Salary, Wage, Income, Gross Earnings & Net Earnings 1. Computing The Salaries and Wages
Salary, Wage, Income, Gross Earnings & Net Earnings 1. Computing The Salaries and Wages
Salary, Wage, Income, Gross Earnings & Net Earnings 1. Computing The Salaries and Wages
A. Dr. Hojilla is earning a monthly salary of ₱ 138,000. How much does she earn in a year?
S= ₱ 138,000 × 12
S= ₱ 1,656,000
B. Dr. Villanueva is earning an annual salary of ₱ 1,800,000. How much is his monthly salary?
S= ₱ 1,800,00 ÷ 12
S= ₱ 1,500,000
C. Manang Mel is earning a total monthly wage of ₱ 12,000. How much is her daily wage if she works
20 days in a month?
W= ₱ 12,000 ÷ 20
W= ₱ 12,000 ÷ 20
W= ₱ 600
A. Manong Mark earns a monthly salary of ₱ 15,000. He also runs a small business in which he gain a
profit of ₱ 10,000 a mnth. How much is his total income?
I= ₱ 15,000 + ₱ 10,000
I= ₱ 25,000
B. As a teacher, Michael earns a monthly salary of ₱ 15,000. He also works as a tutor for 2 hours a day
on weekdays. If he paid ₱ 200 an hour for his tutoring services, how much is his total income in a
month, assuming that there are 20 working days in a month?
W= nR
W= ₱ 200 × 2
W= ₱ 400
W= ₱ 400 × 20
W= 8,000
1. The employees of Avielex Merchandise only have the following deductions on their basic pay:
SSS and PhilHealth contributions. Victoria Sofia, who works as a sales executive in the company,
earns a monthly salary of ₱ 28,000. If her SSS and PhilHealth contributions are ₱ 791.50 and ₱ 200,
respectively, how much is the amount of her net earnings?
d= ₱ 791.50 + ₱ 200
d= ₱ 991.5
N = ₱ 28,000 + ₱ 991.5
N = ₱ 28,991.5
2. Kuya RF receives a monthly basic salary of ₱ 14,000 and a commission of 15% of his total sales
every month. In June 2015, he had a total sale of ₱ 25,000. How much was his gross earnings that
₱ 25,000 × 15%
₱ 3,750
G= ₱ 14,000 + ₱ 3,750
G= 15,750
3. Ryana received a monthly net earnings of ₱ 12,000. If the total amount of her monthly deductions
is ₱ 1,000.50, how much is her monthly gross earnings?
G = ₱ 12,000 + 1,000.50
G= 13,000.50
1. Minimum Wage
Every Filipino wage earner should at least earn the minimum wage in his or her region.
Republic Act 6727 or Wage Rationalization Act states the required minimum wage per
region, province, and industry.
Every Filipino wage earner should be paid an overtime pay for the extra working hours
that he or she renders.
Every Filipino wage earner is entitled to a premium pay for performing work during
nonworking days such as rest days and special day.
A premium pay refers to the additional compensation required by law for work
performed within 8 hours on nonworking days such as
scheduled rest days and special holidays.
A special day, which is also a scheduled rest day = 150% × basic pay
Every Filipino wage earner is entitled to a holiday pay for performing work on
nonworking regular holidays.
A holiday pay refers to the additional compensation required by law of work performed
within 8 hours on nonworking regular holidays.
A regular holiday which is also a scheduled rest day = 260% × basic pay
On a rest day, special day, regular holiday = 110% × rate per hour
On rest day, special day or regular holiday = 110% overtime rate per hour
6. Service Charge
A wage earner in a company that collects service fees from its clients is entitled to
service charge.
Service charge is the amount that hotels, restaurants, and similar establishements
received from their clients as payment
for performing certain services.
The Labor Code states that such service charges shall be distributed at a rate of 85% for
all covered employees and 5% for the management.
Every Filipino wage earner who has rendered at least one year of service is entitled to a
service incentive leave of 5 days with pay.
Eligible wage earners can avail of maternity, paternity, and parental leaves with pay.
A female wage earner is entitled to a maternity leave benefit equivalent to 100% of her
current wage 60 days in case of normal delivery, or for 78 days in case of Caesarean
delivery, for up to four pregnancies.
A male wage earner is entitled to a paternity leave benefit of 7 days for each of the first
four deliveries of his legitimate spouse. Unlike a maternity leave, a paternity leave is by
the employer and is not reimbursed by the SSS.
A parental leave benefit of 7 days is also granted to solo-parent wage earners to enable
them to perform parental duties and responsibilities where physical presence is
The 13th month pay is a form of monetary benefit equivalent to the monthly basic
salary of an employee or at least one-twelfth of his annual salary.
Filipino wage earners who are validly dismissed from a company for causes other than
serious misconduct are entitled to a separation pay.
Upon reaching the retirement age, every eligible Filipino wage earner is entitled to a
retirement pay.
The retirement pay is equivalent to at least half-month salary for every of service. A
fraction of at least 6 months is considered as one whole year.
C = rS
Withholding Tax