Lecture - MODULE 1 LESSON 1
Lecture - MODULE 1 LESSON 1
Lecture - MODULE 1 LESSON 1
Module 1
Lesson 1
Definition of Terms Related to Statistics
Analysis of data - pertains to the process of extracting from the given data relevant
information from which numerical description can be formulated.
Interpretation of data - refers to the task of drawing conclusions from the analyzed data.
- normally involves the formulation of forecasts or predictions about larger groups
on the data collected from small groups.
Two important terms that you should understand in studying statistics are population
and sample.
In statistics, population does not only mean a group of people. Population may also
mean a defined group or aggregates of objects, animals, materials, measurements,
“things”, “events” or “happenings” of any kind. Thus, a sack of rice, a whole pizza pie, or
a set of weights and heights are considered population.
Since it would be impractical to study the whole population as in the case of a sack of
rice, then it is necessary to just take a sample of the population. Thus, a handful of rice
is a sample of the population in a sack of rice. Thus, sample is defined as any
subgroup of the population drawn by some appropriate method from the population. It
should be a representative of the population, that is, the sample will show the properties
of the population.
Originally, statistical data took the forms of
1. Theater attendance
2. Basketball results
3. Car sales in in a month
4. Heights
5. Weights
6. So many others that can be expressed numerically
2. One of the most common exposures of the youth today to statistics is in the
existing world of sports- in basketball, for instance. After each quarter of a game,
the newscaster would report numerical figures and their averages to millions of
thrilled basketball fans watching the game on television. These figures normally
consist of points made out of so many attempts from the field or from the foul
line. These “statistics” would eventually decide whether a player deserves to be
paid more or is being paid more than he deserves.
4. Statistics are gathered for the purpose of providing government heads with
data necessary to guide them in managing the affairs of the State. From earlier
times, most civilized countries have compiled large-scale “statistics” in order to
ascertain the manpower and material strength of the nation. These data are
needed for military and fiscal reasons. A large amount of organized records on
the movement of population, cost of living, taxes, wages, and material resources
is necessary for intelligent policy-making and administration.
Methods for the statistical design of experiments are valuable to
researchers in medicine and the physical sciences. Causes and effects of factors
which affect experiments are best evaluated using statistical techniques.
A good survey research paper relies on the precision of the methods and
procedures of conducting the study. This includes reliability of the selected subjects
or respondents of the study. The validity of information gathered out of the
distributed questionnaires and the accuracy of measurements used in answering the
research questions and other observations.
1. Descriptive statistics
2. Inferential statistics
Descriptive Statistics is concerned with the gathering, classification, and presentation of
data and the collection of summarizing values to describe group characteristics of the
The summarizing values most commonly used in descriptive statistics are the
measures of central tendency, of variability, and of skewness and kurtosis.
Inferential Statistics demands a higher order of critical judgment and mathematical
methods. It aims to give information about large groups of data without dealing with
each and every element of these groups. It uses only a small portion of the total set of
data in order to draw conclusions or judgments regarding the entire set.
Topics included in the study of Inferential Statistics:
6. Regression analysis
7. Time series analysis
Statistics dates back to the beginnings of recorded history; As early as 3800
B>C> there were records on population in Babylonia; The same was true of China in
3000 B<C< Al most five thousand years ago the Sumerians counted their citizens for
taxation purposes, and at various times later the Egyptians conducted their inquiries into
the occupations of their people.
In Biblical times, censuses were undertaken by:
when Legazpi conquered the islands. The people were estimated to be a million in
In 1576, Hernando Riquel, a government notary, also attempted to estimate the
population in connection with the list of encomiendas he prepared. An account of the
socio-economic conditions of the peoiple was written in 1582 by Miguel de Loarca in
“Relacion de las Islas Filipinas.” This included some details about the size of the
islands, the encomiendas therein, the officials in the Spanish settlements, and the
tributes collected.
By order of Governor and Captain General Gomez Dasmariňas, a second
estimate was made in the year 1591 which was based on the number of encomiendas.
There were approximately 667,617 people as there were 166,904 encomiendas, each
encomienda representing four persons. No further estimates based on the encomienda
were made because the system closed in 1600.
Other estimates of the population were based mostly on church records because
people were distributed among religious orders by parishes. Births, deaths and
marriages were made the bases of population estimates. In 1799, the Christian
population was 1,502,574 as compiled by Buzeta.
Another source of information concerning the population was the number of
“cedulas” sold. A “cedula” was a per capita tax which was obligatory upon all males
between 18 and 60 years old.
In 1877, civil censuses were taken by the Spanish authorities. This formed the
basis of the estimated population for 1896.
During the American regime, data collection became more systematized. This
was marked by the creation of a statistical unit in the Bureau of Customs to collect,
tabulate and disseminate statistics on imports and exports. Although no statistical units
were formally created in other government offices during that time, informal data were
collected and compiled for administrative purposes.
The Bureau of Agriculture, which was created in 1902, compiled data on
to report births and deaths they have attended to. They made these reports to the
municipal secretary.
In 1925, a survey on the educational system was made by a board of
distinguished educators headed by Dr. Paul Monroe.
During the Commonwealth regime, all statistical activities were centralized in the
Bureau of Census and Statistics. This agency which was created on August 19, 1940
had the following functions:
1. if the population being considered is the length of life of all the batteries produced by
company, then we would have to use up all batteries in order to get data on their length
of life.
2. Imagine that we are interested in the daily food consumption quantity of all families in
Makati. So much time, energy, and oney will be wasted just to get the needed
information from each and every family.
This method is time consuming and requires too much effort and money
This is where statistical methods and techniques could come in. When the mass
of data is too great to be handled in its entirety, the sampling method is used. This is the
method of getting facts from a small but representative cross-section pf the population.
This representative part of the population is called sample.
The sample is used to describe the population from which it was taken.
The study of statistics involves the collection of data or measurement. Thus, there is
always a need to add several numbers. The Greek capital letter sigma, Σ is used in the
process. The symbol Σ, read as the sum of tells you to add certain numerical values.
Hence, ∑ = x1+ x2+ x3+ x4+ x5+ x6+ x7+ x8+ x9+ x10.
= 41250
For large observations, say 50, the summation will be expressed as: ∑ xi = x1+ x2+ x3
If all the given values of a variable are to be used in finding the sum, the limits of the
summation are usually omitted, as ∑xi = ∑x
Example 2: Given are the ages of the first 4 shoppers at a newly opened convenience
store in the neighborhood –-- 12, 24, 30, 45.
2. Ordinal Measurements
These do not only classify but also order the classes.
Expressed in ranks is possible if different degrees of an attribute or property are
Ranks 1, 2, 3 given by judges to the 3 finalist in a beauty contests
However we are usually unable to determine the degree of difference between
any consecutive ordinal measures.
We cannot determine by just how much the beauty contest winner is more
beautiful than the second place winner and to what degree the second place winner is
more beautiful than the third placer.
3. Interval Measurements
Has the attributes of ordinal measure plus one more: it can differentiate between
any two classes in terms of degrees of differences.
Mental ability scores
Achievement scores
Temperatures in degrees Celsius
82º C is bigger than 80º C
68º C is lower than 72º C by 4º C
Addition and subtraction have meanings
Zero point of the interval scale is arbitrary and does not reflect the absence of the
4. Ratio Measurement
Differs from the interval measurement only in one aspect. It has a true zero point
which indicates a total absence of the property being measured.
Length (0 length means no length at all)
Number of children in a family
Ratios of the numbers assigned in the type of measurement reflect ratios in the
amounts of the property being measured.
If Lea is 180 centimetres tall and Lyka is 90 centimetres tall, we say that Lea is
twice as tall than Lyka. Their heights can be expresses in the ratio 2:1 (two is to one)
Multiplication and division have meanings.
Work activity:
Define frequency, percentage and proportion and give examples