Marketing Management Group Assignment

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Marketing Management = Group Assignment

Siebel System: Anatomy of a Sale

Group 8
1.0 Parag Udas
2.0 Abhijit Phadke
3.0 Sarvanan Swami
4.0 Amit Borkar
5.0 Sheet Darekar.

Block 1
Q1 How should Carman respond to the invitation to tell Quick & Reilly
executive what he thought of Oracle?

 Rather than telling regarding Oracle, he should tell about Siebel systems
 He should explain about company core values and principles which Siebel
follows while making ethical business
 He should give the demo of company product, explaining features and
capabilities to give complete solution.
 Carman is having Gartner Research report which can be presented Quick
& Reilly which talks about comparison with Oracle Corporation.
Q2 What feature of this particular interaction influence your opinion?
 Company value which Siebel is committed to follow to enlighten the
 Carman’s information regarding customer’s requirement & providing
solutions to the customer.
 Reinforcement of Siebel’s performance in the market. Also Quick & Reily
was not certain regarding the future of the company as company is taken
over by the Fleet Boston.

Q3 Would your opinion of the right response change if the circumstances
were different?
 There will not be change in the response.
 Company gives highest importance to Core values & hence right response
will not be changed.
 Siebel has got systematic well defined approach towards selling process
which is followed religiously since methodologies help to drive decision
implementation correctly.

2nd block

Q1 How should Carmen qualify the prospect? Should he ask “ What’s your
budget?” Should he suppress his curiosity and leave it to the prospect to bring up
the information about the size & timing of the opportunity? If he asks for
information, how will he use it?
 Carmen should not ask about the budget Rather he should ask about the
customer requirement
 He should emphasize how Siebel can meet the requirement & convince to
customer how it will be beneficial if they go along with the Sibel.
 He should ask for the tentative information about the size and timing of the
opportunity since this will give a insight for him to frame up his own sales
strategy in the event Siebel system clinches the deal.
 He should gather the information and use it to formulate the systematic
approach as he always doing as per his own sales strategy.

3rd Block
Q1 Evaluate Carmen’s interaction with the customer up to this point. Is he
doing a good job? How effective is Siebel System’s approach?

Carmen is having customer focused approach and looks for customer

consensus. This is as per Siebel’s sales approach which is explained by Mr. Tom
Siebel as follows
 What is customer’s expectation?
 Siebel have a superior products
 Siebel products, services and aligned partners involvement.
 Identification and collection of right information from right sources.
 Carmen is following right methodologies
 Also one thing is predominant that Carmen’s approach is to convert the
opportunity into the sale.

TAS Approach :
This approach is very systematic approach with key
milestones as below :
Step 1 : Access the opportunity : This talks about several steps to ensure
whether opportunity exists, find out Winning potential as well as competence
and net worth of the deal.
Step2 : Define the competitive strategy : This talks about thorough analysis of
competitor’s and self sales strategies while anticipating competitor’s
Step3: Develop the Relationship Strategy: This talks about identification of
key players, define key roles in buying process, setting relationship strategy
Step4: Turn Ideas into Action : This talks about setting goals and objectives
and finalizing strategies as well as tactics
Test and Improve the Plan : This talks about presenting the plan and include
challenges and set review teams

4th Block

Q1 Put your self in Zitzner position as he picks up the phone. How should he
handle the conversation? What is his objective in this call?

After putting our self in Mr.Zitzner position, following will be the reaction
 Should thank for the call & shall appreciate her problem about the
solution what Cathy is looking for.
 Since the inquiry is through telephone line Mr.Zitzner shall send one of
his senior sales executive to asses Quick & Reilly
 As a president he should treat this call as a opportunity which can be
converted into sale.
 Objective in this call is to understand about Bradley systems about
sales force automation systems for financial services firms since Quick
& Reilly is looking for a lead tracking and fulfillment system for 100
offices,500 brokers,1 million customers and thus find out business
requirements and explore for alternatives to meet them.

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