Data Management 3D Modelling Mine Design
Data Management 3D Modelling Mine Design
Data Management 3D Modelling Mine Design
3D Modelling
Mine Design
Analyse coal data with
speed and accuracy
Create 3D seam models
Measure resources
Design the optimal mine
Tools specifically designed
for data management and
3D modelling of coal data
Geobank and Micromine together provides a dynamic and integrated software solution for coal
data management and coal data processing with 3D seam modelling, resource categorisation,
resource reporting, pit optimisation, pit design and scheduling.
Resource Reporting Mine Design
Resource classification is easily applied to Micromine’s open cut and underground
the model by assigning zones of influence mine design tools reference the generated
based on established points of observation grids, wireframes, block models or
and drilling spacing. Simple tools facilitate optimised pit shells to create the optimum
seam coding and generate resource reports.
Easy to use macros can automate the
modelling process so that a project can
mine design.
be rerun from beginning to resource
report stage at the push of a button.
This provides an audit trail and makes it
Micromine’s fully integrated scheduling
module plans and schedules optimal
material extraction. The scheduling workflow
simple to incorporate changes such as comprises five simple steps, is easy to use
additional information or corrections. and eliminates the requirement to import
and export files with third party applications.
Pit Optimisation
The resulting categorised block model is With over 12,000 clients in more than 90 countries, MICROMINE is a leading provider of intuitive
then used in the pit optimisation process software solutions to the mining and exploration industry. From capturing, managing, visualising
where various economical parameters are
applied to generate the optimal pit shell. and understanding data to controlling and reporting on mine production, MICROMINE has a
solution for every stage of the mining process.
Productivity benefits Geobank services MICROMINE understands the software and consultancy needs of exploration and mining operations around the world. Located in 19 of the
world’s major mineral producing countries, our team is close to your operation. This means MICROMINE can provide you with local support
MICROMINE delivers productivity and Geological Data Management and services in your language and time zone.
efficiency benefits including: Services MICROMINE’s intuitive solutions are delivered by a team of specialists who understand the software and how it can be integrated into your
Accuracy Geobank’s geological data management operation for maximum results.
specialists provide services that span
To perform effective interpretation of the
the complete data management
deposit, you will have all the tools you
spectrum, from the development of a
need to honour both the seam hierarchy
data management strategy through to
definition and recognised fault zones.
implementation, change management
Speed and maintenance. Data management
consists of the following services:
Save time spent modelling coal projects.
The robust and sophisticated nature of • Implementation Services – Geobank’s
MICROMINE’s coal tools gives you results professionally qualified team will ensure
quickly and accurately. the implementation of your data meets
your geological requirements, complies
User-Friendly Features with your data management strategy
Straightforward, clearly defined functions and best practice IT governance.
make MICROMINE easy to understand Our team provides custom database
and use. designs, database administration
services, data management services,
Excellent Integration of Significant data migration, system integration and
Functions project management.
MICROMINE’s coal tools combine a variety • Post Implementation Maintenance
of important functions into one solution. Services – A variety of post
From modelling and design to interfacing implementation maintenance and
seamlessly with corporate borehole data management services are available.
storage systems and ODBC databases, you These provide assurance that key data
can depend on a single package which is assets are safe, secure and available
dynamic and reliable. as required. Maintenance packages Fast and accurate
are customised based upon client
limitations, complexities and needs. Easy to use
Saves time and money
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features and benefits in your language,
Geological Data Management
Benefit Outcome your time zone
Comprehensive Data SQL server database with proven data model that manages all data Improved confidence in the data. Robust and secure storage with facility to
Management utilising a associated with multiple projects. A relational data model allows cross handle all types of coal quality information. Provides concise, correct reports
Relational Data Model referencing of all project information, facilitating automated checking of based on clean, valid data.
core data, analytical information, surveyed collar positions, downhole
survey data, and tenement boundaries.
MICROMINE goes the extra mile to provide local language support when you need it.
Coal Quality Compositing, standardisation and calculation of wash tables. Easily create wash curves for coking coal data. Complex data results are
Management securely stored. With offices around the globe and support in multiple languages we can cover almost
Fence Diagrams
(seam correlation)
Create 2D fence diagrams by selecting holes from a plan view. Ideal for visualising, validating and correcting seam correlations. Quickly
generates accurate displays. any jurisdiction.
Graphical Reports Detailed visual representation of geotechnical, hydrological, geological and View data as graphic logs complete with core photos. Historical data is
geophysical data. preserved.
Geological Exploration
Plotting Plot anything you can see on the screen with two simple keystrokes. Exceptional speed, saves time.
Import and Display
Geophysical Data
Import LAS files and compare graphically against borehole logs. Saves time and improves interpretation.
MICROMINE solutions
Depth Adjustment Tool Corrects stratigraphic interpretations or seam correlations. Adjusts seam logs onto geophysical logs quickly and accurately. Saves time
and improves data quality. Geobank Mobile Micromine From risk management and asset tracking
Coordinate Multiple coordinate systems can be used simultaneously and transformed Multiple datasets can be viewed simultaneously saving time. to grade optimisation and stockpile
Transformations to a single grid. MICROMINE’S Geobank Mobile solution Micromine is a world leading geological
management, Pitram’s real-time viewing
Multiple Data Layers View third party GIS, image, grid, Google Earth, and CAD files together with Graphical, easy to use, 3D interface allows virtually any information to captures and manipulates exploration and exploration and mine design solution.
environment helps you visualise your
drill holes, surfaces, solids, block models and point data. be imported so informed decisions can be made by seeing all relevant mining geological field data. Compatible Developed for all stages of the mineral
information in the same window. Feature can be turned on/off easily. operations so that you have a complete
Increases understanding of information and saves time.
with most portable or hand-held devices, extraction process, Micromine takes
production overview. Pitram’s reporting,
Geobank Mobile ensures field data is valid you from target generation through to
Interactively view Open multiple windows or toggle different viewpoints within the Quickly and easily switch between clipped sections and unconstrained 3D analysis and integration platform is also
Standard or Oblique same window. views to view all data in a section at any angle using simple ‘click’ and ‘drag’. and reliable, enabling informed decisions. exploration, geological modelling, resource
vital to ensuring that the data obtained
Sections Enter data directly into Geobank Mobile, modelling, pit optimisation, mine design,
from disparate sources is presented in
Modelling saving time, reducing errors and increasing reserve estimation, production scheduling
an organised and integrated fashion.
Define and Display Identify all seams and splits and visually confirm the seam hierarchy. Diagrammatic validation of the seam stratigraphy can be generated quickly productivity. Inexpensive and easy to use, and grade control.
Flowing from intuitive and flexible planning
Stratigraphy and easily. Geobank Mobile is a recognised industry
Pitram functionality, through to short interval
Automatic Insertion of Thickness calculations based on neighbouring holes. Control over how to establish the thickness of undefined layers. standard field data collection solution.
Interburden and Zero control and open pit and underground
Thickness Layers Pitram complements Micromine’s
Geobank optimisation, Pitram drives a continual
exploration and mining solutions, a real-
Extrapolate Above Collar When reference seam is not intersected, use surrounding holes to Model eroded seams and holes of insufficient depth. improvement process.
and Below End of Hole estimate its position. Geobank is a flexible, reliable and secure time mine production control system that
3D Seam Correlation 3D validation of stratigraphy. Identifies all seams and generates all parent/child seam relationships. data management solution that captures, records and manages mine site operations.
Fault Zones Modelled Digitise fault boundaries. Polygonal definitions allow multiple zones to be modelled simultaneously. validates, stores and manages data from Pitram’s powerful planning functionality
Independently diverse sources. Geobank seamlessly provides users with a snapshot of their
Seam Block Models A block model with consistent X and Y dimensions but variable Z (thickness). No sub-blocks required. A single block defines the vertical extent of each layer. integrates with Micromine to enable mining mine. With access to maintenance plans,
Intersect Seam Block Use a DTM to update Seam Block Model. Trim to topography or split at base of weathering. and exploration companies to maintain crew schedules and mining plans, users
Model with Surface the quality, integrity and usability of their have the tools needed within a single
Strip Ratios Calculate (cumulative) volume or tonnage strip ratio for every coal block. Strip ratio can be reported or contoured. essential data. environment to make informed decisions.
Convert Seam Block Output surfaces (roof and/or floor) and solids (seams). Conveniently display a smoothed representation of the Seam Block Model.
Model to Wireframe
Model Coal Quality Coal quality attributes become additional fields in the Seam Block Model. Leverage the standard block model display (colour coding) and reporting
Attributes facilities.
Simple Resource Define polygonal zone boundaries and then assign these to the Seam Group by resource classification in report.
Classification Block Model. MICROMINE support services
Reporting Basic tonnes and volume, seam by seam, or include classification, coal Easy to generate with grouping facility.
quality and strip ratios.
Annual Licence
Consolidation – Seam Block Model file contains all data relevant to all seams and partings Convenience and transparency. No black box.
everything in one place associated with volume, tonnage, density, quality, thicknesses and other Your MICROMINE Annual Licence provides you with ongoing technical support and advice.
relevant information which can be viewed as a table or a 3D object.
It gives you access to a suite of tools that allow you to realise the full potential of your
Thickness, elevation, strip ratio or coal quality. Generate isopach and other standard maps.
Contour any Feature
software investment. These include free software upgrades and patches, as well as new
Pit Optimisation Determines the most profitable open pit taking into account discounting Maintains the job in one application, eliminates the import/export step. version complimentary training, discounted training and a quarterly support services
and production constraints. No need for waste model.
bulletin. Your Annual Licence qualifies you to participate in the ongoing development of
Geobank and Micromine by participating in beta programs and client focus groups.
Mine Design Powerful and intuitive tools for open pit mine design enabling development 3D visualisation environment that simultaneously displays, queries, and
and production. interactively edits multiple layers. MICROMINE Training
Scheduling Fully integrated with the Micromine 3D environment. Provides sequencing Schedules the extraction of material to meet production and economic
of the mining blocks, allocation of resources and time components and targets. Calculates volumes over user-defined time periods. Provides an MICROMINE offers a full suite of training modules ensuring you derive the maximum value
generates iGantt chart and real-time reports. Provides integrated visual ordered sequence of events. Provides both time and visual reporting. from your software. Structured to grow with your MICROMINE investment, MICROMINE
and animated 3D views of the schedule using Vizex, the Micromine
3D environment. training builds on your product knowledge and expertise.
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Seam Stratigraphy Modelling
workflow workflow
Extract seam
Generate Interpolate
information to
seam file seams Define and Identify
a new file Import, validation
apply seam domain
data preparation
Stratigraphic stratigraphy boundaries
Generate NO
stratigraphy Choose YES
Generate elevation
gridding Kriging? (and thickness)
Insert zero method variograms
thickness and
NO Interactive
Faulting? fault zone Convert grids to Trim blocks to
boundaries Insert overburden
seam block model topography or base
into SBM
(SBM) of weathering
Model attributes like Calculate resource
coal quality, yield or classification and
strip ratio
confidence into SBM apply to SBM
Extrapolate and
Reference seam Extrapolate
YES extract reference
above collar or seam and calculate
below EOH? 3D coordinates
Convert seams
Query SBM Contour any
into surfaces
(reporting) attributes
Extract reference Extract and/or solids
seam and calculate reference
3D coordinates seam
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Creating a Seam Block 3. Model Reference Seam (RS) Elevation
Model (SBM)
1. Prepare
Grid Thickness for all Layers – All seam and interburden thicknesses are modelled, using the same cell size as
the reference seam elevation. If kriging is used as the interpolation method, then firstly generate a semi variogram
for thickness.
Trace shows raw logged data on the right;
the hierarchy diagram and the same data shown
on the left after running Interpolate Seams Displays show modified SBM content and addition of fields to the SBM
Convert Grids to a Seam Block Model (SBM) – By combining the elevation and thickness grids for the reference seam,
each cell becomes a 3D block. Although all blocks have the same ‘X’ and ‘Y’ dimension, the ‘Z’ dimension will vary
Generate to match the modelled thickness. So the top and bottom of each block equates to the roof and floor of the seam.
SBM Starting with the interburden immediately above (and below) the reference seam, the thickness grids are used to 6. Report on Seam Block Model
generate new blocks. Each cell in the original grid has become a vertical column of contiguous blocks, honouring the
stratigraphic sequence. The resulting file is called a Seam Block Model.
Modify Existing Content of Seam Block Model (SBM) – Recode blocks where interburden or coal is less than
a defined thickness – Trim blocks to any surface (topography) – Split blocks at any surface (base of weathering)
Enhance – Insert overburden blocks.
Add Fields to Seam Block Model (SBM) – Model any attribute (density, coal quality) – Calculate strip ratios Example of a seam block model report
Trace shows raw logged data on the right and
– Apply classification to coal blocks (Measured, Indicated and Inferred).
the same data on the left after running Insert
Report on Seam Block Model (SBM) – Standard Tonnes, Volume and Area on a seam by seam basis – Group by
classification – Report on any quality attributes – Strip ratio – Apply filters.
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Core module (cont.)
• Powerful snapping tools including Key benefits include: • New plots can be created faster
snapping to points, lines, coordinate • All of the tools needed for visualisation, than ever
grids, and intersections. You can also interpretation, presentation and • Comes with a selection of templates
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Seams as Wireframes Seam Modelling
Key features include: • Sophisticated interactive and automated Key benefits include: Key features include:
• The Wireframe toolbar wireframe Boolean operations • Powerful and intuitive tools for visually • Define, and display, stratigraphic hierarchy
• An entire Wireframe menu including: • Generation of solids from strings constructing 3D shapes (wireframing) • Interpolate seams, according to their parent child
– Editor, Centre Line to Solid, Surface • Generation of solids from two surfaces • Constructing 3D shapes from other data: relationship. Neighbouring holes can be used to model
or Solid from Profile, Build Polygonal • Numerous display options including centre-line strings, profile shapes, or thickness ratios
Solids draping, transparency, smoothing, edge polygonal strings (for example, proposed • Insert interburden, with comprehensive naming rules
– Surface to Solid, Bedding Plane from highlighting, and per-attribute colouring underground mine designs) • Extract all information for chosen reference seam and
Points, Grade Shells • Data flagging using wireframe surfaces or • Constructing wireframes from other create elevation model using kriging methods
– Boolean, Intersection Strings, Slice solids. Block models can be sub-blocked wireframes, including converting surfaces • Generate thickness models for all material layers
by Planes, Cut, Separate or factored. 3D point attributes can be to solids, intersecting two wireframes
– Pierce Points, Assign, Generate • Generate Seam Block Models, using a variable Z block size,
reverse-assigned back to wireframes (Boolean), or slicing one wireframe with
Outlines to accurately and efficiently define the resource
• Back-calculation of drillhole pierce points a series of planes (slice by plane)
– Grade Tonnage Report, Volumes, • Model simple faults in a single pass Trim SBM to Topography
• Creation of outlines or contours from • Interacting wireframes with other data
Attribute Assign such as block models, 3D points, or • Calculate strip ratios
– Utilities, Clean, Simplify, Save as wireframes
drillholes, including labelling points as • Trim blocks to any horizon
Single Wireframe • Wireframe grade-tonnage reports
falling inside or outside a 3D solid, or • Convert any layers into smoothed surfaces or solids
• Interactive wireframe construction and using point, drillhole, or block model
identifying the depth at which a drillhole • Add modelled attribute fields to the Seam Block Model.
editing of simple or complex shapes, with source data
intersects a wireframe Typically, but not restricted to, coal quality
on-the-fly validation • Wireframe utilities including
• Assigning values from 3D points back • Tabular and visual reporting
• One-click construction of 3D solids with simplification, separation, polygonal
into a wireframe, for example to name
automatic detection and modelling of cutting, slicing, coordinate
wireframes representing mining blocks Key benefits include:
bifurcations (“trouser legs”) transformation (between any supported
or scheduling periods • A simple, logical seam modelling workflow
coordinate systems), and clipping
• Interactive wireframe triangle editing, • Wireframe reporting including volumes • All modelled information contained in a single file that can
with snapping and grade/tonnages be used to generate reports or be visualised in 3D
Stratigraphic Hierarchy
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Surveying module
The Surveying module is designed specifically to import and process survey data, providing calculation facilities for points,
Micromine strings, surfaces and volumes collected from mine surveys, mining open pit and underground operations. It provides generic
tools for survey calculations and supports communications with survey instruments.
Mining, Surveying and Surveying key features include: Surveying key benefits include:
Mining module
Vizex – Micromine Micromine’s Mining module provides the necessary design tools for open pit or
uses Vizex (Visual surface and underground mining.
Explorer), a true Pit Optimisation module
3D visualisation Mining key features include:
environment that The Pit Optimisation module is used to determine the most profitable open pit, given a mineral resource and a set of
• Advanced Vizex display objects: Pit
allows you to Design, Underground Design, and economic and metallurgical parameters. It is also used to analyse stockpiles and costs over time.
simultaneously Blasthole Design
display, query, and • The Grade Control, Blast Design, Pit Pit Optimisation key features include: Pit Optimisation key benefits include:
interactively edit Design, and Mine Design toolbars • The menu option Mining | Opencut | • Maintains the job in one application
multiple data layers. • The Mining menu including: Pit Optimisation and eliminates the import/export
– Underground stope, and panel, design • Enhanced pit optimisation including step needed with most competing pit
– Open pit, stockpile, and blasthole variable slope angles, dilution, recovery, optimisation applications
design rehabilitation costs and analysis • From data to model is up to four times
– Pit optimisation import/export • Calculation of theoretical cut-off grades faster than competing applications
• Sophisticated functions for drive, rise, • Calculation of periodic capital expenses • Data preparation and resulting pit shell
shaft, decline and incline design Seam Block Modelling and Pit Design • Support for multiple slope regions and display benefits from other graphical
• Blast pattern design including calculation multiple processing methods, with and analytical Micromine tools
Nested pit shells and coal block model in
of volumes, production of collar/ multiple grades (elements) per rock type. • Widely regarded as being very logical 2D slice
Mining key benefits include: and easy to use
analytical files, and blast displacement It also provides cut-off and cash flow
Using Micromine’s powerful and intuitive ore selection methods. Many input • More versatile than competing
of ore blocks
tools for open pit and underground mine parameters can be defined as functions applications through its support of
• Import and export functions to exchange design, the Mining module enables:
data with the Whittle Proteus and instead of constants sub-blocked models and DTM surfaces
• Development (pits, roads, tunnels, shafts) • Support for minimum pit base or pit • Input parameters for mining costs
MineMax pit optimisation programmes
• Production (blastholes, stopes) shell dimensions to guarantee sufficient and element prices can be set up
• Blast charge calculation options and
enhanced blast design tools working space at the bottom of the as functions instead of constants,
Mining is used for:
• Open pit design tools for cartographic optimal pit and exclude undersized pits adding flexibility and versatility to the
• Open pit mining operations optimisation process
slope lines • Support for ore body models without
• Underground mining operations waste blocks, as well as full model type,
factored or sub-celled models
Pit Optimisation is used for:
• Open pit mining
• Enhanced block model reporting
• Mining consulting
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Scheduling module
Many mining operations use a manual scheduling process combining generic spreadsheet and
project management applications. Although these tools are capable of getting the job done, Screen 1 illustrates the Scheduling data visualised in both Vizex and the Screen 2 shows a complex schedule in terms of dependencies (visible
Gantt chart concurrently to show both temporal and spatial views in the Gantt behind the dialog box) and the level of fine control over
they have shortcomings such as lack of integration; managing complex formulae, importing events shown in the calendar for a resource with regular maintenance
and exporting files, version control and data integrity risks. days and modified working hours
The Micromine Scheduling module provides a smart, integrated solution to assist short term planning of resources to tasks Micromine Scheduling workflow
over a given period of time that enables the optimum mineral extraction process to meet corporate objectives.
In keeping with Micromine’s renowned simplicity and ease of use, the Scheduling workflow is composed of 5 simple steps as illustrated below.
Scheduling utilises the powerful mine Micromine Scheduling overcomes Scheduling key benefits are:
planning and design tools to generate the problems associated with manual • Schedules the extraction of material to
mining blocks as wireframes. These define scheduling methods such as generic Step 1 – Prepare Step 3 – Import and Sequence
meet production and economic targets
the tonnes and quality represented as a spreadsheets combined with project Create Mining Blocks as Wireframes – The “pre-schedule” stage.
• Automatically works out what material Import and Sequence Mining Blocks as Tasks – Import the
three dimensional view of the material management applications including: Use tools such as Wireframe Extrusion, Wireframe Centreline to mining block wireframes as Tasks, either interactively (using
will be extracted to cost effectively
to be removed forming the basis of the Solid, Wireframe Boolean, and Wireframe Cut to create Mining Vizex) or via the Scheduler | Tasks | Add Multiple Function.
• Maintaining complex formulae and meet targets
subsequent production sequencing. Block wireframes. Strings, digitised in Vizex, are a convenient way to define
equations associated with spreadsheets • Calculates volumes and qualities over
The information can be displayed against sequences. Task Attributes can be mapped to Wireframe
• Avoiding the often error-prone step of user-defined time periods Assign Values like Grade and SG to the Wireframes – Attributes.
predetermined attributes and constraints to importing mining blocks and associated • Allocates resources The “reserving” stage. Use functions like Wireframe | Grade
provide both a visual and temporal schedule attributes from third-party applications Tonnage Report Estimate or Wireframe | Attribute Assign Finalise Sequencing – Use the Scheduling | Interactive |
• Calculates the time it will take to mine
that defines how each mining block will be into the spreadsheet or Grade Control. Optionally define the sequence using Resequence tools, or the Gantt View, to perform any additional
extracted and over what period of time. • Provides an ordered sequence of events Wireframe | Assign. sequencing. Use task groups to logically group tasks (for example
• Provides integrated visual and animated
• Provides both time (temporal) and visual into pits, or levels, or drives, or panels).
Scheduling key features include: 3D views of the schedule Create New Schedule – Select Scheduler | Schedule | New.
• Overcomes the limitations of the Gantt This creates a Microsoft Access or SQL Server database and a Assign Resources to Tasks – All Tasks (mining blocks) can be
• Fully integrated within Micromine – • Is fully integrated making manual
chart facilities in applications such as subfolder for files used to support the scheduling process. given a default Rate. For greater flexibility, Resources with
no requirement for manual processes scheduling obsolete
Microsoft Project®. Whereas these Variable Rates can be assigned Tasks.
such as managing complex Excel Step 2 – Configure
facilities do enable diagrammatic
spreadsheets and importing and Step 4 – Validate
exporting files to third party applications
representation of the Schedule, they are
unable to handle mining attributes such
Who will use Scheduling? Configure Calendar – The default calendar is a 24/7 operation.
• Creation of block models to map Use the Scheduler | Calendar function to modify the default Validate Sequencing – Use the tools in Vizex and the Gantt
as tonnes, grades and equipment Micromine Scheduling will be used by calendar or add a new calendar. Multiple calendars are View to validate the schedule. Use colour coding to check
the resource resources adequately Mining Engineers and short term planners supported. Resource Allocations or Sequencing. Play an ‘animation’ to
• Provides sequencing, allocation of who need to plan and schedule material visualise the process.
resources and time components extraction from either underground or Define Resources – In terms of mining blocks, Resources
• Provides a 3D visualisation using Vizex open pit environments to meet operational represent the equipment used to extract material. Each Apply Task Dependencies and/or Lag – Use the facilities in the
(Micromine’s 3D environment) objectives. Resource has defined Work Rate. Rate ‘units’ are always time Gantt View to assign Dependencies, or Lag, between tasks.
based – for example Tonnes per Hour. Alternatively, Tasks can be
• Provides temporal and dependency Step 5 – Report
assigned a Default Work Rate. Exceptions, due to factors such as
information in a Gantt chart window
commissioning, maintenance or training, can be defined.
• Offers various reporting options including Report on the Schedule – Report on Tasks, Resources and
visual and temporal Define Attributes – Attributes associated with a Task can be Attributes for given time periods. Export results into Excel for
tracked, recorded and reported on. Typical attributes for a graphing and further analysis. In Vizex use the time based slider
Mining Block are Volume, SG, Tonnes and Grade. One of these to visualise the mine at any future date.
attributes is called the Task Quantity. The Rate of the Resource(s)
assigned to a Task, together with the Task Quantity, determine
how long a Task will take to complete.
Define Task Types – Task Types are a way of grouping Tasks with
the same Attributes. Once tasks have been imported (see below)
they can also be grouped in the Gantt View.
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MICROMINE’s products are technology industry-standard compliant
Geobank and Micromine are compliant with the latest Windows™ standards providing a familiar industry-standard working environment;
you are always working with the latest user interface standards. Its flexible and non-prescriptive workflow means that users can utilise
the software how they want to, not how they are told to. The software’s graphical environment uses methodologies that are intuitive.
Simple and easy to use, MICROMINE’s coal modelling features saves time and increases efficiencies.
For more information on Geobank or Micromine, please contact us at or visit