "!_balance");
uint256 _fee = _balance.mul(performanceFee).div(max);
if(_fee > 0){
IERC20(reward).safeTransfer(strategist, _fee);

address _vault = IController(controller).vaults(address(this));

require(_vault != address(0), "!vault"); // additional protection so we don't burn
the funds
IERC20(reward).safeTransfer(_vault, _balance.sub(_fee));

The development team heeded our advice and resolved this issue in commit

BV-01: A Possible Denial-of-Service Vulnerability In The deposit() Function

Type Severity Location

Logical Issue Minor BaseVault.sol L90


Consider the scenario: Before user first calls deposit function, Eve transfers DAI token to StrategyCompoundDAI
contract address. Subsequently, Bob uses deposit function to deposit DAI token, and the variable shares will be zero.

function balance() public view returns (uint) {

return token.balanceOf(address(this))
function deposit(uint _amount) external {
uint _pool = balance();
if (_pool == 0) {
shares = _amount;
} else {
shares = (_amount.mul(totalSupply())).div(_pool);
_mint(msg.sender, shares);
emit Deposit(msg.sender, _amount);


Using totalSupply() == 0 instead of _pool == 0 . An example revision is shown below:

function deposit(uint _amount) external {

uint _pool = balance();
if (totalSupply() == 0) {
shares = _amount;
} else {
shares = (_amount.mul(totalSupply())).div(_pool);
_mint(msg.sender, shares);
emit Deposit(msg.sender, _amount);

The development team heeded our advice and resolved this issue in commit

BV-02: Unconditional Transfer

Type Severity Location

Coding Style Informational BaseVault.sol L155


When the variable keeperFee is zero, the safeTransfer operation is not required . If so, it will consume additional

function farm() public {

uint keeperFee = _bal.mul(farmKeeperFeeMin).div(MAX);
token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, keeperFee);


Add extra condition, an example revision is shown below:

function farm() public {

uint keeperFee = _bal.mul(farmKeeperFeeMin).div(MAX);
if(keeperFee > 0){
token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, keeperFee);


The development team heeded our advice and resolved this issue in commit

BV-03: Unlimited Call

Type Severity Location

Logical Issue Major BaseVault.sol


Considering that farm function can be called by anyone without restriction, the possibility of malicious arbitrage exists.

function farm() public {

uint _bal = available();

uint keeperFee = _bal.mul(farmKeeperFeeMin).div(MAX);

token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, keeperFee);

uint amountLessFee = _bal.sub(keeperFee);

token.safeTransfer(controller, amountLessFee);
IController(controller).farm(address(this), amountLessFee);

emit Farm(msg.sender, keeperFee, amountLessFee);



The development team heeded our advice and resolved this issue in commit

BV-04: Unconditional Transfer

Type Severity Location

Gas Optimization Informational BaseVault.sol L173


As in the case of BV-01 above, additional gas may be consumed here as well:

function harvest() external onlyEOA {

uint keeperFee = harvested.mul(harvestKeeperFeeMin).div(MAX);
rewardToken.safeTransfer(msg.sender, keeperFee);


Similarly, an example revision is shown below:

function harvest() external onlyEOA {

uint keeperFee = harvested.mul(harvestKeeperFeeMin).div(MAX);
if(keeperFee > 0){
rewardToken.safeTransfer(msg.sender, keeperFee);


The development team heeded our advice and resolved this issue in commit

MR-01: Data Accuracy

Type Severity Location

Language Specific Informational MultiStakingRewards.sol L194


When the value of balance is too small, data accuracy will be lost.

function notifyRewardAmount(address _rewardToken, uint256 _amount) external override

onlyRewardsDistribution updateReward(_rewardToken, address(0)) {
require(pool.rewardRate <= balance.div(pool.rewardsDuration), "Provided reward too


Using multiplication instead of division. An example revision is shown below:

function notifyRewardAmount(address _rewardToken, uint256 _amount) external override

onlyRewardsDistribution updateReward(_rewardToken, address(0)) {
require(pool.rewardRate.mul(pool.rewardsDuration) <= balance, "Provided reward too


This was resolved after thorough discussions with the developer team.
TM-01: Missing Modifier

Type Severity Location

Logical Issue Informational TokenMaster.sol L288


We need to ensure that the argument of _pid is valid.

function set(uint256 _pid, uint256 _allocPoint) public onlyOwner {

totalAllocPoint = totalAllocPoint.sub(poolInfo[_pid].allocPoint).add(_allocPoint);
poolInfo[_pid].allocPoint = _allocPoint;


Adding modifier of onlyValidPool . An example revision is shown below:

function set(uint256 _pid, uint256 _allocPoint) public onlyValidPool(_pid) onlyOwner {

totalAllocPoint = totalAllocPoint.sub(poolInfo[_pid].allocPoint).add(_allocPoint);
poolInfo[_pid].allocPoint = _allocPoint;


The development team heeded our advice and resolved this issue in commit


Finding Categories

Gas Optimization

Gas Optimization findings refer to exhibits that do not affect the functionality of the code but generate different, more
optimal EVM opcodes resulting in a reduction on the total gas cost of a transaction.

Mathematical Operations

Mathematical Operation exhibits entail findings that relate to mishandling of math formulas, such as overflows, incorrect
operations etc.

Logical Issue

Logical Issue findings are exhibits that detail a fault in the logic of the linked code, such as an incorrect notion on how
block.timestamp works.

Control Flow

Control Flow findings concern the access control imposed on functions, such as owner-only functions being invoke-able
by anyone under certain circumstances.

Volatile Code

Volatile Code findings refer to segments of code that behave unexpectedly on certain edge cases that may result in a

Data Flow

Data Flow findings describe faults in the way data is handled at rest and in memory, such as the result of a struct
assignment operation affecting an in-memory struct rather than an instorage one.

Language Specific

Language Specific findings are issues that would only arise within Solidity, i.e. incorrect usage of private or delete .

Coding Style

Coding Style findings usually do not affect the generated byte-code and comment on how to make the codebase more
legible and as a result easily maintainable.

Inconsistency findings refer to functions that should seemingly behave similarly yet contain different code, such as a
constructor assignment imposing different require statements on the input variables than a setter function.

Magic Numbers

Magic Number findings refer to numeric literals that are expressed in the codebase in their raw format and should
otherwise be specified as constant contract variables aiding in their legibility and maintainability.

Compiler Error

Compiler Error findings refer to an error in the structure of the code that renders it impossible to compile using the
specified version of the project.

Dead Code

Code that otherwise does not affect the functionality of the codebase and can be safely omitted.

Icons explanation

: Issue resolved

: Issue not resolved / Acknowledged. The team will be fixing the issues in the own timeframe.

: Issue partially resolved. Not all instances of an issue was resolved.

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